Wednesday, 2025-03-26

JayF A blogpost I wrote summarizing a year into the project just landed15:34
JayFwell, at least it was a year in when I wrote it, the g-r blog pipeline is slow :D 15:34
hberaud[m]JayF: oh awesome, Monday I published, maybe we could cross reference those onlne resources15:43
JayFI'll certainly include that link in the promotion I'll do for that post15:43
JayFbut that is highly technical, the blog is more "gee this is cool and a little terrible" ;) 15:43
hberaud[m]I see no problem15:44
JayF> We are not going to turn around pot,15:45
JayFis that a reference I don't get?15:45
hberaud[m]don't know this is a classical french quote, I don't know if it translate well in english, apparently not15:48
hberaud[m]ah apparently the right translation seems to be something like "We're not going to beat around the bush"15:50
hberaud[m]JayF: is the meaning is more clear with this rephrasing?15:50
JayFIt's about time this turns on me :) I'm usually the one using folksy, untranslatable idioms :) 15:51
hberaud[m]ack ;)15:51

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