Friday, 2025-02-21

opendevreviewsuzhengwei proposed openstack/election master: Add Suzhengwei candidancy for Masakari PTL
fricklerannouncing the results is one thing, but new PTLs shouldn't replace existing ones before the end of the planned election period, or should they? same for TC members, although delta=1 there afaict08:37
ianychoifrickler: this is for 2025.2 election, which means that new elected people will work from 2025.2 12:14
fricklerianychoi: yes, but when does 2025.2 start exactly? the day after 2025.1 gets officially released?13:03
fungiin the past we've considered 2025.2 to start at rc1 week when the stable/2025.1 branches are created and whatever lands in master is then targeting 2025.214:22
fungias anything else of relevance merging to stable/2025.1 should be a backport from master (future 2025.2)14:23

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