Friday, 2018-12-14

imacdonnCan anyone explain why ImageDownloadFailed uses "_msg_fmt", where all the others use "message"?
imacdonnasking because _msg_fmt doesn't seem to work for me ... wonder if I'm missing something ...00:22
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lixiaoy1jungleboyj: ping00:35
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openstackgerritiain MacDonnell proposed openstack/cinder master: Set message property in ImageDownloadFailed
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openstackgerritLisaLi proposed openstack/cinder-specs master: Driver reinitialization after failure
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder master: Add secret=true to fixed_key configuration parameter
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openstackgerritYikun Jiang proposed openstack/cinder master: Add policy test for volume create policy
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openstackgerritYikun Jiang proposed openstack/cinder master: Add policy test for volume create policy
openstackgerritYikun Jiang proposed openstack/cinder master: Add policy test for volume create policy
openstackgerritLisaLi proposed openstack/cinder master: Driver reinitialization after failure
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openstackgerritYingxin Cheng proposed openstack/os-brick master: Support RSD scenario of nvme connector
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openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack/cinder stable/rocky: Add secret=true to fixed_key configuration parameter
openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack/cinder stable/queens: Add secret=true to fixed_key configuration parameter
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openstackgerritYikun Jiang proposed openstack/cinder master: Add policy test for volume update/del policy
openstackgerritTommyLike proposed openstack/cinder master: Increase length limit on image metadata content
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whoami-rajatenriquetaso:  Since 'backup' is a class reference, you can try the following way :04:37
whoami-rajatuse pdb in openstack client04:37
whoami-rajatview the object with the following syntax:04:37
whoami-rajatfrom pprint import pprint; pprint(vars(backup))04:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder master: Synchronize all LVM operations
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder master: Set message property in ImageDownloadFailed
openstackgerritiain MacDonnell proposed openstack/cinder stable/rocky: Set message property in ImageDownloadFailed
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openstackgerritRyan Liang proposed openstack/cinder stable/ocata: [Unity] Add `force detach` support
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openstackgerritYong Huang proposed openstack/cinder stable/ocata: Empty option value maybe cause Unity driver failed to initialize
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder master: Automate generation of api-ref samples
openstackgerritYingxin Cheng proposed openstack/cinder master: [wip] Cinder RSD Driver
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openstackgerritYong Huang proposed openstack/cinder stable/pike: Update unity tests to use our test base
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openstackgerritzhufl proposed openstack/cinder master: api-ref: volume_type_access should be array instead of object
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openstackgerritFrancois Deppierraz proposed openstack/cinder master: cinder-volume: Stop masking IOError different than ENOSPC
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openstackgerritRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/cinder master: Automate generation of API versions api-ref samples
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openstackgerritRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/cinder master: Automate generation of volumes api-ref samples
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openstackgerritBrin Zhang proposed openstack/cinder master: api-ref: add qos_specs_id to show default volume type response
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder master: Fix A/A 'resource_backend' when scheduling volumes
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yongwc_Anyone would like do a review for, which is a driver for inspur as13000 storage system, thanks.11:27
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/cinder master: Allow to use _max qos option together with per_gb
openstackgerritGorka Eguileor proposed openstack/cinder master: Add cinderlib functional tests
openstackgerritRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/cinder master: Automate generation of API versions api-ref samples
openstackgerritRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/cinder master: Automate generation of volumes api-ref samples
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openstackgerritRajat Dhasmana proposed openstack/cinder master: Automate generation of volumes api-ref samples
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dansmithjungleboyj: smcginnis: mriedem:
dansmithwaited >60s for the lock, which tells me it's not gonna help14:12
dansmithso when we discussed this earlier, I think it was smcginnis that said "so if lvm is taking a long time there's nothing cinder can do about it", which might be true,14:13
dansmithbut I feel like we've got to do something here14:13
dansmitheither change the device we're configuring lvm to use so it can be faster,14:13
dansmithor use the long-call rpc stuff so we just wait until it's really done.. or something.14:13
mriedemthere could be other places in cinder that are hitting lvchange? but i don't think i saw any other obvious callers14:14
smcginnisI wonder if this is some kind of regression in LVM. Strange that we are hitting it more often all of a sudden.14:14
mriedemwe did just recently upgrade tempest-full and friends to bionic,14:14
dansmithmriedem: this is locking all lvm ops, not just lvchange14:14
mriedembut the nova-multiattach job is legacy so it's using xenail14:14
dansmithsmcginnis: several of these bugs have been around for a year in some form14:15
mriedemi support the long_rpc_timeout on attachment_update/os-initialize_connection14:15
mriedemthat should help with a couple of the bugs14:15
smcginnisdansmith: Yeah, it seems like it's something that kind of comes and goes though.14:15
dansmithyeah, it sucks to solve it with that just from a user perspective, but at least it would make it not time out 1s before it actually completes14:16
dansmithsmcginnis: yeah, which smells so much like it's us a and not them to me, but.. I know.14:16
dansmithit also seems plausible that it's just an artifact of slow nodes with lots of stuff going on and a loop-mounted lvm backing store that is just getting hamstrung by terrible IO and buffer cache traffic14:17
dansmithlike I wonder if we could get away with putting the loop on tmpfs to avoid doing as much IO14:18
smcginnisHmm, took over 30 seconds just calling lvs:
dansmithsmcginnis: right, see that's why I wonder if it's really block refreshes that are slowing it down.. like lvs does a scan that includes an iscsi device we're taking down14:19
dansmithyou know,14:19
dansmithI wonder if we could/should be configuring lvm.conf to be super selective in what it scans14:19
mriedemdoes dstat around the time of these show anything14:20
dansmithmriedem: I have thought about doing that, but I have to plot a csv file I think so I haven't yet14:20
mriedemi have a hard time reading this thing14:21
dansmithah, devstack is already setting an lvm filter14:21
smcginnisI thought it was, but can't find it in the collected artifacts.14:22
dansmithit doesn't collect it afaict, but it does log something, hang on14:22
dansmithit seems to still include everything after the loops14:23
dansmithno that's reject14:23
dansmithso just the loop1 and loop214:23
dansmithwhich should do it I think14:23
smcginnisYeah, looks like that should lock it down enough.14:23
dansmithunless some iscsi device has loop in the name, but seems unlikely :)14:24
smcginnisHah, let's hope not.14:24
smcginnisMan, 63.103s on an lvs just seems like something is very, very wrong.14:25
eharneyi think if you add a number of "--debug" flags to "lvs", you'll see timing info on what it's doing in syslog14:25
mriedemi was wondering about that too,14:26
smcginnisI suppose we could add that temporarily as a debugging aid.14:26
eharneyrunning "sudo lvs --debug --debug --debug --debug --debug --debug" on my machine shows it14:26
mriedemif there was a way to get some kind of data capture when a command takes over a given time14:26
mriedembut i suppose you need to know what's going on while it's running, not immediately after14:26
dansmithouch, do we really need 24G of backing space for this?14:27
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dansmithbecause with an 8G guest or whatever, we could be generating a lot of dirty pages14:28
smcginnisYep :/14:28
smcginnisWe were running out of space on some things.14:28
smcginnisWhich does seem ridiculous.14:28
dansmithso, in the past, loop had a really high overhead14:29
dansmithrecently they added directio support14:29
dansmithso I wonder if we're new enough to try that and/or if we need to ask for it or get it directly14:30
smcginnisOh? Any docs on that dansmith? Or something you want to try throwing a patch up for?14:30
smcginnisSounds promising.14:30
dansmithsmcginnis: gotta read first14:30
dansmiththis multiattach job is 4.4.0.. mriedem you said that's xenial, and the oldest rght?14:30
smcginnisOr at least 1 idea more than the 0 I have.14:30
smcginnisI don't believe we are running any current jobs on anything older than Xenial.14:31
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dansmithso, it says that it defaults on (directio) but my 4.9 machine has a couple loops that don't have directio turned on, so.. maybe worth a devstack patch to force it on and show the result and see14:32
mriedemmaster won't run anything older than xenial14:34
mriedemthe zuulv3 jobs like tempest-full are running bionic as of this week14:34
mriedemnova-multiattach is not using zuulv3 so it's still xenial14:35
dansmithsmcginnis: aside from figuring this specific issue out, what do you think about using the long-rpc stuff for calls from api->volume that do synchronous things that could take a while like this?14:41
smcginnisdansmith: I suppose that at least will help with the timeouts. Still kills me that these calls even need to wait that long, but at least right now that appears to be an external constraint that we're just going to have to deal with.14:42
dansmithand/or should I explain what that means? :)14:42
dansmithsmcginnis: right, we should try to fix the acute problem for sure,14:43
dansmithit's just that any time you're doing something synchronous that is manipulating stuff like this you're open to it14:43
dansmithsmcginnis: years ago some storage vendor was recommending setting their cinder rpc timeout suuuper high because they were making synchronous calls from volume to their backend which took a long time.. do you know of any such suggestion currently?14:44
dansmithand/or other drivers that might do such a thing?14:44
smcginnisWe do still have some create from image calls that can take a long time.14:45
dansmithlvm is maybe a little special in this regard14:45
dansmiththat the api is waiting for?14:45
smcginnisI can't recall now, but I think it was at the time. Not sure if we changed that. Actually...14:46
smcginnisI think I'm actually thinking of the boot from volume through the Nova api.14:46
dansmithokay, we poll in that case14:46
smcginnisThat was the one I remember hitting the most with customers when I was closer to the front line.14:46
dansmithyeah for sure14:46
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mriedemthat was probably before cinder did image caching?14:49
mriedemyou had to tweak the nova configs just to keep bfv from timing out polling b/c cinder was downloading the image14:49
smcginnisYeah, it was especially bad before that.14:49
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mriedemeharney: i see you just recently enabled the encrypted volume tests in the ceph job14:53
mriedemDec 14 08:34:27.307760 ubuntu-bionic-rax-iad-0001195720 cinder-volume[1362]:            |__Flow 'volume_create_manager': VolumeDriverException: Volume driver reported an error: Provider plain not supported.14:54
eharneyyeah, i need to go set the right config to turn that particular test off for that job everywhere14:55
mriedemhow did pass then?14:55
eharneybecause the way i turned it off turned it off in the devstack-plugin-ceph repo and nowhere else :/14:55
mriedemhmm, all the other jobs should be using that same blacklist14:56
eharneythat was the hope, but i guess they aren't as of now14:57
mriedemit's the same job14:58
eharneywould zuul.project.src_dir be a different value on a different project's run?  i'm not sure how that works14:58
eharney  checks and doesn't apply the file14:58
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mriedemrevert here for the time being
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mriedemyup the non-devstack-plugin-ceph runs are definitely not using the blacklist15:01
mriedemgmann: ^15:01
mriedemoh actually is probably the problem15:03
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eharneyi think i just need to change it to a zuul.projects.['something'] reference15:05
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mriedemwhy did that need to change at all?15:07
mriedemthere was no mention in the comments or commit message15:07
mriedemi posted a revert for it here but apparently it's already in merge conflict15:08
eharneythe previous path coded in zuul.yaml was not resulting in the blacklist file loading15:09
mriedemhmm, gonna need gmann or AJaeger to help then probably,15:10
mriedemi've posted reverts of both changes for now if we want to push those through until it's sorted out and we can show it working on both devstack-plugin-ceph changes and non-dpc changes15:11
mriedemwe can test that using a depends-on from cinder to the dpc change15:11
dansmithsmcginnis: we are not currently using directio:
smcginnisdansmith: Good check. So we need to add something to devstack to set that?15:17
dansmithsmcginnis: that patch is up and I'm waiting for it to hit the same spot to see if that 0 flips to a 115:17
dansmithsmcginnis: boom:
openstackgerritFrancois Deppierraz proposed openstack/cinder master: cinder-volume: Stop masking IOError different than ENOSPC
smcginnisdansmith: Got a link?15:19
dansmithI'll modify the swift one as well and submit without the debug patch underneath15:20
dansmithmriedem: ^15:20
smcginnisdansmith: Thanks for jumping on that. I think it will be good to just merge it and see if we see a difference.15:20
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dansmithactually, I'm not sure where the swift one is15:21
smcginnisMaybe less of a concern though. Maybe15:21
mriedemdoes that need to be conditional on the filesystem? we have a check for that in nova
dansmithah, swift loop mounts15:22
dansmithso yeah I guess I'll punt on that for now15:23
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dansmithaw man, xenial doesn't have it in losetup even though the kernel should be new enough15:26
dansmithso the bionic jobs can do it but the xenial ones won't15:27
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dansmithmriedem: sorry I missed that the above comment was related until I just saw it15:33
dansmithon the patch15:34
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dansmithmriedem: so if we do this directio thing on bionic, we can track and see if it helped, and if so justify moving the other jobs to bionic for most things?15:59
dansmithat least, jobs that run volume tests?15:59
openstackgerritHelen Walsh proposed openstack/cinder master: PowerMax driver -  changing from 8.4 to 9.0 REST endpoints
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mriedemheh all jobs run volume tests :)16:07
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mriedemgmann is on a crusade to move all legacy jobs over to zuulv3, which would get them to bionic16:07
mriedemso i think that will happen with time,16:07
mriedemi'm working on trying to kill the nova-multiattach job and fold it into tempest-full and tempest-slow, which i thnk would also resolve that one,16:08
mriedembut that's hung up on other stupid stuff not working16:08
mriedemiow, i don't think we need justification to move jobs to bionic, just people power16:08
mriedemsoylant green gives me people power16:09
dansmithno, I meant "provide another reason to do it"16:09
dansmithmy tweaked devstack patch passes xenial and bionic now16:09
mriedeman incentive if you will16:10
dansmithyes, incentive is what I meant16:10
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openstackgerritEric Harney proposed openstack/python-cinderclient master: Re-enable shell UUID completion cache
openstackgerritEric Harney proposed openstack/python-cinderclient master: Fix doc build error
openstackgerritEric Harney proposed openstack/cinder master: DNM: Test Ceph job
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/cinder master: Allow to use _max qos option together with per_gb
noonedeadpunkFolks, can someone give a review for ?17:24
eharneynoonedeadpunk: is there a unit test that could hit this case?17:27
noonedeadpunkeharney: existing ones are not hitting this exact thing, but I may re-work them a bit17:29
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noonedeadpunkthis one is supposed to check this thing, but numbers are luckely correct for not facing it
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-cinderclient master: Fix doc build error
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/cinder master: Allow to use _max qos option together with per_gb
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/cinder master: Fix _per_gb_min usage with _per_gb
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/cinder master: Fix _per_gb_min usage with _per_gb
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/cinder master: Fix _per_gb_min usage with _per_gb
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/cinder master: Fix _per_gb_min usage with _per_gb
noonedeadpunksorry for this - mixed up with commits at the end of the day(((18:20
openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/cinder master: Allow to use _max qos option together with per_gb
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openstackgerritDmitriy Rabotjagov (noonedeadpunk) proposed openstack/cinder master: Allow to use _max qos option together with per_gb
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openstackgerritAngela Smith proposed openstack/cinder master: REST connector for Brocade zone driver
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder stable/rocky: VMAX Driver - VMAX OS Upgrade Bug
openstackgerritMerged openstack/cinder stable/rocky: Ensure image utils don't block greenthreads
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