Wednesday, 2024-10-09

opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: Remove vm element from container based image
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed opendev/system-config master: Add MariaDB community repository to cache mirrors
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove copr mirrors from the list
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove linuxcontainers mirrors
jrosser^ i wonder what the disctinction is between the things that are proxypass/cached and those which are done with reprepro08:28
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed opendev/system-config master: Add rabbitmq caching mirrors
noonedeadpunkI also wonder why they're failing with retry limits...10:37
noonedeadpunkI think reprepo does full sync of the remote mirror, while proxypass jsut caching static content, which should occupy very small diskspace, while also in general having locally cached files at some time10:39
noonedeadpunkso running a job only 1 out of N will really go to internet for data10:40
noonedeadpunkAnd I wonder if we're just getting rate limited for the rabbitmq mirror10:41
fungijrosser: noonedeadpunk: we typically use reprepro and rsync for making filtered copies of distro package repositories (pared down by version and architecture, as well as leaving out some content that ci jobs aren't going to need, e.g. installer images). we mostly use proxying for things that are too large for us to have any hope of mirroring... pypi, npm, dockerhub, et cetera12:23
noonedeadpunkcan you check pls why all of patches are in retry_limit?12:24
noonedeadpunkas there're no logs at all and that's very confusing12:24
funginoonedeadpunk: all which patches?12:34
fungi indicates most jobs are successful currently12:34
fungioh, system-config. first guess is it could be related to the ansible increase, but i'll see what the executors are doing12:36
fungibingo, we need to drop the xenial nodes from those jobs or set them back to an older ansible version temporarily: "ansible-core requires a minimum of Python2 version 2.7 or Python3 version 3.6. Current version: 3.5.2 (default, Jan 26 2021, 13:30:48) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609]"12:44
fungii don't recall what the plan was for dealing with this, though i vaguely remember it coming up in discussion previously, since we knew new ansible wasn't going to be able to run anything on xenial nodes12:45
ravlewHello, I am done with my troubleshooting for , it can now be cleared. Thank you for stopping it for me.12:55
fungiravlew: will do, thanks! hope it helped12:55
ravlewit sure did :)12:55
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/ master: Add records for our first Zuul launcher
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Add an inventory entry for our first Zuul launcher
fungii launched that ^ in the same cloud region as the existing zuul servers, though i built it from a jammy image instead of focal (wasn't sure if we were ready to start putting these on noble)13:33
fungiif folks want to use noble for it instead, i'm happy to respin that13:33
clarkbnoonedeadpunk: fungi: reminder it helps (me at least but I think generally) if people link tp specific failures rather than changes. It is common to get a list of changes or a specific chnage and be told X is failing then I have to spend 5 minutes finding why people believe that. Just link to the failure14:25
clarkbfungi: for the specific issue I have a change up to drop system-config's xenial testing. As an alternative we could pin xenial runs to ansible 814:26
noonedeadpunkclarkb: yeah, make sense, and I think you pointed already to that, though I by habbit continue linking changes, sorry :(14:29
noonedeadpunkwill try to do better in future14:29
noonedeadpunkjust I precieve that differently when checking things, as  wanna see if change doesn't contain anything which can alter zuul behaviour or jobs before checking jobs themselves14:30
clarkbhalf the time it isn't a big deal but the other half the time there will be 4 failures on the change 3 of which are known problems and can be ignored and only one is the novel thing that they want me to look at. But rarely is that context known so I'll spin my wheels trying to figure out what is going on. Its just easier if you link to the line or task in a job that broke in an14:32
clarkbunexpected way and I can work backward from there very easily to the surroundign context if necessary14:32
noonedeadpunk++ yeah. makes sense14:32
clarkbin this case I think our options are to remove xenial or update xenial jobs to use ansible 814:33
clarkbsince we're already leaning towards removing xenial that is my preference, but if others would prefer an ansible 8 pin for those jobs let me know I can push that up instead14:33
noonedeadpunkI think it might be challenging given min python version reuqired14:33
clarkbwell ansible 8 was known to work, we just bumped up to ansible 9 by default14:34
noonedeadpunkwell, if you're building pyenv - then yeah, probably it will.14:35
clarkbmnasiadka: fwiw ianw made a dib release and I tried getting new nodepool iamges published overnight (relative to my timezone) but there was a failure. I've restarted that process now that my day has restarted.14:45
clarkbmnasiadka: once those are deployed any new cetnos builds should haev the c.utf8 locale included I thope14:46
mnasiadkaThanks for the info14:46
clarkbfungi: the mm3 upgrade will be impacted by the xenial thing (just a heads up that we should probably try to address that one way or another soonish)14:47
clarkbthe base job in particular runs against xenial iirc and we run that on all/most changes14:47
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update Gitea to 1.22.3
clarkbthat too will likely fail but we can see if gitea tiself is working at least15:04
clarkbmnasiadka: the nodepool deployment is currently running: any image build that starts after that job completes should have the fix you're interested in. We host the build logs via https so can confirm from there too15:05
clarkbmnasiadka: I'll manually retrigger build of centos-9-stream after that deployment to speed things up15:05
fungii'm going to run some errands over lunch, but should be back in an hour or so15:29
clarkback when you get back we should make a decision on xenial testing and move forward with that15:29
fungiagreed. i already +2'd it back in... august? but wasn't clear if we were ready to go ahead15:30
clarkbI feel like its still a bit early given the sutation we're in but we can make it work15:32
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/zuul-jobs master: Delete images after 72 hours
clarkbemergency file and manual cleanups at the worst15:32
clarkbmnasiadka: I have trigged the image build is the log (it won't auto refresh but if you refresh you should get an up to date listing)15:33
corvusclarkb: fungi we need a place to put our global "nodepool-in-zuul" config.  it doesn't have to have the image build jobs in it (but it can).  we could put it all in "opendev/zuul-jobs" but then we would need to put that repo in every tenant (we could include or exclude the jobs as we see fit).  do we want that?15:44
corvusor do we want an "opendev/zuul-images" or "opendev/zuul-launcher-config" repo?15:44
corvusthe contents will look a lot like our current nodepool.yaml files, but with a different yaml structure.15:45
clarkbcorvus: does opendev/project-config work for that since we already include it everywhere? or opendev/base-jobs?15:45
clarkbopendev/base-jobs is the one we include everywhere not project-config15:46
clarkbI like opendev/zuul-launcher-config if it is cleaner to use a separate repo15:46
corvusi don't think we do opendev/project-config everywhere.... but base-jobs might work15:49
clarkbya sorry I was mistaken about project-config. Only base-jobs is included everywhere15:50
corvusso in this case, i think i'll continue to (temporarily) put these in opendev/zuul-jobs until we're ready to use it more widely.  then we can move it to base-jobs or its own repo.15:50
opendevreviewMerged opendev/ master: Add records for our first Zuul launcher
fungii'm not back yet (irc over phone ftw), but base-jobs seems fine as long as we want those bits in a trusted config repo. if we want speculative testing in an opendev-specific repo included in all tenants then i'd be fine adding a new repo for that16:37
corvusthe images, labels, providers aren't speculative, so it's no big deal16:38
clarkb is green again. I'll approive that once I get some paperwork type stuff here done16:59
corvus'    "msg": "ansible-core requires a minimum of Python2 version 2.7 or Python3 version 3.6. Current version: 3.5.2 (default, Jan 26 2021, 13:30:48) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609]"'17:06
corvusi think system-config-run-base may be failing due to the ansible 9 change?17:06
clarkbcorvus: yes, it was discussed earlier today in scrollback. should address it or we can keep those xenial nodes and pin them to ansible 817:06
clarkbthe reason that hasn't merged yet is it reduces our coverage of things that we might need coverage for. But I think we've reached the point where we can address any problems on a case by case basis without the testing safety net if it comes to that17:07
corvussounds good to me17:08
clarkband absolute worst case we can revert with some mixed in ansible 8 pinning if 8 is still an option17:09
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/system-config master: Add an inventory entry for our first Zuul launcher
fungiokay, back now17:14
fungilooks like we got rough consensus for dropping xenial testing17:15
fungionce that merges i guess we can merge the mailman upgrade change17:15
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Drop more Xenial testing from system-config
gouthamro/ hello hberaud started a channel: #eventlet-removal to contain discussions regarding the goal he's championing; i was exploring registering the channel.. i see i need a few changes to project-config to do this; but17:44
gouthamrshould this channel be called #openstack-eventlet-removal ?17:44
gouthamror is it okay to stay #eventlet-removal 17:44
gouthamr(sorry question and the effort is very OpenStack specific)17:45
opendevreviewMerged opendev/zuul-jobs master: Delete images after 72 hours
clarkbgouthamr: the prefix is better because I think oftc ops know who the admins are for openstack prefixed things17:46
JayFgouthamr: I think it's wise to have it be a generic, not an openstack-specific channel17:46
clarkbthis means if we have to do things in the future we can get access via the oftc admins17:46
JayFbecause there are other people who may be migrating from eventlet who can join the partyy17:46
clarkbif you do the generic form to include ^ that group then we may not be able to take over teh channel in the future later if it becomes necessary17:47
gouthamr:( understood; good and bad things with this.. but, would oftc admins look at a paper-trail in case that happens.. i.e., the channel's logging that we'd begin once we formalize it?17:48
JayFor gouthamr can register it (or make me an op and I will) and we can run the three commands needed to make people ops?17:48
JayFUnless OFTC locked down ChanServ or something17:48
clarkbJayF: you can. The situation I'm talking baout is 3 years from now everyone has gone to the wind and we have a desire to recover control of the channel17:49
corvuswe have needed to use that facility quite often17:49
JayFif we still have an eventlet-removal channel need in 3 years17:49
JayFI don't know what the else case there is, but it's not fun LOL17:49
corvusmaybe we need to close it down and redirect it in 3 years17:49
JayFand like I said, I like the idea of this being an eventlet-community channel not an openstack channel17:50
gouthamrtrue :) 17:50
JayFeven if it ends up being mostly openstackers17:50
gouthamrJayF: but we'd get eavesdrop and help administering it via gerritbot17:50
corvusif it's related to openstack, then it really would be best to have the #openstack prefix... if it's for the general eventlet community, then by all means omit it, but then does it make sense for the opendev admins to run infrastructure for it?17:50
gouthamrthere's a substantial overlap of these communities; and only one of them (openstack/opendev) have resources to host a persistent communication effort like this imho 17:51
fungito be clear, opendev doesn't host irc channels, oftc does (associated with a totally different foundation, spi rather than openinfra)17:54
JayFgouthamr: TBH the only reason I'm on the other side of this argument is that openstack, as a brand in the python community, often scares off non-openstackers (this isn't really reasonable of them, but it's a sentiment I hear frequently)17:54
JayFand this is a community that doesn't use opendev resources: it's github based, doesn't use any opendev infra, the only reason we'd consider it openstack is, like you said, most of the devs there now are openstack-affiliated in some way17:55
gouthamrfungi: i meant we could use eavesdrop 17:55
JayFso I always see things like this as halfway a way to flip that perception17:55
clarkbor it could be used to discuss and coordinate openstacks eventlet removal.17:55
clarkbanyway I don't have a strong opinion but if you do prefix it with openstack it gices us more control if necessary17:55
JayFI just want to make sure we're not colonizing that community :) 17:56
clarkbmy initial impression was that this was openstack specific due to it being a goal of openstack's to remove eventlet17:57
clarkbmaybe the question is more "who is this chanenl for and what is the purpose" then decide based on that17:57
gouthamragreed actually; this is right now for people discussing this goal: and be part of this pop-up team:
* gouthamr defers to JayF's wisdom around cross-pollination with others (non-OpenStack projects) looking at a similar effort17:59
JayFgouthamr: there's a very nonzero chance the idea of "other people interested in this" are as likely to exist as unicorns and faeries :)17:59
fungiworth also speculating on whether any non-openstack communities would want to discuss it over irc17:59
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Add an inventory entry for our first Zuul launcher
gouthamrthe eventlet community to my knowledge just chats over github 18:00
JayFthat's a pretty good point too fungi 18:00
JayFI'd just suggest at least let hberaud chime in18:00
JayFand he's not in here seeing any of this18:00
JayFhe's effectively the head dev over there now and our ambassador18:00
* gouthamr alerted him 18:05
clarkbone thing I will say is that once upon a time we spent a lot of effort to try and do things generically and make things useful beyond openstack's borders. This included config management for the dev infrastructure as well as oslo libs and so on. A lesson I learned doing that is it makes things much more difficult to reason about and do correctly and also brings in a lot of criticism18:06
clarkbfrom people who are barely helping or not helping at all. The goals are often still worthwhile (pbr has 26.5 million monthyl downloads!) but being aware of the extra overhead is also important18:06
fungii think we found a reasonable middle-ground, which involves hosting projects that want to use most of our services, but not going out of our way to simplify someone's ability to run replicas of our systems with their own tweaks and modifications18:10
fungiproviding mailing lists or irc bots for efforts that are mostly reliant on hosting elsewhere with different sorts of goals and ideals hasn't been a productive use of our time though18:11
JayFThere's def a perception of different=bad which brings criticism and scares some people away. It's very, very difficult to beat Microsoft (github) at marketing though.18:12
fungiconservancy's has been somewhat successful, but not really a threat to microsoft's near-monopoly of exploiting and extorting open source communities18:16
JayFI am always unsure if github is an exploitation of open source or a donation to it. Mainly depending on how long it's been since I had to configure a github action ;) 18:17
fungiproject maintainers who are wary enough of github's or gitlab's commercial motives do seek out alternatives like us (or sourcehut, or codeberg, or...), but for a majority it seems like convenience wins out over any other concerns18:19
JayFhonestly the thing I like most about github is that it saves me a "how to use this tool" conversation; which as mentioned above isn't really fair (or a criticism of opendev/gerrit/zuul), but is just a sad reality.18:20
JayFSo being willing to choose an alternative means purposefully picking up some friction when you might not want some18:20
clarkbya but as someone that has pushed to code into all the systems except sourcehut and lkml it also feels like its way overblown. They all follow a similar pattern of clone code, branch code, edit, commit, push. You just have to look up the specific incantation for push typcailly18:22
clarkband even for sourcehut and lkml it should be similar but push is git format-patch && email18:22
fungior git format-patch | mail -18:23
clarkbI've even done bzr and hg and svn!18:23
fungii've done rcs and cvs, do they count? ;)18:23
clarkbI recently discovered that bzr has a fork and it lives on. I thought that was neat but do not wish to use it18:23
clarkbfungi: rcs doesn'18:23
clarkber rcs doesn't because you can't push to it iirc18:23
fungifair, it's not really made for sharing revisions18:23
clarkbits all in place. We managed dns zone files in rcs once upon a time18:24
fungijust tracking them18:24
fungiheck, openbsd still distributes patches via cvs18:24
JayFclarkb: I say more or less that as part of my spiel when onboarding folks to gerrit. Basically the moving parts are the same with slightly different names/tools. 18:26
fungisays openbsd 7.6 just dropped yesterday, i need to upgrade!18:27
fungithe mirrors seem pretty overloaded, base76.tgz is taking a while to fetch18:31
clarkbI rechecked noonedeadpunk's changes now that the removal of xenial has landed. Were there others that need to be rechecked?18:41
clarkbalso If there are no objections I will reapprove that ozj linter fixup change in about 10 minutes18:41
clarkbI should be able to monitor it this afternoon if necessary18:41
fungisounds good to me18:45
fungishall i go ahead and self-approve the mailman upgrade change as well?18:45
clarkbI guess so? I should be around so if the time work for you I guess it work for me. Not sure if you'd prefer to start early morning instsead18:46
corvusfrom  Zuul: Change has been successfully merged (2024-10-09 17:59:59+0000)18:49
corvusthat, uh, means it should be in the 18:00 run, right?  :)18:49
clarkbcorvus: I think so18:49
clarkbquick check if the server is servering18:49
corvussemaphore is held by lists3 deploy so it hasn't gotten to it yet18:50
corvusoh but it's the deploy from that change :)18:51
corvusbut still hasn't gotten to the "z's" yet :)18:51
clarkbit updated the inventory so we do all the things18:52
clarkbok I'm approving the ozj change now18:52
corvusso probably two runs in fairly rapid succession18:52
opendevreviewGoutham Pacha Ravi proposed openstack/project-config master: Add #openstack-eventlet-removal to accessbot
fungiinfra-prod-service-zuul failed on the zl01 addition deploy19:35
fungichecking logs on bridge now19:36
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Update Mailman containers to latest versions
fungifatal: []: FAILED! => The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'zuul_ssh_private_key_contents' is undefined. 'zuul_ssh_private_key_contents' is undefined19:37
corvusinconceivable!  also ironic19:37
corvusi'll see about fixing that19:38
corvusit looks like we haven't decided whether that should be in the zuul group or individual server groups.  1 sec while i get a paste ready19:41
clarkbthe job to upgrade mailman should start any moment now19:43
corvus explains the situation19:43
corvusgiven the way it's currently used, i think we should make that be defined in the big group in both places and remove all sub-group usage19:43
corvus(even though, theoretically, we should be able to omit that in some cases -- but to do that we would need to remove it's usage from the base zuul role)19:44
corvus(and that seems like a larger change)19:44
clarkbcoalescing into the main zuul group seems fine19:44
clarkbthat key is only used for zuul stuff so we're not overexposing19:44
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/system-config master: Remove zuul_ssh_private_key_contents from scheduler host vars
corvusokay i have updated hostvars on bridge to match the result of that change ^19:48
corvus(apropos of nothing, i think there's a bunch of old keys we can remove :)19:48
corvuseavesdrop should finish in 2m, then hopefully the 2000 run will go better19:50
clarkblists is up for 3 minutes19:57
clarkbapache is saying teh service is not avaialble19:57
clarkbI'm reminded I can never find where these containers write the logs19:58
clarkband before I can find the logs the service is back up and responding on https20:00
corvusdocker uptime is "about a minute"20:00
fungiit is slow to start, yes20:00
corvusso they may have been very slow to start20:00
fungithe site is rendering for me now20:01
clarkbya it would've done the db migrations on startup for example20:01
clarkbI was hoping to find the logs to see the progress of that20:01
fungi"Postorius Version 1.3.13"20:01
clarkb/var/lib/mailman/mailman-web-logs and /var/lib/mailman/mailman-core-logs apparently20:01
fungi"HyperKitty version 1.3.12"20:02
corvusclarkb: if i forget, i consult the compose file to see what's bind mounted20:02
clarkbI see archives that I expect to see20:04
clarkbfungi: those are the expected versions right?20:04
fungiyes, that matches what was in the change20:05
fungithose were just the easiest ones to check from footers on web pages20:05
clarkbnow we just need someone to send email20:06
fungii need to send one, but won't have it composed very quickly. i should have thought of that before20:09
clarkbas a heads up I will be missing next week's meeting. I think fungi will likely miss it too. I think frickler is still out next week as well.20:10
clarkbShould we go ahead and call next week's meeting cancelled? I can send an email for that if we want to use it as a test20:10
* clarkb writes that email20:20
clarkb seems to have worked20:23
fungisounds good20:24
fungithanks for testing!20:24
fungialso nice to see mailman is still able to pass your messages through without breaking dkim for you20:33
clarkboh ya I have dkim enabled. I didn't even think to check that20:36
JayFso if I'm setting up project-config, can I just link over to another config? e.g. ironic-inspector.config just containing [access] \n inheritFrom = openstack/ironic.config 20:56
JayFor is there some other way I should map in if I'm looking to unify configurations20:56
clarkbJayF: you don't inherit from a config file but just a projcet I think21:01
JayFmakes sense, I just don't see many other projects with shared groups21:01
clarkbya the openstack/meta-config stuff serves as an example21:01
clarkbif you just need groups to overlap you can configure the group itself to contain another group when you add/remove members21:01
clarkbthose members can be accounts or groups21:02
clarkbI need to do a school run but can check back in after21:02
JayFI'm pushing something that'll W-1 immediately so there's zero rush21:02
JayFbasically we're looking at a new way of managing core groups in ironic, I'm going to get it prototyped so we can start moving on emailing the list and doing the public-side discussion on it21:03
JayFaha, found what I was looking for, gerrit/projects.yaml is where most projects point their stuff to an alternate config21:08
JayFinstead of doing the inheritance21:08
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/project-config master: Proposed new Ironic core structure
fungiJayF: yes, there should be plenty of examples of teams with multiple "projects" (repos really) sharing a single common acl file21:22
corvus#status log started zuul-launcher on zl0121:59
opendevstatuscorvus: finished logging21:59
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/system-config master: Configure zuul-launcher to use its logging config file
corvusclarkb: fungi i was about to go add the image build pipelines, but the opendev/project-config repo is used by the vexxhost tenant.  that's the only tenant other than opendev that uses it.  do we want to:22:08
corvus1) make a new vexxhost/project-config which is a fork of opendev/project-config?22:08
corvus2) or put the image build pipelines in an extra config file in opendev/project-config?22:08
corvus3) or make a new repo for image build pipelines?22:09
corvusor... something else?22:09
clarkbcorvus: the main issue is that we don't need the other tenant running the image builds right?22:12
corvusclarkb: i'd slightly recharacterize that as "we do not yet want to give other tenants permission to run image builds"22:13
clarkbgot it thanks. Just want to make sure I understand what we are optimizing for22:13
clarkbI like option 1)22:13
corvus(because any tenant with an image build pipeline effectively has permission to build its own images; that's a thing we might do someday, but not today)22:13
clarkbI think that helps separate concerns nice and cleanly and in theory is straightforward to do. I guess 2) is maybe the easiest method, and I think I'm ok with that too22:14
corvusthough... as long as we don't load image objects, they can't actually use it... so we could probably work around that now, but it's a little weird to have unusable pipelines in the vexxhost tenant, so i'd still like to solve it well.  :)22:15
fungii agree, option 1 corrects a change in our earlier assumptions about how opendev/project-config was going to be used22:18
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Add the vexxhost/project-config repo
fungiwe've started putting things in it that aren't needed by zuul at all even, much less by multiple tenants22:19
fungicorvus: unrelated, i don't suppose you have or are aware of the existence of a working python3 port of presentty? i started digging into the code to see what would be involved, but about 25 changed lines in i'm just getting to the unicode handling bits so figure i'm overdue to ask whether i'm unnecessarily duplicating work that's already been done22:19
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Use vexxhost/project-config in vexxhost tenant
clarkbcorvus: question on that second change22:22
corvusfungi: i am not -- is the latest thing i'm aware of... but i will also check on a disused laptop tonight and make sure i didn't leave something half-baked there22:22
fungicorvus: thanks, that's where i started from, i'll get you a diff if i manage to get this working22:24
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Use vexxhost/project-config in vexxhost tenant
corvusclarkb: ^22:24
clarkbfungi: fwiw I ended up using reveal.js which uses markdown in a similarish way to presentty and rst. That said its very different otherwise22:26
clarkbone upside to using reveal.js is that they wanted a slide deck file and I could write out a pdf with it22:26
clarkbthat said I fully support more ncurses tools for presentations and updating presentty to latest python3 would be great22:26
fungii can't remember if i've used reveal.js, though i've used slidy2 which seems similar22:27
fungiah, yeah i used reveal.js for a presentation back in 202022:29
corvusthere's a sphinx plugin for revealjs, so you should be able to use presentty and reveal with the same or similar rst file.22:29
clarkboh neat22:29
fungiindeed, looks like that's what i did because my slides from that deck are in rst22:30
fungii included a tox.ini that built the html and pdf versions22:31
clarkbhuh pandoc has built in support for reveal.js? I just grabbed the latest release and untarred it then symlinked my content into there22:33
clarkbclunky but it worked22:33
clarkbour project-config new project checker refuses to succeed if the imported project has a zuul config22:36
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Enable nodepool-in-zuul for opendev tenant
clarkbthat is why it failed22:37
fungioh, forking opendev/project-config is running afoul of our safety check against importing zuul configuration22:37
clarkbya I think that safety check is still a good one 99% of the time22:37
fungiyeah, i was just looking at the same22:37
clarkbwe've hit the corner case which is "its the opednev zuul admins trying to do something and they are good with it"22:37
fungithough i wonder if it's still necessary now that zuul is better about just ignoring projects with problem configuration?22:37
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed opendev/project-config master: Add image build pipelines
fungii suppose the main concern would be if we import a job name collision or similar22:38
clarkbya zuul has improved but I think it is likely that you're always going to hit zuul config errors if it is a random project doing it22:38
clarkband then we've imported those from the start which outside of the opendev admins probably means we're going to live with at least ome of them forever22:38
fungizuul config errors yes, but errors which will impact other already working projects after import? that's where the concern lies i think22:38
clarkbfungi: if there are job name collisions both sides will now error I think22:39
clarkbso yes potentially impacting other projects too22:39
clarkbsame thing for nodesets and maybe project templates?22:39
fungiright, so we likely do still want to guard against that, but i guess we can also just bypass testing in cases like this one22:40
clarkbyes, this case does seem to be exceptional in that 1) we understand the risks better and 2) we're far more likely to correct any unexpected fallout22:40
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Add the vexxhost/project-config repo
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Re-enable the zuul config check
clarkblooks like corvus is going the temporary exception route. wfm22:42
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Use vexxhost/project-config in vexxhost tenant
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Enable nodepool-in-zuul for opendev tenant
corvusi'm going to start using opendev-niz as a hashtag
fungiriunite on iz, so niz22:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add the vexxhost/project-config repo
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Remove zuul_ssh_private_key_contents from scheduler host vars
fungimmm, presentty py3k port will also involve updating urwid usage, and i seem to recall some backward-incompatible changes in urwid over the years. first place i'm running into issues is in a subclass of urwid.Padding where some presumed numeric value is ending up as a nonetype instead23:01
fungii'm going to need to set it aside for now, but this is what i've got so far:
corvusthere's probably some comparable changes in gertty for reference23:42
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Re-enable the zuul config check
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Use vexxhost/project-config in vexxhost tenant
opendevreviewJames E. Blair proposed openstack/project-config master: Enable nodepool-in-zuul for opendev tenant
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Re-enable the zuul config check

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