Friday, 2021-08-27

opendevreviewQiu Fossen proposed openstack/election master: Fossen Qiu candidacy for Sahara PTL (Yoga)
ianychoi[m]belmoreira: I have not sent to the electors. Now will the opt-in e-mail be posted to openstack-discuss, or to the electors?21:29
fungiif you send something about it to openstack-discuss, be sure to include a [cyborg] tag in the subject line21:37
ianychoi[m]Yep I have had minor editing from L81 on 21:49
ianychoi[m]fungi: would it be okay for election officials to send to all the electors on such e-mail template?21:53
ianychoi[m]Not sure on bothering vs. sharing important information to the individual electors21:54
fungiare you asking whether you should send one message with 18 addresses on the to line vs 18 messages with one address on each to line, the latter is more likely to be delivered22:02
fungibut if you're not using a scriptable mail client, it also might represent a lot more work22:03
ianychoi[m]I definitely prefer the latter way. Yep I don't have such script but can do a manual thing22:04
ianychoi[m]Okay.. let me more wait for other election officials..22:07

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