Monday, 2024-05-27

*** darmach5 is now known as darmach06:52
opendevreviewLukas Kranz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix setting apt mirror for noble
opendevreviewLukas Kranz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix setting apt mirror for noble. currently setting the apt mirror for noble is broken as the format and the location of the sources file has changed.
opendevreviewLukas Kranz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix setting apt mirror for noble
fricklerhmm, if I click on the "This reverts commit 0ec71d87cd67c25790f56143a73bd65d3cbd6d36." link on and then on the origin commit, I get an error popup: "Error 400 (Bad Request): Invalid change format" although the link itself looks pretty normal10:43
fricklerseems to be specific to that review, I don't get the same for e.g.
fricklerI can also reproduce this in a different browser (chromium instead of ff) without being logged in10:49
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/project-config master: restrict enforced backport voting to master branch
SvenKieskeseems we only need backportvoting enforced in master branch, which makes sense, see discussion currently in #openstack-kolla11:53
opendevreviewSven Kieske proposed openstack/project-config master: restrict enforced backport voting to master branch
fungifrickler: the link loads for me, maybe gerrit's search index was lagging behind?12:23
fricklerfungi: I can still reproduce, even directly opening
fungioh, i think what changed is that the commit link now returns a page listing two changes. so only one of them is broken i guess12:32
fungino mention in error_log of the change number, change id or commit id for that either12:37
frickleryes, I tried to call it "origin commit", maybe that wasn't explicit enough. the error is only with "not-the-revert" one. but it also didn't occur to me earlier that the error happens when directly opening that review regardless from which source12:37
Clark[m]I'm not quite awake yet but it you open browser dev tools maybe you can see which component of the web UI is making that request and failing. It seems the change mostly loads so it's probably some less critical sub component of the page14:25
fricklerhmm, I see a successful query for and directly afterwards the failing query for (note the double "I")14:44
Clark[m]Maybe one of our regex rules is bad and over matching some text?14:46
Clark[m]For the URL links on comments 14:46
fricklerinitiator is gr-app.js:24203 for this and some other queries, but looking at the source this is some monster line
frickleroh, wait, there's actually two "created a revert" comments (the two last ones), the second has that "II" in it14:51
clarkbaccidentally turning on caps lock when you are using vimdiif to resolve gitea template changes between releases leads to a wild time16:23
fungicertainly sounds exciting16:26
clarkbannoyingly it was never going to be a clean diff so it is quite a pain to see if I fixed thinsg up properly16:29
clarkbI try again then compare results16:29
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update Gitea to version 1.22
clarkblooks like gitea has an undocumented breaking change requiring golang 1.22 or newer for gitea 1.2217:18
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update Gitea to version 1.22
clarkbI just made some small updates to the meeting agenda. I'll get that sent out closer to the end of my day. Get your stuff in or let me know what I should add/edit/remove17:40
clarkbI'm also likely to pop out after lunch to spend time with the kids after it warms up (its a holiday and they are out of school)17:44
fungihave fun!17:45
clarkb#status log  Set Storpool CI's Gerrit account (15670) back to active at their request after they indicated changes have been made to the CI system to address prior concerns22:00
opendevstatusclarkb: finished logging22:00
clarkbmeeting agenda has been sent22:04
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM intentional gitea failure to hold a node
clarkbI have requested an autohold for ^. Will use that to check some of the breaking change concerns like the doctor command execution22:09

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