Friday, 2024-09-06

*** dtantsur_ is now known as dtantsur01:57
opendevreviewSteve Baker proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Fix hashbang of non-executed bash libs
fricklerok, 27 jobs ran on raxflex so far, 92% success, so nothing severely broken I'd say. I think I'm going to bump max-servers to 20 now to give it some more testing while still being able to revert if something goes wrong before the weekend starts07:01
opendevreviewJens Harbott proposed openstack/project-config master: Bump max-servers for raxflex-sjc3 to 20
opendevreviewJames Page proposed openstack/project-config master: charms: add official repo jobs
fungifrickler: it looks like the current limiting factor in raxflex-sjc3 is ram, we have enough quota for 30 server instances with 8192mb ram each12:33
fungienough cpu for 98 server instances with 4vcpus each, and an instance quota of 4812:35
fricklerfungi: yes, that matches what I've seen, do you want to go to 30 immediately?12:40
funginah, this is fine12:40
fungii'll work on getting the new provider into grafana 12:41
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Add RackSpace Flex Nodepool dashboard in Grafana
fungii *think* that's all it takes12:46
cardoeWould you like me to get the quota bumped?12:48
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Bump max-servers for raxflex-sjc3 to 20
fungicardoe: eventually, but let's see how it fares for a few days first, we're not even pushing it to our available quota yet anyway12:57
fungiand thanks again!12:57
Clark[m]That looks about right. I'm avoiding the proper keyboard for now to avoid waking everyone up early13:00
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add RackSpace Flex Nodepool dashboard in Grafana
fungifor some reason, `openstack limits show --absolute` is broken with latest client/sdk versions, but if i comment out the bit in the client that tries to retrieve volume limits i can see the compute limits just fine14:21
fungiotherwise it gives the obscure error "Proxy.get_limits() got an unexpected keyword argument 'project_id'"14:22
fungibut with that, i can see that the current raxflex-sjc3 quotas for the nodepool project are 50 instances, 100 standard instances worth of cpu, and 32 standard instances worth of ram. floating ip quota seems to be unlimited14:24
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Increase raxflex-sjc3 max-servers to 32
fungithat's ^ for whenever others agree this is looking okay so far14:30
Clark[m]fungi: have any example job runs I can quickly check? Maybe tempest jobs too?15:02
fungiClark[m]: was one i was looking at last night15:05
fungicovers all the bases15:06
fungi"Took 2 hrs 20 mins 27 secs"15:06
Clark[m]ya that seems to be inline with runtimes in rax dfw15:09
fungicomparing to earlier successful runs, those are anywhere between 1.5 and 2.5 hours in other providers15:09
Clark[m] also shows swap being configured properly which was one of my main concerns give the disk setup there15:09
Clark[m]Looks like I've been signed out of all the things. I'll have to log back in after local updates and then I can +2 the change15:09
fungiactually, devstack could get smarter about it and reuse the existing swap device those nodes have, though i think it's only 4gb15:10
funginova can supply a swap device similar to how it supplies ephemeral disk, and in the case of the flavors in raxflex-sjc3 there's one ready to go15:11
fungiand the ephemeral disk is already preformatted ext415:11
Clark[m]Oh that's a good idea would speed up the jobs if minimally. But at least we aren't breaking things and ending up with no swap and also have enough disk for devstack15:12
Clark[m]Probably just need a check to skip setup if swap is already oresent15:13
fungiyeah, /dev/vdb is the pre-formatted ext4 ephemeral disk, and /dev/vdc is a prepped swap device15:13
fungiso in theory it could mount /dev/vdb on /opt and swapon /dev/vdc and save a fair bit of time, yeah15:14
Clark[m]Oh except /etc/fstab probably doesn't already have swap in it? So we would need to add the device and mount/swap on?15:14
fungicloud-init does find and add it to fstab, but glean doesn't no15:14
Clark[m]Ok slightly less easy if a fix but not bad compared to what is already being run there15:14
fungibut like i said, it's only a 4gb swap device, while devstack wants 8gb swap at the moment, so probably fine/necessary that we're creating it anyway15:16
Clark[m]ya though really it would be great if we could get that number back down to 1gb or less...15:16
clarkbok +2'd15:23
clarkbfungi: is there anything else I should be looking at before fading back into jet lag?15:26
opendevreviewElod Illes proposed openstack/project-config master: Use ubuntu-jammy for propose-update-constraints
fungiclarkb: nothing springs to mind. next week we can hopefully try to knock out the etherpad upgrade early15:33
clarkbfungi: I'll let you decidei f you want another reviewers before increasing the raxflax max-servers value. Risk seems low on that though so probably fine to go as is?15:35
fungiyeah, seems so. i'll self-approve so we can get additional data sooner15:36
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Use ubuntu-jammy for propose-update-constraints
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Increase raxflex-sjc3 max-servers to 32
clarkblooks like some kolla aarch64 build jobs are succeeding now. Do we think that could be related to the improvments Ramereth was making?15:58
Ramereth[m]I hope so :)15:58
fungiraxflex-sjc3 usage is starting to climb above 20 now according to
fungiwe had 21 nodes running jobs simultaneously there for a bit16:07
fungiit'll be a race to see if we can fully exercise the quota before friday developer activities hit their usual nosedive16:09
fungiclarkb: oh, if you do get time, feel free to weigh in on whether we should add before tagging gerritlib 0.11.016:18
fungibut it's not urgent, we're not "release on fridays" people after all ;)16:18
fungiand yeah, unless somebody goes crazy with a big stack of changes, we're probably waiting for the daily periodic trigger to fully exercise the new max there16:24
fungizuul's test node graph has been on a steady decline since the top of the hour16:25
opendevreviewMerged opendev/gerritlib master: Only installable on Python 3.10 and later
fungilooks like we did get another burst of zuul activity, so ~topped out the quota in raxflex-sjc3 for the past 20 minutes so far18:51
fungiyeah, it was maxed for about an hour19:33
fungithough it looks like it only managed to boot 31 nodes there, not 3219:36
fungibut no blips on the error node launch attempts graph at all21:02
fungiaha! i see why we only booted 31, there's a "frickler-test" instance in error state21:03
fungii'll clean that up21:03
funginow it should use up to 32 instances there21:03

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