Monday, 2021-06-07

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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Create ircbot container
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Add server
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Disable puppet runs on eavesdrop
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Add server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Create ircbot container
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update channel renaming instructions for OFTC
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update accessbot instructions for OFTC
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update basic IRC operator commands doc for OFTC
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update doc on banning disruptive users for OFTC
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update IRC bot troubleshooting doc for OFTC
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update IRC bot nick registration process for OFTC
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Explain when to add admins and ops with accessbot
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Disable puppet runs on eavesdrop
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Add server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Create ircbot container
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move gerritbot/accessbot to new eavesdrop server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Cleanup eavesdrop puppet references
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Disable puppet runs on eavesdrop
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Add server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move gerritbot/accessbot to new eavesdrop server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Create ircbot container
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Cleanup eavesdrop puppet references
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Add server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move gerritbot/accessbot to new eavesdrop server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Create ircbot container
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Cleanup eavesdrop puppet references
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/ master: Add
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Disable puppet runs on eavesdrop
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Add server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move gerritbot/accessbot to new eavesdrop server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Create ircbot container
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Cleanup eavesdrop puppet references
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Disable eavesdrop direct publishing job
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move gerritbot/accessbot to new eavesdrop server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Create ircbot container
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Cleanup eavesdrop puppet references
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: gerrit: add mariadb_container option
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: test_static: fix StarlingX match
ianw [Warning] The requested image's platform (linux/arm64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/amd64) and no specific platform was requested04:48
ianwanother example of the pull seeming to get confused between architectures04:49
ianwcorvus/mordred: ^ any thoughts welcome04:49
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Cleanup eavesdrop puppet references
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: gerrit: add mariadb_container option
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: test_static: fix StarlingX match
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move gerritbot/accessbot to new eavesdrop server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Create ircbot container
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Cleanup eavesdrop puppet references
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Cleanup eavesdrop puppet references
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noonedeadpunkfungi: oh, sorry :( regarding centos-8 - since friday fails in really different way but always on package installation - like
noonedeadpunkjsut paste of the error
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opendevreviewMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Move neutron meetings to the openstack-neutron channel
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move gerritbot/accessbot to new eavesdrop server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Create ircbot container
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Cleanup eavesdrop puppet references
ianwclarkb: i've responded to your comments on the mariadb container for zuul change @  i feel like that's the next step for deploying to the new server07:42
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ianwonce we have that sorted out, it's a matter of when we sync the data to the new server and redirect dns07:42
ianwclarkb / fungi: re eavesdrop.  if you want to start @ and work your way up (or down, whatever way you look at it, follow the relation chain :) things should be largely ready07:45
ianwit is mostly production no-op -- only the final change where we cut over the channels to the new eavesdrop server actually changes the live meetbot/logging config07:45
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Cleanup eavesdrop puppet references
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ykarelrsync: close failed on "/afs/": Disk quota exceeded (122)11:30
ykarelianw, can u check ^11:31
ykarelmirror sync not working11:31
ykarellooking at
ykarel#infra-root if someone around ^11:34
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fricklerykarel: do you actually need those images? we have "--exclude=isos" in the rsync command so I'd assume the answer to be no. can you look into amending the exclude list properly?11:48
ykarelfrickler, i think images are not needed, but actually latest content is missing11:50
ykarel vs
ykareland may be due to that error in logs it's not getting synched11:51
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fricklerykarel: the sync cannot complete because quota is exceeded, yet. but instead of increasing the quota, the correct solution seems to be not to sync unneeded data12:01
ykarelfrickler, yes please, whatever u thinks to clear this is good go ahead with that12:09
ykarelmay be it can be checked what made suddenly increase data usage12:09
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jrosserit's quite possible that centos 8.4 has caused a load more pacakges to exist / storage to be required12:24
ykarelyes possible12:26
jrosserfwiw all openstack-ansible jobs on centos-8 (not stream) are broken due to mirror related troubles right now12:28
ykarelfrickler, may be temporary quota can be creased, and then can work on finding and cleaning up unneeded data12:30
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ykareli see some isos to be in 7/os/x86_64/images/, 8/BaseOS/x86_64/os/images/ and 8-stream/BaseOS/x86_64/os/images/12:31
ykareliso size 500 to 700MB12:31
ykarelbut those seems to exist from beginning12:31
ykarelwith minor release doesn't seem too much increase in packages, so don't know what caused that sudden increase12:33
fungifrickler: ykarel: jrosser: i agree figuring out some large sections of the mirror we don't need are preferable to increasing the quota there. utilization seems to have steadily doubled over the past year from 150gb to 300gb, and we already bumped the quota by another 50gb 6 months back:
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jrosserfungi: does it keep all the old packages or prune them out?12:44
fungiif someone can work on a patch for the mirror script to omit more unnecessary subtrees or extensions, i can take care of a temporary quota increase in a few minutes once i switch computers12:44
fungijrosser: it's rsync --delete so it should delete any files which aren't present on the remote source12:44
fungialso it looks like centos-8 and centos-8-stream may be served from the same volume, which could explain the steady accumulation there12:50
fungibut also an opportunity to potentially stop mirroring some of the same unnecessary content for both12:50
jrosseri'm not particularly familiar with the centos repository structure, nothing jumps out as both large and unwanted12:53
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jrosserif du -sh says it's all in the base-os then theres not much can be done i guess12:54
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fungi#status log Increased quota for mirror.centos AFS volume from 300000000 to 350000000 as the volume had filled recently13:22
opendevstatusfungi: finished logging13:22
fungii've got a manual update of the contents underway now to we'll have a newer mirror state published soon, hopefully13:22
fungii notice we're pulling ppc64le13:23
fungiahh, yeah we have it in the ALTARCHS list in the script so i guess that's intentional13:24
fungidid we ever get ppc64le images working though?13:24
fungilooks like we exclude ppc64le when creating the epel and fedora mirrors, but we intentionally include it for centos13:26
fungioh, i see the ALTARCHS list there is only applied for mirroring centos-713:30
fungifor centos-8 and centos-8-stream we seem to just mirror all architectures which are included under baseos and similar subtrees13:32
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fungii guess if we're making progress on ppc64le support, we could keep mirroring it, but i expect excluding it would free up a ton of space13:33
opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Move horizon weekly team meeting to openstack-horizon channel
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mordredfungi: re: bindep for the case where there is a package that installs a repo - perhaps best practice for bindep should be running a loop of bindep | package-manager to handle that case?14:23
mordredfungi: I like the thing you said about maybe an invocation that tells you what repos you need. the thing I couldn't quite wrap my head around before was how to indicate which packages from the bindep list are intended to be served by a given repo - but that's more about human auditing and isn't actually needed for functioning - as long as you can add tags to repos just like packages14:25
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opendevreviewMatt McEuen proposed openstack/project-config master: New Project Request: airship/image-builder
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fungimordred: yeah, a simple implementation might just be to have bindep check what package repos are enabled and then check the installed packages if the first is satisfied, or even have them be triggered by different cli arguments/options15:05
fungior just have it tell you everything that's missing (package repositories and individual packages)15:05
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fricklerhow does "package that installs a repo" work in the context of wanting to use local repo mirrors?15:08
mordredfrickler: not awesomely15:08
ykarelThanks fungi frickler, 8-stream mirrors up to date now15:09
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mordredfrickler: I'm not a huge fan of the "package-installs-additional-repos" pattern myself - but it turns out the world doesn't always bend to my personal preferences for some reason15:09
clarkbianw: thanks! I'll add reviewing that to today's todo list. I think that swapping the review servers is becoming more important now.15:10
clarkband now to catch up on centos things15:10
clarkbfungi: I think we can remove ppc mirroring. We don't have any ppc hardware and our mirrors aren't intended to be generally reconsumable15:11
clarkbI guess we could have people doing testing on emulated ppc with qemu15:14
clarkbthat seems unlikelythough15:15
fricklerdid kolla use these when building images?
frickleryoctozepto: ^^ ?15:17
clarkbfrickler: wow interesting find15:18
yoctozeptofrickler: not in CI, and we have not heard back from anyone using it so that's why we deprecated that15:18
fungiykarel|away: awesome, the vos release is still in progress, but i guess it's done with the local replica and that's what the mirrors are serving15:18
fricklerI was just using codesearch to look for instances of "ppc64le". but no blocker to us cleaning up the mirror then, good15:19
opendevreviewMatt McEuen proposed openstack/project-config master: New Project Request: airship/image-builder
fungiokay, vos release for the mirror.centos volume finished, and i've run the mirror script for it once more through to make sure it's a no-op15:39
fungiat this point i think we're all clear there15:39
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opendevreviewDouglas Mendizábal proposed opendev/irc-meetings master: Update Oslo meeting schedule
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opendevreviewMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Update Oslo meeting schedule
opendevreviewMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Move horizon weekly team meeting to openstack-horizon channel
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clarkbfungi: I'm starting to think about what is necessary to do the lists.o.o snapshot. I know you did one a few weeks ago. Do we think a current snapshot is necessary to test the upgrades or do we think using that older one is fine?16:46
clarkbif we want a new snapshot is it safe to simply disable services and not stop exim and mailman? I guess if they are disabled when they boot they don't do anything. My concern is that on the test nodes it seemed like part of the upgrade enabled exim and mailman16:47
fungii doubt anything which could impact the upgrades has changed since then16:47
fungiand it does take a while to snapshot that server because of it being migrated from a legacy flavor16:47
fungi(huge rootfs, if memory serves)16:47
clarkbI guess if they ended up trying to send several week old emails most recipients would reject them since we don't have dns set up properly16:48
clarkbfungi: ya that is why I'm wondering ifI can get away with the semi recent snapshot16:48
fungiyeah, rootfs is 160gb16:48
fungiuse the existing one, definitely, unless you want to snapshot it one day and use the snapshot another day16:48
fungiit takes *hours*16:49
clarkbok I think that is probably sufficient16:49
clarkbThe only thing it won't cover is esm but I'm not too worried about that (maybe I should be?)16:49
clarkbhrm that has me thinking maybe I should just go ahead and snapshot it again :/16:50
clarkbI'm not in a super hurry either since I'm juggling a few other things.16:51
clarkbmaybe I start a snapshot tomorrow then hope to boot it wednesday/thursday/friday timeframe and run through test upgrades16:51
fungisure, i suppose that's worth taking into account16:51
fungithough will you then need to activate esm on the booted snapshot?16:52
clarkbfungi: no, I was more thinking we should ensure the existing pacakges upgrade cleanly16:52
fungii have a feeling ubuntu will get cranky if they see the same esm key getting used by two servers16:52
clarkbit may16:52
clarkbfungi: I can probably deactivate it immediately after booting?16:53
clarkbstill I think the risk there is small. Maybe just go with the older image. If we have any problems then use an up to date image to double check them16:54
fungiyeah, it's worth a try16:54
fungiif nothing else, whatever happens is data16:54
clarkbfungi: you took that snapshot with exim and all the mailman services disabled in systemd ya?16:54
clarkbwhich means when I boot it shouldn't try to do anything unexpected16:54
fungidisabled the mailman sites and exim in systemd16:55
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opendevreviewAde Lee proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Add role to enable FIPS on a node
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clarkbianw: I have left a review on the sql setup for gerrit change. I think it is clsoe but noticed a few things. Also not sure testing is working properly on that yet, I'm trying to confirm/deny that more properly now digging through logs20:01
clarkbThe secure.conf lgtm but there are indications of failed connectivity in the mariadb log. Maybe that is just wait for it triggering that and everything elseis ok?20:04
clarkbI'm beginning to suspect that may be the case and my concern about the test falling back to h2 or similar is misplaced20:05
clarkbdefinitely let me know if the comments I left make no sense. I want to help move this along :)20:05
clarkbinfra-root is there anything I need to add to the meeting agenda before sending it out? It feels light but maybe that is a good thing :)20:21
fungii like light meetings20:43
fungii could use a light week for a change20:43
clarkbI'm not opposed but can't shake the feeling I'm forgetting something20:43
fungimost of the important ongoing work fits under one of the standing umbrella topics anyway20:45
ianwclarkb: yep, will loop back on it soon21:40
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ianwfungi: thanks for taking care of the mirror.  i'd say we can drop ppc21:44
clarkbianw: is there anyting you want to add to the meeting agenda? I'll be sending it out shortly21:45
ianwclarkb: i don't know if it's worth discussing but the only thing left behind with the irc move is ptgbot21:46
clarkbI can add that to the oftc topic21:47
clarkbI've left that on there just to be sure there wasn't anything left to go over21:47
ianwi haven't bothered doing anything with it as i have the feeling ptg interaction on irc is not something that has a bright future21:47
clarkbits also not currently urgent21:47
clarkbbut a good idea to make sure there isn't something we're overlooking21:48
fungialso there's a ptgbot patch up, just needs reviewing i think21:49
clarkboh let me go find that21:49
clarkb found it. WIll put that on the agenda21:50
ianwah, ok.  do we know if it's python3 safe?21:50
funginote i haven't made an account for it or anything, so probably worth talking about nick et cetera21:50
clarkbfungi: ++21:50
ianwi've wanted to disable puppet before merging the meetbot fixes,
ianwso that would prevent the fixes in applying21:52
ianwi think it might be reasonable to request building a ptgbot container to run on like all the other bots21:53
clarkbI expect that is fine since the next ptg is in a number of months21:53
clarkband ya can redeploy it using modern tools21:53
ianwi mean i guess it doesn't matter that much if it's a xenial container with python2 if it's a disaster area21:54
clarkbagenda has been sent21:57
ianwclarkb/fungi: if you want to review up to i can look at moving these bots to the new server today22:03
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clarkbyou need that whole stack right?22:06
clarkbianw: one small but important thing on
ianwclarkb: ahh yeah i think that was an over eager delete22:15
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move gerritbot/accessbot to new eavesdrop server
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Create ircbot container
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: limnoria/meetbot setup on
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Move meetbot config to
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Cleanup eavesdrop puppet references
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove publish-irc-meetings job
clarkbianw: ^ I approved that change, hopeflly not too early :)22:21
ianwclarkb: heh, no that's safe. is all coming from afs now22:26
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opendevreviewMerged opendev/ master: Add
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clarkbianw: have you seen my mariadb change comments? I'm going to have to help with dinner shortly and won't be able to answer any questions or add clarification if there is confusion23:48
ianwclarkb: sorry, distracted, let me check now23:59

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