Friday, 2024-08-30

opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Withdrawing Walt Boring Candidacy for cinder PTL
spotz[m]Shouldn’t we be in campaigning? Just got a vote email from the system17:21
fungilooks like someone started creating the poll but didn't set it to start later? or implicitly started it17:24
fungiianychoi: slaweq: ^17:26
fungii guess it's public polls which have to be explicitly started, private polls send ballots when the electorate get uploaded, which is why says "When TC Election begins: Upload rolls..."17:36
gmannianychoi: slaweq: just for more ref, we are discussion it in TC channel also 18:34
gouthamr+1 ^ lets discuss in one place.. please don't revisit/change the poll yet.. 19:00
gouthamr"A total of 284 voters have been authorized to vote." -- do we think this number is okay though? 19:01
fungias a quick cross-check, there were 540 contributors during the caracal cycle, 224 of whom were also foundation individual members19:06
fungiso, yeah, looks reasonable when you consider the electorate is contributors whose changes merged over a 12-month span rather than 619:07
fungiand who are also individual members19:07
gouthamrack ty fungi 19:21
gouthamrnoob question: the rolls were generated on 28th Aug because we had this deadline:19:22
gouthamr"The electorate is requested to confirm their email address in gerrit, > Settings > Contact Information > Preferred Email, prior to Aug 28, 2024 00:00 UTC so that the emailed ballots are mailed to the correct email address."19:22
gouthamrif a Foundation Individual Member who's also contributed in the last 12 months had done this part, but hadn't accepted CIVS emails19:23
gouthamrthey can still do that, and find the poll somehow, correct?19:23
gouthamrif someone raises a question on the ML that they're unable to find their ballot, but they should be considered - can we still send them a ballot?19:24
fungito both questions19:24
fungiif you confirm your address in civs after the ballots have been sent, you should be shown a list of elections you've been invited to vote in19:25
fungibut also you can ask the officials to get civs to resend you a ballot19:25
gouthamrnice... great! i'll call this out.. i know i had colleagues in the last election that didn't get a ballot, but they had missed the CIVS step, and they did end up missing the election too19:26
gouthamrhaha, "hey did you vote for me?"19:26
gouthamr"what, there were elections?"19:26
gouthamr"lol :("19:26
fungias far as why the deadline to double-check your address in gerrit and foundation membership is a while before the ballots are sent, that's to make sure the election officials have time to generate the rolls in case there are problems with the tools, and so that they can double-check them19:27
fungiin the past, officials sometimes forgot to schedule an ample window for those activities, and so ended up starting the polls hours or even days late19:28
fungiroll generation is faster, more streamlined and battle-hardened against uncommon corner cases these days, but it's still far from instantaneous nor bullet-proof19:30
gouthamrthank you; the context helps.. i think its totally fine to run the election for longer :D and for willing people, i'm glad we have flexibility to address issues like not paying attention to email from us, or CIVS  19:35
fungias a project, we've found limitless ways to accommodate people not paying attention. we excel at it now ;)19:38
JayFgouthamr: true leadership is lining up the votes of your sycophants *before* running ;) 19:55
gouthamr:D 19:57
JayFNon-jokingly though, part of my downstream onboarding for OpenStack is following up with new contributors on my team around election time19:57
JayFcid and adammcarthur can both confirm I've been bugging them about if they got their ballots :D 19:57
gouthamri agree19:57
gouthamri did that a bit this time with interns in the ~1 year timeframe to make their ballots count..19:59

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