Wednesday, 2024-05-01

opendevreviewJames Page proposed openstack/project-config master: Setup/update Sunbeam single charm repos to noop
opendevreviewJames Page proposed openstack/project-config master: Setup/update Sunbeam single charm repos to noop
clarkbI added a new etherpad_admin_api_secret to group vars for prod15:11
clarkbfungi: not sure if you think now is still a good time for seems like your vote got reset?15:11
clarkbI am going to pop out for an early lunch today (people are in town randomly) but I'm around until then and after15:12
fungiclarkb: oops! it was gertty async-racing its commit of my earlier vote, i think. approved just now15:19
fungii'm around most of the day, semi-distracted by packing and last-minute yardwork, but will keep an eye on it15:20
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: ConfigDrive: Disable cloud-init auto dhcp by default
tonybIs there a way to have zuul work through a list of fallback branches is the target branch doesn't exist?15:30
tonybI have a requirements change on stable/zed which clones masakari, as masakari doesn't have a stable/zed it defaulted to the master branch but it'd be better if it tried unmaintained/zed first15:31
clarkbyou can specify the branch to checkout for each project on the job. You can also have the project specify a branch pragma rule that maps stable/foo to unmaintained/foo15:35
tonybCan you point me at docs for the pragma rules?15:37
tonyb   got it15:38
clarkbya that15:39
clarkbspecifically the last config item I think15:39
tonybThanks.   I can for sure make override-checkout work, but I think given the highly OpenStack specific usecase the pagma wont work as I want.15:44
tonybI'll just use override-checkout for now15:45
fungitonyb: i think the job transitions going on in openstack-zuul-jobs are using a pragma for the exact situation you described, if you want a clear example15:47
tonybfungi: I think I'm missing something.  I can't see any changes that are doing that.16:02
tonybfungi: and: for d in opendev/*jobs* openstack/*jobs* ; do echo $d ; git -C $d remote update ; git -C $d grep pragma origin/master -- ; done16:02
tonybis also empty16:02
fungimmm, lemme find what i was thinking of, maybe they did use overrides16:05
tonybfungi: thanks16:06
clarkbthe etherpad change should be landing soon and then will end up behind hourly jobs for a short bit16:08
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update etherpad to v2.0.3
tonybclarkb: noted16:08
fungitonyb: mmm, i'm not finding it. maybe gmann remembers where/how that was done16:11
tonybfungi: Okay Thanks for confirming16:12
fungior maybe it was a suggestion but the problem never got solved, now i don't recall16:12
tonybgmann: Any pointers to stable/foo -> unmaintained/foo -> master fallback logic in zuul jobs would be great16:12
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/project-config master: Improve terminology in project-config tree
fungietherpad image upload seems to have succeeded, but the service upgrade is waiting behind hourly jobs16:17
gmanntonyb: fungi: I do not think we have any case of fallback branches, what we did was generic regex with */x so that it match stable/x or unmaintained/x 16:17
tonybgmann: Can you point me at where?16:18
fungigmann: okay, so as far as projects with unmaintained/foo branches doing integration testing with projects that still have stable/foo branches, we never resolved that challenge i suppose16:19
fungitonyb: it was for branch selection in determining which jobs to run16:19
tonybAhhh okay so releated but different16:19
fungiso simply matching ^.*/zed where explicit branch matchers used to have ^stable/foo16:20
fungier, used to have ^stable/zed i meant16:20
gmanntonyb: this one, but yes to select the job to run
clarkbetherpad is restarting now16:21
clarkbdocker ps reports it is healthy16:21
clarkb and still load for me16:21
fungistart time of the container was 16:2016:21
fungiyep, loading for me too16:22
fungiwill keep an eye out for any reports of problems16:22
gmanntonyb: I think what you are facing is what we face in devstack when not all project were ready on new stable/  and we have to wait for all those stable branch setup before everything run fine16:22
clarkbfungi: have we written a change to update file perms on settings.json yet?16:24
tonybPossibly similar situation yes16:24
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Tighten permissions on Etherpad settings file
fungiclarkb: jinx!16:28
fungicurious to see if it passes tests or actually breaks something16:29
clarkbfungi: the file in the Dockerfile is there just to keep in sync with upstream's dockerfile. We actually bind mount the production file over that one16:43
clarkbso I don't think we need to change the dockerfile but need to update the file perms on the file that we bind mount?16:43
fungioh, got it. thanks, i'll find it16:49
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Tighten permissions on Etherpad settings file
clarkbfungi: and CI should tell us if that is a problem for etherpad the service reading the file16:55
clarkbwe may need to set owner and group to whatever uid:gid pair the dockerfile is using16:55
clarkbbut CI should have that well covered especially due to the testinfra tests that rely on the jwt token generation16:55
clarkbCI did pass. I don't fully understand how/why after looking more closely since the file is owned by root:root and etherpad runs as 500117:29
fungineed to go run a quick pre-travel errand, but can work on it some more shortly18:09
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Tighten permissions on Etherpad settings file
clarkb is a straightforward change to update afsmon's CI for xenial removal and also to test something closer to what we're deploying in production20:17
opendevreviewMerged opendev/afsmon master: Update afsmon python testing to modern versions
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