Wednesday, 2024-08-14

*** ykarel is now known as ykarel|away15:16
clarkbinfra-root openstack says they aren't too concerned about changing the default nodeset in opendev to noble because most/all jobs related to the openstack release should be explicit about their node needs already15:36
clarkbwhat do we think about changing the default nodeset in opendev to ubuntu noble a week from today after I send email to service-announce today announcing this planned change?15:36
clarkbcorvus you may have specific throughts with respect to the zuul tenant?15:37
johnsomFeature freeze week is coming up. It might be best to change that early or after so folks working to get things in aren't impacted by mis-configured jobs relying on the default.15:38
clarkbjohnsom: right that was my concern but in the tc channel yesterday the indication was that there is very little concern for that beacuse devstack and tox jobs in openstack are all explicit15:39
clarkbit is also a very easy to revert change if we find things are on fire way more than anticipated15:39
clarkbnext week is the week before the larger feature freeze (libs/clients release next week though)15:40
clarkbjohnsom: are there any specific jobs you can think of that dno't have explicit nodesets set already?15:55
clarkbmostly looking for counter examples to try and predetermine the impact15:55
johnsomNot off the top of my head, sorry15:57
*** gthiemon1e is now known as gthiemonge16:00
corvusclarkb: i don't see a problem changing it for zuul (not to say there will be no problems, but just that i think it's fine and simple to find and fix them any time)16:38
clarkbin that case I think I'll go ahead and send an announcement planning to bump it next week. I can call out that a revert is straightfowrard if there are drastic issues that can't be resolved in a straight forward manner for some reason17:36
clarkbI will wait for tonyb to wake and give frickler a bit more time to chime in too (fungi was part of the discussion with the TC already so I think is one board but feel free to chime in here if I misread too)17:37
fungithe plan sounds good to me17:39
opendevreviewJan Gutter proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: [wip] Update ensure-kubernetes with podman support
opendevreviewJan Gutter proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: [wip] Update ensure-kubernetes with podman support
opendevreviewJan Gutter proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: [wip] Update ensure-kubernetes with podman support
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/base-jobs master: Change the default nodest to ubuntu-noble
clarkbI'm going to WIP ^ with a note about approving it on the 21st then I'll go and send the email announcing that plan22:16
clarkbI guess it is still only 8am ish for tonyb. I'll hold off sending what I have drafted for a little while longer in case there is concern22:23
fungiclarkb: any reason to hold approval on the cleanup fix for base-test?
clarkbfungi: I think the only reason would be to have corvus double check that I properly applied his feedback22:30
fungifair enough22:30
clarkbthat said I think I synthesized it properly in that change and its child Its probably fine especially since impact to base-test is so small22:30
corvuslgtm, thanks!22:46
clarkbgithub is down. Clearly time to send that email then go figure out dinner. On a more serious note in acse people notice jobs break due to this23:09

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