Thursday, 2025-01-30

JayFI'm wondering if I can get DIB to run inside a container; if so; could be a drop-in tool to get cross-builds working with dib16:18
JayFI'll be looking at this in the next couple of days so if you want to warn me of dragons let me know :D 16:18
clarkbopendev runs dib in a container for all of our builds using the zuul/nodepool-builder image16:20
clarkbactually I think16:20
clarkbbut yes running a hte process in an emulated environment for another arch should work as long as it is fast enough to avoid performance related failures16:21
JayFthat's awesome; I think this'll work nicely16:26
JayFhonestly we could even wire something like this in for native cross-support16:26
JayFe.g. $DIB_CHROOT_CMD could replace `chroot` usages, and someone could wire up an element to use that container to provide the chroot (mount the target_root somewhere, fire up the container; chroot into the target_root inside container)16:27
JayFI'm going the easier path (run all of dib in the container) to start though16:27

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