Tuesday, 2024-10-08

corvusnaturally that failed; so i'm going to set another autohold and run again00:01
mnasiadkaclarkb: Right, any idea when that might happen? I don’t think DIB is managed in openstack/releases?05:39
ianwmnasiadka: dib releases are manual - clarkb happy to make one if you wish07:46
kevkoHi, anybody know what is happening with pypi mirror ? 11:36
kevkoConnection to mirror.bhs1.ovh.opendev.org timed out. (connect timeout=60.0)')': /pypi/simple/setuptools/   11:36
ianwit does look like mirror.bhs1.ovh.opendev.org is not responding11:57
ianwit reports as active from api12:02
kevkocan anybody check it please ? 12:06
ianwi can't see the console12:16
fungiconfirmed, i can ssh into mirror.gra1.ovh but not mirror.bhs1.ovh, checking the nova api12:16
fungiserver show says it's active, console log show is taking a while to return12:18
ianwmirror03.gra1.ovh.opendev.org console works12:18
ianwfungi: never returns for me; and also trying to get to it via the OVH mgmt website throws an error12:19
fungicnosole irl show also seems to be timing out12:19
fungier, console url show i meant, of course12:19
ianwfungi: want me to reboot it, see what happens?  i think this is an ovh problem12:20
fungiianw: should we try to do a server reboot?12:20
fungiyeah, agreed12:20
fungigo for it12:21
fungishows it's in a reboot state12:21
ianwyeah, if console doesn't come back maybe a full stop/start12:22
fungihttps://public-cloud.status-ovhcloud.com/ doesn't indicate any widespread issue in that region at least12:23
fungiif we can't get it restarted, we can temporarily turn down that nodepool region12:24
ianwsigh, still rebooting, and can't stop it if it's rebooting12:25
fungiwell, stop would probably have failed similarly12:25
fungii've set max-servers to 0 there for the moment12:29
fungii'll add nl04 to the emergency disable list while i put a change together12:29
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Temporarily disable OVH BHS1 launching in nodepool  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/93177712:34
fungiinfra-root: ^12:34
fungionce that merges i'll take nl04 out of the emergency disable list12:35
Clark[m]ianw: I think a dib release should be fine. There have only been a few commits since the recent release13:45
Clark[m]fungi: the mirror responds to http(s) for me now13:50
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Finish upload job  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93135514:01
corvusapparently it needs the segment-size argument ^14:02
corvusi thought that was automatic based on my previous testing, but for some reason, this time it just did one stream14:03
fungiClark[m]: oh! excellent, i was afk for a few but will check to see if they updated the ticket14:03
corvusClark: fungi ^ if you have a sec to re-review 931355 i think we can try again :)14:03
fungiyep, on it14:04
fungiovh hasn't replied to the ticket yet as far as i can see, so we should probably wait a bit for a post-mortem before we assume it's probably staying up14:07
fungialso ssh is still timing out for me14:08
fungiwhich is odd since https is working14:08
corvusfungi: ssh wfm14:09
fungiyeah, socket timeout reaching 22/tcp over ipv614:09
fungiv4 is indeed working14:09
fungiaha, 443/tcp isn't reachable over v6 either14:10
fungiso ipv6 connectivity to the mirror is still broken14:10
fungithe server never rebooted either, "up 321 days"14:10
fungiand yes, it's still stuck reporting "reboot" status according to nova14:11
fungii'll try rebooting it from the cli since i can reach it over v414:11
fungiworth noting, the v6 default route on the node is still there, and through a gateway that's marked reachable in its neighbor table14:12
corvusi just lost a connection to bridge14:14
fungisorry, that was me :/14:14
corvuswhew.  good to clean out the cobwebs every now and then anyway :)14:14
fungiyeah, it's on its way back up now14:14
fungiand up again14:15
fungi#status log Rebooted bridge0114:15
opendevstatusfungi: finished logging14:16
fungiat least we're running on a new kernel that way14:16
fungiapologies to anyone who had something running there that i accidentally interrupted!14:16
fungiso anyway, mirror02.bhs1.ovh has a default v6 route through 2607:5300:201:2000::1 and that's reachable and responding to ping from the server14:18
fungiwhen i traceroute6 from home to the mirror, the last hop that responds is an address in an ovh assignment14:21
fungiit's a small (/44) allocation, but unfortunately it has a very generic netname in whois so i don't know how far into their network that really is14:22
Clark[m]Is it possible that v6 was the problem all along?14:23
fungientirely possible, i didn't think to try v4 networking, maybe ianw didn't either14:24
fungitracerouting in the opposite direction from the mirror to my home v6 address, it gets two hops through ovh's network and then stops14:24
fungii'll try a command-line reboot from the server now, but have an increasing suspicion it will come back into the same state14:25
stephenfinfungi: clarkb: Would one of you be able to change the topic of the #openstack-sdks channel for us. We'd like it to point back to launchpad rather than storyboard14:26
Clark[m]It would surprise me that the control plane is trying to use ipv6 too and failing so the state changes never occur/register14:27
stephenfinfungi: ...and I see you just replied on #openstack-sdks. Sorry for the nosie14:27
corvusshould we consider omitting inactive repos from the on-image cache?14:29
fungii thought we did, i guess we only skip them if they're using the retired acl?14:29
corvusoh that may be, i was just assuming based on names i see scrolling by; but yeah, maybe some of these just aren't actually retired14:30
fungiwe should at least consider also skipping any that aren't in any zuul tenant14:30
Clark[m]Yes we should skip any with retired acls. Worth double checking though14:30
fungisince we've been removing repos with broken job configs from tenants14:30
corvusyes, we do have many fewer repos on the image than in projects.yaml14:31
fungiit's also possible that when openstack got its own separate retired project acl, we didn't add it to the list of what to skip14:31
corvusso i assume it's working, but we might be able to eek out a small improvement if we add in some other heuristics like zuul tenancy14:31
corvus            if acl and os.path.basename(acl) == 'retired.config':14:32
fungiso, rebooting mirror02.bhs1.ovh neither fixed its v6 reachability nor did it clear the reboot status nova is reporting for it14:33
corvusi think that retired.config works for both14:33
fungiit remains reachable via ipv4 after the reboot however14:33
fungii'll update the ovh trouble ticket in a few minutes with latest findings14:34
clarkbI guess we should still land the nodepool config change since no ipv6 is a problem for job success?14:37
clarkbfungi: if you agree ^ maybe go ahead and +A the change? I +2'd it but didn't approve in case we think we can just return it to service somehow14:38
mnasiadkaianw, clarkb : I assume we want to hold off with merging https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/diskimage-builder/+/924421 with that planned release to fix locale and then do a major one after this lands?14:39
clarkbmnasiadka: yes that seems like a good plan. Do a quick bugfix release for locales then plan to do a bigger release with the potentially breaking for users change to the rocky element14:41
clarkbI don't think that will affect opendev because we always specify vm but other users may be impacted14:41
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: WIP: testing  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93134714:44
corvusclarkb: fungi ^ i'd like to see if we can use ansible env variables to hold the credential information and make it safe to run without no_log -- can you double check that test change before i run it through its paces?14:46
corvus(i want to run the job and then see if the fake credential strings show up in any of the logs)14:47
clarkbcorvus: you seem to have overridden the secret in its entirety so I don't think there is any way for that to leak info14:49
clarkbor rather leak sensitive info. We don't know if it will leak the public test data14:49
opendevreviewDoug Goldstein proposed openstack/project-config master: Update ironic ACL for editHashtags  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/93179914:50
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Stop using temporary registry  https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul-jobs/+/93171314:55
corvusclarkb: yep, thanks; just wanted more eyes on that to make sure i didn't miss something :)14:57
corvusi'll send it and we can see what happens14:58
fungiyes, looks like a safe test14:59
fungiand then we can examine the ansible output/manifest to see if the overridden strings show up anywhere14:59
opendevreviewMerged opendev/zuul-jobs master: Finish upload job  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93135515:03
fungimerge failed15:03
clarkbfungi: merge of what failed?15:04
fungiError merging gerrit/opendev/zuul-jobs for 931347,1115:04
fungithe wip child of the change that just merged15:04
fungiso we didn't get an actual build in gate to inspect15:05
fungioutdated parent?15:05
clarkbI think they may have been disconnected in git so not actually sharing a relationship to resolve conflicts15:05
fungiyes, correct. they merge-conflicted in gate15:06
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Update ironic ACL for editHashtags  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/93179915:06
fungiso i guess it needs a rebase on the current branch tip15:06
fungimirror.bhs1.ovh is reachable over ipv6 again!15:10
clarkbI wonder if ipv6 coming back allowed the nova status to reconcile too15:11
fungistatus is still "reboot" in nova though15:11
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: WIP: testing  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93134715:16
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: WIP: testing  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93134715:17
corvusokay i think that dtrt15:18
corvusoh! i forgot something in the real change -- the artifact was returned from the role i removed, so i need to add that back.15:18
corvusoh here's a pickle -- we were using sdk to get the endpoint to construct the url of the image we uploaded; i wonder if the swift cli can provide that information15:21
timburkecorvus, running `swift stat -v <container> <obj>` should give you the full URL of the object (among a bunch of other info)15:24
corvustimburke: perfect thanks!15:24
timburkeif you're just interested in the OS_STORAGE_URL, you can get that with `swift auth`15:24
corvusoh yeah that'll work too15:25
corvusneither of these are hard to parse -- but json output might be cool to have someday :)15:26
timburkewrote up https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-swiftclient/+bug/208394815:36
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Return image artifacts  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93181515:59
corvusclarkb: fungi https://zuul.opendev.org/t/opendev/build/fd8e5201483c4f5688f1368774f50885 the only "leak" i see is the output of the credential id in that error message; i think we decided we weren't very worried about that.  i don't see "testcredentialsecret" in any of the output files, and i don't see testcredentialid anywhere except in those error messages,  so i'm inclined to think this approach should be safe.16:03
corvusif you agree, then https://review.opendev.org/931815 incorporates that, along with getting the url and checksums for returning the artifact.16:04
fungiyeah, not long ago i was wondering really how sensitive we found that id, and a quick grep of irc logs indicates we've pasted urls with the id in them with some regularity16:05
fungisince it appears as part of a url for at least some systems, i wouldn't consider it worth trying to keep secret16:06
clarkbya the only other thought I've got is wondering what the scope of that credential is.16:06
clarkbIf it does leak because ansible or swiftlcient change then what is the impact16:06
clarkbis it bad enough that we want to try the dedicated user with acl thing and see if we can make that work instead or is the application credential scoped to that service and region already so maybe we care less? I don't know16:07
fungiwell, to be clear, i meant the parent account id is scattered all over the place, so worrying about a sub-credential id is fairly pointless16:07
clarkbfungi: this isn't currently a sub credential aiui fwiw16:08
clarkbbut I agree that it seems like any id is fine to expose16:08
fungiyes, passwords and api keys are what we should be worried about guarding16:09
corvusoh the application credential that is the subject of this secret is not our main credential.  it is an "application credential" that i created just for uploading images16:10
corvusi don't think it's the thing that shows up in the url16:10
clarkbcorvus: right the thing in the url should be the id portion. What I'm curious to know is if that credential is a global one for the account16:11
clarkbI don't know what kind of scoping it has if any16:11
corvusyes it is global for the account; the scoping that it has seems pretty coarse16:11
clarkbin that case I think my inclination would be to be careful here even if that means continuing to no log things16:11
corvusthere were like 6 things like "creator" "reader" and some others.  no idea what any of them mean.16:12
clarkbmaybe rewrite them so that we can manually remove the no log to aid in debugging later while still likely being safe?16:12
fungii'm still not especially worried about the application credential id as long as there's still a strong api key or password we're not exposing, but i understand the hesitance16:13
corvusclarkb: which part concerns you?  having them as env variables?  potential leaking of the id?  or potential leaking of the secret?16:13
clarkbcorvus: potential leaking of the secret without nolog if say exception handling does the wrong thing16:14
fungiin unrelated news, mirror02.bhs1.ovh.opendev.org is Status:ACTIVE again, so probably safe to put that region back into use but i've seen no reply on our trouble ticket about it yet16:15
jrosserit is possible to add access rules to an application credential (different to keystone roles), to limit their usability to particular apis16:16
fungilooks like the mirror has been up since the manual reboot i performed, so whatever got corrected was only on the backend16:16
corvusclarkb: okay, if we're worried about command line clients outputting secrets, then i have no counter to that.  but if so, then we should probably not use the environment variables at all since anything could access it and print it.  that includes that "swift stat" command i just added.16:16
clarkbcorvus: historically openstack hasn't been very good about this. Openstack client very explicitly has tried to not leak things that way but historically the other client tools have not16:17
corvusjrosser: possible for a user or a cloud admin?16:17
clarkbunfortunately, we're not able to use the openstackclient here without hitting other bugs so...16:18
jrossercorvus: you can do that as a user https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/latest/user/application_credentials.html#access-rules16:18
jrosserwhat is difficult with it though, is for more complex things, perhaps server create, that you just have to know that glance/neutron/<other> are also involved and those have to be allowed as well16:19
clarkbin this case it would just be for swift so maybe we're lucky with a simple case?16:19
corvusjrosser: neat.  i did not see that in the web ui i used to create the cred; but we could try doing that from the cli.16:19
jrossercould well be, yes.... simple things will be much more straightforward16:20
fungifwiw, we've considered any leak of client credentials in client/lib projects a severe security vulnerability unless it occurs when debugging options are enabled16:20
jrosserif you're concerned that the application credential is too powerful then access rules are useful, but I have found them to be quote difficult to configure16:20
clarkbfungi: but aiui they still occur with non zero frequency in logs/crash handling?16:21
fungithey shouldn't, unless it's in debug level log entries16:21
fungiand even then, projects have moved toward trying to mask them (there's specific functionality for that in oslo.log now since years)16:22
corvus(if we are concerned about this i could have saved some time and not run that test since this is not falsifiable with a test)16:22
clarkbswiftcleint doesn't use oslo.log I don't think16:22
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Return image artifacts  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93181516:24
corvusokay, there it is with no env variables and no logging i think16:25
clarkbah but it does use keystoneauthv1 which does use oslo.log? anyway if we scope things I feel more comfortable dropping the no log if we're not scoping then I thinkw eshould be careful /me reviews the change above16:26
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Delete images after 72 hours  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93181916:28
clarkbcorvus: re the use of async does that help if we're still doing things serially task by task on a single node? (I'm just trying to undersatnd the benefit to async in the hash tasks)16:28
corvusyes, those get backgrounded and then we check the result after the upload16:28
clarkboh I see we check for them later16:29
clarkbgot it thats special poll=0 behavior16:29
clarkblooking at that application credential acl stuff and thinking about jrosser's feedback I wonder if openstack could provide some "recipes" for that16:38
clarkbliek one for "create server" and another for "swift usage but nothing else"16:38
clarkbbut I think we could set up swift acls by setting path to /**, service to object/swift/whatevertheofficialserviceis, and then create a rule like that for one each of HEAD,PATCH,GET,POST,PUT ?16:39
fungii've removed nl04 from the emergency disable list, set max-servers back to 120 for ovh-bhs1, abandoned 931777 and closed the ticket in ovh about it16:39
clarkbif we wanted to be even fancier we could scope it to the specific container using better path rules16:40
clarkbbtu I think even just "this can only do swift api actions" is a big improvement16:40
corvusdo we have to specify the method?  can we use * instead of GET?16:43
clarkbcorvus: the docs that were linked only mention wildcards being valid for path not method. But maybe the docs are incomplete?16:43
jrosserhere is what we ended up with for server create https://paste.opendev.org/show/bLejT3tuJqaUusE61tX4/16:45
clarkboh swift probably uses DELETE too16:45
clarkbjrosser: recipe #1 right there :) more seriously that sort of thing would probably make a good appendix to the doc you linked to?16:47
clarkbthen people can add additional ones as they are created and known to work?16:47
jrosserthat would be great really16:47
jrosseri think what was most difficult about it was that as an end user it was pretty opaque why the rule you were working on did not work16:48
jrosserit was only by also digging through the service logs could you find some 2nd order 4xx to then allow that as well16:48
fungikeep in mind that if someone compromised the image publishing credentials, they could in theory upload their own image to replace one mid-process before it got pushed to glance and added to the zuul launcher, so could inject a custom version of some binary which then alters our container images of things like zuul or gerrit backdooring them. or alter openstacksdk release packages so that when16:51
fungiwe install a new version on our bastion server it's compromised. as such i'm not sure there's a ton of benefit from spending lots of time trying to tightly scope it, since uploading images to the swift container is already a possible key to the kingdom (even if a somewhat circuitous one)16:51
jrosseri would also not the gigantic caveat in the docs `Application credentials with access rules require additional configuration of each service that will use it`16:51
clarkbjrosser: on the backend you mean? I guess they have to opt into checking the restrictions with keystone?16:52
corvusso we'll need to figure out if this will work with rax-flex16:52
corvusfungi: zuul can perform checksum when it's doing the cloud upload  (i don't think we've written code that does that yet, but we can).  we can compare it to the checksum we make when we return the artifact to zuul, so it's effectively a "did someone compromise the intermediary object storage" check.16:53
fungiyes, i was thinking that checksum verification would be a good way to thwart that16:54
corvus(only trusted points in that are zuul's database and the image build node)16:54
clarkbjrosser: thanks. This is good info if it doesnt' work we can feed that back to $cloud16:55
fungiafaik rax-flex is basically just a very recent vanilla openstack, and the "weirdness" with our basic credentials is simply because they're using a federated login to their old/existing account system, but the accounts also have local ids within keystone so we should be able to use whatever the usual openstack apis are to lock them down16:55
fungithe ids we ended up using in our clouds.yaml are the local keystone ones rather than the federated ones16:56
clarkbfungi: ya but according to the doc above they need toconfigure swift with keystonemiddleware to make this work16:56
clarkbwhich they may or may not do16:56
fungioh, got it16:57
clarkbI think everything is still checking on the vanilla clloud side of things and we should avoid problems with the federated logins. But still needs special configuration16:57
corvusremote:   https://review.opendev.org/c/zuul/zuul/+/931824 WIP: verify downloaded image checksum [NEW]        <-- made a note so i don't forget to write that.16:57
clarkbfwiw I =2'd it because I think merging it with a todo is fine as well17:00
fungiprobably the biggest concern with that mitigation is time. reading a 25GB file in order to checksum it is not fast, though we could probably parallelize that by checksumming chunks17:00
fungiand we have to checksum it twice (once when creating the image, then later when retrieving it for upload to glance), so twice the time17:01
fungimaybe we want gpu flavors from our cloud providers ;)17:01
fungithen again, it's just as likely to be i/o bound and that's not as easy to solve17:04
fungioh, unless we checksum the swift upload and download chunks since that's already happening in parallel?17:05
fungiwe already have to read the image from disk to upload it to swift and to glance, so i guess if we do the checksumming inline with those reads we're already stuck with, it shouldn't increase the number of reads from disk17:06
fungiwe could also checksum inline with the download from swift instead and then not even bother with starting the glance upload if the checksum doesn't match17:07
fungibut yeah, regardless, keeping performance in mind in the design will be important17:08
mnasiadkaianw: so if you can - then please release a new minor version of DIB - hopefully it fixes Kolla-Ansible Ansible locale issues ;-)17:40
clarkbthe TC meeting has me mulling an idea. A job setup where you deploy an openstack using devstack/kolla/whatever then pause that job and then have several other jobs run to test various api interactions using various versions of things18:27
clarkbfor example that the current release of openstacksdk/openstackclient work but also master and maybe the stable releases too18:27
clarkbI don't know if that would be more or less headache then having a separate cloud for each of those18:27
clarkbbut it occurred to me that we could prbably share resources if it would be useful18:28
fungiin that design it would necessarily use multiple job nodes18:31
clarkbparticularly if you are booting many VMs18:33
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Switch the remaining opendev zuul tenants to ansible 9 by default  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/93132019:15
clarkbI've not seen anyone complain about ^ yet. I need to do a school run in a bit and if there are no complaints still I guess I'll proceed with merging that ozj change20:43
fungiyeah, all's quiet on the nwestern front20:51
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Return image artifacts  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93181521:42
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Delete images after 72 hours  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93181921:42
ianwjust for the logs i did try pinging on ipv4 when mirror02 was down: 21:42
ianw[iwienand@fedora19 dist-git]$ ping -4  mirror.bhs1.ovh.opendev.org21:42
ianwPING mirror.bhs1.ovh.opendev.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.21:42
ianw--- mirror.bhs1.ovh.opendev.org ping statistics ---21:42
ianw3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2083ms21:42
ianwyay clouds21:44
clarkbmaybe their network gear recovers ipv4 more quickly21:52
clarkblooks like I'm still in the clear to land that ozj ansible-lint update. I'll hit the approval button shortly21:54
clarkbI've rereviewed my own change to triple check there weren't any silly typos22:04
clarkbI'm going to go ahead and self approve it now with only fungi's actual review22:05
clarkbianw: btw we just updated the openafs version built on centos 9 stream because the previous one stopped building there (incompatible function declarations in the kernel and openafs for abort()). I couldn't find anything else that needed to be done to consume that new rpm so I think it must be automatic?22:06
clarkbnot sure if you recall22:06
corvusclarkb: apparently we don't get to register stdout on a no_log task, so my method of obtaining the url from the swift command won't work22:08
clarkbcorvus: I guess in that case we have to risk it. I did do some digging after fungi pointed out that oslo.log should handle things and while swift and swiftclient don't directly consume oslo.log the keystoneauth lib does and I guess as long as you mark items secret=True it is supposed to handle it automatically for you22:10
ianwclarkb: that bump should be it; it should make it's way to https://tarballs.opendev.org/openstack/openstack-zuul-jobs/openafs/ which is then used to install 22:10
clarkbnow there has been at least one case of a config option accidentally lacking secret=True in the past, but we're probably fine for this case at least as long as the toolchain stays relatively static? We're installing from the distro right? so that should be the case until we bump the test node up?22:10
corvusclarkb: an alternative would be to just hard-code the url.22:10
corvusre distro install: yes22:11
clarkbcorvus: oh ya if it is a static thing in rax-flex that also seems reasonable (with rax proper you have to use the cdn and its a bit more convoluted)22:11
clarkbI think it is still static for rax with the cdn but its some hmac hashed domain name?22:11
corvusi think it's https://swift.api.sjc3.rackspacecloud.com/v1/AUTH_f063ac0bb70c486db47bcf2105eebcbd  for this account22:12
clarkbthat does seem workable too then22:12
clarkbarg centos 9 stmrea just updated the kernel again so ozj change won't land22:13
clarkbI'm going to manually request that nb04 rebuild centos-9-stream now in hopes that maybe I can land that tomorrow morning instead22:14
clarkbkernel-devel-aarch64 = 5.14.0-513.el9 is needed by openafs- <- is the latest error. 514 appears to be the new kernel so I think we must be booted on 513 and thus its looking for those headers but only finding the modern 514 ones? I'm trying t oconfirm via the job facts22:16
clarkbya BOOT_IMAGE: (hd0,gpt3)/boot/vmlinuz-5.14.0-513.el9.aarch6422:16
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Return image artifacts  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93181522:16
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Delete images after 72 hours  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93181922:16
corvusclarkb: can you re-review 931815 and see if that lgty?22:16
clarkbcorvus: the artifact change lgtm. What is with the zuul.success to zuul_success change?22:19
clarkbis the zuul var loaded at the top level as zuul_success instead of an entry in the zuul dict?22:19
corvusthere was a reason for that i think... since it changes over different playbook runs22:20
clarkbgot it22:20
clarkb+2 from me22:20
clarkbI made the image build request on nl01 and that returned an error about trying to build some non disk image builder image. Running the command against nb04 it worked so I guess some sort of config issue22:27
clarkbalso we've got a zk entry for a debian-bookworm-arm64 image build with invalid json in it22:28
clarkbdoing a dib-image-list shows that. I suspect we can just delete the zk db record for that?22:28
clarkbin any case I think the request is in now. A different image is ucrrently building though. Hopefully this will be in a happier spot tomorrow morning22:28
opendevreviewMerged opendev/zuul-jobs master: Return image artifacts  https://review.opendev.org/c/opendev/zuul-jobs/+/93181523:27

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