Friday, 2025-03-07

opendevreviewMerged openstack/diskimage-builder master: rocky-container: use instead of Docker Hub
*** liuxie is now known as liushy06:15
opendevreviewKarolina Kula proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add support for CentOS Stream 10
opendevreviewKarolina Kula proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: WIP: Add support for CentOS Stream 10
opendevreviewFabien Boucher proposed zuul/zuul-jobs master: zuul_log_path: allow override for emit-job-header and upload-logs
*** iurygregory__ is now known as iurygregory11:50
opendevreviewKarolina Kula proposed opendev/glean master: WIP: Add support for CentOS 10 keyfiles
fungiboth flex regions look good now and have recent history using up to their max-servers values14:02
fungigonna go grab lunch, should be back in an hour15:51
clarkbthats excellent news16:02
clarkbfungi: when you've consumed lunch what do you think about a gitea upgrade?16:03
clarkb this change if you think we should proceed. Its just a bugfix release so I think it will be ok16:04
clarkbwe can probably also land but that may trigger all the infra-prod jobs due to updates to inventory (just be aware of that being a slow apply)16:33
fungiclarkb: gitea upgrade sounds great to me, i'm around for the remainder of the day now17:38
clarkbok I've just approved th change17:52
clarkband I'll be around too just have to od a school run later which this should hopefully land well in advance of17:53
fungino worries, i can keep an eye on it regardless17:54
clarkbI guess the other major qusetion I have is whether we want to proceed with or wait for additional feedback. I think waiting is fine since stuff is mostly working right now17:59
fungiit'd be nice to get at least one more infra-root to have a look at 943509 but also i wouldn't want to leave it dangling for long18:03
fungisince otherwise we have some corner case delays for deploying configs18:04
clarkbya maybe on monday plan to merge it iwthout any additional review? the OID NA event is eating into availability for reviews, but maybe by monday that will lessen18:05
clarkbI also stacked the parallelizatino change on top of it18:05
clarkbso would need to restack if we want to prioritize that but I think having everything running consistently the way we want serially first is a good thing18:05
fungimakes sense to me, sure18:09
clarkba reminder for everyone in this channel. Those of us in North America switch to daylight savings time over the weekend. Adjust meeting schedules as necessary18:40
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Upgrade gitea to v1.23.5
clarkbwow that was quick. I like quiet fridays zoom zoom18:43
clarkb the first server is updated18:46
clarkbweb ui lgtm there and a git clone was successful18:47
clarkbgitea10 is done now too and looks ok as well. I'll keep an eye on them as it iterates through18:49
clarkbthe shutdown phase of the upgrade seems to be slower than usual and I think we may be hitting the docker compose timeout18:49
clarkbI wonder if memcached did that or something else18:49
clarkbhrm gitea11 went more quicky so probably not memcached as its the same across all fo them18:51
fungi09 is testing okay for me so far18:52
clarkb11, 12, and 13 have been quick so whatever the slowness for shutdown is doesn't seem to be generic to the setup18:54
fungiyeah, that's odd18:54
clarkbmaybe its a long running clone/fetch operation and gitea wants to wait for that to complete before gracefully stopping18:54
clarkbfungi: you don't happen to have a chagne to push or update when the deployment is done so that we can check replication do you?18:54
clarkbI'm not sure I have anything that neesd an update right now18:54
fungino, nothing handy18:54
clarkball of the backends are done just waiting on the buildset to complete18:55
clarkbjob was a success18:56
clarkblet me dig around for something that I can push a new patchset to18:56
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed opendev/system-config master: Update Hound image to python3.12
clarkbI came up with ^19:03
clarkbI'll check that has replicated in a minute19:03
clarkborigin (fetch) then git fetch origin refs/changes/19/943819/1 && git show FETCH_HEAD lgtm19:05
clarkbI think I'm happy with this. Let us know if you notice any problems19:06
fungiyeah, looks fine, no issues spotted19:11
clarkbwe still need to do a bindep release with the pyproject.toml updates?19:19
clarkbI think that is the case but I'm not positive19:19
fungimaster is 5 changes ahead of 2.12.0 currently19:22
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opendevreviewJeremy Stanley proposed opendev/system-config master: Use required-projects in bootstrap-bridge
fungifrickler: ^ sorted now22:03
opendevreviewMerged opendev/system-config master: Use required-projects in bootstrap-bridge
Clark[m]I'm doing the school run but we will want to check hourlies still look good for ^22:24
fungiyeah, 2300 batch will kick off in another 35 minutes22:25
fungistarting in exactly 1 minute now22:59
fungithe bootstrap-bridge job is still starting first23:02
fungiit paused and service-bridge is running now, nodepool/registry/zuul/eavesdrop are still waiting23:04
fungiservice-bridge succeeded, nodepool started23:05
clarkbthe streaming log also shows that project-config updated from master whcih it would now that it is in required projects23:06
clarkbso I think this is looking how we expect it23:06
clarkbmaybe monday we try running things in parallel?23:08
fungiyeah, sounds like a plan23:10
clarkband for clarification some infra-prod-* jobs did update project-config from master in periodic and hourly pipelines but not all (basically those that set the required project value to incldue project-config did). This was fine when every infra-prod job was updating repos. Now we've consolidated that all into the parentmost paused job23:15
clarkbthis should be roughly equivalent but doing it just the once so that we can then run jobs in parallel23:15
clarkbbefore we approve the parallelization change it might be worth checking we don't have any obvious conflicts on the remote side of the ansible runs. We think we've handled conflicts on the local side of ansible (primarily the git repo updates). But we may have playbooks that talk to the same hosts and touch the same stuff at the same time? infra-prod-base is the obvious one but the23:16
clarkbjobs should already depend on that one23:16
clarkbNot sure if we have any others like maybe manage-projects and service-gitea/service-gerrit need a relationship if they don't already have one23:17
clarkbmanage projects already seems to have those rules in place23:43
clarkbthe base job which touches all servers to set up users etc and manage projects which updates gitea and gerrit state are the two that immediately come to mind as potentially impacting across servers on the ansible remote side. I'm not currently coming up with any others23:45
clarkboh letsencrypt as well but we have strict ordering on that because we need certs before deploying services23:47

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