Tuesday, 2024-05-21

fungiubuntu-noble arm64 mirroring completed successfully. i ran the script a second time just now to make sure it continues to run clean, which it does. i've released the lock on the ubuntu-ports mirroring cronjob, so it can take over periodic updates12:45
clarkbfungi: did we add x86 image builds to nodepool yet?13:53
fungiclarkb: not yet, no13:53
fungii suppose we can proceed with that today13:53
clarkbya I think with mirroring sorted out that would be the next step. Also side note dansmith points out that we need to use the newer (non default) version of ansible that zuul supports against noble13:54
clarkbalso gerrit made new bug fix releases as soon as I had tested everything on the last versions. I'll rotate those out and can do some quick testing this week to make sure nothing major changed13:56
clarkboh and need to announce the planned upgrade date of the 31st. I'll send email for that after the meeting if we still think that is a good day for it after discussion in the meeting13:56
fungigood callout about ansible. is there a reason we shouldn't take this opportunity to update our default version? seems like a good excuse to simplify our work overall13:58
clarkbya we probably should update the default version in our tenants, then we can update the default nodeset at a subsequent time13:58
clarkbI believe zuul's tenant has already done so and there was minimal to no impact?13:58
clarkbI've got do get kids to school in the next hour but when I get back I'll work on sending out a meeting agenda as well14:00
clarkbfungi: should the dns cleanup item stay on the agenda or is that done? I think you did clera out those records last week?15:49
fungiyes, that's done now16:00
clarkbok agenda is updated on the wiki. I'll get that sent out in a few minutes. Let me kniow if anything needs to be added16:11
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update Gerrit images to 3.8.6 and 3.9.5  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/92011516:52
clarkbthat is the gerrit release update I promised earlier today16:52
ildikovHi All, Has anyone had issues recently with opening etherpads in Google Chrome?18:58
ildikovI can open the same etherpad in Safari with no issues, but it keeps spinning in Chrome.18:59
fungii think clarkb uses chrome (or chromium) as his default browser?18:59
clarkbI use firefox as my primary browser then have chrome for thigns that don't work in firefox19:00
fungithough i also usually at least initially test etherpad upgrades with chromium19:00
clarkbildikov: ensure you don't have the etherpad open in another tab but also maybe try a hard refresh in case you ahve cached assets that need to be updated19:00
clarkbhttps://etherpad.opendev.org/p/gerrit-upgrade-3.9 just opened for me in chrome without any issues that I can see19:01
ildikov@clarkb I have other etherpads open, but not this one twice19:21
clarkbthat should be fine. Its only an issue to have the same etherpad open twice19:21
clarkbI suspect maybe stale cached content and a hard refresh should hopefully correct that19:22
fungiyeah, we've seen weirdness with browser sessions that straddle etherpad upgrades19:23
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Add Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (ubuntu-noble) nodes  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/92014919:40
fungiinfra-root: ^ as promised in the meeting just now. let me know if you want it split into stages instead19:40
tonybclarkb: the 31st still works for me.  I'll still be in MN so largely anytime that works for you is fine for me.19:54
clarkbtonyb: ok I'll send out an announcement for a 1600-1700 downtime on may 31 then20:32
clarkbJust need to get through some other stuff first20:32
clarkbJust sent the announcement22:10
ildikovclarkb: FYI, the etherpad I mentioned earlier that wasn't loading Chrome, it threw an Uncaught ReferenceError: Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined23:47

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