Tuesday, 2024-05-28

opendevreviewLukas Kranz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix setting apt mirror for noble  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/diskimage-builder/+/92046606:15
opendevreviewLukas Kranz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix setting apt mirror for noble  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/diskimage-builder/+/92046606:18
opendevreviewLukas Kranz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix setting apt mirror for noble  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/diskimage-builder/+/92046608:09
opendevreviewMonty Taylor proposed openstack/project-config master: Add inaugust/wandertracks repo  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/92061608:59
Guest6802New repo from me- should I split those out into their own tenant? I notice a few more top-level tenants since the original ones were added.08:59
fricklerGuest6802: mordred? that you? hardly recognizing you after all this time ;) I'm fine with using the opendev tenant, doing a dedicated tenant is a lot of extra work and some of those we have could like get retired again if somebody wanted to clean up09:10
Guest6802frickler: it is indeed! :) ... awesome, less work is the thing we want here for sure.09:10
opendevreviewLukas Kranz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix setting apt mirror for noble  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/diskimage-builder/+/92046609:17
Guest6802frickler: thanks - fixing up those comments. I still have use-storyboard: False on other repos - want me to clean those up either in this commit or a followup? Or just leave them?09:22
opendevreviewMonty Taylor proposed openstack/project-config master: Add inaugust/wandertracks repo  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/92061609:35
opendevreviewMonty Taylor proposed openstack/project-config master: Add inaugust/wandertracks repo  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/92061609:36
fricklerGuest6802: Guest6802: this only place I currently see "use-storyboard: false" is for airshipctl? I think we can ignore that for now09:46
Guest6802oh! you're right - it's set to true for the other inaugust repos. silly me. thanks again!09:48
oschwarthey folks, I have uploaded a patch and I don't see it on the zuul status queue. Anyone can tell why?11:36
oschwartthe patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/designate-tempest-plugin/+/92065311:36
oschwartI don't see it here https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/status#92065311:36
frickleroschwart: the dependency is not mergeable since it is based on an outdated ps https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/designate/+/857978 ( see the "not current" on the relation chain)11:39
oschwartfrickler: so because the tempest plugin patch depends on a patch that uses another commit with a non-current version, the check pipeline won't even run?11:43
fungioschwart: correct. zuul is unable to12:11
fungizuul is told by gerrit that the change cannot merge12:11
fungithe outdated patch will need to be rebased onto a valid branch history12:12
fungiright now it has one or more parent commits that will never be in the branch12:12
oschwartok yes, I have just rebased 857978 on top of its parent's patch and now I do see the tempest patch running on the zuul status queue12:14
oschwartthanks frickler fungi12:14
opendevreviewLukas Kranz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix setting apt mirror for noble  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/diskimage-builder/+/92046613:11
opendevreviewLukas Kranz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix setting apt mirror for noble  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/diskimage-builder/+/92046613:17
dansmithclarkb: this is the thing I found when I was running into the problem as stated: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/8194613:33
dansmithclarkb: specifically "ansible-core 2.16 will be the earliest version to support Python 3.12"13:33
dansmiththat said, if it's just six deps that were the problem, then perhaps some distro package has patched that out...13:34
fungior if those deps aren't in the codepaths we commonly traverse13:50
tonybdansmith: clarkb: It looks like Noble ships ansible-core 2.16 so it should be fine right?14:11
dansmithtonyb: my case was trying to run ansible from jammy to configure a noble node, which wasn't working.. if you're running ansible *on* noble then I'm sure you're fine14:12
tonybdansmith: Ah okay.14:13
fungifrickler: were you putting together a py312 testing fix for pbr yet? if not, i've got it passing locally and am happy to push it up for review14:47
fungijust need to split it up into a couple of changes since there's more than one thing to fix14:49
fungithe good news is pbr itself doesn't seem to need any fixing, just some slight adjustments to the test environment14:50
clarkbdansmith: interesting. We're running zuul + ansible from bookworm with python3.11 and that seems to work fine against our noble nodes. I think with ansible core 2.1514:50
fricklerfungi: I didn't look at the actual failure yet, so please go ahead with that14:50
fungicool, i'll have it up in a few minutes14:51
dansmithclarkb: idk, I just know it wasn't working from my jammy on 3.10...14:51
dansmithdo you have six installed from package maybe? perhaps that'd be enough to make it work14:52
clarkbdansmith: maybe? I thought we had confined most of that to virtualenvs at this point but it is possible something is not isolated yet14:52
clarkbhttps:// is the held gitea running 1.22.0. Later today after all my meetings I'll have to see if I can figure out how to run the doctor command on that node16:16
clarkbin the mean time we can all poke at the web ui and ensure it looks happy16:16
clarkbactually doing the upgrade and running the doctor command is probably a post gerrit upgrade activity though so not a rush16:17
clarkbthe new gitea theme applies an off white background to the file view when using the light theme16:41
tonybIt looks fine in dark mode (although) it looks like different fonts get selected16:41
clarkbthere seemed to be a bit of a css refactoring based on some of the deltas in the template files16:43
clarkbthis does seem to be generally functional though16:44
tonybOh 'code search' came back17:16
tonybhttps://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/UYXjVbUv/Screenshot%20from%202024-05-28%2012-19-52.png https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/SqLkTbAx/Screenshot%20from%202024-05-28%2012-19-59.png17:21
tonybFor the mediawiki update/restructure there are several extensions and a theme that we need to grab from git.17:23
tonybin the case of gerrit we have googlesource as a source and the container build requires those repos.17:24
tonybI don't know if we want to do that for mediawiki or clone them directly at (container) build time.17:25
clarkbtonyb: the main reason to add them to zuul directly would be if you expect to use depends on17:26
tonybIf we're doing the latter is it better to clone them into first and then COPY them into place or do the clone directly in the Dockerfile?17:26
tonybclarkb: At this point I can't really see us needing to do that.17:26
tonybonce we get closer to mainline I'd expect us to stay on "latest stable"17:27
clarkbtonyb: I think its fine to clone in the dockerfile just use a multi stage build if possible to throw out the extra content when done17:30
tonybOkay I'll see what I can do.17:31
clarkbaltering tables for collations is probably safe to do online with the gitea service running but altering data from utf8 to utf8mb4 is probably not? I guess I need to figure out running this gitea doctor command while gitea is offline21:11
clarkbI'm going to turn off services on the held gitea node now while I figure that out21:12
fungii don't immediately see why it would be a problem. all the migration does is expand the column's representation by an empty byte21:12
clarkbfungi: I think that may cause it to need to create new tables though21:14
clarkbnot sure how seemless the handover is21:14
clarkbfwiw the convert seemed to run with gitea offline just fine. I had to figure out the right docker-compose incantation. I also took db backups before and after so I should be able to compare better now There is a deprecated config setting that we should address as part of this upgrade.21:18
clarkbthings are back on the held node and seem to work as well21:18
fungibut yeah since it's already highly redundant, we could probably orchestrate rotating through offline updates21:19
clarkbheh ok that confirms one of my fears. We're actually starting from a good point already on the held test node21:20
clarkbso the doctor is basically a noop21:20
fungioh, alls the better21:20
clarkbwell except that it invalidates the testing :)21:20
clarkbI can probably manually upgrade a held 1.21.11 node and then see if that works.21:20
clarkbOr fall back to taking a db dump on one of our nodes and testing against that21:21
tonybI feel like deploying 1.21.11 and holding it would be the 'least hassle'21:22
clarkbya I'm going to rebase my hold a gitea node change back to master so that it can build against 1.21.11 and then manually upgrade and run the doctor stuff and see if that shows any more improvements21:24
clarkbside note I just rechecked https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/919630 to finish up the d-g cleanup21:25
tonybclarkb: Thanks.21:25
corvusclarkb: yeah that's going to be a new table behind the scenes; would hold a table lock for that time, so certainly no writes there.  i'm not sure if it would block reads.21:25
clarkbcorvus: ack I think in that case since we have the ability to do these in a rolling fashion with gitea offline we should just do that. Its a bit more effort but should make it more transparent if anything goes sideways as we won't be actively servicing any requests21:26
clarkbits also a one time thing21:27
clarkb`docker-compose run -T --rm gitea-web gitea doctor convert` is the command fwiw21:27
clarkband it should report things like Converted successfully, please confirm your database's character set is now utf8mb421:27
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM intentional gitea failure to hold a node  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/84818121:28
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update Gitea to version 1.22  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/system-config/+/92058021:32
clarkbthat new ps updates our config to drop the deprecated config option21:33
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Retire devstack-gate  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/91963021:52
clarkbok the 1.21.11 uses a case insensitive collation but its str type is already utf8mb423:33
clarkbthis means I should be able to use that node to test the collation update but not the data conversion. However, the data conversion should also be straightforward and can backup the db on a node before doing it so risks are low without having this all perfectly tested23:34
clarkbhttps:// is the manually upgraded test node now running 1.22.0 with a converted db23:41
clarkbdiffing the dumps there shows everything using COLLATE=utf8mb4_uca1400_as_cs after the doctor tool is run23:43
clarkbprevious value was COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci (which again doesn't quite match prod because of how old the prod db is, but I think this shows the tool generally works and should do what it says on the tin )23:43
tonybclarkb: \o/23:44
clarkbI think our general plan should be to upgrade gitea to 1.22.x in the naer future. Historically they've always had a .1 or even .3 release not long after the .0 release23:44
clarkbThen once we've upgraded we can do the db conversion instance by instance and address any problems if they arise. The upside to waiting for gerrit's upgrade is that gives them time to produce the .1 release :)23:45
tonybSounds like a plan to me.23:46
clarkb`docker-compose run -T --rm gitea-web gitea doctor convert` is the command I ran and it is given a unique enough container name that it won't interfere with the normal service container (I was worried about this using docker-compose run but all is well)23:46

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