Thursday, 2024-08-29

slaweqianychoi hi, thx for sending the email tonight07:20
slaweqso now, IIUC we need to generate rolls with tox -evenv -- generate-rolls --tag 0.17.0 command, right?07:20
slaweqand wait one week until campaing will ends and we will enter voting time07:21
fricklerah, I wanted to bake some new rolls, too, just to have a reference handy ;) and yes, that sounds correct to me07:42
opendevreviewWalt proposed openstack/election master: Withdrawing Walt Boring Candidacy for cinder PTL
fungiaww, i was looking forward to the runoff. oh well13:15
frickleris this even allowed by the election rules? I mean, it certainly wouldn't make sense to start the election now, but I'm wondering whether there is actually some provisioning for this scenario or whether it is up to election officials to somehow deal with this now based on their judgement13:33
fungii don't think it can really be "disallowed" to withdraw from an election, it's more that the election documentation doesn't cover what process should be followed when it happens13:35
fricklerright, that's about what I was trying to express13:37
fungiit's an uncommon enough occurrence that it may not make sense trying to document every possible eventuality13:37
fungithough maybe worth seeing if there's any precedent for how it's been handled in the past (i don't personally recall whether it's come up in the scope of a ptl election, though we did have it with a tc election last cycle)13:38
fricklerwhat happened last cycle was after the election concluded, not before it even had started, so slightly different scenario13:40
fungiright, good point, that made it far more complicated as a result13:44
ianychoiHi slaweq, yes and hope you had chance to see from line 97:
ianychoiI realize that I have not sent campaigning_kickoff e-mail - will do now13:49
ianychoislaweq: your double-checking with SHA will be appreciated13:49
ianychoiHmm, there have been no PTL campaigning period13:53
fungiianychoi: traditionally there hasn't been, no. but also it only makes sense to have a campaigning period when there's a runoff, and since one of the two candidates is pulling out of the only contested ptl race i guess there won't be this time either13:54
ianychoi(Yeah, trying to recall past situations)14:10
slaweqianychoi looking at the sha right now14:11
slaweqianychoi my sha are the same as yours14:18
slaweqI just have one more file comparing to you, and it is 'stable_branch_maintenance.txt'14:19
ianychoiInterestingly, I don't have it14:20
slaweqI was using 0.17.0 tag14:21
slaweqlike that: tox -evenv -- generate-rolls --tag 0.17.014:21
ianychoiI used hash number which is used for 0.17.0 f75e0ea81be30bf02d6a3501e61e803547334c4f14:21
ianychois/hash number/hash value14:22
slaweqahh, and I got randomly some errors while fetching member details from api in the script, so to avoid that I did small change in script and added retry in one place14:22
slaweqbut I don't think this could change anything14:22
fungifeel free to propose a change to remove the stable-branch team support from the election tooling. that team hasn't existed since years, and we handled it specially in the scripts because it had very different electorate requirements14:23
ianychoiLet me execute with 0.17.0 tag value but anyway 'stable_branch_maintenance.txt' file is not needed. Just interesting how the difference between you and me resulted in14:24
fungibasically, to generate the (now unnecessary) stable-branch electorate, a complete second pass is performed checking for changes merged to stable/.* branches of all official openstack team deliverables, and that nearly doubles the runtime as a result14:25
ianychoiAhhh, found - I executed with "tox -e venv -- generate-rolls --without-stable" 14:27
slaweqI didn't even know about it TBH :)14:28
slaweqthere is still a lot of new things for me here14:28
ianychoiRather than sending an argument, I temporally changed tag value on configuration.yaml, and executed ^ command14:28
fungiyeah, basically if someone wants to trace the conditionals on the flag that --without-stable sets, should be fairly easy to snip it all out. do a run of the original script specifying --without-stable and then another run of the patched software and compare the output files to make sure they match14:33
fungiand obviously it's not urgent, but it's a great opportunity to get some familiarity with the software14:33
slaweqianychoi and what about email about opt in into the CIVS system? should we send it now or next week when it will be closer to the election period?14:36
ianychoiHow about just tomorrow? :p 14:41
slaweqsure, I will do it tomorrow for sure14:47
gmannif candidate itself is pulling back the nomination, I am not sure having election will result to desire outcome and create more difficult situation. I think we should avoid election in this situation and merger the nomination withdraw 16:47
slaweqgmann: I agree, and we are not in the election time yet, just campaing now so it is IMO still safe to do it20:45
gmannslaweq: ++20:46

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