Wednesday, 2025-01-29

*** Guest7381 is now known as bbezak14:56
opendevreviewRafal Lewandowski proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Change grub variables for style and timeout
opendevreviewRafal Lewandowski proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Change grub variables for style and timeout
opendevreviewRafal Lewandowski proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: Change grub variables for style and timeout
JayFDo we care about documenting bugs through launchpad? Or is it just about release notes20:22
JayFmy downstream reported a bug (really an edge case one of our features misses), and I'd like to JFDI the fix20:22
opendevreviewJay Faulkner proposed openstack/diskimage-builder master: wip: ubuntu-minimal: respect DIB_APT_SOURCES
clarkbI'm not too troubled by JFDI and edit release notes20:55
clarkbout of curiousity does the apt-sources element not work with -minimal because it needs to boostrap debootstrap before it applies the source file?20:57
clarkbor maybe we're overriding it20:57
clarkbya we're overriding instead. JayF  I think you can just skip writing anything if apt-sources is used?20:57
clarkbrather tahn writing things again20:58
JayFit operates at the wrong phase21:00
JayFit works in extra-data.d, we need it in early root21:00
JayFthese -minimal builds sorta have the apt sources logic mixed in21:00
JayFI was more going to lean the route of deprecating the apt-sources module21:00
clarkbwhy not just make apt-sources run in root then?21:01
JayFbecause if we significant change the execution order, it's already an API break, and it'll be pretty difficult to rework all the apt sources logic to factor it outta all those -minimal elements21:01
clarkbI don't think having it run in root is an api break21:01
JayFclarkb: debootstrap has root.d/00-blah where it does the pull. we'd have to move that to 01, make it aware of the arg as well21:01
clarkbI guess it could stop overriding things and get overridden?21:01
JayFthat element, btw, is 8 years old no update21:02
JayFand I suspect has been functionally nonworking in most cases for a while, after reading some of the ubuntu elements21:02
clarkbI'm not sure that is meanginful fwiw21:02
clarkbmost elements in dib are old and don't get updates21:02
clarkblooking at the file you chagned its 75- not 00-21:02
clarkbso we'd just need to run before that point21:02
JayFoh. OH.21:02
JayFaw hell21:02
JayFokay, back to the drawing board21:03
JayFthanks for talking me through it21:03
clarkband ya you'd need to be aware of not writing a file later if the var is set but if we can centralize all the error checking for validity across the various deb based systems that would be nice21:03
clarkbotherwise we need to have that in a bunch of different places21:03
clarkb(I think that approach would work if we are forced into it, I just want to make sure it really is the lesser evil)21:05
JayFwell let me put it this way, you already reset this from a "5 line minimal change" to something beefier, so I'll do the better/beefier change21:19
JayFso there's a chicken/egg thing here21:42
JayFthere's no root to install a sources.list in until after debootstrap runs21:42
JayFafaict at least21:42
clarkboh hrm in 08-debootstrap it does point debootstrap at the targetroot21:44
clarkbbut debootstrap itself takes the mirror host as an argument21:44
JayFI'm thinking this might be a "debootstrap is not the right shape to solve this problem" issue as much as anything21:44
clarkbso I think if you run between 08-debootstrap and 75-ubuntu-minimal-baseinstall it would work21:44
JayFwhich would be /really/ unfortunate given my set of requirements21:44
clarkbbut you'd still not solve this for debootstrap itself21:45
JayF08-debootstrap hits the network21:45
clarkbyes. why can't you use the mirror argument?21:45
JayFI basically have an isolated network build machine, and the mirror we have isn't "shaped" like debian expects21:45
* JayF redacting you an example21:45
clarkbI would expect that to be a problem for deboostrap regardless of our sources config?21:46
clarkbbut I'm not super familiar with debootstrap to know if you can configure it with something like a richer sources config21:46
JayFbasically you can't just swap out the hostname, you need to set the path, and the path is unique per ... component?21:47
JayFand all the debootstrap stuff AFAICT is built 100% assuming your mirror is debian-shaped, which just isn't a good assumption in most corporate environments which would have a single dedicated artifact store21:48
clarkbya so you've got a separate top level dir for each dists/ entry rather than letting all the dists/ entries coexist like:
clarkbwhich works if you have a proper sources.list config but I'm not sure about getting debootstrap to undersatnd that. It may be possible21:49
JayFyes, exactly21:49
JayFthis is why I wanna sub in the full sources.list21:49
JayFand was going to hook it up to -minimal because ... that's just a better overall image tbh21:49
JayFat least debootstrap is in shell, I can dig that deep21:52
clarkbthough reading that I'm wondering if debootstrap will pull packages from anything but the base distro release repo21:52
JayFthat's EXACTLY what I'm looking for now21:52
clarkbso you may still get away with it pointed at https://some-hostname/deb/ubuntu-22.04-x86_64/some-string-jammy ?21:52
JayFexactly, I'm checking that now21:53
JayFmultistrap isn't packaged widely, which makes it mostly a nogo21:53
clarkbya it only runs on debian apparently21:53
JayFdebootstrap looks like it's relying on implementation details of the mirror in setup_apt_sources afaict21:55
JayFI'll give that to downstream to attempt though, it'll be a useful error21:56
clarkbthat may only affect EXTRA_SUITES?21:57
clarkbso if you don't add -security etc it may work?21:57
clarkbyou might also be able to get away with symlinks in your mirror or something along those lines21:58
clarkbbut also its not really a mirror if it doesn't reflect upstream :/21:58
clarkb(we, opendev, do hacks like that in other places so I get why it happens but you do have to be careful it continues to work)21:58
JayFthanks for the help, I'm going to talk to my downstream and see if this is a situation where dib is even the right tool22:07
JayFbecause I think we're going to run into other limitations22:07

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