Thursday, 2024-05-09

tkajinamit seems ceph-def-reef directory hasn't been created in repository mirrors even after is merged. Is there anything I have to check ?01:41
tkajinamI roughly guess something needs to be updated in each mirror to use the new AFS volume but I'm not too sure01:42
fungi$ ls /afs/
fungils: cannot open directory '/afs/': Permission denied02:03
fungilooks like setacl was run for the writeable /afs/ volume but not the read-only replica path /afs/
fungiaha, that wasn't it, the volume had never been released02:23
fungilooks like the last bit of might have been missed (where it says to vos release the new volume)02:24
fungitkajinam: i can browse successfully now02:25
*** benj_4 is now known as benj_02:27
tkajinamfungi, thanks ! let me try some puppet jobs to see if the contents can be consumed now02:36
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: [NebulOuS] Add repository for SAL
opendevreviewMichal Nasiadka proposed openstack/project-config master: kolla: Rework Grafana dashboards
Clark[m]fungi: frickler mentioned in the meeting before this one that the volume had the wrong name so it wasn't getting auto released15:03
Clark[m]tkajinam you probably shouldn't use the mirror until that is resolved as it may quickly become out of date due to the manual intervention necessary to "fix" it not running automatically 15:04
slittleSeeking help with ... seemingly no logs15:05
Clark[m]slittle: the logs load for me can you be more specific about what isn't available?15:09
clarkbtonyb: I'm around if you're still planning to proceed with the new meetpad cluster dployment. Just let me know how I can be useful and otherwise I'm around if anything has problems15:15
clarkbslittle: note the file does load slowly as it is quite large. That appears to be due in part to pip being set to an extreme debugging level where it is logging every available version of every packages you are installing15:26
clarkbslittle: if you go to the very end of the file the issue is it couldn't build a wheel for python-ldap which implies you need to install the ldap dev header packages15:29
clarkbbut also figuring out why you're getting all that debug output and turning it off would make the logs smaller and then they would load more quickly15:31
tonybclarkb: thanks.   my morning took a small left turn so it'll probably be an hour or so before I start that.15:31
clarkbtonyb: thats fine. That means I can go dig up some breakfast15:31
clarkbtonyb: I'm going to do some quick yardwork before it gets too hot. But I'll check matrix from my phone periodically so I think we're still good to proceed when you are ready18:08
fungiweather here in acadia has been ideal. high of 47f/8c with either heavy fog or a stiff breeze depending on time of day. perfect for all-day hiking18:25
fungibit of drizzle off and on, but that just served to drive the uncommitted indoors18:26
Clark[m]Today is the first day of the year where I have to consider switching the heat pump from heat to dual action mode. Not sure I'm ready to rely on AC but it will be warm the next few days18:36
fungithere's always opening windows and braving the allergens/humidity18:36
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: [DNM] Testing docs bump with new Sphinx
clarkbI've issued a new wiki cert and stuck the details in the normal location. I'm now going to figure out applying it to the wiki and then will issue an apache reload which should get it installed20:54
clarkb#status log Rotated wiki's ssl cert21:10
opendevstatusclarkb: finished logging21:10
clarkbfungi: ^ fyi I think that is done now. I only issued an apache2 reload not a restart. I notice there may be a couple processes hanging on for dear life. I figure when you get a chance you can look at it and decide if you want to do a full restart. The reload seems sufficient enough for my browser to get the new cert though21:10
clarkbalso I underestimated the cost of a year long cert. We're up to $11 now so a bit more than a beer21:13
JayFBought a beer in a city recently? :D 21:14
clarkbJayF: ya they are $8 around here now21:15
JayFI saw a $15 beer on a menu recently in downtown Seattle. It was stunning (but at the kinda place you'd expect to charge +33% for everything)21:18
fungiclarkb: should be fine, thanks for taking care of it early!22:09
fungidraft beer here in bar harbor costs less than that ssl cert, but not by much22:10
clarkbone spot near me has all day happy hour on sundays and then beer is only $522:11
fungihappy sundays indeed22:16

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