Tuesday, 2024-09-17

cardoeWell as we come to the end of the election cycle I just wanted to say thanks to the election officials and everyone involved in your work.14:06
gouthamrwe have about ~30 hours left16:58
gouthamrslaweq ianychoi: how much of the electorate is still left to vote? 16:59
slaweqgouthamr: I see 59 votes out of 284 authorized voters now20:01
fungithat's 21% turnout, lower than we've had in the past i think20:08
fungibut maybe people are waiting until the last moment to cast their ballots'20:08
fungithough it used to be almost everyone voted the first day of the poll, so maybe this is about everyone we're going to get casting a ballot20:09
gouthamrthanks slaweq21:43
gouthamryeah this is disappointing :(21:43
JayFat some level it's a leadership failure at the companies that support openstack too. it should be a required part to participate; I know I tell my folks that (/me crosses fingers they actually followed thru to prevent him from being a hypocrite lol) 21:52
JayFbecause at a minimum we have *way* more than 21% of our contributors working at companies that are invested heavily in oss21:52
fungithis is just 21% of the contributors who have corresponding foundation memberships even22:24

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