Monday, 2021-11-01

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spotzJust us fungi?17:02
spotzAnything to discuss, do we need to start a log?17:03
fungii don't have anything specifically17:04
fungiwe could go over the action items which came out of the ptg, but i haven't made progress on them anyway17:04
fungiso may do just as well to save that for when we have more folks (or discuss over ml)17:05
spotzSounds good. I did mention the wiki page foor the stance during the board meeting so that did get the stance an oofficial mention in the meetings:) 17:06
fungiyep, thanks!17:10
SWDevAngelJoining from phone again cuz… still can’t get the browser to work.17:12
fungioh, hey!17:13
SWDevAngelAre we having a meeting today? Of course I can’t see any of the backlog chat.17:13
fungispotz was considering not holding the meeting if it was just the two of us17:14
spotzCause fungi and I talk all the time:) We can go ahead and have it as SWDevAngel missed the PTG17:15
spotz+startmeeting diversity-wg17:15
spotz#startmeeting diversity-wg17:15
opendevmeetMeeting started Mon Nov  1 17:15:37 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.17:15
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'diversity_wg'17:15
spotz#topic Roll Call17:15
SWDevAngelI didn’t have any agenda items other than to say that Treva had reached out to us during the KubeCon lunch to ask if she could join the working group. Amy do you have her contact information?17:16
spotzI have her phoone and twitter, not a new email17:16
spotz#toopoic PTG17:16
spotz#topic PTG17:16
spotzJust to fill SWDevAngel in.:)17:18
SWDevAngelOkay let me ask Rain for it. She’s at Replicated now.17:19
SWDevAngelOkay, Rain doesn’t have it. They DM on Twitter.17:20
spotzOverall a good PTG we had 1 extra attendee the entire time Mary Camp from StarlingX. mnaser and rosmaita popped in17:20
SWDevAngelOh wait. Nope. Rain does have it. I’ll DM it to you. :)17:20
spotzOk, I suspect she might still be on the Foundaation list where meeting announcements are sent17:21
spotzThe Stance is now a locked wiki page that fungi can edit if needed or provide access and the word list is linked to and from it17:21
fungitechnically any of the wiki admins can edit it, there's just not many of us17:22
SWDevAngelOK, that was my only action item of the day. I’ve DMD you her address. :)17:22
spotzI suspect Jimmy and Wes?17:22
fungisuspect them of what?17:23
spotzAre wiki admins:)17:23
fungioh, i... don't think so but it's possible i've added them in the past... it's mostly community members not foundation staff17:24
fungii'll pull up the list in a moment17:24
spotzOOh ok17:25
spotzOpposite of what I thought17:25
fungithe wiki site was originally set up by ryan lane while he was still at wmf, and migrated our older moinmoin based wiki's content into it17:26
fungibut it was mainly managed by the docs team early on17:26
spotzAh ok, I love hearing the history behind things when I talk to you, cloudnull, etc:)17:27
spotzBut the gist is not everyone can edit the wiki so we won't see changes to the Stance being made17:28
fungisorry for the delay, i had to dig out my otp key for the 2fa17:28
spotzThe list of words I believe is editablle by anyone which can be good and bad. Maybe we should think abouot a quarterlly audit or set ourselves for notifications just to make sure it's noot radically changed17:29
spotzThat's the thing aboout 2FA finding the phone/app/device with the key17:29
fungicurrently active community members with administrators membership include clarkb, corvus, dansmith, me, jbryce, jpmaxman, mordred, ttx17:30
fungispotz: yeah, you can set a watch for that page so the wiki will e-mail you any time it's edited17:31
spotzfungi: Which should be rarely if ever by someone besides this group17:31
fungibut also it's easy to look at the page history, and roll back any problem edits to a specific earlier revision17:32
spotzOh noot froom the PTG but the changes from Legal are back in regards to Inclusive Naming in the bylaws. Chairman is now Chair and any pronouns are not they/them/their. I think there's one other cahnge needed but unrelated to that, one of the CooC contacts was out oof date17:35
fungii think the coc contacts list was just stale in the document copy wendar was using for redlining/reference, the copy on the website was already corrected before then17:37
spotzYeah, I like the new CooC page a lot17:38
SWDevAngelThat was a good catch by Mohammed to realize that Lauren’s name was still listed. :)17:39
spotzYeah I totally missed it17:39
fungiat least that wasn't the version that we'd been publishing17:39
SWDevAngelI didn’t see that either and I thought I read the whole thing.17:41
spotzThat's why moore eyes the better on these things17:41
spotzI think that's it for me on topics. I'd say maybe in 2022 we might want to think of doiong another survey but I don't think we need much tweeking on the questions from last time17:42
spotzOk as no one has said anything in a few going to close the log. Thank you both foor coming!17:51
opendevmeetMeeting ended Mon Nov  1 17:51:05 2021 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)17:51
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
fungithanks spotz!17:53
spotzYou're welcome:)17:59
fungion the subject of terminology right now, i was opening a bug for gerrit in the issue tracker and noticed one of their bug categories is "respectful terminology issue"19:15
fungii guess "respectful terminology" is what they went with as compared to the "inclusive terminology" moniker we used19:16
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted quickly for some security updates, but should return to service momentarily22:09

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