Thursday, 2022-09-22

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derekokeeffe85Hi all, is this the correct place to ask a few questions about the networking on a OSA install?08:20
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noonedeadpunkderekokeeffe85: yes, feel free to :)09:22
noonedeadpunkThiagoCMC: well, I guess that 'ironic-compute_hosts' are not really containers. But it's better to ask somebody else 09:23
ThiagoCMCWeird... All examples I see about it shows it has container...09:24
noonedeadpunkI'd say this is terribly wrong09:24
ThiagoCMCOh no09:24
noonedeadpunkApi is on metal and compute is not... 09:25
noonedeadpunkWell, I dunno, maybe ironic-compute should be in container as well09:25
noonedeadpunkBut api should be there for sure09:25
ThiagoCMCAPI is fine... But the Ironic Compute isn't really a compute, right? I mean, it's just a service to help Ironic<->Nova talks?09:26
noonedeadpunkeventually I can recall jrosser_ pushed bunch of patches for ironic, but he's not around now09:26
ThiagoCMCMaybe I should elect one of the Controllers as Ironic "Compute", I'll give it a try.09:26
noonedeadpunkhe pushed series of patches to master
ThiagoCMCI was trying again just now, new error someplace else: 'ironic_inspector_dhcp_address' is undefine.09:27
derekokeeffe85Cool noonedeadpunk thanks. So the first question I have is, I create the bridges through netplan and after the install I do an ovs-vsctl show it says error: "could not add network device br-vlan to ofproto (File exists)" and then I do a brctl show and it's in use "br-vlan 8000.b8ca3a627340 no bond0"09:28
ThiagoCMCJust saw a commit about it09:28
noonedeadpunkand here's where this issue come from
ThiagoCMCThank you!09:28
noonedeadpunkderekokeeffe85: I think that for ovs you should not create br-vlan br-vxlan with netplan. Let me check my deployment09:29
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opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Do not spawn ironic-api on metal
noonedeadpunkderekokeeffe85: give me 10 mins, need to finish smth09:36
ThiagoCMCThat's fast :-D09:39
damiandabrowskiwell, i think you need to create br-vxlan with netplan because this interface needs to have IP address09:39
damiandabrowskibut for br-vlan Dmitriy was right09:39
damiandabrowskifor br-vlan you can use 'network_interface' variable to point to the interface which will be added to br-vlan OVS bridge09:41
ThiagoCMCAlso, BTW, `br-vxlan` doesn't have to be a bridge, from what I know.09:42
damiandabrowskithat's right, but AFAIK our docs use 'br-vxlan' naming convention 09:43
ThiagoCMCI mean, if you deploy OpenStack manually, it works as a regular Linux interface, but OSA... Yeah, convention and docs...09:43
ThiagoCMCI believe that if you just rename, for example "eth2" to "br-vxlan" on Netplan, it should do the trick.09:47
noonedeadpunkThiagoCMC: yeah, it does not need to be a bridge. It makes even more sense to not be a bridge...10:01
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noonedeadpunkderekokeeffe85: ^ 10:02
noonedeadpunkThiagoCMC: you can jsut define any name you want in openstack_user_config as well ;)10:02
ThiagoCMCThat's very true... LOL10:02
derekokeeffe85Perfect, thanks both, I will look at that now10:14
derekokeeffe85Can I just redo the netplan and run os-neutron-install.yml again?10:16
derekokeeffe85after making the changes that is10:16
noonedeadpunkAt least worth trying :)10:18
derekokeeffe85Thank you10:19
noonedeadpunkdamiandabrowski: since you're around, can you check (should be super quickly)10:30
damiandabrowskisure, approved10:32
ThiagoCMCI'm trying to `` using `master` branch (to try latest Ironic code but, Git clone task fails, 'openstack-ansible-os_glance', error in objetc: unshallow... the remote hang up unexpectedly.10:33
ThiagoCMCSame with 'ansible-pacagekamer-corosync' Git repo...10:34
ThiagoCMCOh, 'ansible-etcd' repo too10:34
noonedeadpunkthat's interesting10:36
noonedeadpunkwhat OS are you using?10:36
noonedeadpunkIm spawning aio for Focal right now10:36
ThiagoCMCUbuntu 20.04, found something about Git http.postBuffer10:37
ThiagoCMCI'll test10:37
ThiagoCMCTried `git config --global http.postBuffer 100000000`, still fails10:39
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ThiagoCMCI'm behind a proxy, that might be the problem but, not sure why it works for other repos...10:52
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noonedeadpunkwe take some roles from github, some from opendev11:03
noonedeadpunkand the ones you're mentioning are github ones11:03
ThiagoCMCBut it's trying all of them from opendev.org11:08
ThiagoCMCAccodring to output11:08
ThiagoCMCYeah, 'openstack-ansible-os_glance' is from and it's failing too.11:09
ThiagoCMCThe other two `ansible-etcd` and `ansible-pacemaker-corosync` yes, from github11:10
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ThiagoCMCI can `git clone` those repos just fine (manually on the same machine).11:13
ThiagoCMCAlso, I was just using this machine for `stable/yoga`. When I changed to `master`, started to fail.11:17
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ThiagoCMCAHA! Removed line `depth` out from task "Clone git repos (with git)" and it worked!11:39
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opendevreviewJF Taltavull proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-os_ceilometer master: Fix wrong pathname in pre install task
jamesdentonnoonedeadpunk i will work on the docs and try to clear up the overlay network confusion (ie. br-vxlan bridge/no-bridge)12:32
jamesdentoni also have some netplan examples that could be handy, if we don't already have them12:32
noonedeadpunkwe have some netplan examples. Worth checking them though :)12:33
noonedeadpunkThiagoCMC: huh, I don't think depth should be used nowadays... Or well, it will in case clone in parallel will fail12:33
noonedeadpunkBut then good question is why parallel clone fails...12:34
ThiagoCMCYeah, parallel failed... The depth is still there! Working now... So, `master` branch seems much better for Ironic! I'm not seeing and of the failures I see with `stable/yoga`.12:35
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ThiagoCMCjamesdenton, I also have some cool Netplan examples! Might be useful ^_^12:35
noonedeadpunkCan you kindly paste how it failed?12:35
jamesdentonThiagoCMC feel free to share here and maybe we can incorporate them12:36
ThiagoCMCCool, I'll  =)12:37
ThiagoCMCBTW, talking about Netplan, have you folks ever used it to create OpenvSwitch bonds and bridges? I can easily use OVS CLI, or old ifupdown (`/etc/network/interfaces`) but, Netplan+OVS seems like a mystery to me. I even tried via MaaS but it also doesn't create OVS bonds via Netplan.12:42
jamesdentoni think MAAS does now muck with OVS, but lemme see12:43
jamesdentonthere's an example for netplan here: and the official docs mention it:
ThiagoCMCI tried that... Didn't work.  :-D12:47
ThiagoCMCAnd MaaS makes a regular Linux bond0 (LACP) and then OVS bridge on top of it... Like whaaaat?12:47
noonedeadpunkI think we do ovs bridge creation with neutron role12:49
ThiagoCMCHmmm.. Not the br-vxlan or br-vlan, if I remember well... Let me see that!12:49
noonedeadpunkI can recall some quite recent patch (for Y at least) that allowed to create any bridge12:50
ThiagoCMCwow! Even with DPDK!  :-O12:50
noonedeadpunkor we never merged it....12:51
ThiagoCMCIt would be nice to have more examples with OVS12:52
derekokeeffe85Sorry, wrong window12:52
ThiagoCMCPerhaps a 100% OVS-based example, even for `br-mgmt`...12:53
noonedeadpunkoh, I do know a person who did that12:55
noonedeadpunkAnd we also had a patch for that12:55
noonedeadpunkbut yes, having more docs would be awesome indeed12:57
noonedeadpunkthere's mention in the doc though12:58
noonedeadpunk but not really an example12:59
jamesdentonThiagoCMC if you can create a bug with your docs wishlist (re: ovs) i'll work on it13:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/openstack-ansible stable/yoga: Bump OpenStack-Ansible for Yoga
jamesdentonnoonedeadpunk what does this error mean?
noonedeadpunkjamesdenton: it means that dependant patch should be merged first13:19
jamesdentonahh, i missed the depends-on. thanks13:19
ThiagoCMCjamesdenton, I'll definitely do that!13:24
ThiagoCMCI'm trying `master`, Ironic container problems where fixed, cool! But now it's failing in a different TASK:13:26
ThiagoCMC'openstack.osa.service_setup : Add service project', fatal: To utilize this module, the installed version of the openstacksdk library MUST be >=0.101.13:26
ThiagoCMCUbuntu 20.0413:26
jamesdentonwhich playbook?13:26
noonedeadpunkah, I can imagine that happening...13:27
noonedeadpunkwe use master version of ansible collection13:28
noonedeadpunkwhich right now under huge refactoring13:28
ThiagoCMCCool! Any quick workaround for this one?  :-P13:28
noonedeadpunkI haven't faced it anywhere yet. But I guess fast thing to do would be in utility container to manually upgrade openstacksdk inside venv13:29
noonedeadpunklike /openstack/venvs/utility-25.***.dev**/bin/pip install --upgrade openstacksdk13:30
ThiagoCMCI'll give it a try, thanks!13:30
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ThiagoCMCnoonedeadpunk, I also tested the new '{{ keystone_service_internal }}', it still fails if a proxy is configured in the environment. I tried to re-add the 'environment: \n    no_proxy: '{{ keystone_uwsgi_bind_address }}"13:47
ThiagoCMCBut, still failed! Then, I restored `url:` back to 'keystone_uwsgi_bind_address' like before... Worked13:48
ThiagoCMCFile keystone_service_bootstrap.yml13:48
noonedeadpunkyeah, the fix jrosser_pushed is wrong and we should either revert or fix it in some other way13:49
noonedeadpunkAh, I even pushed it lol,
noonedeadpunkThiagoCMC: It's weird though that keystone_service_internaluri fails. As it should be jsut internal_lb_vip_address which already supposed to have no_proxy?13:51
ThiagoCMCThe no_proxy contains only '' and both VIPs (int/ext) in the /etc/environment in all hosts and containers in this env, but somehow, one or or two tasks fails and I have to add this 'environment:\n    no_proxy' on them.13:53
ThiagoCMCI'm in a very closed env, no Internet access, only 1 proxy to do "setup-everything".13:55
noonedeadpunkwell yes, correct. But I think checking '{{ keystone_service_internal }}' fails because of another bug, and should fix it as well13:57
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible-haproxy_server master: Allow do disable SSL only for stats frontend
ThiagoCMCAhh ok =P14:16
noonedeadpunkbut if you're playing would be great if you can check that :)14:35
ThiagoCMCSounds cool!14:50
spatelfor logo branding, do i need svg image for logo or png should be fine?16:18
spatelIts horizon GUI 16:18
noonedeadpunkOh, it was soooo long ago16:20
noonedeadpunkBut in short - png will suck a lot16:20
noonedeadpunkAs it will adjust to screen size very badly16:21
noonedeadpunkBut I dealed with it in Train, so maybe horizon folks have fixed layout a bit16:21
spatelI am using yoga 16:23
spatelI don't know how to convert png to svg :D16:23
spateli tried online tool but it mess with logo color16:23
spateldefault it use svg.. where do i change extension from svg to png ?16:24
spatelnevermind i found correct tool to convert png to svg :)16:29
kleininoonedeadpunk, ThiagoCMC: I use OVS on compute and network nodes for bonding, all bridges and Neutron OVS agent. On infra nodes I had to use Linux bridges otherwise container connectivity did not work out.19:13
jamesdenton__noonedeadpunk Re: openstacksdk issues earlier
noonedeadpunkkleini: container connectivity should work nowadays actually19:49
noonedeadpunkjamesdenton__: yep, I've already checked and current u-c does have sdk 0.10119:50
noonedeadpunkwe need to make master bump I guess19:50
noonedeadpunkbut was afraid to do that because of oslo.db issue19:51
jamesdenton__oh ok19:51
noonedeadpunkmaybe doesn't matter much though19:51
noonedeadpunkah, CI fails now as well19:52
jamesdenton__^^ yes19:52
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: Bump OpenStack-Ansible master
opendevreviewClark Boylan proposed openstack/openstack-ansible master: DNM run jobs parented to base-test

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