Wednesday, 2023-01-25

opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove linaro-us cloud
ianwthe backup prune discussed this morning is running 00:38
fungioh, also the mm3 containers restart earlier should fix the service owner address, i guess keep an eye out for any new messages from it00:47
ianwi just manually set osuosl to zero max-nodes on nl03 and rechecked a bunch of stuff to create some arm64 load.  nodes are building on the new cloud ... 01:01
ianw| b45f743f-bc22-4116-9b9e-6d138253fbbf | np0032851984 | ACTIVE | auto_allocated_network=, | ubuntu-focal-arm64-1674604398  | opendev |01:04
ianwit's really working, the nodes have connected and are running stuff01:06
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opendevreviewIan Wienand proposed openstack/project-config master: nodepool: size linaro max-servers to subnet
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ianwTASK [zuul-executor : Wait for Zuul Executor to stop]05:00
ianwit's been doing that on the zuul restart playbook for ... hours, since i said i started it :/05:00
Clark[m]I think that is normal05:26
Clark[m]It does a graceful stop which waits for all jobs to end and some jobs are not fast. Also it may be a paused job in which case you won't see Ansible running..if you tail the executor debug log it should record how many jobs it is waiting to end before exiting05:27
ianwok ... i'm running out of time to watch it carefully, but it's just running in a root window05:27
Clark[m]Looking at the components list it did the first 6 and is waiting for the next six. I wonder if periodic jobs launched before the graceful stop request05:28
opendevreviewMichael Kelly proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: roles: Add ensure-git-lfs
opendevreviewMichael Kelly proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: roles: Add git-lfs-init
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opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire xstatic-font-awesome and xstatic-jquery.tablesorter
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yoctozeptohi! would it be possible to create a demo repository on opendev's gerrit where I would be able to sandboxingly showcase the flow for and train others?12:07
ianwyoctozepto: like ?12:08
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yoctozeptoianw: oh, I thought I have seen it before but then the google search has failed me, many thanks!12:09
ianw#status log pruned backups on backup01.ord.rax.opendev.org12:09
opendevstatusianw: finished logging12:09
ianwclarkb/fungi: afaics that restart playbook is still stuck.  it's in a root screen on bridge ... i'm hesitant to kill it now as not quite sure what state it's in.  maybe you could attach and check it in a few hours when you see this?12:10
fungiianw: i'll start taking a look12:37
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Clark[m]fungi: according to the components list it appears that executors and mergers have restarted as expected. Was it just very slow?15:32
fungithe screen session says it restarted the mergers, and is currently waiting for the first half of the executors to stop15:35
fungioh, no the buffer was in copy mode and scrolled back15:36
fungithe play recap says they all finished15:36
fungithere are no time stamps though15:37
fungithere are two screen sessions by the way, one is for a zuul-reboot ~5 weeks ago and the ansible process for that does appear to have hung after the final play recap15:39
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clarkbI wonder if ianw was scrolled back and didn't realize it had completed? When I checked it before bed it was on the second set of 6 executors and looked like things were moving along as expected. Checking the current state I think all is well (if just slow). I'll recheck the nodepool change that should be fixed by this16:13
clarkbfungi: re the second screen I don't think that is holding the lock though since I checked more recently than the last 5 weeks and our zuul reboot cron seems to have been firing over the weekends16:16
clarkbfungi: in any case I suspect we can clean that one up?16:16
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clarkbfungi: looking at is the alignment change for the donors intentional?17:00
clarkbLooks like we shift from left aligned to a centered alignment17:00
clarkbhrm the div attributes seem to match previous paragraphs so maybe its a amount of content thing17:02
clarkboh wait no its <div class="sixteen wide center aligned centered column"> vs <div class="ui stackable middle very relaxed page grid">17:05
clarkbfungi: I +2'd the change but didn't approve in case this is something unintentional. But if it iwas intentional then I'm fine iwth it17:07
opendevreviewMichael Kelly proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: roles: Add ensure-git-lfs
opendevreviewMichael Kelly proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: roles: Add git-lfs-init
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fungiclarkb: yeah, i tried to reuse the style for the icons we have at the top of the page, but i think it ends up nested inside another div. i can close up the outer div from the previous section and then start a new one before the next if you think that will look better17:34
fungiunrelated, the gitea 1.18 release notes are lengthy17:34
Clark[m]I'm not sure what looks better but the shift does seem odd. But may be a good thing as it helps call attention to it17:35
fungiyeah, it was accidental but i realized it did help to set it apart, so i wasn't sure17:35
opendevreviewMichael Kelly proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: roles: Add ensure-git-lfs
opendevreviewMichael Kelly proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: roles: Add git-lfs-init
opendevreviewLars Kellogg-Stedman proposed opendev/bindep master: Fix spelling of "unknown"
opendevreviewMichael Kelly proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: roles: Add ensure-git-lfs
opendevreviewMichael Kelly proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: roles: Add git-lfs-init
fungiClark[m]: do you mind if i rebase 868004 directly onto master?19:25
opendevreviewMichael Kelly proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: roles: Add ensure-git-lfs
opendevreviewMichael Kelly proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: roles: Add git-lfs-init
fungiheaded out to an appointment, but expect to be back within an hour, two tops19:38
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fungiokay, home again21:18
clarkbfungi: do we need to squash the bindep nox and arch fix changes?21:39
fungioh, right i forgot that was a fix for an external dep that broke testing. i guess the alternative would be to pin packaging in the nox change?21:43
clarkbya that should also work21:44
opendevreviewMichael Kelly proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: roles: Add git-lfs-init
clarkbfungi: I'm going to pop out here again soon. Feel free to squash or pin the package in the nox change and rebase things to flip the order of the changes21:48
fungiyep, can do. i'll take a look once i wrap up what i'm working on now, or else tomorrow21:49
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corvusi'm going to validate against our openstack clouds using my test script23:09
corvusshould be zero impact23:09
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ianwclarkb: heh, thanks for checking!  yeah i probably scrolled it back and didn't notice, doh23:23
corvusianw: we should not enable linaro until 871803 is merged -- the floating ip bugfix in that change is needed for deletes to work properly.23:48

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