Wednesday, 2024-05-08

*** iurygregory_ is now known as iurygregory11:21
*** liuxie is now known as liushy11:55
opendevreviewMerged opendev/irc-meetings master: Update cinder meeting info
clarkbinfra-root if anyone has time today there are a couple of topic:drop-ubuntu-xenial changes that were Verified -1 due to project-config updates that needed to merge. Those changes have now merged and I have rechecked which flipped the -1's to +1s which should make those mergeable now15:03
tonybclarkb: I've 'recheck'ed them with the intent to +2 them later15:15
clarkbtonyb: oh I thought they were already rechecked? Doesn't hurt to rerun though15:15
clarkboh you rechecked the devstack-gate chagnes I think those are going to be in limbo due to devstack gate being largely dead. Maybe we just remoev it from the tenant config ionstead15:16
tonybOh I did too.  my bad15:16
clarkb and are the two I was thinking of to remove any confusion15:16
tonybclarkb: Okay, I didn't look at them as they already had my +215:17
clarkbinfra-root (alongisde the mariadb upgrade for gerrit) is the other big thing on my todo list for the nearish future that still needs review15:17
clarkbtonyb: yup thank you for the reviews. Maybe we'll just approve them in a bit if no one else is able to. I don't think they are controversail after the many conversations around xenial cleanup we have had15:17
tonybclarkb: Sounds good.15:18
tonybclarkb: FWIW I'm good with 918333 to land whenever.15:18
clarkbtonyb: ya I'm kinda thinking today isn't great for me on the gerrit stuff as allergies seem to be hitting me hard this morning. Maybe that will taper off and we can do that tomorrow or friday depending on when we get the meetpad cluster cut over15:19
clarkbfriday gerrit downtimes also tend to be noticed less so that may be a good day for it15:20
tonybOkay.  Let aim for then.  Early in the day will give us time to recover if needed and not ruin the weekend15:21
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove old infra team puppet testing
clarkbthe mailing list spam is impressive in all the various tactics used20:51
clarkbfrom "your disk is full" to "we want to pay yuo money" to "illegal access was made" to "your shipment is on the way"20:52
clarkbI wonder if they keep stats on which campaigns are most effective and how they change in effectiveness over time20:52
clarkbthen use that to better tailor and target their campaigns. Or since its spam maybe they just spam20:52
tonybI expect they do have stats on which works best.  but I also think there are so many places doing it it'd be hard to see from our side20:56

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