Friday, 2024-06-28

mordredoh fun ^^ 00:12
mordredwould be nice to be able to completely retire that PPA00:13
mordredclarkb: I did just add support for python-version files should you decide to start pyenv-ing in places00:14
mordred:) 00:14
tonybYeah RHEL-8 is python 3.8 so perhaps that will stick around.00:17
tonybmordred: I *think* for AFS clients we can switch to kAFS which I think would help with retiring that PPA.00:18
tonybI kinda have it in my game plan to treat Noble as a switchover point.00:19
tonybI need to verify what is available/works if you want the AFS utils bos, vos etc etc00:19
tonyboooo /me remembered ianw's patches 00:21
corvuswe should see what the oldest patch we can merge in 2024 is00:22
mordredactually - is the oldest I've got in my outbound that isn't in merge conflict and also isn't for an abandoned project (since that's cheating)00:26
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed ttygroup/gertty master: Allow the configured git-url to override gerrit
corvushonestly, i have no idea if that change makes any sense any more, and that's obviously cheating too.  :)00:29
mordred is my oldest without a merge conflict :)00:32
mordredwow - gertty is 9 years old!00:33
mordredcorvus: here's one of yours:
mordredcorvus: I think that gertty patch might win for "old and also passes tests after a recheck"00:37
fungii have a couple of open changes from 2014 but they're in abandoned repos00:42
fungialso i have a bunch of old puppet-related changes i should get around to abandoning00:54
fungibut not tonight00:54
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Test mirror services on noble
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Add an opendev specific build of mediawiki
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: DNM: Initial dump or mediawiki role and config
opendevreviewAdrian Vladu proposed openstack/project-config master: WOIP: x/cloudbase-init: move to GitHub
opendevreviewAdrian Vladu proposed openstack/project-config master: WOIP: x/cloudbase-init: move to GitHub
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: bootloader: Strip prior console settings
*** dmellado07553 is now known as dmellado075514:51
opendevreviewJulia Kreger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: bootloader: Strip prior console settings
mnaserI started building a bunch of elements for Cluster API to get kubernetes cluster images going, and I have successfully did it and its working really well with Zuul publishing them16:08
mnaserHowever, my only challenge is building rocky images, it seems that the only path is `rocky-container` ?  but it seems for some reason im getting some CA issues when pulling certain things inside rocky, is there a "use cloud image" option for Rocky by any chance ?16:08
clarkbmnaser: are you specifically asking about using disk image builder? If so no.16:13
mnaserclarkb: yeah, dib -- rocky-container is failing because for some reason containerd is getting tis cert verification errors16:13
clarkbwe successfully build rocky images using that element though and don't have CA issues as far as I know. NeilHanlon also hangs out around here and may be able to help debug16:13
mnaserI suspect maybe its a container issue then16:13
clarkbmnaser: I think that is our most recent build if you want to compare logs16:19
mnaserclarkb: thanks for sharing that, I think this is a containerd thing where its probably looking for the wrong path for the CA on rocky16:31
mnaserbecause I just realized I do a few curl's in some of the elements that work just fine16:31
clarkbcorvus: sean-k-mooney pointed out an interesting zuul reporting result here: all of the builds were cancelled and it reported -2 from the gate17:32
clarkbcorvus: looking at logs on zuul01 it appears that 915735's parent (915734) had a failing job causing 915735 to have its jobs cancelled. I would've expected 915735 to get reenqueued with new jobs and not reported teh acncelled state17:32
clarkbhowever it seems that 915734 gets reenqeueud instead at some later point and merges but 915735 never does and we report the cancelled state17:33
clarkbcorvus: I think the RETRY for nova-tox-validate-backport here is triggering a gate reset that never completes because retry isn't a true failing state. That then effectively orphans the reset for the child change (915735)17:39
clarkbI'll move this conversation over to the zuul matrix room now that I think I've done enough debugging on the opendev side17:39
mnaseris there a way to make DIB "break" its build process and let me chroot into its mounts to reproduce/test things?19:04
fungii'd be surprised if there's not a command-line option that tells it not to clean up after a failure19:08
clarkbmnaser: fungi: you edit the element script and put a line with bash in it19:11
mnaseroh wow that's so straightforward lol19:11
mnasergood call19:11
clarkbor sh or whatever shell is in the chroot and it should basically stop at that point in time giving you full interactive access then when you exit it will proceed19:11
fungifair enough. injecting an interactive bash invocation in the middle of a script seems like a hackish option compared to a --keep or --no-cleanup in the cli, but i agree that's fairly straightforward19:13
fungiand allows you to pick the exact breakpoint19:14
mnaserhonestly even if that option existed if I knew about bash thats how I'd do it19:14
fungior breakpoints if you want more than one, and then continue the process by exiting19:14
mnaserI'm more of a "echo XXXXXXXXXXXXX" debug type of person :p19:14
fungiyeah, i agree that's more flexible19:14
fungii definitely do my fair share of `echo $somevarimwonderingabout` or `print("this is the step we're executing")`19:16
mnaseryeah old habits die hard, I'd struggle using a proper debugger19:16
mnaserbut in other cool news we went from using packer inside k8s to a bunch of lightweight disk image builder elements and the image build process went from an unreliable 20-30 minutes to a reliable 8 minutes and half the size of the final image19:17
fungihah! take that, dib detractors!19:18
mnaserenv | grep /usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt => SSL_CERT_FILE=/usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt19:30
mnaserstat: cannot statx '/usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt': No such file or directory19:30
mnaserthats my issue, time to find out where thats coming ffrom19:30
mnaseraaaand absolutely no reference to that anywhere in dib19:31
mnaserok it's slurping that from my existing environment variables when im running it19:32
fungimnaser: i have a /usr/lib/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt on my debian systems but no package installed which claims that file, so it's presumably auto-generated by some post-install step19:35
mnaserfungi: yeah but I think what's happening is that that SSL_CERT_FILE env propagates into my rocky build, and that file doesnt exist on rocky19:36
fungils that file supposed to be on the host system or in the chroot?19:36
mnaserso I am getting tls issues because containerd is using that env variable19:36
fungiyeah that would make sense. maybe the environment isn't being properly sanitized or reset19:36
mnaserthats odd because im running this through Zuul and seeing the same issue, so maybe something in ubuntu that adds it19:36
mnaseror maybe it's something else, I just tried to unset it and retry locally19:37
mnaserok, successfully built locally, running remotely now and adding `env` and I'll see19:40
mordredmnaser: you know - the funny thing is - people love to detract and then point to things like packer - and I'm always like "yeah, we did the packer-style thing back in the early 2010's - there is a reason we stopped ... it's slow and flaky and always will be" :)20:52
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/project-config master: Retire kuryr-kubernetes and tempest plugin: end gate and update acl
fungibut, but... packer!21:54
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Install the docker-compose-plugin when installing upstream docker

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