Wednesday, 2025-02-19

opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/election master: Adding Ghanshyam candidacy for QA PTL
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/election master: Adding Ghanshyam candidacy for QA PTL
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Adding Juan Larriba candidacy for Telemetry
opendevreviewMauricio Harley proposed openstack/election master: Adding Mauricio Harley candidacy for Barbican
opendevreviewRafael Weingartner proposed openstack/election master: Adding Rafael Weingärtner candidacy for Cloudkitty 2025.2
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Tim Burke candidacy for Swift PTL (Flamingo)
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Adding Rafael Weingärtner candidacy for Cloudkitty 2025.2
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Adding Ghanshyam candidacy for QA PTL
slaweqianychoi hi, just FYI, I will tonight send email about nomination period end15:10
ianychoiHi slaweq will you be awake tonight? 15:11
ianychoiWe can talk around nomination end period. So far, we might not need to prepare election voting (but I hope voting happens!)15:12
slaweqI may not be awake exactly in the time of the end nomination time but I wanted to schedule it to be send just before I will go sleep15:16
slaweqbut if you will be awake at the time of the nomination end, you can send it also15:17
ianychoiIt will be around 08:45am and I will be awake.. would you ping me before you would like to go sleep?15:18
slaweqahh, so in such case it will be better if you will send it :)15:18
slaweqfor me it will be around 0:4515:18
ianychoiAha yep hope more candidates will submit before nomination period end!15:19
slaweqI will be checking it today before I will go sleep and will let you know here when I will go offline15:19
slaweqbut please send this end nomination email as it will be more sane time do to for you :)15:20
ianychoiI couldn't exactly remember when there were no TC election (maybe around >=3 years ago) - to recall that, we respect TC campaign period, while we can submit election results15:20
ianychoiAnd.. if the candidate: validates OSF membership, then there will be one PTL election15:22
ianychoiSure thank you and let's keep sync together :)15:22
slaweqsure, thx15:22
fungithe 2023.2/bobcat election (2 years ago) was the most recent time all tc candidates were acclaimed without any poll15:30
ianychoiThank u fungi for sharing!15:33
fungithat doesn't bother me, what worries me is having another cycle where there aren't enough candidates to fill all the open seats15:34
fungithat, thankfully, hasn't happened again since we shrank the size of the tc15:34
fungialso hoping we get one more tc candidate today so i'm not pressed back into service15:35
fungii've managed to stay retired since the ussuri cycle, and would rather not have to come out of retirement after 5 years15:37
slaweqfungi so far we have one less then seats available still :/15:46
slaweqand 6 projects without PTL candidate15:46
fungiright, hence crossing my fingers wrt the tc15:47
opendevreviewArtem Goncharov proposed openstack/election master: Add Artem Goncharov candidacy for TC
fungiphew! i'm off the hook18:59
JayFI'll note that one of those projects is Ironic and we have the DPL change ready to go 19:04
slaweqianychoi as I said, I am going to sleep now. I added +2 to Artem21:14
slaweq*Artem's nomination and there is nothing more to check now21:15
slaweqplease send end nomination period email in few hours21:15
ianychoiWill do thank u21:30
opendevreviewMerged openstack/election master: Add Artem Goncharov candidacy for TC
gouthamryou two have had a busy couple of days slaweq ianychoi :) 23:44
gouthamri think the candidate for Barbican got a change merged just this morning23:44
gouthamrand we know the situation with Ironic23:45
ianychoigouthamr: Barbican needs tc appointment 23:46
gouthamrwhat might be the issue with this?
gouthamrthis change merged several hours ago:
ianychoiThe candidate patch was merged too late23:47
ianychoiIt does not satisfy desired timeframe23:47
gouthamryou're right, i missed that it had to merge before 00:00 23:47
ianychoiTC resolution as leaderless would be appreciated23:47
gouthamrthanks! yep, we'll do that23:47
ianychoiI will announce via mailing list soon!23:47
gouthamrperfect, thank you very much.. i hope right after that, you'll get a well deserved shut eye23:48

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