Wednesday, 2021-11-10

opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: containerfile: handle errors better
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Revert "centos 9-stream: make non-voting for mirror issues"
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: containerfile: fix tar extraction
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: Pause Fedora 34 builds
clarkbI went ahead and fast approved ^ since I had looked over the related work00:12
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clarkbrosmaita: jrosser_: note I left some comments on your changes unrelated to the zuul trouble00:24
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Pause Fedora 34 builds
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: centos 9-stream: make non-voting for mirror issues
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: containerfile: fix tar extraction
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: containerfile: handle errors better
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Revert "centos 9-stream: make non-voting for mirror issues"
corvusclarkb: i think we don't call loadTPCs in the layout update path00:58
corvusi may need to include an event with branch cache ltimes in my test case01:00
clarkbI would agree that seems to loadTPCs when validating, priming and reconfiguring01:01
clarkbbut those are the only instances of the loadTPCs calls01:02
corvusclarkb: and i think the cacheConfig call you were looking at is called once every time, but it's caching things onto the tpcs, so if we're reusing them when we expect to have empty ones...01:03
corvusstill can't repro locally though01:04
corvusi think i reproduced it01:19
corvusthrowing in a loadTPCs call does fix it.  now, i need to try to clean this test up; it's a mess.01:28
corvus(it's just a big pile of changes, reconfigurations, and sleeps that i threw at it until it broke)01:28
Clark[m]Kitchen sink debugging01:40
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opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire puppet-senlin - Step 1: End project Gating
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire puppet-senlin - Step 3: Remove Project
opendevreviewchandan kumar proposed opendev/system-config master: Enable mirroring of centos stream 9 contents
ianw just failed with "Nodeset ubuntu-bionic-2-node already defined"04:01
Clark[m]ianw: the fix for that is corvus' most recent change pushed to zuul04:03
Clark[m]Hopefully we can restart with that fix tomorrow once people review it04:03
ianwthanks, i figured that one, wasn't sure if we'd seen it on other changes.  probably a good sign to walk away :)04:05
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: Set debian-stretch to min-ready: 0
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: Remove debian-stretch nodes and builds
opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: reprepro: stop mirroring Debian stretch
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akahat|roveron queue: tripleo is stuck08:39
akahat|roverwe can see there are some jobs which are pending since 11 hrs08:39
akahat|roversome jobs in queue *08:39
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soniya29|ruck tripleo-ci-centos-8-containers-multinode and tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade-victoria are few of them08:41
soniya29|ruckhere is the console log:-
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fricklercorvus: I'm seeing an empty "Queue:" header for every patch in check and other pipelines, is this a known issue? for gate, "Queue: internal" etc. looks o.k.09:33
frickleralso that "nodeset already defined" seems to be happening quite often, hopefully we can get that fixed soon, otherwise we should maybe revert to one node until we can09:35
fricklerakahat|rover: soniya29|ruck: I don't see anything being stuck, just a lot of patches plus gate resets due to failures09:36
akahat|roverfrenzy_friday,, jobs: tripleo-ci-centos-8-containers-multinode, tripleo-ci-centos-8-standalone-upgrade-victoria09:42
akahat|roverfrickler, ^^09:42
akahat|roverit is running for 12 hr 37 mins09:43
akahat|rover817106, 817260 this ids jobs already ran.. but they still are in queue.09:46
fricklerhmm, the console logs for all the jobs that are still being shown as in progress in the ui for those jobs show "build id not found"09:53
fricklerso something is indeed broken, maybe you want to abandon/restore the affected patches, otherwise we'll need to wait for corvus09:55
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akahat|roverfrickler, okay we will wait for corvus.09:58
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ysandeepfolks o/ Some of the jobs are waiting for too long for a node , "Build ID 8b3c99ddb0d94a999def904873717e1d not found" Do we have a known issue?11:06
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opendevreviewTristan Cacqueray proposed opendev/statusbot master: Add Etherpad backend
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Alex_GaynorJobs on pyca/cryptography don't appear to be starting, on I see our queue constantly hanging around at 8. Known issue?12:29
fricklerAlex_Gaynor: we have some known issues currently, but I'm not sure whether this is related or now. clarkb, corvus ^^12:30
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noonedeadpunkwell and jobs are not scheduled for gates for us as well13:37
noonedeadpunkand all gate jobs looks like stuck ones atm13:38
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corvusi'm looking into the error causing the stuck queues14:15
tristanCthe cacti graphs for zookeeper seems correct, though there is a suspicious spike about 9h ago on the network page14:17
fungifrickler: there's already a fix for the "nodeset already defined" problem, hopefully the new patchset makes it in shortly ( )14:22
fungitristanC: openstack periodic and periodic-stable pipelines trigger their jobs at 02:00-02:01 utc, which seems to line up with the start of the burst at
corvusi'm trying to save the debug info i need, but zk-shell isn't helping; i need to write a quick script14:41
corvusokay, i've saved a copy of the zk data, and i think we should restart now.  probably the best thing to do is restart on .4, then we'll switch back once the in-flight changes have landed.  sound good?14:50
corvusi'm going with that14:52
corvusstopped; deleting state now14:53
tristanCcorvus: that sounds good. so you now have a dump of all the zk nodes?14:53
fungithanks corvus, i agree14:54
fungii expect we'll lose anything in the event queue with the downgrade to .4, as our saved change queues are all that will get reenqueued14:55
corvustristanC: yes14:57
corvusstarting now14:57
corvushere's my dump script:
fungioh, that's handy14:59
corvusthere was a deserialization error, and i'll need to look at the data to figure out what it was.  but i also don't know the path, so i grabbed the whole system.15:01
corvusit's something wrong with the config_errors patch i wrote :(15:01
corvusanyway, i don't think it'll be too hard to fix once i find the actual node with the error :)15:01
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outbrito_Do I have to remove +W and re-add to get something back on the gate queue?15:57
outbrito_(btw, sorry for the newbie question)15:57
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fungioutbrito_: it depends on which tenant that's in. some tenants will send a rechecked change straight to the gate pipeline if they have sufficient approval votes, others will require a positive vote from the check pipeline and addition of a new workflow +116:08
corvusoutbrito_: i re-enqueued all the changes that were there before; check the status page now, and if i missed yours, go ahead and reapprove or recheck16:08
fungii think it's just the openstack tenant which will require a positive check vote before entering the gate pipeline, but also yes make sure it wasn't already reenqueued16:09
fungiit seems like there were a few events the schedulers didn't process, so never got enqueued16:09
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opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/statusbot master: Add use_ssl option
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/statusbot master: Handle exception for unprivileged commands
outbrito_Yeah, mine was one of them. Just +W again to re-enqueue. Tks (btw, it was on starlingx/openstack-armada-app, openstack tenant)17:18
outbrito_thanks fungi corvus 17:18
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opendevreviewTristan Cacqueray proposed opendev/statusbot master: Introduce a BackendInterface
opendevreviewTristan Cacqueray proposed opendev/statusbot master: Add Etherpad backend
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/statusbot master: Add use_ssl option
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/statusbot master: Handle exception for unprivileged commands
ianwfungi/clarkb: has some numbers on the 9-stream mirror, and including source/debug.  layout seems different to the way it was done before.  thoughts welcome either way20:41
fungiwhat, red hat changed things in a new release? ;)20:42
fungiand thanks, i've been trying to get around to taking a look at that one20:42
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: centos 9-stream: make non-voting for mirror issues
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: containerfile: fix tar extraction
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: containerfile: handle errors better
opendevreviewMarco Vaschetto proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Allowing ubuntu element use local image
opendevreviewMerged opendev/statusbot master: Introduce a BackendInterface
opendevreviewMerged opendev/statusbot master: Add Etherpad backend
opendevreviewMerged opendev/statusbot master: Add use_ssl option

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