Tuesday, 2024-04-30

*** liuxie is now known as liushy02:40
opendevreviewBernhard Berg proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: prepare-workspace-git: Add allow deleting current branch  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/91753907:27
zigofungi: FYI, because of D. Pococ spamming every list all the time, all important lists (like debian-project@ and debian-devel@) are moderated (but only for spam, not for content). Though there was very few spam (as in: adds, not as in: daniel pocok type of messages).09:15
opendevreviewBernhard Berg proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: prepare-workspace-git: Add allow deleting current branch  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/91753911:27
slittle_We are having audio issues with https://meetpad.opendev.org/stx-build15:08
slittle_wher ecan I get help with that?15:08
clarkbslittle_: this is an appropriate venue. Can you be more specific about what sorts of problem you are experiencing?15:09
slittle_No one can hear anyone else15:09
slittle_not muted15:09
slittle_audio device in/out is correctly selected15:10
clarkbhistorically that problem has been due to browsers not allowing auto playing media, but I think we worked around that by adding the landing page so that probably isn't the issue15:10
clarkbI am in a meeting right now so can't tryand reproduce right now but can take a closer look after this meeting. Have you tried another browser in order to rule out browser compatibility issues? I generally use Chrome/Chromium but if the problem is there then maybe trying firefox is worth a shot15:11
slittle_tried with Firefox and Chrome from linux host15:11
slittle_under the audio settings, the microphone volume level indicator moves when I speak15:13
slittle_so it's getting a signal15:13
slittle_it does seem to auto-mute me rather frequently.15:13
clarkbthe only time it should auto mute anyone is when you go from 1 meeting attendee to 215:14
tonybslittle_: Are you "Scott" Looks like it's just the two of us on that meetpad?15:14
slittle_I'm Scott15:15
tonybOkay can did you hear me earlier?15:15
slittle_the auto mute thing is kicking in a lot now15:15
fungiauto mute thing?15:16
fungithe service is configured to mute all users when they first join, and expects them to unmute themselves if they want to talk. keeps noise to a minimum when you have larger calls with most people listening rather than speaking15:17
slittle_lots of notifications wizzing by... 'you are starting the conversation muted' 15:17
fungimakes me wonder if you're connecting through a firewall that interferes with websockets connections15:18
tonybslittle_: How are people on the call?   As far as I can tell it's only you and I15:19
fungii heard you were having similar issues with meet.jit.si, so it could be something to do with connections from browsers getting broken by a middlebox/proxy15:19
tonybslittle_: but I see 'unnamed' in the etherpad15:19
slittle_We are firewalled for sure15:20
fungigoing to guess you have zero control over nor insight into that firewall (not work-from-home)15:21
slittle_it seems to be de-selecting my microphone15:22
slittle_fungi  you are correct15:22
slittle_corp firewall is a black box to me15:22
tonybslittle_: Have you heard me any time I spoke?15:23
tonybslittle_: Trying to work out if it's full audio issue or your mic?15:23
clarkbI can hop in in about 40 minutes and see if this is a geneal problem or spceific to specific clients15:24
tonybslittle_: If you can hang in there for 5 more mins Im looking at the serverside logs for clues15:25
slittle_when I keep the audio-settings dialog up, what I see is that my microphone selection is unchecked and a flurry of notifications are shown on the left hand side ... too fast to read,15:26
slittle_this happens 10-15 secs after I renew my microphone selection15:27
tonybYou said you'd tried chrome and firefox, which one are you using now?15:28
slittle_when the microphone is de-selected, it mutes me.  15:30
fungimy other call ended early, i'll try joining15:32
slittle_mayby it's the other way around.  When I mute deliberately, the audio control microphone selection looses it's check mark15:34
clarkbthe three of us are in the room and able to hear each other. Looking at your connection status info in the meeting no codec is selected and it has no bitrate info15:36
clarkbwhich would probably be evidence to fungi's theory15:37
clarkbone way to test that would be to use a different internet connection if possible to get around the firewall and at least confrim (or deny) if the local browsers are working15:37
fungianother possibility could be corporate browser policy enforced on everyone's work machines disabling features (webrtc or specifici hardware access)15:38
clarkbslittle_: if test is also you then the connection stats look very similar to your older connection15:44
clarkbanother thing you might be able to do is open your local browser network debugger and see what connections (if any) are being rejected/fail15:45
slittle_not sure how to do that in chrome15:47
tonybslittle_: You'd use chrome developer tools15:48
clarkbopen the three dot menu -> more tools -> developer tools then there is a network tab15:48
slittle_are there specific ports i need to ask our IT to open to enable https://meetpad.opendev.org/ audio15:48
clarkbit should start to populate with network requests made by the page you open that on15:48
slittle_got it.   What am i looking for15:50
fungias best we can tell, all client communication with jitsi-meet is tunneled through https on port 443/rcp15:51
clarkblooking for http requests that fail. I've opened it locally and there are a number of https requests to http-bind?room=stx-build and they are all 200 success responses15:51
slittle_BridgeChannel.js:91    getting 101 all the time15:51
slittle_all else is 20015:51
slittle_type websocket15:52
fungithough if your connections are going through an https proxy or some sort of web inspection firewall that doesn't understand/handle websocket connections, i wouldn't be surprised15:52
fungialso, when said 443/rcp earlier that was a typo, i meant tcp of course15:53
slittle_k, I'll open a ticket with our IT.  See if they can open this up15:55
fungiwell, 443/tcp is the standard https port, but yeah it could be some deeper connection inspection they're doing that assumes normal https traffic on that port15:56
fungiand freaks out when it encounters audiovisual streams tunneling through there15:56
fungislittle_: we're seeing the same incomplete a/v connection state from michel too15:58
tonybslittle_: From the logs on the server I just found "<candidate component='1' foundation='1' generation='0' id='2ef737cd2271d0b2031dbe602' network='0' priority='2130706431' protocol='udp' type='host' ip='' port='10000'/"16:01
tonybSo it looks that could be the firewall "magic" needed,16:02
tonybI don't know how dynamic that is16:02
fungitonyb: is the eth1 interface on our meetpad01 server16:03
tonybAhh nevermind then16:03
fungithat log entry looks like it could be related to server-to-server communication, which we configured to go over those interfaces16:03
fungiso probably not having anything to do with a client-to-server connection16:04
tonybYeah Sorry16:05
slittle_any idea who 'owns' the https://zoom.us/j/342730236?pwd=N21CUXNXVlJXMlcyZjZ0SE96cVNjQT09 link used by most of the StarlingX meetings?  Perhaps I can book a time slot on that bridge.16:11
fungiildikov: ^ maybe you know?16:11
ildikovfungi: yes, it's me16:45
tonybclarkb: is 907902: Don't run mirror jobs when roles/ updates | https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/907902 still desirable?17:38
clarkbtonyb: yes I think so18:08
tonybclarkb: okay cool18:15
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: roles/openafs-client: small overhaul of rpm builds  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/90601318:21
fungi23.253.166.211 is the held etherpad upgrade node18:28
fungitesting it with https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/isitbroken18:29
clarkbseems to be working from here. Even chrome isn't disconnecting like it has in the past18:32
fungiyeah, no issues for me yet18:32
clarkbfungi: you might want to login to the test node and perform an admin task or three just to make sure that is working in a way that is workable. Oh and I think we need to add the new secret for that to vars before merging18:33
fungioh, good call18:33
clarkbpretty sure I didn't add it since all the stuff previously was pre release testing18:33
clarkbthe process is documented in the change's doc updates18:33
fungiyeah, i just pulled it up18:34
fungidoes leave me wondering whether settings.json should be world-readable18:35
clarkbprobably shouldn't be18:36
fungiannoying that curl suddenly gets verbose any time stdout is a pipe instead of a tty18:47
clarkbfungi: I think I switched to curl bceause I thought it had/has special jwt handling but then it ended up not or I didn't use it. Could probably use wget just as easily18:49
clarkbthough wget writes to fiels by default which is a bit annoying when you need the token value18:49
fungiyeah, `wget -qO-` is deeply etched into my finger memory, just trying to work out how to get curl to behave the same way18:52
fungicurl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(curl --data grant_type=client_credentials --data client_id=api_admin --data client_secret="$(grep '"client_secret":' /etc/etherpad/settings.json | sed -e 's/\s\+"client_secret": "\(.*\)",/\1/')" http://localhost:9001/oidc/token | sed -e 's/.*"access_token":"\([^"]*\)".*/\1/')" "http://localhost:9001/api/1.2.11/restoreRevision?padID=isitbroken&rev=104" ; echo18:59
fungithat returned {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":null} and observably rolled the pad's content back to match what was in revision 10419:00
fungicurl "http://localhost:9001/api/1.2.11/restoreRevision?padID=isitbroken&rev=104" ; echo19:00
fungithat returns {"code":4,"message":"no or wrong API Key","data":null}19:00
fungiso this seems to be working as intended19:00
clarkbI think the email from openmetal that we just got is them announcing the stuff we were waiting for before redeploying that cloud20:04
clarkbso now we can add that to the todo list :)20:04
tonybpopping out for an hour or so20:10
fungioh awesome20:15
clarkbI've got to do a school run in a bit and then there are a few zuul changes I want to review. But let me knwo if there is anything I'm missing on the opendev side of things.20:57
clarkbI've got our topic limit questions posted over to Thursday's gerrit community meeting agenda. I'll do my best to attend and have that discussion with them21:02
fungiheading out to dinner, but should be back soon21:28

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