Wednesday, 2024-07-17

*** gthiemon1e is now known as gthiemonge11:46
opendevreviewBernhard Berg proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: prepare-workspace-git: Add allow deleting current branch
opendevreviewBernhard Berg proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: prepare-workspace-git: Add allow deleting current branch
opendevreviewBernhard Berg proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: prepare-workspace-git: Add allow deleting current branch
frickleroh my, looks like almost all promotes have been failing for the last two days
fricklercorvus: are we ready to restart zuul once again with the latest fix merged? (iiuc only scheduler+web are affected?)13:35
frickleralso we may want to reenqueue the latest promote jobs for each project afterwards?13:35
corvuslooks like the change merged, i can restart sched/web now13:45
corvus#status log restarted schedulers/web for 92429213:58
opendevstatuscorvus: finished logging13:58
fungii'll try reenqueuing openstack/ossa 917860,1 in promote to see if it passes13:59
fungi"Build succeeded (promote pipeline)."14:01
fungiit just missed the 14:00 utc afs vos release, but should hopefully see the security site content update at 14:0514:02
frickler passed for k-a at least14:04
fungisecurity site updated to include the two changes i had approved earlier today14:05

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