Wednesday, 2024-09-18

ianychoiHi, it's now 60 out of 284, and sharing previous turnout data:
fungioh, good, so it's actually inline with the past several elections14:32
fungia slight improvement even14:32
ianychoiHi slaweq, thank you for sending voting last days reminder. Would you like to close the election & share results, or would you mind if I am doing once deadline reaches?14:32
fungii assume you mean in another ~9 hours from now14:36
fungiah, that's what you meant by "once deadline reaches," got it14:37
ianychoiyes yes I could have mentioned what deadline is by mentioning numbers instead 14:37
fungino problem, i just didn't parse the end of your sentence initially and thought you were about to close the polls now14:38
slaweqianychoi: hi. If you can, please do it. It will be late in the night for me and I am really busy with personal stuff this week so I may not have time for it.14:40
ianychoiSure, I can do it (back from looooong holiday and have seen your last days e-mail now)14:41
fungithanks to the both of you for all your hard work on this election!14:56
slaweqianychoi: thx a lot19:00
* gouthamr echoes fungi 19:48
fungi15 minutes until polls close!23:30
ianychoislaweq: thanks to you :)23:35
fungi"Actual votes cast: 61"23:49
funginot bad!23:49
ianychoi(will follow/do other processes later, or slaweq can do later :) )23:59

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