Thursday, 2021-10-21

opendevreviewJames Gibson proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Fix error in dynamic-address-fact task when no tunnel interface
opendevreviewAlexandr Yeremko proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: initial commit, Implements: blueprint protecting-plaintext-configs
opendevreviewAlexandr Yeremko proposed openstack/ansible-role-vault master: initial commit, Implements: blueprint protecting-plaintext-configs
opendevreviewAlexandr Yeremko proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_glance master: initial commit, Implements: blueprint protecting-plaintext-configs
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/ansible-config_template master: Add option to install as collection
ierdemHi everyone, I have OSA Victoria env and I am trying to deploy kubernetes cluster by using Magnum and got this error. "error GET failed'. I've tried to run manually 'curl -v' command and result has no 'user_data' Any ideas?11:56
noonedeadpunksorry, no idea12:13
spateljamesdenton take a look here and see if any other improvement we can do otherwise looking good -
jamesdentonspatel as-is, i think it limits you to a single bond, whereas users may want bonds for multiple provider networks13:59
jamesdentonso, that is likely where we'd want to implement something like that. The 'network_interface' mechanism  you showed me yesterday would probably be the best place, since it's already responsible for plugging in an interface into the bridge14:00
anskiy_hhey! I'm trying to deploy a proper cluster from 23.1.1 on Ubuntu 20.04 and I keep getting error during setup-infrastructure (utility-install) about non-primary repo nodes not being able to build netifaces (which is okay, bc they don't even have GCC installed, so they should get it from wheels subdirectory on primary node), but the primary node doesn't build them either and the reason to this, as far as I see is flipped value of venv_wheel_buil14:00
jamesdentonit could instead be turned into a list14:00
anskiy_hI've put debug message just before the include_tasks: "python_venv_wheel_build.yml":
spatelhmm 14:01
spateljamesdenton you are saying instead of creating separate play just merge them here -
jamesdentona separate play is fine, but i think we need to be more flexible in how the bonds are defined. We may have 4x interfaces defined in ovs_dpdk_pci_addresses, but want 2x bonds14:05
jamesdentonone in br-vlan and one in br-vlan214:05
opendevreviewJames Gibson proposed openstack/ansible-role-pki master: Add support for setting extended key usage
spateljamesdenton i know what you saying. we can create separate variable like ovs_dpdk_bond_nic  (where you can define nic you want to bond 14:19
spatellet me see what we can do to make more flexible, in worst case we have to define bridge name variable 14:21
jrosser_anskiy_h: isn't that debug output becasue of this?
anskiy_hjrosser_: no, I've just added that logging here:, so I could get my head around those variable values, or what was you question actually?14:48
jrosser_well, i was thinking that looking at the way the vars are set up, it might be expected to have that debug output?14:49
anskiy_hnope it's definitely mine :)14:55
anskiy_hjrosser_: or, I've got what you mean, sorry. Well, yes, it does expected, but this thing here only gets run if that variable is true, which is not for the first node and I assume that's why wheels aren't built14:59
anskiy_hthis ternary here works as expected, I get gcc, python3-dev (from venv_build_distro_package_list (utility_devel_distro_packages)) and cmake, g++, python3-dev (from venv_build_base_distro_package_list) on the first node. I don't use containers, so maybe that's why I'm getting total failure and I assume that in LXC one just gets utili15:10
jrosser_the venv/wheel build should just happen on the host unless there is a bug15:17
jrosser_where does it actually fail?15:17
jrosser_the answer to this is probably in the venv/wheel build log in /var/log15:19
anskiy_hthere is only python_venv_build.log on all the hosts and no /var/log/python_wheel_build.log on second and third hosts (I assume it's because whole python_venv_wheel_build.yml task file doen't get run). venv build happens fine on the first node (which has gcc, etc), on the other nodes build fails on netifaces with "'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc': No such file or directory"15:27
jrosser_so it's OK on the first node? you get netifaces built on the first node?15:32
anskiy_hjrosser_: yes, it's this task that fails on second and third nodes.15:37
jrosser_do you know what version of netifaces it wants?15:38
jrosser_i think that it wants a version of netifaces which does not publish a python3.8 wheel on pypi15:43
anskiy_hit's 0.10.9, which is pretty old, yeah.15:44
anskiy_hand only 0.11.0 has cp38 wheel15:44
jrosser_i wonder why the version built on your first node is not available from the repo server for the others15:47
anskiy_hjrosser_: as far as I understood, python_venv_bulid role builds and puts wheels in /var/www/repo/os-releases/23.1.1/ubuntu-20.04-x86_64/wheels here: and with that previous debug, when the first node has venv_wheel_build_enable False, it doesn't get run.15:51
spateljamesdenton i have one networking question, can single virtual router connect to two external network in flat networking? 15:56
jrosser_anskiy_h: i feel there is a good chance that this is happening because of no LXC, which means that the test {{ venv_build_host != inventory_hostname }} will perhaps be false in a lot more cases than otherwise16:00
jamesdentononly one can be considered 'external'16:00
jrosser_anskiy_h: you could set venv_wheel_build_enable: true in your user_variables.yml and see if it gets further16:02
anskiy_hjrosser_: oh, yeah, I get it. Especially in the case, like you've said, that it should be built on the host. Thanks for the tip about the variable, it should work the way I expect, especially with that run_once. Thank again!16:04
anskiy_hlast case scenario would be just getting build chain on all the hosts16:05
jrosser_oh yes sure, that would do it too16:06
noonedeadpunkFolks, can we merge several backports so we could do next minor release? Specifically: / and 16:12
noonedeadpunkthere're also bunch of changes to stein16:12
noonedeadpunkwhile we won't release them it would be nice to fix things there16:12
jrosser_for stein we first need then
jamesdentondo those have to merge in order?16:17
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_tempest stable/stein: Fix tempest plugin versions
noonedeadpunkwell they have depends set16:18
noonedeadpunkbut yeah16:18
noonedeadpunk(or rebased)16:18
jamesdentonjust wondering if I can W+1 all of them or need to wait16:18
noonedeadpunkI'd say to go on actually16:24
anskiy_hjrosser_: yeah, it worked. One downside to this is that I wouldn't get the build chain on the first node on a fresh installation, but I've put a note for future self there :)16:39
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server stable/wallaby: Improve support for tags
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible-os_neutron master: Add support for openvswitch interface driver with OVN
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible master: [doc] Fix netplan sample
*** sshnaidm is now known as sshnaidm|afk18:53
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/wallaby: Fix manila haproxy manage
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/victoria: Fix manila haproxy manage
spateljamesdenton around?19:35
spatelQuick networking question 19:35
spatelone of my friend has this design, two infra nodes and both connected to two separate ISP network 19:36
spatelNetworking is flat 19:36
spatelIn this case if i create virtual router then it can only talk to 1 ISP or connect to 1 ISP right?19:37
jamesdentonspatel restricted20:02
spateli never work with virtual routers so little confused 20:03
spatelif my router schedule on infra-2 then he can't talk to ISP-A right? 20:04
spatelor he can over VxALN20:04
spateljamesdenton  sorry i didn't realized that diagram is asking for permission 20:10
jamesdentonthats ok. a neutron router can be connected to both, and you might be able to add some routes but nothing real intelligent (i.e. no PBR)20:37
jamesdentononly one would be consider "external"20:37
spateljamesdenton if i connect router to both ISP-A and B and then i have single default gateway that won't work right? 20:40
spatelthat would be dumb solution 20:40
spatelin that case better solution would be create two router and attach both to separate ISP20:41
jamesdentonyes? but what are they wanting to do? some kind of load balancing across ISP?20:43
spatelyes kind of 20:55
spatelbut that won't work i believe. may be more provider just for sharing load so not depend on single provider 20:56
spateli will ask him more question tomorrow 20:56
jrosser_spatel: 2 galera nodes = split brain21:02
jrosser_like you just can’t do it with only 221:02
spatelyes.. that is good question :)21:02
spateli will ask him.. all he gave me that diagram to see if that is possible or not.  21:03
spateleven 4 node infra won't work right?21:03
jrosser_you’d have to check the clustering, even numbers are not good for ceph for example21:04
jrosser_and there would maybe be different considerations for galera21:05

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