Tuesday, 2025-03-25

ralonsohhi folks, any idea on how to easily replace eventlet.GreenPool?15:10
ralonsohwe use it in the Neutron L3 agent15:10
ralonsohwe create an endless loop and we call Greenpool.spawn() to create new threads15:11
hberaud[m]What's about ThreadPoolExecutor?15:11
ralonsohand we resize the pool dynamically15:11
ralonsohhmmm with ThreadPoolExecutor we need to statically define the size15:12
ralonsohand doesn't allow to send new tasks15:12
ralonsohwell, sorry15:12
ralonsohwhat I want to said is that it doesn't block the submit() method 15:13
hberaud[m]I was just currently writing an example of greenpool to threadpoolexecutor 15:13
ralonsohlet me send you the link for context15:13
hberaud[m]For now I've no idea, but your scenario fit well in the kind of use case that I'm trying to identify15:14
hberaud[m]thanks, I'll have look by tomorrow and see I find something useful15:15
ralonsohthanks a lot15:15

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