Tuesday, 2025-03-11

ildikovAre we having the meeting today?14:03
fungiildikov: no, we decided to skip since it would have started at the same time as the board meeting14:11
ildikovfungi: ah, right, I assume the diversity WG meeting is on UTC time as well?14:13
fungithough we may decide to move it to a different time anyway to avoid conflicts with meetings that shift to 15:00 utc during usa and/or eu dst, we didn't 14:13
fungididn't get around to proposing that yet14:14
ildikovok, yeah, that makes sense 14:14
ildikovI'll keep an eye out for that14:14
fungiyeah, https://meetings.opendev.org/#Diversity_Working_Group_Meeting has it as 15:00 utc on the second tuesday of each month for now14:15
ildikovmy calendar has the entry on PT, so it didn't't shift14:15
ildikovI still need to figure out how to mix the time zones for the different meetings14:15
fungii keep mine grouped by frequency and which regional dst transitions they follow (if any)14:22
fungiso over the weekend i updated all my entries for stuff that follows usa dst14:23
fungiand in a couple weeks i'll update all the ones that follow eu dst14:23
spotz[m]I’ll get a patch up this week17:54
fungithanks! ping me if i don't approve it straight away18:04

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