Wednesday, 2022-09-21

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opendevreviewKevin Carter proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_horizon master: Add uwsgi option to horizon
jamesdenton@cloudnull multiple patchsets? have you lost your touch?01:44
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opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-galera_server master: Bump mariadb version to 10.6.10
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ThiagoCMCjamesdenton, thanks!08:27
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opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Bump ansible-core version to 2.13.4
spateljamesdenton around?16:13
spatelI want to assign specific fix IP from floating, how to do that?16:15
spatelCan i have multiple physnet1 on same physical interface, example  bridge_mappings=Physnet1:br-eth1,Physnet2:br-eth1,Physnet3:br-eth1 ?16:44
mgariepyspatel, it works.17:48
mgariepyabout ovn17:48
mgariepyalso. jamesdenton ^^17:48
mgariepytl;dr; i did the deployment of  ovn (a couple taks in ansible playbook) + lxd cluster (by hand) + ceph (ceph-ansible)17:50
mgariepyceph-ansible changed some iptable policy.. and then it stopped working. and i went a bit too fast blaming ovn for all my issues :D17:52
jamesdentonspatel assign a particular port to a floating IP? or specify a particular IP addr when creating the float?17:54
jamesdentonalso, regarding the same interface.... i seem to recall seeing recently OVN did not like that17:55
jamesdentonLooking at my notes... it was neutron-openvswitch-agent that was mad, not OVN.17:59
jamesdenton> Parsing bridge_mappings failed: Value br-provider in mapping: 'flat:br-provider' not unique. agent terminated!18:00
spateljamesdenton i have very strange requirement 18:13
spatelI have already flat network configured and working fine. 18:13
spatelNow one of voice provider giving us SIP trunk for calling..and he gave us subnet. means i have two host ip in that range one for my VM and other one is gateway of provider.. 18:15
spatelHow do i directly attach that IP to one of my VM ?18:15
jamesdentonwill this be a new network or could you stack that subnet onto the existing network?18:16
spatelstack to existing network because i have only single physnet1 18:16
jamesdentonso, a second subnet on top of the existing flat network?18:16
spatelYes, i have one flat provider-network 18:17
jamesdentonyou could create as /30 subnet, set the gateway accordingly, disable dhcp, and create a port using .150 (if .149 is the GW) and assign to your VM or create as a reservation only and setup allowed-address-pairs on the existing VM port to allow that .150 addr18:18
spatelNow this new SIP trunk i want to terminate on one of VM so how do i add that subnet in existing provider-network?18:18
spatelits not letting me create /30 subnet because it need router IP also 18:19
jamesdentonopenstack subnet create --network <existing flat network uuid> --subnet-range --gateway --no-dhcp <subnet name>18:19
spatelhmm let me try again.. hold on18:20
spatelI have create network 18:23
spateldo you want me to create --fix-ip ?18:23
jamesdentonare you needing to assign this IP directly to VM? or is this supposed to be a floating IP?18:23
spatelYes i want to assign directly.. i don't think floating way it will work? does it?18:24
spatelI am ok with anything floating or direct.. whatever method work 18:24
jamesdentonwell, it could work if you had something bigger than a /3018:24
spatelLets say if i want to use floating then how do i tell to create floating ip ?18:25
jamesdentonopenstack floating ip create --floating-ip-address <x.x.x.x> --subnet <subnet> --port <existing port>18:25
jamesdentonbut in this case, a /30 is too small, your router would need an IP, too18:26
jamesdentonthe neutron router, that is18:26
spatelhmm let me try.. otherwise i am thinking to create network of /28 :)18:26
jamesdentonwell, i thought they only gave you a /30?18:26
spateljust lying.. to ISP but it should work18:27
spatel--port <existing port> what is this?18:27
spatelwhich port its?18:27
jamesdentonthe port of the fixed ip attached to the instance18:27
spatelexisting VM ip ?18:27
jamesdentonexisting VM port, yes. 18:28
spatellet me try hold on.. 18:28
jamesdentonbut let's take a step back here... i know you have this existing FLAT network. Is that an external network attached to a Neutron router? Or are VMs connected to it and there's no neutron router?18:28
spatelI have router create 18:29
spateland external flat network attach to router18:29
spatelall my vm use floating ip to talk to external network.. using router18:29
spateljamesdenton i did this - openstack floating ip create --floating-ip-address --subnet sip-subnet --port 505627ef-cf4a-42b6-b7d6-ffe97edfda68 provider-net18:33
spatelit attached floating ip to vm but can't ping gateway.. 18:33
spatel10.53.65.149 - direct peer ip18:34
jamesdentonyeah, you can't use this as a floating IP network, unfortunately18:34
jamesdentonthe router will need an IP for arp to work, and there's none left18:34
spatelLet me try this openstack subnet create --network <existing flat network uuid> --subnet-range --gateway --no-dhcp <subnet name>18:35
spatelit will give us enough ip to have some for router18:35
jamesdentonwhere did get configured?18:35
spatel149 is ISP gateway18:35
jamesdentonis it a secondary address on an existing interface? for the existing flat network in particular?18:35
spatelI have l2 switch.. and i just terminate physical cable from ISP to l2 switch (its pretty much visible on all my openstack node)18:37
jamesdentonok. then you faking it should be OK18:39
spateli did  way and attach vm 18:41
spatelbut didn't work18:41
spatelalso i am not seeing any IP assigned to router18:41
spateldo i need to do allocate=start/end?18:41
jamesdentonlook at subnet show and see how it carved up for the allocation pool18:42
jamesdentonbut yes, you would need at least 1 available IP in the allocation pool for the router (and it should configure qg automatically018:44
spatelvery strange i am not seeing any single ip assign to router18:44
spatellet me try allocate start/end way...18:44
spatelVery strange, router not getting any ip address from this new subnet18:52
jamesdentondid you see anything in neutron-l3-agent logs?18:52
jamesdentonoh, right. OVN. I have not done this with OVN18:53
jamesdentononly OVS/LXB w/ L3 agent18:53
jamesdentonthere's a chance... that this use case has not been tested18:53
jamesdentonwould need to reproduce this18:54
spatelFeel like because of openflow its not routing traffic18:54
spatelyou can't put any ip and any interface because openflow rules won't let it do that18:55
spatelCan i add one extra nic in openstack and create new flat network then it should work correct?18:57
jamesdentonyou could add a second nic to your VM right on that flat network, and assign the IP, but you'd need some static routes18:57
spatelHow..? 18:58
spatelhow do i add second nic in VM without provider-net?18:58
jamesdentonopenstack server add port [-h] [--tag <tag>] <server> <port>18:58
jamesdentonyou'd delete that floating IP and instead, create a port whose fixed ip is .15018:59
spatellet me understand.. 19:00
spateladd port to server but i need to create port first right?19:00
spatelopenstack server add port [-h] [--tag <tag>] <vm1> <?????>19:01
spatelopenstack port create --network provider-net --fixed-ip subnet=d033e4ac-6f14-4da4-818b-87311abcb087,ip-address= sip-port019:04
spatelopenstack server add port sip-1 sip-port019:05
jamesdentonyou should then see an eth1 on the VM. you'll need to configure IP by hand19:05
jamesdenton(since dhcp was disabled)19:06
spatelYes , i can see ens4 19:06
jamesdentonright, ok. 19:06
spateli have assigned IP to ens4 manually 19:06
spatelbut still can't ping to GW 19:06
jamesdentoni would double check that you see the pings on the interface connected to br-provider19:07
jamesdentonon the compute itself19:07
spatelDo you think port security could be issue here?19:07
spatelbecause we are doing thing outside openflow rules..19:08
jamesdentonwell, the port ought to have a default security group applied, and as long as IP/MAC on the VM matches the port, that should be OK19:09
spateli am not seeing icmp packet in compute physical interface - tcpdump -i eth1 -nn icmp19:10
jamesdentonthis approach should not be circumventing any openflow/ovn stuff. this is a "supported" method19:10
jamesdentoneth1 is in br-provider?19:10
jamesdentonok, do you see the icmp on the tap interface?19:10
spatelit works :)19:13
spatelDAMN it19:13
spateli forgot to bring up nic :(19:13
spatelafter doing ip link set ens4 up  (it works.. i can ping)19:14
jamesdentonvery good19:14
jamesdentonlike i mentioned, you may need static routes on the VM19:14
spatelThank you.. you saved my life :D19:14
jamesdentonsince replies would be asymmetric19:14
spatelyou may need static routes on the VM ???19:15
jamesdentonyou're multi-homed, right? default gateway is not out ens4?19:15
spatelYes.. i know.. 19:15
spatelI have to set default + subnet specific route19:15
jamesdentonthis might help; haven't done this but i've seen it done:
jamesdentonset a mark on the traffic coming into ens4 and use a different routing table back out19:17
spatelip router2  magic :)19:18
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/wallaby: Fix dynamic-address-fact gathering with tags
ThiagoCMCFolks, I'm trying to deploy stable/yoga Ironic, Ubuntu, 3 Controllers, 3 Nova Computes for VMs, 3 Nova Computes for Ironic. When I add 3 'ironic-infra_hosts' to Controllers, all good ('baremetal conductor list' shows 3), Ironic APT deployed, however, when I add one 'ironic-compute_hosts' to "first" Controller, then, the following error appear during TASK '':23:11
ThiagoCMCERROR! Unexpected templating type error occurred on ({{ (lxc_container_networks_combined.values() | list) | sort(attribute='interface') }}): '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'NoneType'23:11
ThiagoCMCAfter this error, `lxc-ls -f` shows a "$hostname_ironic_compute_container-45356gds" doesn't show any IPs.23:11
ThiagoCMCAny clues?  ^_^23:12
ThiagoCMCThe 'ironic-compute_hosts' are also conintainers in the Controllers, right?23:12
ThiagoCMCThen I have to use the `` to remove it.23:15
ThiagoCMCI forgot to mention the TASK: 'LXC host config for container networks'.23:30

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