Monday, 2021-08-16

hspeaseNominations kick-off is tomorrow (yay!). I drafted the announcement email and would love to get the other election official's eyes on it (starts at line 64). Please pay special attention to the dates as I got a bit confused when drafting and switched the month and day a couple of times (I think I fixed them all but would appreciate a second look). Find the draft here: 15:36
fungion line 91 where you mention the requirements to receive a ballot, it may make sense to add a reminder to authorize civs to send e-mail to that address (this is new, due to a civs service policy change since the last round of elections)15:42
hspeaseawesome! Thanks15:45
fungipretty much all communications up to the point where we actually feed ballots into civs should probably include such a reminder, because people are unlikely to be aware otherwise15:46
fungilonger term, it would probably make sense to patch some prose about that into the templates in the election repo15:47
hspeaseSounds good, do you mind checking line 91 to make sure I captured that well? I kept your disclaimer about it being new in there15:48
fungilooking up at line 39, i'm a little worried that sending instructions to the electorate asking them to opt-in will be too late if the rolls are being uploaded to civs the same day15:58
fungiso may want to try to make sure that the roll generation happens as early as possible (start of the campaigning week) and a reminder is sent to all of the addresses then, a week ahead of the ballots being sent16:00
fungithere was an earlier warning sent to openstack-discuss about the civs change to opt-in for ballots, right? maybe we should try to reuse some of that (directing folks to the page)16:01
hspeaseI am not sure if there was ro not17:00
hspease@fungi do you mind checking I have made those edits correctly17:02
fungii'll take a look, sure17:02
hspeaseThank you17:02
fungiahh, no, the idea would be when candidacy submission ends, generate atc rolls and then send email to eligible electorates to opt in to civs at
fungilater when election begins upload rolls17:05
fungicreating the civs page can be done any time during campaigning week, we just need to know the list of valid candidates17:06
hspeaseOk I think I understand now, can you check the new edits, please?17:29
fungihspease: er, sorry, i pasted from the wrong buffer earlier, i meant
fungiwhat i meant was the thing you have at line 41 should actually happen in the previous section instead18:53
hspeaseGotcha, sweet thanks!22:43

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