Monday, 2015-05-04

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reedhello folks15:21
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reedmrmartin, how are things going?15:26
mrmartinthings are almost great :)15:26
mrmartinthe refactoring to trusty / github askbot-devel deploy src basically ready15:27
mrmartinI just found one thing related to solr index rebuild task that is blocking us15:28
reedsaw that message15:28
mrmartinthat was working previously on precise15:28
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mrmartinand I've discussed the initial steps with Jeremy, so if it works, we can start to merge into official puppet-askbot and system-config repos15:28
reedi need to go grab evgeny15:29
reedi'm still concerned that google+ auth is not working15:29
reednot sure why15:29
mrmartinand the theme is still broken15:29
reedhe said he fixed it15:29
reedwith multiple patchsets15:29
reedhe sent 2 more patches15:30
reedpull the askbot-theme project on gerrit15:30
mrmartinoh, ok, it still sits in gerrit15:30
mrmartinI saw just this one:
reedi suggest you to subscribe to that project on gerrit :)15:31
mrmartingood idea :D15:31
reedso you get all notifications15:31
mrmartinwe can approve those, because it is going to feature/development branch15:32
reedok, let's go then15:33
reedare you  core there?15:34
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mrmartinI can approve.15:34
mrmartinI approve those quickly15:35
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reedi started from the first one (they all depend on each other)15:35
reedyou continue :)15:35
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mrmartinboth changes are in the git repo now15:37
reedcan you deploy them on askbot-dev?15:38
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mrmartinI'm doing that15:39
mrmartinok, it is there15:42
* reed reloads15:42
mrmartinthis simple puppet apply command updates everything: puppet apply --modulepath='/etc/puppet/modules' /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp15:43
reedit looks good15:44
reedthe theme, doesn't it?15:44
mrmartinyeah, it is better now15:45
mrmartinso we have two open issues, one is this google auth, and the other one is the solr rebuild index15:46
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reedlet me try google auth again15:47
reedwith debug on15:47
reedi may have screwed up something on google side15:48
mrmartinit tries to open an url, but receives a 40315:51
mrmartin[Mon May 04 10:43:33.222508 2015] [:error] [pid 32300:tid 140023767713536] Error attempting to use stored discovery information: <openid.consumer.consumer.TypeURIMismatch: Required type not found in ['', '', '', ''] for endpoint <openid.consumer.15:51
mrmartindiscover.OpenIDServiceEndpoint server_url='' claimed_id=None local_id=None canonicalID=None used_yadis=True >>15:51
reedI may have screwed up the url15:51
reedthat's confusing15:52
mrmartinthis entry was in the apache error log15:52
reedwhy on earth should it open launchpad?15:52
reedsomething is hardcoded15:52
mrmartinI'm going to grep launchpad in source tree15:53
mrmartinbut it have configs for different providers too15:55
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reedthe thing is that Google+ should not use openid15:56
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reedALLOWED_LOGIN_TYPES = ('password', 'oauth', 'oauth2', 'openid-direct', 'openid-username', 'wordpress')15:57
reedmaybe when he did the launchpad auth he hardcoded something in there?15:58
mrmartinwhich is the patch from Evgeny to resolve this google auth issue?15:58
reedand that's also why the auth with openstackid doesn't work?15:58
reedhe didn't send one15:58
mrmartinoh ok.15:58
reedand he's not online yet15:59
mrmartingrep "openstackid" * -R15:59
mrmartindoesn't return anything15:59
reednever mind openstackid15:59
mrmartinbut it is a tricky, because we have a too and the database have a livesettings_settings table, that can override the defaults15:59
reedmaybe there is something hardcoded in the settings table?16:00
mrmartin 118 |       1 | LOGIN_PROVIDERS       | SIGNIN_CUSTOM_OPENID_ENDPOINT       | https://openstackid.org16:00
mrmartinyeap, if you do a su - postgres16:01
mrmartinthen a psql askbotdb16:01
mrmartinyou can do a select * from livesettings_setting;16:01
reedthat's weird though16:01
mrmartinbut I guess if you are an admin there, you need to see those settings somewhere in the UI16:01
mrmartin 119 |       1 | LOGIN_PROVIDERS       | SIGNIN_GOOGLE_METHOD                | google-plus16:01
reedprobably that's a leftover from some configuration I did16:02
mrmartinthose lines related to google-plus auth:
mrmartinthe openid.realm is askbot_settings.APP_URL and it is set to http://askbot-dev.openstack.org16:04
reedmrmartin, have you tried authenticating yourself?16:04
mrmartinnot yet16:04
reedI have a doubt16:05
reedon your profile, did you add a google identity before?16:05
reedI think I did16:05
reedi'm wondering if the code that should move my google id from openid to oauth is borked and creating that mess16:06
mrmartinsame error here16:06
reedok, that's it :)16:06
reedhave we exhausted our options to debug this?16:07
mrmartinno, we can inject more debug code into askbot16:08
mrmartinit is not clear from this exception, which url askbot tries to open, and fails with 40316:08
reedhow long will that take? i wonder if we should wait for evgeny instead16:09
mrmartinit is failing here:
mrmartinyeap, it is a bit hard, because we can just debug our side, it is easier with openstackid because we can see the logs from both side16:12
reedmaybe I can see something on gogole dev console16:13
mrmartinok, I can try to hack this single line16:14
mrmartinso we can get more info16:14
reedtrying one more thing16:25
reedI may have screwed up on google+ side16:26
reeddamn, it was my fault16:27
mrmartinis it working now?16:27
reedit's weird that google allowed me to create the API credentials without me having enabled the APIs at all16:27
mrmartinworks here too16:27
reedthe captcha is not working on my side16:28
reedgoogle says:  In the sidebar on the left, expand APIs & auth. Next, click APIs. Select the Enabled APIs link in the API section to see a list of all your enabled APIs. Make sure that the API is on the list of enabled APIs. If you have not enabled it, select the API from the list of APIs, then select the Enable API button for the API.16:28
reedbut nowhere it says which damn API it wants enabled16:28
reedsearching for oauth or auth leads to nothing16:29
mrmartinyeah, if we can see proper error messages, it could be easier to debug. this come from the deep  of python libs16:29
mrmartinI hope the self-driving car software will be better ;)16:29
reedbut I guess it had to be some GOogle+ API16:29
reedI enabled the Google+ API and we now are a step forward16:29
reeddo we have an etherpad somewhere?16:30
reedI want to write this down16:30
reedfound it16:30
mrmartinthis one16:30
mrmartinneed to check this captcha thing16:31
mrmartinit is embedding this code:
mrmartinI'll check the and python deps16:33
reedprobably the client secret thing is wrong16:34
reedI think the recaptcha stuff doesn't have the domain enabled16:38
reedI'm creating a new set of keys16:38
reedfor askbot-dev16:38
mrmartinRECAPTCHA_SECRET / RECAPTCHA_KEY from livesettings16:38
reeddone, now testing16:40
reedcrap, I don't see google+ anymore16:41
reedany idea what happened?16:42
mrmartinyeap, google plus was stolen by the weasel16:44
mrmartinI'm doing a site redeploy16:46
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mrmartinif it not brings back, then it must be a db issue16:46
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mrmartinit must be a db issue16:49
mrmartinhave you done a save on the gui?16:49
mrmartinI'm going to grab a dinner quickly, then look back16:51
reedi did16:52
reedmrmartin, feel free to restore the db16:53
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evgenyreed, mrmartin: hello17:02
reedhi evgeny17:04
mrmartinok I'm back17:04
reedevgeny, what happened?17:04
reedmrmartin, let's start over with the dev site17:04
reedwe've understood now what the issue is, let's rebuild from scratch, DB included17:05
evgenyreed: am I late for the meeting?17:05
evgenyreed: my calendar shows that it starts now17:05
mrmartinreed, but it is a bug, if you click on a save button, and the settings going away17:05
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dizquierdo(I'm also around for the meeting, if there's a meeting :)  )17:05
evgenymrmartin: I would make sure that there are no outdated .pyc files.17:06
mrmartinevgeny: how can that happen?17:06
evgenymrmartin: if you update something after files have a chance to compile17:07
mrmartinevgeny: we have two open things now, one is this solr reindex issue, the other one is that the google plus auth gone away suddenly17:07
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evgenymrmartin: google auth is disabled by default, b/c it requires setup17:07
mrmartinit was enabled 20 minutes ago and we can login17:08
mrmartinbut suddenly gone away17:08
evgenyhmm, maybe check the settings in the login providers?17:08
reedmrmartin, let's just rebuild so we test the instructions17:09
reedit's faster17:09
mrmartinit is not )17:09
mrmartinbut I'll rebuild17:09
reeddizquierdo, I have a couple of questions for you17:09
dizquierdoplease, go ahead reed17:09
reedmrmartin, it's cleaner then :)17:11
mrmartinok, I'm doing17:12
evgenymrmartin: the index issue seems either due to issues in the environment variables or in the django installation as error occurs on django importing own module17:13
mrmartinevgeny: it is a bit strange, because is there17:13
mrmartinthe pythonpath seems to be ok17:14
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evgenymrmartin: to check python paths you could insert logging statement in the file17:19
mrmartinI did a sys.print to manage.py17:19
mrmartinit was included in my bug report17:20
mrmartinso it is hell strange, becasue the is there, and the python path seems to be ok17:21
mrmartinpython --version17:21
mrmartinPython 2.7.617:21
mrmartinother python commands are working well17:22
evgenythis may not be related, but can you list migrations on the askbot app17:23
evgenypython migrate askbot --list17:23
evgenycould you show the last few?17:23
evgenymigrations in the list17:23
reedmrmartin, let me know when the -dev site is rebuilt and I'll add the Google stuff17:23
mrmartinevgeny, what I need to insert into ?17:23
evgenymrmartin: for google?17:24
evgenyASKBOT_SIGNIN_GOOGLE_METHOD = 'google-plus'17:24
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evgenyand add secret and the public keys, they can also be added via settings.py17:25
reedhe's gone17:27
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reedhe's back17:28
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reedgreat to know that the keys can go in settings.py17:28
evgenymrmartin: ASKBOT_GOOGLE_PLUS_KEY and ASKBOT_GOOGLE_PLUS_SECRET can be either added via or via the web interface17:29
evgenyreed: only obviously they can't go into the public repository17:29
reedevgeny, we have ways to put those keys in a private repo and have puppet pull them from there17:30
evgenyreed: so you might have a and import it at the bottom.17:30
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reedso all the code is public, all configurations, except the private stuff like the passwords and secret keys17:30
mrmartini'm back17:30
reed<evgeny> mrmartin: ASKBOT_GOOGLE_PLUS_KEY and ASKBOT_GOOGLE_PLUS_SECRET can be either added via or via the web interface17:30
mrmartinso, evgeny the python path: ['/srv/askbot-site/config', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/askbot-0.7.53-py2.7.egg', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jsonfield-1.0.3-py2.7.egg', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django_transaction_signals-1.0.0-py2.7.egg', '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.7', '/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-o17:30
mrmartinld', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/askbot-0.7.53-py2.7.egg/askbot/deps']17:30
reedmrmartin, the site is still down, right?17:31
evgenymrmartin: in this case I would insert a "import pdb; pdb.stack_trace()" somewhere and try to run the command17:31
evgenymrmartin: assuming that all your python environment is built in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages17:31
mrmartinreed: it is down, because the db migration script is runing17:31
mrmartinevgeny: i did a python setup.py17:32
mrmartinit is part of the puppet scripts, it is doing a python after each git repo change17:32
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evgenymrmartin: my sys.path has a lot more items17:33
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evgenymrmartin: but I use a virtualenv17:33
evgenymrmartin: afaik every item that is in the pip freeze is a separate item on sys.path17:34
evgenymrmartin: do you have all those packages in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages17:34
evgenymaybe list that dir?17:35
evgenyyou could also try python shell17:35
evgenymrmartin: and try making manually the same import that is failing17:36
mrmartinyeah, I'm using that from python manage.py17:36
evgenymrmartin: does this work "  from django.contrib.admin import ModelAdmin, actions"17:37
mrmartindjango.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Requested setting DATABASES, but settings are not configured. You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings.17:38
mrmartinI guess needs to load before17:38
evgenymrmartin: someone had the same issue and narrowed it to he psycopg2 module17:38
mrmartinI saw that, but how the hack is that related?17:38
evgenymrmartin: the import I'd try from "python shell"17:38
evgenymrmartin: no idea, just found this myself17:39
mrmartinit is work from there :O17:39
evgenymrmartin: it could be a different exception masked inside17:40
mrmartinpython askbot_rebuild_index -l en --traceback17:40
mrmartinImportError: cannot import name actions17:40
mrmartinFile "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/", line 3, in <module>17:40
mrmartinand it is even sitting in the same directory17:41
mrmartinand when I remove the actions.pyc python compiles this file again17:42
mrmartinI can try a deployment with mysql, wihout psycopg2, so if it is work, then the pgsql is related17:43
evgenyI would inselt a 'import pdb; pdb.stack_trace(); at the first line of actions.py17:43
evgenyand then launch the command that fails17:43
mrmartinit fails on import17:44
evgenyit fails for some reason which is inside that file or inside file that is imported by actions.py17:44
evgenyI've seen such strange import errors, usually they are b/c of some exception inside a module that is being imported17:45
mrmartinoh ok.17:45
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evgenymrmartin: psycopg2 was updated recently so it could be due to that17:51
mrmartinI'm deploying that from ubuntu package instead of pip17:53
evgenyin your pip freeze psycopg2==2.4.5 it's quite old have you tried installing older version?17:53
evgenyah, ok17:54
evgenynow they have 2.617:54
mrmartinok, but it is the version included in trusty17:54
evgenyon my laptop I had 2.5.2, installed sometime 5 months ago17:54
mrmartinwhat is the requirement for askbot?17:54
evgenynot fixe17:54
mrmartinI try to do  pip upgrade17:54
evgenynot a fixed requirement17:54
evgenyI usually just do "pip install psycopg2"17:55
mrmartinok, vagrant node is deploying now with mysql, so let's wait the results17:55
evgenyafter the base installation (which does not include the db binding)17:55
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evgenySo import error might happen when python attempts to import the binary psql library17:56
* reed needs to learn how to use vagrant17:57
mrmartinok, so if finally this is the case, than we need to pin the dependent libs very strictly17:57
mrmartinreed: vagrant up / vagrant ssh / vagrant destroy that's all17:57
mrmartinvagrant init maybe helps17:57
reedlet me rephrase then17:57
* reed needs to learn the magic behind vagrant17:58
reedi learned a long time ago that magic works against you unless you know what you're doing :)17:58
mrmartinstill no google plus icon18:00
reedthat's normal, I have to enable it18:00
mrmartinso the migration is done18:00
reedmrmartin, evgeny was saying that you can add the google API things in settings.py18:00
reedso we could keep those in hiera18:00
reedthe secrets18:01
mrmartinwe can18:01
reedfor the moment let's use the UI quickly18:01
* reed adding the G+ things18:01
reedthat needs to be changed18:03
mrmartinwrong uri18:04
mrmartindoing that18:04
reedmrmartin, do you rememebr that it was in the settings table18:04
evgenyit's probably the base url issue18:04
evgenyin the settings there is a "... and URLS" section18:05
evgenythere is a place to enter base site url18:05
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reedlet me check18:05
evgenyit should be not , or  incorrect url is entered in the google console where you've obtained the keys18:06
mrmartinevgeny: same error with mysql provider18:06
evgenymaybe connection issue is with solr?18:07
mrmartinevgeny: i don't think so18:07
evgenywhich error?18:07
reednow I lost G+ auth option again18:07
mrmartinactions import18:07
mrmartinreed: I guess you lost this option when you save the settings through the UI18:07
evgenymrmartin: at this time I would try to debug inside the file18:07
mrmartinevgeny: I'm doing that18:08
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reeddamn it, this is a bloody mess18:08
reedthere is no bloody G+ button now18:08
* reed growing increasingly frustrated18:09
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reedwhy is the G+ button not showing up?18:10
reedevgeny, any clue of where to look for?18:10
reeddo we need to rebuild the db again? WTH18:11
evgenyreed: I would see if the settings are enabled, whether you have cache server configured and not running on local memory cache18:11
reedevgeny, G+ is enabled in settings18:12
evgenyif locmem cache is used, then every process instance would have own cache and own settings18:12
reedmrmartin, let's enable debugging too18:12
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reedso an apache restart would help?18:12
mrmartincache flushed / apache restarted18:13
evgenyreed, mrmartin: disclaimer -  have not used your puppet setup, so I'm looking at your system as a closed box18:14
reedmrmartin, didn't restart18:14
mrmartinevgeny it is open source:
reedevgeny, as mrmartin said, you can at least look at it (if not deploy with it)18:15
mrmartinevgeny: it is not a magic, doing the same as we used to do manually18:15
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reedno G+ yet18:16
mrmartinevgeny: > /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/contrib/admin/<module>()->None18:16
mrmartin-> from django.contrib.admin.sites import AdminSite, site18:16
mrmartin(Pdb) n18:16
mrmartinImportError: 'cannot import name User'18:16
mrmartin> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/utils/
reedpublic key was gone in the settings UI18:17
mrmartinjava was better18:17
reedholymoly IT WORKS18:17
reedprovider last used18:17
reedgoogle-plus just now18:17
mrmartinreed: what you did?18:17
evgenyprobably puppet overwrote them?18:18
reedevgeny, only the secret key was gone, the public was still there18:18
reedit's possible that whatever mrmartin query  used to fix the base URL, removed the private key18:19
mrmartinI'm not18:19
mrmartinI just did an sql update on a single row18:19
evgenymrmartin: perhaps you could step in more detail? On which line import User fails?18:19
reed An internal error occurred: 5154599A338F9.A440987.C500469D (the captcha still has issues)18:19
mrmartinI think it is related somehow to overwriting values in UI18:19
mrmartinthe g+ gone away first, when you did something on UI, I guess this captcha thing18:20
mrmartin(Pdb) n18:20
mrmartinImportError: 'cannot import name actions'18:20
mrmartin> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/db/models/
mrmartin-> self.load_app(app_name, True)18:20
reedwhen registering using Google+ askbot still asks for email, it doesn't get it automatically from Google (known issue?)18:20
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evgenyreed: it's a known issue18:22
reedthe signup process is a bit f-ed up but hey, it's better than nothing18:22
reedlike the annoying "Validation email sent. Please find it and follow the enclosed link."18:22
reedbut it works18:22
* reed sighs of relief, at least one thing passes the test18:22
evgenyreed: perhaps the validation email message should be different and email text18:23
mrmartinif we solve this solr reindex thing, then we can move on18:23
evgenyreed: the email validation is enabled so that spammers have harder time creating their accounts18:23
reedevgeny, it makes it also harder for humans18:24
evgenyreed: unfortunately - true.18:24
evgenymrmartin: looking at your snippet18:25
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evgenymrmartin: you did not step on the actual error yet18:31
evgenyso I'll have to trace by reading the code18:31
mrmartin> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/utils/>None18:32
mrmartin-> __import__(name)18:32
mrmartin(Pdb) l18:32
mrmartin 30          for character in name:18:32
mrmartin 31              if character != '.':18:32
mrmartin 32                  break18:32
mrmartin 33              level += 118:32
mrmartin 34          name = _resolve_name(name[level:], package, level)18:32
mrmartin 35  ->    __import__(name)18:32
mrmartin 36      return sys.modules[name]18:32
mrmartin^ it was the next line18:32
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evgenymrmartin: do you have value of  "name" ?18:34
mrmartin(Pdb) p name18:35
mrmartindo you think it is related to missing python path?18:35
evgenyIt might18:36
evgenydoes "import django.contrib.admin" work from the pdb shell?18:36
mrmartin(Pdb) import django.contrib.admin18:37
mrmartin*** ImportError: cannot import name actions18:37
evgenyit should work, so I think might be a path issue18:37
evgenyif you do the same import in the "python shell" does that work?18:38
evgenyalso you can test sys.path right there on the shell and in the pdb shell18:39
*** mattgriffin has joined #openstack-community18:39 shell is perfect18:39
evgenythis is my sys path '/home/fadeev/other-projects/django-followit', '/home/fadeev/other-projects/django-followit', '/home/fadeev/askbot-main', '/home/fadeev/askbot-main/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/distribute-0.6.24-py2.7.egg', '/home/fadeev/askbot-main/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip-1.1-py2.7.egg', '/home/fadeev/askbot-main/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lamson-1.3.4-py2.7.egg', '/home/fadeev/as18:39
evgeny'/home/fadeev/other-projects/django-followit', '/home/fadeev/other-projects/django-followit', '/home/fadeev/askbot-main', '/home/fadeev/askbot-main/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/distribute-0.6.24-py2.7.egg', '/home/fadeev/askbot-main/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip-1.1-py2.7.egg', '/home/fadeev/askbot-main/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/lamson-1.3.4-py2.7.egg', '/home/fadeev/askbot-main/env/local/18:40
evgenyhmm, I think this chat cuts off the text18:40
mrmartin['/srv/askbot-site/config', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/askbot-0.7.53-py2.7.egg', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/jsonfield-1.0.3-py2.7.egg', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django_transaction_signals-1.0.0-py2.7.egg', '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.7', '/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-x86_64-linux-gnu', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib18:40
mrmartin-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/askbot-0.7.53-py2.7.egg/askbot/deps']18:40
evgenymy path is has more items ^18:42
mrmartinbut no reference here for django admin18:42
evgenyis your path the same in pdb shell when you debug and in django shell? should be the same...18:43
mrmartinand the django app from wsgi works well18:43
evgenyI am googling about this - someone suggests in could be a bug in django18:48
evgenythis guy says that downgrading django to 1.5.4 helped18:48
mrmartinpip freeze | grep Django18:49
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evgenyhe also suggested a patch that supposedly helps18:50
mrmartinubuntu trusty have 1.6.1-2 packaged18:51
mrmartinso it is the good old question, which package source am I need to use? the ubuntu packaged ones or the pip?18:51
mrmartinmeanwhile in requirements.txt: django>=1.3.1,<1.618:52
evgenyI always use pip packages, so far no issues18:52
mrmartinwhat is your actual django version that works?18:52
evgenycan't say anything against ubuntu packages18:52
evgenyworking requirements are narrower now, min 1.5,  I will update18:53
evgenytry pip uninstall django; pip install django==1.5.418:54
evgenyit's faster than rebuilding and can be reversed if necessary18:54
mrmartinCould not fetch URL 404 Client Error: Not Found18:56
mrmartin1.5.4 seems to be revoked18:56
mrmartin1.5.8 is the latest from 1.5.x branch18:57
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evgenymrmartin: maybe you could try a suggested patch?19:03
evgenyit's changing what's imported and is likely to help19:03
mrmartinok, actually I cannot deploy any version of Django19:03
evgenyit's not importing actions,19:03
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mrmartinwith pip freeze we have a Django==1.5.1219:05
mrmartinbut the askbot_requirements.txt contains a django line19:05
evgenycan you log in to the server and modify code in django/contrib/admin/ ?19:05
mrmartinI've found that patch today and applied with no much luck19:06
evgenyit's pip install django,19:07
evgenybut you do need to add version as you will probably get 1.819:07
evgenysorry, nvm19:07
mrmartinit can be a workaround to deploy everything under a virtualenv19:10
evgenyAre you on Ubuntu 14.04?19:10
mrmartinyou know, because precise ubuntu-cloudimg have problems19:10
evgenyI see people have issues with pip on that version19:10
mrmartinawesome :D19:10
evgenyalso I always use virtualenv19:11
mrmartinreed, I'll rewrite the puppet scripts to use virtualenv instead of native pip / python packages19:12
reedwhat's the implication from the maintenability point of view?19:13
evgenyWould it be hard to switch to 12.04?19:13
reedevgeny, is 12.04 a LTS?19:13
mrmartinbasically venv is better19:14
reedoh, the older LTS... how long is it going to be around?19:14
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reedok, if venv is better then it's good19:14
mrmartinbecause it is using a separate environment independently of host os python packages19:14
evgenytill 201719:14
mrmartinyeah, but askbot/precise with ubuntu cloudimg also had some strange bug19:15
reedwe have a bunch of 12.04.. is that precise?19:15
evgeny till april 201719:15
mrmartinthe ideal could be the support of ubuntu python-xxxx packages without any pip, because it is usually well tested19:17
mrmartinbut askbot relies on django 1.5 as i understand, so this is the reason we need to deploy packages from pip19:17
mrmartinmozilla guys are using python venv with puppet too19:20
clarkbthere is a puppet module we use to manage virtualenvs19:24
clarkbshould already be available on the master if you want to use it19:24
clarkb that module iirc19:26
mrmartinI'm checking that, we have issues with askbot-devel deployment on trusty and on some precise images19:27
evgenymrmartin: I would actually comment a bunch of stuff in admin/sites.py19:27
mrmartindifferent ones19:27
evgenywe don't use it anyway19:27
mrmartinyeah, evgeny, but it is a hack :)19:27
mrmartinare you mean the django admin/ ?19:27
evgenyin fact disabling 'admin' app might work19:28
mrmartinok, I give it a chance19:29
evgenyit will require also removig references to admin in urls.py19:30
evgenyI'm trying here19:30
evgenythe site works for me, removed 'django.contrib.admin' from the installed apps and commented out lines with admin in urls.py19:33
evgenyhopefully that removes the admin import when you run the index command19:34
evgenyIt still might not if other apps import from admin models19:35
evgenybut its a quick try19:35
mrmartinclarkb: which puppet module using this python venv?19:35
mrmartinI not found anything in system-config19:36
clarkbmrmartin: I linked it to you above19:36
mrmartinok I got it19:36
mrmartinbut, in openstack-infra19:36
mrmartinare we using that anywhere?19:36
mrmartinI cannot find any pattern matching to python::virtualenv in system-config19:37
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mrmartinok, no error here on index rebuild when contrib.admin is removed from apps in settings.py19:51
mrmartinbut django app dies when called from web due the missing contrib.admin19:52
clarkbthe puppetboard module uses it19:54
clarkbso its a transitive dep19:54
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mrmartinok. thnx19:58
evgenymrmartin: django should not die if admin is removed from root urls.py19:59
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mrmartinbut with this removal, will we loose the admin ui of the app?20:00
evgenyyes, we'll lose admin ui20:00
mrmartina too big price20:02
mrmartinI'll try to redeploy with a downgraded django version, maybe just trusty pip was going to mad when I wanted to downgrade20:03
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mrmartinok, so the result: it is not working with a downgraded django20:12
mrmartinand the pip is buggy on trusty20:12
reedif the config option can be passed via settings.py20:12
reedi wouldn't mind missing the admin panel20:12
mrmartinyeah, it requires a change and an askbot-devel patch20:12
mrmartinbut loosing the admin ui?20:12
reedit's not very useful in the end if all the configurations can be passed via file changes20:13
reedit would even be better to some extent20:13
mrmartinEvgeny: can you make the import in configurable?20:13
mrmartinso if the contrib.admin is included in the INSTALLED_APPS, then import admin, otherwise not20:14
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mrmartin[22:13:55]  <mrmartin>Evgeny: can you make the import in configurable?20:18
mrmartin[22:14:18]  <mrmartin>so if the contrib.admin is included in the INSTALLED_APPS, then import admin, otherwise not20:18
mrmartin[22:14:19]  <mrmartin>?20:18
evgenyalso - did you get my message? - it's possible to use custom when running commands20:19
evgenyvia the --settings option20:19
mrmartinoh great20:19
evgenythe parameter is treated as path to python module, so it should be without the .py extension20:20
mrmartinit can be a workaround too20:20
evgenyare you sure you have a clean django 1.5.12 without remnants of django1.6?20:21
mrmartinI'm sure, it was redeployed from scratch20:21
notmynameanyone know what the ops track is called in sched?20:23
notmynameah. seems to be "Ops"20:24
reednotmyname, yep, you found it :)20:25
notmynameI'm scheduling the swift stuff and want to make sure I don't conflict20:25
reedyou can file a RFT to call it "hops" like the ones you had to jump to find it :))20:25
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reedhorrible joke20:26
reedok, back to food20:26
notmynameI think *hops worked better ;-)20:26
mrmartinevgeny, reed: python askbot_rebuild_index -l en --settings=settings-cli works well as a workaround now20:27
mrmartinand the settings-cli not contains the contrib.admin app20:27
reedis that good news?20:28
mrmartinthat's a workaround20:31
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mrmartinnot to check how the other cli tools like the cron scheduled tasks and celeryd working20:31
mrmartinbut yes, it is a good news20:32
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mrmartinI'll prepare the required infra patches for the change, and put the project into infra approval queue20:33
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