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gilliard | jogo: sigmavirus24_awa: thanks. | 08:34 |
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gilliard | jogo: my understanding is that because it's a flake8 check we don't have any control over how it is run, so it'd be difficult to bypass. Basically the rule in this case is: redefining a function is OK if it has that @api_version decorator on it. | 10:00 |
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jogo | gilliard: correct, we can always turn the rule off or something like that if we want | 10:15 |
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gilliard | jogo: Hi :) Could we turn the rule off only for that case, or do you mean globally? | 10:16 |
jogo | gilliard: globally | 10:16 |
jogo | gilliard: don't think we can turn it off for only that case, unless we turn it off globally and add a similar rule nova.hacking that is similar | 10:16 |
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gilliard | I think I'd prefer just using #noqa on those lines, tbh. It's a useful rule. | 10:16 |
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gilliard | Yeah I thought about that, but I don't really want to rewrite flake8 rules in checks.py unless it's really necessary. | 10:17 |
jogo | gilliard: yeah noqa there is fine with me. the duplicate function names is a bit unusual so having noqa makes sense to me | 10:17 |
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gilliard | That's fine - I just promised cyeoh I'd look into it. It's just a bit grating that it's the only way to use that decorator... | 10:18 |
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gilliard | thanks for your help, anyway. | 10:20 |
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sigmavirus24 | jogo: gilliard is it duplicate function names akin to using @property? | 13:20 |
gilliard | sigmavirus24: hi. It's for the api microversions. You have the methods with the same name applicable for different versions of the api, specified by an http header | 13:21 |
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sigmavirus24 | gilliard: do you have a link? | 13:21 |
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gilliard | Yep, hold on | 13:22 |
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sigmavirus24 | thanks | 13:22 |
gilliard | this kind of stuff: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137032/11/nova/tests/unit/api/openstack/compute/test_plugins/microversions.py | 13:23 |
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gilliard | 3 methods called 'index' applicable for different versions of the api. | 13:23 |
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gilliard | there's a metaclass which gathers them up and dispatches incoming requests to the appropriate one - and that metaclass relies on the methods having the same name. Make sense? | 13:26 |
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sigmavirus24 | gilliard: yeah, I'm not sure that's something pyflakes wants to try to fix in this case | 13:32 |
sigmavirus24 | Therre are a lot of cases where people don't mean to do that and it's actually a problem | 13:33 |
gilliard | I spoke to jogo a while ago - I think we agreed to leave F811 as it is, and people have to use #noqa in the versioned methods in the controller classes. It's only for a specific use-case, not going to be very widespread. | 13:36 |
gilliard | Still, not ideal IMO, to require #noqa. | 13:37 |
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sigmavirus24 | gilliard: yeah. IMO I want # noqa removed from flake8 (I'm the maintainer) | 13:37 |
sigmavirus24 | It's a hammer for a problem that shouldn't exist | 13:38 |
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gilliard | Yeah, that's the problem. It's pretty blunt. | 13:42 |
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gilliard | I did look to see if there was any way of only disabling a single rule, like #noqa_F811 | 13:42 |
gilliard | (didn't find anything, as you probably know) | 13:42 |
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gilliard | Would that be any better, though? | 13:43 |
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nirupma_ | how do I use the keystone command /v3 /users?name=<user_name> in my python code? | 14:21 |
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rushiagr | nirupma_: what exactly you're trying to do? | 15:03 |
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nirupma_ | rushiagr: i am trying to fix bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+bug/1371975 | 15:04 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 1371975 in python-openstackclient "openstack user show <username> call is ineffcient." [Low,In progress] | 15:04 |
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annegentle | dolphm: hey, I'm documenting GET /v3/auth/tokens/OS-PKI/revoked -- do you have any sample requests or responses? | 15:31 |
annegentle | dolphm: it's for this doc bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-site/+bug/1304606 | 15:31 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 1304606 in openstack-api-site "Identity API v3 OS-PKI extension is undocumented" [High,Triaged] | 15:32 |
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annegentle | dolphm: ah, looks like it's deprecated, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/revocation-events | 15:46 |
dolphm | annegentle: yes, it is deprecated, but it's still used as of juno | 15:47 |
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annegentle | dolphm: darn. | 15:47 |
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dolphm | annegentle: and it's *completely* undocumented today :( | 15:47 |
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annegentle | dolphm: so how can I get sample request/ response? | 15:47 |
dolphm | annegentle: if you still want to document it, i can get you a sample response | 15:47 |
annegentle | dolphm: happy to document it | 15:48 |
annegentle | cool, thanks | 15:48 |
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dolphm | annegentle: i'll just attach something to the bug in a bit? | 15:49 |
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annegentle | dolphm: sure, thanks! | 15:52 |
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nirupma_ | rushiagr: hi | 16:14 |
rushiagr | nirupma_: hi | 16:14 |
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nirupma_ | rushiagr: i am trying to fix bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+bug/1371975 | 16:15 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 1371975 in python-openstackclient "openstack user show <username> call is ineffcient." [Low,In progress] | 16:15 |
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nirupma_ | i need to call /users?name=<user_name> | 16:16 |
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rushiagr | nirupma_: that is a rest call. You need to use some library which will allow you to make one | 16:16 |
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nirupma_ | if i use keystone-client | 16:17 |
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nirupma_ | https://github.com/openstack/python-keystoneclient/blob/master/README.rst | 16:17 |
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nirupma_ | then how do I make the same call? | 16:18 |
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sdague | dhellmann: with the olso.concurrency release it's blowing up hacking, I noticed you # noqa a bunch of the import statements in olso.concurrency | 17:13 |
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sdague | dhellmann: where do you want this olso.concurrency bug? | 17:24 |
sdague | it looks like an over agressive use of # noqa has meant that oslo.concurrency's release breaks the module import check | 17:25 |
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dhellmann | sdague: I'm not sure what you mean? | 17:33 |
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sdague | dhellmann: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/138451/ | 17:33 |
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sdague | dhellmann: so the # noqa adds here made oslo.concurrency pass it's tests - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134630/3/tests/test_lockutils.py,cm | 17:34 |
sdague | however it kind of ensured that anyone importing it that runs hacking in their tests would fail | 17:34 |
dhellmann | ah, I see | 17:34 |
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sdague | so all the projects are failing now | 17:34 |
sdague | we should have blocked there and figured out how to have hacking and oslo.concurrency live together | 17:35 |
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dhellmann | the thing being imported is a module, but hacking can't figure that out, right? | 17:36 |
dhellmann | is that a hacking bug? | 17:36 |
sdague | yep, it probably is | 17:36 |
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sdague | however it should have been caught here and figured out | 17:36 |
sdague | because now it's an *all projects broken* bug | 17:36 |
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sdague | anyway, how do you want to proceed. Because right now this is a zuul wedging bug | 17:37 |
dhellmann | give me a few minutes | 17:37 |
sdague | we could block oslo.concurrency, we can tell all projects they have to turn off their import checks | 17:38 |
sdague | ok | 17:38 |
dhellmann | ok, I have the noqa to get around the "imported but not used" error, not this thing | 17:38 |
dhellmann | no matter what we do in oslo.concurrency, it's still going to look like an error in the other projects because hacking gets the moduleness wrong | 17:38 |
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dhellmann | sdague: projects should be able to replace "oslo.concurrency" with "oslo_concurrency" | 17:40 |
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dhellmann | we could also turn off the import check | 17:40 |
dhellmann | I'm looking at the hacking code right now to see if I can make it smarter | 17:40 |
dhellmann | jogo: are you around to help with ^^ | 17:40 |
sdague | dhellmann: they should, but making them all do it as their next commit is kind of rude | 17:40 |
dhellmann | sdague: yeah, I'm just throwing out ideas | 17:40 |
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sdague | dhellmann: so you are doing that # noqa other places | 17:41 |
sdague | but in the test, that's not the error | 17:41 |
sdague | because it is used | 17:41 |
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sdague | it's a valid # noqa in oslo_concurrency/__init__.py | 17:42 |
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dhellmann | sdague: if I remove all of the #noqa in the tests directory I see no errors | 17:43 |
sdague | tox -e pep8? | 17:43 |
dhellmann | yep | 17:43 |
sdague | fails here | 17:43 |
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dhellmann | sdague: https://review.openstack.org/138459 | 17:44 |
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sdague | dhellmann: unfortunately bandersnatch has broken everything else | 17:47 |
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sdague | so the pep8 tests are failing for other reasons on your push | 17:47 |
dhellmann | I don't know what that means | 17:47 |
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sdague | see -infra | 17:49 |
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dhellmann | sdague: I have a fix for hacking. Releasing that means releasing some other changes, too, and I haven't looked at those, yet. | 18:00 |
sdague | ok, lets see how the fix looks | 18:00 |
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sdague | and if we can backport it to the stable branch | 18:01 |
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dhellmann | sdague: https://review.openstack.org/138462 | 18:02 |
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dhellmann | sdague: that change ^^ in my nova/.tox/pep8 directory allows the pep8 tests to pass with the latest oslo.concurrency (where they were failing for me locally before) | 18:03 |
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dhellmann | sdague: I see there's already a 0.9.x branch so I can cherry pick that fix over when we're ready | 18:07 |
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sdague | dhellmann: yeh, I just did that | 18:08 |
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dhellmann | ah, ok | 18:09 |
sdague | dhellmann: there seems to be another contract break in the release unrelated to this | 18:09 |
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sdague | jaypipes has the details | 18:09 |
dhellmann | hrm, hacking failed its pep8 tests | 18:09 |
dhellmann | wonder why those passed for me locally | 18:10 |
jaypipes | dhellmann: http://logs.openstack.org/36/138236/2/check/gate-nova-python27/7c8d7db/testr_results.html.gz shows the contract breaks | 18:10 |
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dhellmann | jaypipes: we think that has to do with the way the mocks are set up for those tests | 18:11 |
dhellmann | bnemec: ^^ | 18:11 |
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bnemec | dhellmann: Yeah, I just pushed a change to Nova to fix that | 18:12 |
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bnemec | The commit message explains what happened (I hope). | 18:12 |
sdague | dhellmann: .... alphabetic order | 18:12 |
dhellmann | bnemec: can we add test fixtures so they don't have to mock implementation details of the library? | 18:12 |
dhellmann | sdague: yeah, new patch is already up | 18:12 |
bnemec | dhellmann: Already done :-) | 18:12 |
dhellmann | bnemec: ok, good | 18:12 |
sdague | dhellmann: cool, I direct fixed the backport | 18:12 |
bnemec | dhellmann: See https://review.openstack.org/#/c/138463/ | 18:13 |
jaypipes | bnemec, dhellmann: approved | 18:13 |
dhellmann | sdague: sounds good | 18:13 |
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dhellmann | sdague: in spite of the fact that hacking is listed as something the oslo team is responsible for, I have no launchpad privileges so I can't do anything with the bug, milestone, etc. | 18:16 |
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dhellmann | I'm not sure why that's an oslo thing instead of a qa thing, but we can sort that out later | 18:17 |
sdague | dhellmann: yeh, honestly, agreed | 18:17 |
sdague | I think it's listed as oslo because at some point oslo == anything not a project | 18:18 |
dhellmann | yeah, probably | 18:18 |
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dhellmann | in any case, I think you're going to have to make the release; I'm not sure I have permission | 18:18 |
sdague | but I agree this actually makes more sense in qa program | 18:18 |
sdague | yeh | 18:18 |
dhellmann | ah, no, I do have permission | 18:18 |
dhellmann | at least in gerrit | 18:18 |
dhellmann | I just can't fix the bug status | 18:18 |
sdague | bnemec: you want to review the 0.9.x backport? | 18:18 |
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bnemec | sdague: I can, although I'm not stable-maint so I don't know if I'll be able to +2. | 18:19 |
dhellmann | sdague: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/138462/1 is ready for your +2a | 18:19 |
sdague | hacking is not part of stable maint | 18:19 |
bnemec | Okay, that should be fine then. | 18:19 |
sdague | dhellmann: did | 18:20 |
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sdague | grr... 80 cols | 18:20 |
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sdague | bnemec: ok, it should pass this time | 18:21 |
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dhellmann | sdague: +2a on your backport | 18:26 |
sdague | ok, so I don't actually remember how to make a release, because I don't tend to do that | 18:26 |
sdague | dhellmann: do you have perms to do it on hacking? | 18:26 |
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dhellmann | sdague: yeah, I can tag it | 18:27 |
sdague | ok, cool. | 18:27 |
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dhellmann | it looks like the launchpad project for hacking is just not set up for any of the recent releases, so maybe we don't care about making the milesonte | 18:27 |
dhellmann | stone | 18:27 |
sdague | yeh, I'd ignore it | 18:27 |
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dhellmann | sdague: tag 0.9.4 pushed and the release jobs are running | 18:29 |
sdague | dhellmann: cool | 18:30 |
dhellmann | and done | 18:30 |
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sdague | thanks | 18:31 |
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sdague | and thanks for quick resolution here | 18:33 |
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sdague | ok, time to run a few errands before tc meeting | 18:34 |
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dolphm | annegentle: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-api-site/+bug/1304606/comments/5 | 18:49 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 1304606 in openstack-api-site "Identity API v3 OS-PKI extension is undocumented" [High,Confirmed] | 18:49 |
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annegentle | thanks dolphm! | 18:52 |
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jogo | dhellmann: ping | 19:17 |
dhellmann | jogo: pong | 19:19 |
jogo | sdague dhellmann: cool I see you got the backport to 0.9.x done | 19:19 |
jogo | dhellmann: catching up on the issue and whatnot | 19:19 |
dhellmann | jogo: yeah, I think we're all clear now | 19:19 |
dhellmann | jogo: I did send you email starting a conversation about whether hacking fits better in oslo or qa, but there's no urgency on that | 19:20 |
jogo | dhellmann: as for the home, the short is I don't really care | 19:21 |
jogo | I told mtreinish stay in oslo because it was less work | 19:21 |
dhellmann | jogo: ok. If we keep it in oslo, I'd like to set up lp so we can track releases the same as the other Oslo tools. That's not hard, but will require some lp work that I can't do now because I'm not in the right group. | 19:22 |
jogo | dhellmann: well we can add you to the group | 19:23 |
mtreinish | jogo: it really isn't more work, it's just a governance patch really | 19:23 |
dhellmann | jogo: OTOH, it feels a lot more like a qa tool to me, and I think moving it to qa is just a governance change | 19:23 |
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dhellmann | and if it moves it would be up to the qa team to decide how they want to track releases | 19:23 |
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mtreinish | jogo: I mean I'll start bugging you about stuff eventually too, but that's not really extra work for you | 19:24 |
jogo | dhellmann mtreinish: I agree it makes more sense on QA, so I am happy with the move | 19:24 |
jogo | mtreinish: maybe not more work, but just didn't seem pressing previously | 19:24 |
dhellmann | yeah, today's events sort of brought it to the front of my mind | 19:25 |
dhellmann | still not urgent, but I wanted to bring it up before I forgot about it again | 19:25 |
jogo | dhellmann: so yeah lets move to QA | 19:25 |
mtreinish | dhellmann: do you want to push up the governance patch before the tc meeting? | 19:25 |
jogo | mtreinish is on board so no reason not too IMHO | 19:25 |
dhellmann | jogo: cool | 19:25 |
dhellmann | mtreinish: if you do it I can vote on it | 19:26 |
mtreinish | dhellmann: ok, one sec | 19:26 |
jogo | mtreinish: +1 from me too | 19:26 |
jogo | dhellmann: btw don't you love python module stuff | 19:26 |
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jogo | dhellmann: so there is one issue with moving to QA actually | 19:28 |
mtreinish | dhellmann, jogo: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/138499/ | 19:28 |
jogo | dhellmann: I got a bunch of quality core reviewers for free :) | 19:28 |
mtreinish | jogo: we can maintain the same core team | 19:29 |
jogo | mtreinish dhellmann: but I can just leave oslo-core as a member of hacking-core | 19:29 |
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dhellmann | jogo: yeah, or we can put a few of the people who actually did reviews on the team directly | 19:29 |
jogo | mtreinish: yeah its solvable | 19:29 |
dhellmann | jogo: I'll sign up, fwiw | 19:30 |
jogo | dhellmann: awesome | 19:30 |
jogo | bnemec: I am signing you up too | 19:30 |
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dhellmann | jogo: if you would comment on mtreinish's patch, that will help smooth the approval | 19:30 |
mtreinish | jogo: yeah for gerrit perms, I would just do s/oslo-release/qa-release for hacking-core and hacking-release | 19:30 |
jogo | dhellmann: just did | 19:31 |
dhellmann | mtreinish, jogo : yeah, and I'm willing to be on the release team, too, if you need another hand there | 19:31 |
dhellmann | jogo: ok, good, thanks | 19:31 |
jogo | dhellmann: yeah it would be good to have a few folks who have release power for cases like this | 19:31 |
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dhellmann | jogo: right, count me in for that, too | 19:31 |
mtreinish | dhellmann: looking at it there, you're listed individually already | 19:31 |
dhellmann | ok, then, all set :-) | 19:32 |
mtreinish | dhellmann: https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/204,members | 19:32 |
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jogo | going to add qa groups already in preperation | 19:32 |
jogo | unless mtreinish you object | 19:32 |
jogo | (not removing anyone yet) | 19:32 |
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mtreinish | jogo: nope, go ahead | 19:33 |
dhellmann | mtreinish: ok, I didn't remember if I was there for myself or from oslo-release | 19:33 |
jogo | ok added qa-release to hacking-release | 19:33 |
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jogo | dims: ping | 19:36 |
dims | jogo: pong | 19:36 |
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jogo | dhellmann bnemec: you are now hacking-core outside of oslo | 19:36 |
* dhellmann stands proud | 19:36 | |
jogo | dims: we are moving hacking out of oslo, do you still want to be hacking core? | 19:36 |
jogo | dims: please say yes | 19:36 |
dims | jogo: yes :) | 19:36 |
jogo | dims: thanks :) | 19:37 |
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dims | thanks for asking! | 19:37 |
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dhellmann | jogo: maybe we should have a ML thread? I put it on the oslo agenda for monday's meeting | 19:37 |
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mtreinish | jogo: also can you add it to the QA meeting agenda | 19:38 |
jogo | dhellmann: works for me, want to start it? as you already have a email to work from | 19:38 |
jogo | dims: https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/153,members | 19:38 |
* bnemec adds another core team to his LinkedIn profile :-) | 19:39 | |
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dhellmann | jogo: sure | 19:40 |
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dims | bnemec: nice! :) | 19:40 |
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jogo | bnemec: \o/ | 19:42 |
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mudassirlatif | Hi folks, I have a question about debugging unit tests using PyCharm …. probably more of a python/PyCharm question than an openstack question | 19:47 |
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mudassirlatif | not sure if this is the right forum? | 19:47 |
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dhellmann | jogo: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-December/052025.html | 19:49 |
dhellmann | mudassirlatif: possibly, although I don't know if anyone here uses PyCharm | 19:49 |
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mudassirlatif | well, here goes: I’m debuging a cinder driver unit test in PyCharm …. my debugger shows all variables as “None” …. there is an error in the “Console” ….. File "/Applications/PyCharm CE.app/helpers/pydev/pydevd_vars.py", line 109, VariableError: findFrame: must execute on same thread (pid17208_seq1 != pid17208_seq10) | 19:51 |
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jogo | dhellmann: thoughts on leaving qa-release in hacking-release in general? | 19:54 |
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jogo | dhellmann: as a oslo release triggered the bug | 19:54 |
dhellmann | jogo: I'd ask the qa-release folks | 19:54 |
dhellmann | or do you mean oslo-release? | 19:54 |
jogo | dhellmann: what I am trying to say actually is I like the idea of having two backup hacking-release members | 19:54 |
jogo | so we only need one out of three for emergencies | 19:55 |
jogo | how we get the three isn't too important I think | 19:55 |
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dhellmann | jogo: having more people is good, but since releases have to be treated specially for hacking we should make sure people on the team actually know what to do | 19:55 |
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jogo | dhellmann: right. | 19:56 |
dhellmann | jogo: both dims and bnemec are set up for releasing oslo things, so they know the basics, and it would be easy to train them on the release branch model you're using | 19:56 |
jogo | mtreinish: do you know the rules? | 19:56 |
dhellmann | jogo: I sort of figured it out from looking at the repo, although sdague knew what to do as well -- he just wasn't set up to make releases because that's not something he does much | 19:56 |
jogo | dhellmann: well we have 3 people right now ( mtreinish, you and me) | 19:56 |
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jogo | I think that is a good start | 19:57 |
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jogo | dhellmann: so the rules are: | 19:57 |
dhellmann | jogo: yeah, that feels good, and like I said ask bnemec and dims if they want to do it. You could write up a release process doc in the wiki or something | 19:57 |
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jogo | http://docs.openstack.org/developer/hacking/readme.html#versioning | 19:58 |
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dhellmann | cool | 19:58 |
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jogo | that isn't the release process so much as the versioning process | 19:58 |
dhellmann | yeah | 19:58 |
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jogo | and release is based on that | 19:59 |
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sdague | jogo: yeh, that's why we did the backport, because it fit in that model and could be immediately released | 20:00 |
jogo | sdague: yup | 20:00 |
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jogo | sdague: if I was online I would have done it the exact same way | 20:01 |
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mtreinish | jogo: you have rules? | 20:06 |
jogo | mtreinish: for cutting hacking releases | 20:07 |
jogo | what is ok for a backport and what isn't | 20:07 |
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jogo | mtreinish: and how things are versioned | 20:07 |
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sdague | honestly, they are kind of basic semver sanity. | 20:08 |
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mtreinish | jogo: ah, ok | 20:09 |
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jogo | sdague: yeah nothing fancy | 20:10 |
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jokke_ | annegent_: you still around? | 22:02 |
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annegent_ | jokke_: ayup | 22:08 |
annegent_ | what's up | 22:08 |
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jokke_ | annegent_: just wanted to catch up about that glance api spec you asked to look at ... mind popping to # -glance if you have time for it? | 22:09 |
annegent_ | sure | 22:09 |
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Generated by irclog2html.py 2.14.0 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!