Thursday, 2025-03-06

fungiyeah, the failure mode is basically things not getting deployed because the repos aren't updating, but the updates re effectively deferred until we get those repos updating consistently at the right times00:01
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Run infra-prod jobs in parallel
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Use required-projects in bootstrap-bridge
clarkbI think that will help. Its not completely clear to me how the two ansible roles update properly since they don't have the master checkout special cases in base-jobs but that isn't a regression so we can sort that out later I suspect00:05
clarkbtonyb: I'll let you upload that change whenever convenient for you since ^ has managed to continue to distract me00:06
clarkbfungi: one thing I realized is my project-config fix will always run bootstrap-bridge even if we don't update files that match things for nodepool, zuul, grafana, etc. I don't think that is a major issue and optimizing it might be more dangerous than it is worth. But I wanted to mention it00:12
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: A comment tweak to trigger nl01 config deployment
clarkbthe deploy queue for ^ lgtm00:13
clarkbits got bootsrap bridge and service-nodepool and both are waiting behind the hourly jobs00:13
clarkband in this case projcet-config will update but system-confiog wont... not ideal but it will work for now00:14
clarkbor thats the expectation anyway. We should check once bootstrap-bridge is done00:15
fungi/etc/nodepool/nodepool.yaml was updated on nl01 at 00:08 utc, over 10 minutes ago00:20
clarkbthat would be roughly when the 00:00 hourlies for nodepool ran00:21
clarkbdid merging 943508 somehow trigger it to update? thats weird00:21
clarkb it says we didn't update there00:22
funginot without a time machine since 943508 didn't merge until 00:1300:22
fungioh, 943494 merrged tho00:23
fungii guess that caused project-config on bridge to get updated:
clarkbaha yup that would do it00:25
clarkbbecause as I mentioend I didn't restrict when infra-prod-boostrap-bridge runs to only match when the other service jobs run00:25
clarkbso the noop for services change landed but ran bootstrap-bridge and bumped things up to include your first change. Then you updated with the noop comment which should update to include that noop comment00:26
fungiso 943508 was ultimately unnecessary between 943494 triggering the bootstrap job and then hourlies running another nodepool deploy00:26
clarkbso I think the next step is likely updating required projects so that we update all 4 repos every time rather than just one or another.00:27
clarkbbut that seems like a good one to sleep on to ensure there isn't any race condition introduced by that00:27
clarkbnl01 did update to your noop fix btw00:27
clarkbgrafana graphs are looking like I woudl expect too00:28
fungialso i guess we need to restart the nodepool-launcher container on nl01 to pick up the config change?00:29
clarkbfungi: no that is automatic00:29
clarkbyou can see it in the grafana graphs00:29
clarkbyou might need to manually ask nodepool to delete the ready nodes for raxflex sjc3 though to speed cleanup for those up. Its like an 8 hour timeout otherwise?00:30
fungilooks like the server list in that project is turning up some stuck "building" nodes that are months old00:32
clarkbI think we haev two opetions for those. Ask jamesdenton__ to clean them up nicely and have nodepool update the db for us. Or we just say meh switch things over then nodepool may still clean them up beacuse they won't exist in the new tenant?00:33
clarkband then followup later and have jamesdenton__ clean them up00:33
clarkbwhen I say nodepool may still clean them up I mean on the nodepool db side. That won't help wit hthe cloud side00:34
clarkbbut I'm not sure nodepool can transition building to deleting in that case. I'm 99% certain this would work fi they were already deleting00:34
clarkbso maybe ask nodepool to delete them first so they are in a deleting state?00:35
clarkblooknig at grafana the nodepool side may already be deleting so ya I think that may just work?00:36
jamesdenton__still running into issues?00:36
fungijamesdenton__: some server instances reported as "building" in nova for months00:37
fungid29a78ca-979b-43d3-b2d0-9439a955d62a, bfc3635d-9d3f-4e14-88de-021932759c67, 8065ff20-e395-46d0-a7f5-780513461e7c00:37
jamesdenton__just those 3?00:38
fungiyes, for servers stuck in building00:38
clarkbfungi: grafana shows 4 servers consistently in a deleting state I wonder if those are stuck too?00:39
fungiclarkb: two of the stuck building (from nova's perspective) servers are in a deleting state in nodepool00:40
funginot sure about the other two yet00:40
clarkbjamesdenton__: the background here is we're trying to shutdown the old tenant resources in sjc3 so that we can spin up resources in the new tenant to match what is in dfw3, then turn on dfw300:40
jamesdenton__so, don't worry about those 3 because they're fake news. We will clean them up, though00:41
fungialso tkajinam has an autohold from a few months ago locking an instance in the old project there, so i'll release that as i doubt it's still relevant this long after00:42
fungii also manually nodepool deleted the ready nodes00:45
clarkbaccording to grafana everything is in a deleting state now. My hunch is that when we switch sjc3 over to the new tenant nodepool will do a listing and see those nodes are all "gone" and clean up its db treating them as deleted  (even though they may still exist in the old tenant)00:46
clarkbso I think that is a 'safe' state to begin the transition from as long as we coordinate with jamesdenton__ and crew to clean things up in the old tenant00:46
fungithe other two that are stuck in a deleting state in nodepool are showing active in nova. i'll see what happens if i try openstack server delete on them00:47
fungithey seem to stay listed as active00:48
fungiboth were created arround 12 hours ago00:49
fungijamesdenton__: these two also won't delete... 098ed720-3160-4aa6-8364-ba960a1841a4 49771e38-c82d-4107-93a6-019c9e3f179500:50
jamesdenton__ok looking00:50
jamesdenton__for those two - are you getting any sort of error or do they just remain active?00:51
fungithey just remain active, no error00:51
jamesdenton__mind if i try on my side?00:52
fungiopenstack server delete returns successfully for me but no apparent change on the cloud end. please try whatever you like00:52
fungii'm really just trying to clear out that tenant/project at this point since, as clark said, we're pulling out of it in order to move to the new project in that region00:53
fungiall the server instances i was able to delete have been, the remaining 5 (3 in building, 2 in active) just don't seem to want to go away quietly00:54
fungiclarkb: from the nodepool side of things, it may just clean them out when we switch the cloud config over to the new tenant project_id, since it will do a server list and discover they're gone, right?01:00
fungiit's already cleaned up the images, so i expect it's safe to merge now01:03
clarkbfungi: yes that is my expectation01:04
fungii've approved it01:04
clarkbit requests a delete then periodically lists servers to see if they have gone away. Changing tenants will effectively mark them gone away01:04
fungiyeah, good enough01:04
opendevreviewStephen Reaves proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Enable custom overlays
jamesdenton__fungi for 098ed720-3160-4aa6-8364-ba960a1841a4 49771e38-c82d-4107-93a6-019c9e3f1795, i reset their state to error then issued the delete again which seems to have done the trick01:17
fungithanks jamesdenton__! that did indeed solve it01:26
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Switch Nodepool to the new Rackspace Flex project
fungiit's deploying01:44
clarkbthat update may require you to restart nodepool-launcher because it updates clouds.yaml and not nodepool.yaml01:46
jamesdenton__fungi those 3 BUILD offenders are gone, too01:46
fungiconfirmed, thanks again jamesdenton__!01:49
fungiclarkb: 943102 goes in next to update nodepool.yaml, so that will probably get it?01:51
fungiand similarly 943103 for zuul-launcher configuration01:52
clarkbit may I'm not sure if we create a new openstack client when bumping the provider config up01:54
clarkbif it does then ya it should be fine01:54
fungithough also it presumably won't matter until 943106 ups max-servers on the nodepool launchers01:56
fungi/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml on the builders updated at 01:4302:00
fungiapproving 943102 and 943103 now02:01
clarkbfungi: note that periodics just started02:05
clarkbso you'll be enqueued behind all that02:06
clarkblooks like hourlies got in ahead of periodics and periodics are waiting on hourlies02:06
clarkbso thats good02:06
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Add option to force addresses to IPv4
fungino biggie02:06
opendevreviewMerged opendev/zuul-providers master: Revert "Reapply "Wind down/clean up Rackspace Flex SJC3 resources""
fungii'll go ahead and put in 943105 too so the images can start uploading to dfw3 asap02:10
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Revert "Wind down/clean up Rackspace Flex SJC3 resources"
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Add the DFW3 region for Rackspace Flex
fungilooks like the deploy jobs are going to be a while still, the backlogged hourlies ahead of them still haven't started. i may have to pick this back up in the morning, but hopefully images will upload while i'm asleep so we cn just turn the max-servers back on at that point03:27
opendevreviewTony Breeds proposed opendev/system-config master: Add option to force addresses to IPv4
*** dmellado0755393736 is now known as dmellado07553937306:43
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veith4f_Hello. Just stumbled over openstack project cleanup ... Seems like the fix is to just delete security groups after networks.08:49
fricklerveith4f_: the topic of this channel is to discuss the infrastructure that is used in developing openstack or other projects. for sdk bugs please see the #openstack-sdks channel. also have a look at for submitting patches09:04
veith4f_will do.09:04
fricklerinfra-root: first branches for 2025.1 are happening, I'll watch to see whether zuul picks up all of these, iiuc that should be a good indicator for missed branch events otherwise?
opendevreviewFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: zuul_log_path: allow override for emit-job-header and upload-logs
opendevreviewMatthieu Huin proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: Fix the upload-logs-s3 test playbook
opendevreviewFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: zuul_log_path: allow override for emit-job-header and upload-logs
Clark[m]frickler: ya if you look at the zuul API or web UI you should see the new 2025.1 branch like on
Clark[m]frickler if that branch is missing but does exist in Gerrit/git then that is a case of this problem and we have an example to examine logs for 14:12
opendevreviewFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: zuul_log_path: allow override for emit-job-header and upload-logs
fungideploy for 943105 succeeded at 05:07:47 utc, but i don't see any images uploaded to dfw3 yet, investigating now14:18
fungithe sjc3 images did upload to the correct (new) project at least, so i don't think it's a stale clouds.yaml problem for the nodepool builders14:19
fungiurllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2/images/e1b42593-4dca-46aa-973c-f3982447e1a8/file (Caused by SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2427)')))14:24
Clark[m]My browser seems to be happy with that / at that host and port. I get back a json doc and no ssl issues. Maybe a proxy problem when actually uploading images?14:28
fungiyeah, that was the first thing i tested too14:29
fungilooks like the last time nb01 logged that was 10:15:31,111 utc, a little over 4 hours ago14:32
fungiand 11:58:33,064 utc on nb0214:34
fungidoesn't look like either has tried to upload again since then14:34
fungiso ~2.5 hours ago14:34
Clark[m]Are there any uploads currently running against dfw3?14:34
funginot that i found in the current debug logs14:35
Clark[m]Looking to see what state we can infer about those might point at where the ssl eof is occuring 14:35
Clark[m]A nodepool image-list should confirm 14:35
fungilooks like the create image calls are terminating at exactly 30 seconds in14:35
fungimy guess is a waf/middlebox cutting it off14:36
Clark[m]Ya. Though you uploaded an image for the noble mirror right? So we know it worked at one point?14:36
fungiwhen jamesdenton__ is awake, maybe he can confirm whether something new might be disconnecting glance uploads in dfw3 after exactly 30 seconds14:37
fungimy successful manual image upload to dfw3 was 2025-02-20T16:56:22Z so just over two weeks ago14:39
fungier, exactly two weeks ago14:40
fungii'll try another manual upload just to confirm14:40
fungiHttpException: 413: Client Error for url:, 413 Request Entity Too Large: nginx14:44
fungithat's what i get back from `openstack server create` to dfw3 now, exact same command worked when i ran it two weeks ago, pulled right from my shell history14:45
fungitrying to sjc3 again for comparison14:45
fungiand it worked fine there just now14:46
fungithe 30 seconds might be a red herring, i have a feeling that might be related to async image upload processing and background checking intervals14:47
Clark[m]That could be. It's also good a problem reproduces with the main tool because now rax can test without running a nodepool14:49
fungiyeah, when testing with the cli i get that 413 error back after only 15 seconds14:50
Clark[m]I guess the next step for us is to turn sjc3 test nodes on while we wait for dfw3 images to sort out?14:50
jamesdenton__fungi how large is that image?14:51
fungi582M    noble-server-cloudimg-amd64.img14:52
fungithe one i just tested with the cli14:52
fungithe ones nodepool is uploading are much larger, but i can't even upload a half-gigabyte cloud image to dfw3 at the moment14:52
jamesdenton__ok, let me ping the team about that14:53
fungijamesdenton__: and two weeks ago it was working fine14:53
fungiexact same image create command14:53
fungiwith the exact same file even14:54
fungii still had it sitting in my homedir, hadn't gotten around to deleting it14:54
fungiClark[m]: yeah, i can split 943106 into two separate changes for now14:55
jamesdenton__fungi can you try again? they made a change that might fix it14:56
opendevreviewFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: zuul_log_path: allow override for emit-job-header and upload-logs
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Boot nodes in Rackspace Flex SJC3 again
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Start booting nodes in Rackspace Flex DFW3
fungijamesdenton__: jamesdenton__ now my test upload to dfw3 is working, yes. thanks!!!15:02
jamesdenton__thanks for submitting your bug report. have a nice day :D15:02
fungiheh ;)15:03
fungii'll figure out how to prompt the nodepool builders to try again15:03
fungii've set 943617 wip until we get our images up there15:06
fungiimages are already starting to appear there without me doing anything, so i guess nodepool has started to figure it out15:08
Clark[m]fungi: 943106 lgtm but I can't vote for a bit due to the school run. I say feel free to self approve15:21
fungiwill do15:21
clarkbfungi: I +2'd both with a note on the second that I'll let you approve when you are happy with the image state15:45
clarkbfungi: did we or do we still need to update zuul-launcher?15:45
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Boot nodes in Rackspace Flex SJC3 again
fungiclarkb: that was
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Add option to force addresses to IPv4
clarkbexcellent. There aws enough going on yesterday I missed it.15:48
fungiclarkb: also 943104 goes along with 943617 as the zuul-launcher counterpart for enabling dfw315:51
fungithough it could in theory be approved any time if we don't want to wait to confirm nodepool is able to boot nodes there first15:52
clarkbI suspect that is less urgent as sjc3 should be able to provide zuul-launcher coverage for now so maybe focus on nodepool first since it is easier for us to confirm functionality via nodepool15:54
clarkbinfra-root I posted a self review to with one last thought on the required-projects list and how they interact with the dns zone repos. Maybe corvus knows the answer to my question off the top of his head otherwise we may need to read the source luke or experiment15:54
clarkbactually I answered my own question the zone repos are fetched from opendev.org15:56
clarkbso zuul isn't involved. I'll update my review15:56
fungiyeah, my understanding is that zuul will add the triggering project to the projects list regardless, but i suppose that doesn't matter if the job is ignoring zuul's checkout15:57
clarkbfungi: grafana shows max-servers in sjc3 has gone back up to 32. I don't see any nodes yet via the graphs16:00
clarkbno building nodes either so probably just a lack of demand at the moment16:02
fungior the launcher on nl01 is still looking at the old project which no longer contains any images, e.g. because updating nodepool.yaml didn't cause it to create new cloud objects after clouds.yaml updated16:05
fungimay need to restart the container16:06
clarkbhrm could be16:06
clarkbif we think that is possible restarting it now before it accidentally manages to boot something (though without images that should be impossible) is probably a good idea16:07
clarkbthe nodepool hourly job is running through so may want to wait for that to finish then restart16:07
clarkbwe have a building node now16:18
clarkbit doesn't look like the nodepool launcher on nl01 was restarted yet fwiw16:20
clarkbbut a server list from bridge seems to show that it is launching in the correct tenant16:21
fungiagreed, one active and another building16:23
fungicorrect project in sjc316:23
fungino intervention needed, just patience i suppose ;)16:24
clarkbthe in use node is no longer in use and got deleted. I'm going to try and ssh into one of the building nodes when they are ready/in-use to double check network mtus16:25
clarkbin theory it should all be happy now16:25
fungigood idea16:25
clarkbens3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 150016:26
clarkbyup I think that means the two major things we wanted to address have been addressed (use newer project/tenant and get 1500 network MTUs)16:30
clarkbadding dfw3 and doubling our quota is an excellent bonus16:31
opendevreviewStephen Reaves proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Enable custom overlays
fungiclarkb: i suppose we could go ahead and and turn on dfw3 to start at least satisfying node requests for the images that are already uploaded. or will that cause issues?16:51
clarkbI think that should be fine16:51
clarkbnodepool should know it can't boot the other images.16:52
fungipresumably it doesn't make sense to retry earlier uploads as the builders have probably cleaned up their local copies16:54
fungialso images we don't rebuild as often will take a while to start appearing regardless16:54
clarkbwe can request new builds of images that we know we want/need16:58
clarkbI think we do keep the local image content as long as the image is active in a cloud16:59
clarkbactive from nodepool's perspective I mean. Once nodepool says I'm deleting that image and that is true for all clouds then it will clean up the local data. This can occur before the actual images are removed from the clouds16:59
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Start booting nodes in Rackspace Flex DFW3
fungiwe probably won't see much uptake there since it's only got debian-bookworm and ubuntu-bionic for now, but i'll check the graphs later today to see if there are at least some blips in use17:05
clarkboh however we may only keep the smallest image file (qcow2?) so maybe we'd have to manually convert to raw if we are uploading raw here17:10
clarkband ya its probably not worth the trouble just let new images build and deploy over the next few days (the most used images should still be built daily)17:11
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Clean up old Rackspace Flex SJC3 project
clarkb is passing again now. As written it should only affect our CI jobs and not production. But that is worth double checking as I think we need to be much more careful with this behavior in production (due to issues like stale records that could point requests at the wrong ips)17:33
opendevreviewFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: zuul_log_path: allow override for emit-job-header and upload-logs
opendevreviewFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: zuul_log_path: allow override for emit-job-header and upload-logs
fungia bunch more images have appeared in dfw3 now17:50
clarkbstill waiting on the first node boot. Quick someone push a change to tacker :)17:56
fungii went ahead and cleaned up orphaned floating ips, images, routers, networks and ports in our two old sjc3 projects18:25
clarkbgood idea18:33
clarkbI've rechecked on the off chance the seelenium update can land without the ipv4 change and maybe that will generate enough load to see things schedule on dfw318:34
fungioh, removed old keypairs and security group rules too18:37
clarkbseems like overall load is low enough that everything else keeps scheduling nodes and not dfw3.18:38
fungii can't think of anything else we'd need to cleanup18:38
fungiyeah, i have a feeling we may not see any node use there until 02:0018:38
fungiat least the daily jobs still (more than) saturate our quota everywhere18:38
opendevreviewKarolina Kula proposed opendev/glean master: WIP: Add support for CentOS 10 keyfiles
opendevreviewKarolina Kula proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add support for CentOS Stream 10
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Pull the selenium standalone-firefox image from quay
fungiException: Unable to find flavor: gp.0.4.822:01
fungishould be gp.5.4.8 there, working on a patch22:02
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/project-config master: Correct flavor name for Rackspace Flex DFW3
fungithat's going to break some assumptions for our existing zuul-launcher config too, looks like22:09
clarkboh hey the selenium image update meregd without extra help22:11
clarkbI've approved the flavor fix in project-config22:11
clarkblooks like sjc3 may be erroring on boots too22:12
opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/zuul-providers master: Add the DFW3 region for Rackspace Flex
clarkbInvalid key_name provided.22:14
clarkbfungi: ^ did stuff get deleted in the wrong tenant?22:14
fungiunless keypairs are cross-tenant resources?22:16
fungioh! they are :/22:16
clarkbthat would explain it. keypair list is empty in both tenants22:16
clarkbhow often does cloud launcher run? once a day in periodic?22:17
fungithey must be tied to the account?22:17
clarkbya I guess so that seems like a bug if I'm honest22:17
clarkbthere is no reason for tenant A to know anything about tenant B's keys if all other resources are separated22:17
clarkbanyway cloud launcher should fix that for us22:17
clarkbI want to say it runs daily22:18
clarkbor when we update the vars for it22:18
fungiyeah, i stupidly assumed that `openstack keypair delete ...` would delete them from the identified project only, not from all projects that account has access to22:18
fungibut yeah, we're probably going to see that get fixed in ~4 hours22:19
clarkband dfw3 looks fine so it should come online with the flavor fix22:20
clarkbfungi: fwiw I would've assumed they were separate too. I would've done the same thing and been confused22:26
clarkb(also why I initially wondered if the wrong tenant was used to request the deletion)22:27
fungiwell, the week's incomplete if i haven't broken something! at least i got it out of the way ;)22:31
clarkbI'm still trying to fix the stuff I broke :)22:32
clarkbmostly waiting on a secnd review on the infra-prod stuff since its complicated and sensitive enough that the current half broken but mostly working state is preferable to very broken if I got the fix wrong22:32
opendevreviewMerged openstack/project-config master: Correct flavor name for Rackspace Flex DFW3
opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: tox: Drop functest target from tox
clarkbI haev confirmed that cloudlauncher will run with the periodic jobs22:44
clarkbso ya I don't think we need to rush to try and fix it before then22:44
clarkbdfw3 is attempting to boot 5 servers right now22:46
clarkbI was able to ssh into one and check mtus. All looks well there22:47
fungicool, so it was just the flavor difference22:50
clarkbyup seems to be working based on these measurements now22:51
clarkb this job is running in dfw323:08
clarkb it finished successfully23:14
fungii think that's about all we can hope for23:14
clarkbI think I'm going to take that as a cue to go for a bike ride. Its been a quiet day and weather is nice. The onyl things in my backlog are potentially impactful so better for tomorrow morning (the docker stuff, gitea upgrade, and infra-prod required projects update)_23:16
fungigreat idea, have fun!23:20
fungii'll try to check back up on sjc3 after the keypairs are redeployed23:20

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