Monday, 2024-05-20

*** liuxie is now known as liushy02:08
fungiinfra-root: i can babysit (Add ubuntu noble arm64 to our package mirrors) today if we're ready to move forward with it13:21
tonybfungi: Seems like a good idea to me.13:24
tonybI'm looking the wiki services, do we prefer or ?  The former is good for DNS and LE, but all the content would be "OpenStack"  which might be strange.  I suppose ultimately we could run both have different configs for each.15:10
tonybNext question, I'd like to build our own container image, similar to other services but right now it's fairly ... volatile so there would be a lot of system-config churn while I get it right, and we wouldn't have a consumer in the near future.15:14
fungitonyb: thing is, all the content isn't necessarily openstack. some random non-openstack projects put things there, including other openinfra projects like starlingx15:47
fungiso given it's used by multiple projects, and if it's going to be maintained by the opendev sysadmins rather than just by the openstack tact sig, standing up the new service as and making a permanent redirect to it would make the most sense to me15:49
fungiworth bringing up in tomorrow's meeting, maybe15:50
tonybfungi: Okay.  That makes sense, I admit I was unaware that starlingx was already using it.15:51
fungithey have been since the inception of their project/community15:51
corvusopendev is using it... for one page at least... the meeting agenda :)15:52
fungialso for the statusbot, thanksbot, successbot...15:52
corvusoh yeah :)15:52
tonybOkay.  Cool.  I don't see any reason to keep it in the domain then.15:53
tonybWe'll need redirects etc but that's doable.15:53
fungiyeah, redirects are easy at least, we already host a ton of them on static.opendev.org15:54
fungithis is also a reason i don't think we care if the existing wiki theme works, we probably would want to drop it in favor of the default theme, and then later switch to an opendev theme if someone has the time and interest15:55
tonybyeah that makes sense.16:14
Clark[m]fungi: no objections from me but I'm not really around today16:27
fungiClark[m]: i didn't expect you to be!16:29
fungii'll go ahead with it then. thanks!16:30
fungii've got the ubuntu-ports reprepro command queued up in a root screen session on with the corresponding cronjob lock held in the second window of that session in case we need to do any further troubleshooting afterward16:48
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Add ubuntu noble arm64 to our package mirrors
fungilooks like it's already almost done deploying17:00
fungistarting mirror update script now17:01
fungioutput indicates noble is being included now17:01

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