Thursday, 2024-01-04

tonybalso gives me a 500 but works as expected in prod.  I *expect* that's an issue with our test environment.00:00
tonybagain just wanting to be sure it is ok/expected00:00
Clark[m]Gitea constantly makes visual changes00:07
Clark[m]We have to update our templates to keep up every upgrade 00:07
Clark[m]For search I suspect the issue is we don't have a lot of code in the test environment. But I would've expected a page with no results rather than a 50000:08
tonybThis is what I get
tonybSo it's kinda both?00:09
clarkbits weird if you look at the access log it shows 200s for everything and the browser network log seems to show similar00:14
clarkbboth code search methods result in that 500 banner00:17
clarkbI wonder if it is due to this failed favicon.svg request00:18
tonybPerhaps?  I'll poke around locally.00:20
clarkbhrm no internet indicates that is normal reporting for "I don't need ot make this request I can use cached data"00:20
clarkband chrome doesn't have that aborted request and instead seems to fetch the favicons successfully but the 500 still shows up00:20
clarkbtonyb: ok /var/log/containers/docker-gitea.log has info that is useful00:22
clarkbit is a template rendering error00:22
clarkbI think it is failing to render and adding the 500 content then returning 200 ...00:23
clarkb.../context_response.go:86:HTML() [E] Render failed: failed to render template: explore/code, error: template error: builtin(bindata):code/searchresults:34:83 : executing "code/searchresults" at <Safe>: wrong type for value; expected string; got template.HTML00:23
clarkbwe can wait for 1.21.400:25
clarkbor patch that specific fix on top of 1.21.3 or accept it being broken for a bit. No really good options00:25
clarkbtonyb: good catch :)00:27
tonybIt looks like the fix is in searchresults.tmpl, can we add that to our custom templates until 21.4 ?00:27
clarkbya there are two template files that need updates. We can either vendor the whole file in our custom templates dir or we can apply the patch to the source code before building00:28
clarkb these two files00:29
clarkbvendoring the whole file is somethign we can already do using the existing build setup. I guess we should do that for simplicity (eve nif it is a bit verbose)00:30
clarkbI'll update teh change00:30
tonybThanks.  I agree that'00:30
tonybs a good approach and is easy to undo when 1.21.4 comes out00:31
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update gitea to 1.21.3
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM intentional gitea failure to hold a node
clarkbI'll recycle the node hold00:36
clarkbthats done. Now we wait to confirm that fixes things for us00:38
clarkbside note: if you're going to render an error in your template saying there was a 500 maybe you should also return an http 500 error...00:38
tonybYes for sure00:38
tonybI'm happy to to the etherpad upgrade during my evening, say UTC0500 ?00:57
tonyband I'm also happy to do the backup pruning today00:57
Clark[m]tonyb: works for me. I've switched over to dinner mode now though01:24
tonybThat's fine.  I expect it'll be "fine", and the back-put strategy is also reasonably well defined01:26
tonyb#status log etherpad services will be unavailable briefly while upgraded06:17
opendevstatustonyb: finished logging06:17
tonybinfra-root: I'06:25
tonybm also pruning the backups on backup0206:25
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Upgrade to etherpad 1.9.5
tonyb#status log etherpad services upgrade complete.07:02
opendevstatustonyb: finished logging07:02
tonybinfra-root: backups pruned.  311Gb reclaimed07:16
opendevreviewJan Marchel proposed openstack/project-config master: Add NebulOuS monitoring-data-persistor and exponential-smoothing-predictor repo
opendevreviewJan Marchel proposed openstack/project-config master: Add NebulOuS monitoring-data-persistor and exponential-smoothing-predictor repo
opendevreviewJan Marchel proposed openstack/project-config master: Add NebulOuS monitoring-data-persistor and exponential-smoothing-predictor repo
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Remove legacy-tempest-dsvm-nova-libvirt-kvm-apr
fungithanks tonyb!13:35
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add NebulOuS monitoring-data-persistor and exponential-smoothing-predictor repo
opendevreviewBernhard Berg proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: prepare-workspace-git: Add ability to define synced pojects
fricklerinteresting take regarding curl and AI, regarding the recent ML topic. in particular I think the point of ppl using LLM as translator tool seems relevant
fungiyes, i'm likely to be drafting some policy for openstack's mailing lists soon, given the plea i sent to openstack-discuss on the matter seems to have gone unheeded. i too am aware that llm has become a popular way for people who lack confidence in their english to refine spelling, grammar and sentence structure for their messages, and i don't want to discourage that. my primary concern is lack15:30
fungiof citation for important details which do not come from the author's own personal experience: that's essentially plagiarism and professional fraud15:30
fungiand giving people advice pasted from an llm when you don't actually have experience to know that it's accurate can be very dangerous, potentially disastrous for users who assume the author knows what they're talking about and then follows bogus advice15:32
frickleryes, full ack to that15:42
Clark[m]The gerrit community meeting is a week later than usual this month. /me goes back to quiet morning start 16:02
clarkbhttps:// is the newly held gitea node16:46
clarkbhttps:// and now search works16:46
clarkbI'm going to work on a new testinfra test to check for the 500 status page content in the responses16:46
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Check for gitea template rendering errors
clarkbthere is some automated testing for the thing tonyb found last night. Not comprehensive but I figure better than nothing for now17:03
clarkbinfra-root: should we approve ? I can be around to help keep an eye on it17:03
fungiclarkb: yes, i'll approve it now, just didn't want to until more people were around17:12
clarkbsounds good17:12
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Enable the no_timer_check option to be removable
opendevreviewJan Marchel proposed openstack/project-config master: Add new NebulOuS projects: overlay-network-manager, security-manager
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update gitea to 1.21.3
clarkbthe deploy job is running but hasn't gotten to the point where it has updated anything yet18:46
clarkb is updated now18:47
clarkbthe update is a little slow due to some db migrations and bleve code index rebuilding, but seems to be working18:47
clarkbgit clone works for me against gitea09 as well as the web service18:48
fungilgtm too18:49
clarkbwe have updated through 11 now18:51
clarkbonly 14 remains18:55
clarkball done and the job reports success as well18:58
clarkbI think I'm happy with the early results here19:00
fungiyep, seems to be fine19:00
clarkb is a good followup to try and catch those "500 errors" automatically in the future19:01
clarkbI guess I could rewrite that to do a for loop over some urls19:04
* clarkb makes that update19:04
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Check for gitea template rendering errors
clarkbthat should make it simpler to add paths to check over time and/or update the template content to check for19:08
clarkbunrelated: there is a discussion on the gerrit mailing list about automatically checking for and detecting plugin compatibility with gerrit proper on gerrit startup. Apparently it isn't common for people to build gerrit the way we do and rebuild everything together to ensure compatibility of api versions19:09
clarkbI'll drop the held nodes for etherpad and gitea upgrade checking at the end of my day if all is well19:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add 2 new projects to the airship namespace (armada-go & operator)
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Enable the no_timer_check option to be removable
clarkbfwiw I've confirmed that replication is working post gitea upgrade now as well21:50
fungigreat, thanks!21:51
tonybawesome.  thanks all.22:53
tonybclarkb: your additional testing looks good.  I want to do some verification on the held node before I +2 it22:55
clarkback I won't delete the held node just yet then.23:08
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Enable the no_timer_check option to be removable
*** mtreinish_ is now known as mtreinish23:43

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