Tuesday, 2025-01-14

spotz[m]Meeting in 11 minutes. agenda - https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/diversity-wg-agenda14:49
spotz[m]fungi: meeting?15:03
spotz[m]Whee and Ildiko ok let me start the bot15:03
spotz[m]#startmeeting diversity_wg15:03
opendevmeetMeeting started Tue Jan 14 15:03:56 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is spotz[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.15:03
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:03
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'diversity_wg'15:03
spotz[m]#topic Roll Call15:04
spotz[m]#chair fungi ildiko15:04
opendevmeetWarning: Nick not in channel: ildiko15:04
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: fungi ildiko spotz[m]15:04
spotz[m]#chair ildikov15:05
opendevmeetCurrent chairs: fungi ildiko ildikov spotz[m]15:05
spotz[m]Ok interesting it added my mistake and kept it:)15:05
ildikovit happens :)15:05
spotz[m]I put one topic on the agenda today as it's the new year kick off and that's what goals we have for this year15:05
ildikovspotz[m]: are there any goals the group had for 2024 that are still outstanding?15:07
fungias a cheap option i linked to the action items list from oid-na and ptg15:08
spotz[m]not in the doc anyways:) We were trying to promote the Survey to get usable data but we've had it out there for almost 2 years now or at least 18 months15:08
fungiwe had some survey updates we wanted, discussion about adding translations for some stuff, and additions to the landing page on the foundation site15:09
spotz[m]It also looks like we were not asked for an annual report this past year15:09
ildikovspotz[m]: we've been making some tweaks to the Annual Report, so it has a different format this time around, etc15:10
fungithe annual report format was revised a bit for brevity this time around, it's possible we forgot about diversity-specific content 15:10
ildikovwe'll see where it will evolve over time15:11
fungithere's definitely content related to diversity, but not a dedicated section for it15:11
spotz[m]It has gotten long in the past, just let me know if we need to put something together. I'm not sure if we're required as a Board WG, but I've never written one for Compensation just an email with our conclusion for the year15:12
ildikovwe could utilize Superuser for some D&I WG and survey content maybe?15:12
fungiah, no there is a specific sub-heading for d&i activities, and i wrote it15:12
fungior at least i wrote some of it, looks like others expanded on the seed content in put into the draft15:12
spotz[m]I'm wondering if we sholdn't just forget the last version and tweak it if needed and reannounce it from scratch15:12
ildikovspotz[m]: do you mean renouncing the survey?15:13
fungii mentioned the new diversity portal, the survey, our involvement at events...15:14
spotz[m]Yeah just forget the current version which had less then 10 responses last I look and Announce a new one with fanfare!15:14
fungiand diablo_rojo added some content about mentorship programs (outreachy, anitab, student internships...)15:14
spotz[m]And please excuse all typos and bad grammar I haven't had coffee yet:)15:14
ildikovspotz[m]: I'm bad with grammar in general :D15:16
spotz[m]Speaking of mentorship, lets either turn the email list over to her to use or let's kill it. It's just spam at this point15:16
ildikovdoing another round of announcements is a good idea15:16
fungiso anyway, looks like i was co-assigned the diversity section of the annual report but threw a lot of the content together myself since there was not much lead-up and we skipped a few meetings, failing to bring my draft up with the larger group is on me but hopefully what's in the report will be satisfactory (i don't think i left out anything major). sorry about that!15:16
ildikovfungi: thanks for writing it up!15:17
fungiand if what i'm hearing is accurate, we should expect the report to be published tomorrow15:17
spotz[m]It's always been us writing it together so I'm good with that, just thoughht we were left out15:17
fungito be fair, i wrote all that before the holidays, so had already entirely forgotten i'd even done it15:18
fungigave those braincells a thorough chemical cleanse15:18
ildikovhaha, mines need some cleansing too... :)15:20
spotz[m]I was so bored:) Especially as most upstream meetings were canceled too15:21
spotz[m]If we forward the list to discuss will the spam still be caught or go through?15:21
fungiit will get caught in moderation same as it ever did15:25
spotz[m]Ok perfect15:25
fungioh, breaking news on the annual report, publication was just rescheduled for monday15:25
fungier, maybe that's just the newsletter that was rescheduled15:26
spotz[m]Oh maybe for after the elections, it's hell week after all15:26
spotz[m]Going back to the list from last year - I know we had some discussions in Suwon about translations, impact of possibly letting AI assist there. Did we ever get the software online?15:28
fungiyeah, never mind, annual report is still scheduled for tomorrow, newsletter is just pushed out to monday15:28
fungii think the ai-assisted translation discussion was specific to the openstack i18n team migrating from zanata to weblate, and as far as i know they still haven't finished doing that15:29
fungiif memory serves, ai-assist was an option in weblate15:29
spotz[m]Yeah it was in relation to the patches kicking off translation then the i18n team verifying, but then would the AI get kicked off again,etc and loop15:30
spotz[m]What other translations were you thinking?15:31
fungithe stuff listed in the oid-na/ptg discussion action items15:31
fungi"translations for superuser/newsletters" ... "translated versions of surveys and code of conduct"15:32
spotz[m]ahh newsletters15:32
spotz[m]Besides getting professional translators, would it be much different? Maybe Google translate vs weblate then asking the team to correct?15:33
fungii think first we needed to have a discussion with the stakeholders on staff/board about the challenges for different content (legal, financial, logistical, technical)15:35
spotz[m]Legal might be a challenge for sure as that needs to be 100% correct15:36
fungiyeah, depending on the document15:36
fungifor example, translations of the coc have some possible legal implications, but translations of newsletters may not15:36
spotz[m]Or the finances as numbers are numbers they don't get translated just the words around them15:37
fungias for using automated translation systems, it's worth discussing but my take is that if people wanted to read google-translated documents then they'd just stuff the url into google translate themselves, us publishing the result doesn't necessarily improve that experience15:38
fungialso google translate probably has terms of service which prohibit using its output on another webpage15:38
ildikovin many browsers translation is built-in by now15:38
fungiright, essentially if our translated content is no better/more accurate than auto-translation plugins in people's browsers, it's likely a waste of time and energy15:39
ildikovat least to English, I haven't tried other languages, but I'm sure it'll keep evolving15:39
ildikov+1 to what fungi said15:39
spotz[m]So here's a question, is there some way for us to trigger the browser to translate? I know sometimes I get prompted to on sites and others I don't15:40
fungii'm happy to defer to others on this point though, especially seeing as how i'm a native english speaker and our content is originally written in english, so i lack true perspective on how useful it is or isn't15:40
spotz[m]Yeah me too, so maybe we do a test and see how bad it is:)15:42
fungii'm simply guessing that the people who are asking to have documents translated into their preferred language mean having it done by a competent human translator fluent in both the source and target languages, and that if they wanted to read machine-translated content they could already easily do so15:42
spotz[m]Or maybe languages that don't have browser support15:43
fungithough in those cases the lack of browser plugins for their language likely means there aren't great machine translation solutions for that language, so we'd still need a human taking care of that15:44
ildikovI was in Japan last year and I used translation on local websites from Japanese to English15:45
spotz[m]Yeah so budget question, and I think finance is meeting today. We'd need an estimate to ask15:46
spotz[m]Yeah I'm using it for Brussels now:)15:46
ildikovthere was a button somewhere in the URL field to turn it on15:46
spotz[m]Ok so not to go too far off topic, is getting a quote a foundation item?15:49
fungithere is some time and expense involved in looking for and collecting price quotes, i think before they do that the problem needs to be scoped more clearly15:50
fungibasically we need to have some discussion about which of the various things listed make sense to try and get translations done for, and into which languages15:50
fungido we know which languages people want which documents translated into?15:51
fungiwho specificially is requesting we add the translations, maybe they have some ideas already?15:51
fungilooks like it was alvaro who brought it up initially at oid-na15:52
fungihe was initially talking about a translation he made of the coc into spanish, and wanted to talk about possibly getting it published somewhere official15:53
spotz[m]I would think that should be easy enough to accomplish?15:53
fungithe crux of the issue there was that in order to do a legal review the foundation needed to track down legal counsel who felt capable of reviewing documents in spanish15:54
fungiso that's a specific request, i guess it's somewhere to start. finding and gettign quotes on legal document review from lawyers specializing in that15:55
spotz[m]It's worth asking Chris to check at the firm?15:55
fungi#link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/diversity-wg-na discussion of publishing community-translated spanish coc15:56
fungifor reference, since it was a few clicks away from the agenda15:56
fungifrom that discussion it looks like alvaro had talked to aprice so she presumably has some context which would be the best place to start15:59
fungiand it seemed like TheJulia had some memory of discussing that at the board level too15:59
spotz[m]Ok 2 minutes left. I can follow up with Allison.15:59
spotz[m]Ok let me end the meeting. Thank you both for attending16:00
opendevmeetMeeting ended Tue Jan 14 16:00:23 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)16:00
opendevmeetMinutes:        https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/diversity_wg/2025/diversity_wg.2025-01-14-15.03.html16:00
opendevmeetMinutes (text): https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/diversity_wg/2025/diversity_wg.2025-01-14-15.03.txt16:00
opendevmeetLog:            https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/diversity_wg/2025/diversity_wg.2025-01-14-15.03.log.html16:00
spotz[m]Spanish COC was community reviewed and cleared for publication16:05
fungii guess the question was then more around how to get it onto the openinfra.org website alongside the english original?16:06
fungi(was it cleared for that specifically?)16:07
TheJuliaI was always advocating we just do machine translation and post with an explicit note it is a translation, fwiw16:07
spotz[m] the requirement we gave him was that it needed to be reviewed by 3 native speakers to ensure that the english version was translated correctly. and he satisfied that.16:07
fungicool, so i guess we're down to followup with foundation staff managing the website to get the document up there16:08
spotz[m]That was from Allison FYI16:08
fungii think even if we're going to publish machine translations, the open questions i'd have are 1. which languages specifically? 2. what machine translation services have licenses allowing third-party publication of their output? 3. how much will that cost?16:10
fungioh, also of course 4. which documents?16:10
TheJuliaThat is semi-disjointed from a single document though16:11
spotz[m]I think we could do a poll to determine languages? My guess would be Spanish, French, Chinese(Cantonese and Mandarin?), Korean and Japanese?16:11
TheJuliait *would* be helpful in growing the community to help breakdown those language barriers a little, overall16:11
fungiwhich languages we target might also depend on the different audiences. the most cost-effective languages for the coc may differ from those for the foundation newsletter, for example16:12
TheJuliathat all being said, the code of conduct is the most important doc for non-native speakers to have access to16:13
fungicost for translating newsletter issues is going to be more frequent/ongoing, while legal documents like the coc are relatively static16:13
fungiyes, i also think scoping it to just the coc first would make sense16:13
TheJuliayeah, and truthfully, the news letter can also be translated by interested parties. CoC is sort of like rules of the road16:13
TheJuliaCalifornia Example: "Thou shall not exceed 70 Mph, unless you exceed 16k lbs, a tag axle, towing something, then you may not exceed 55 Mph"16:15

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