Friday, 2024-05-24

*** mtreinish_ is now known as mtreinish02:48
Clark[m]fungi: looks like we can set [runner.out] instances = N to some value N>1 (1 is default) in our mailman extra config file to append that config to the main mailman config. Then in theory we'll process sending email quicker. Maybe bump to 2 or 4?12:52
fungiClark[m]: sounds like what i recall from discussions. i'll double check, thanks!13:11
clarkbinfra-root is the change to add ubuntu-noble nodesets. I don't think there is any raeson to avoid using those nodes now. They seem to generally work and getting more feedback if they don't is a good thing15:32
clarkbthough I guess I really only checked the amd64 nodes not arm6415:32
fungieither way, having both nodesets doesn't hurt15:41
opendevreviewMerged opendev/base-jobs master: Add ubuntu-noble nodesets
clarkbshould we send something to service-announce about those nodes being available now?16:00
clarkbI don't think we've done that in the past, but it may be worthwhile?16:00
tonybclarkb: works for me16:02
fungiyeah, great idea16:03
clarkbOk I'll send a quick note about it16:04
clarkbI need to run some errands this morning but should be back in a bit16:49
clarkblooks quiet. I'm back around. I need to eat some lunch then I'm going to look at gerrit upgrade stuff with the new container images18:28
fungicool, i too am around but yes it's quiet18:28
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update Gerrit image tag to 3.9 (from 3.8)
clarkbthat is marked WIP but I'm trying to finish up some of the todos on the etherpad19:25
clarkband I've run through the upgrade and downgrade on the held node. Nothing seems to really stand out comapred to hte old attempts. I just used this as an opportunity to update version strings in the etherpad mostly19:44

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