Saturday, 2024-09-07

frickleroh, that was my reproducer when there was the glance issue initially, thanks for cleaning it up05:56
fungias predicted, we had another burst of usage around the daily periodic trigger, and this time we did reach the full 32 nodes in raxflex-sjc312:40
fungiaccording to the graphs we had five boot errors between 23:28-23:33 and two more at 02:0712:45
fungiboth correspond with sudden spikes in server create requests12:46
fungithe 5 errors in that first span were all "Error scanning keys: Timeout connecting to on port 22" for different server create requests, so maybe there was something temporarily wrong with that fip address (or maybe still wrong? it never shows up at any other time in our logs)13:03
fungithe 2 errors in the later group were for trying to exceed ram quota, so maybe we briefly raced some backend utilization updates... "Error in creating the server. Compute service reports fault: Quota exceeded for ram: Requested 8192, but already used 262144 of 262144 ram"13:05
fungianyway, nothing serious so far13:06
fungiin other news, python 3.13.0rc2 is out. this is the last planned release candidate before 3.13.0 final13:09
fungithe cpython release managers are switching away from openpgp to sigstore for artifact provenance attestation13:24

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