Wednesday, 2022-08-03

opendevreviewVictor Coutellier proposed openstack/horizon master: Adapt panel display based on enabled extensions
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vishalmanchanda#startmeeting horizon15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Aug  3 15:00:10 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is vishalmanchanda. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'horizon'15:00
vishalmanchandae0ne_: hello, how you doing?15:01
e0ne_I'm still alive and pretty secure15:01
e0ne_and I'm going to start contribution asap15:02
vishalmanchandae0ne_: nice, good to see you back.15:02
vishalmanchandatmazur: rdoperia: ping for horizon weekly meeting.15:02
vishalmanchandaok let's start the meeting.15:03
vishalmanchandaagenda of meeting can be found here
vishalmanchandaThere is nothing much on etherpad, but let's start the meeting.15:04
vishalmanchanda#topic Notices15:04
vishalmanchandaA casual reminder about schedule.15:04
vishalmanchandaThis week is R-9 week.15:05
vishalmanchandaSo we have only 1 month left before the feature freeze.15:05
vishalmanchandaFor more info about schedule please refer
vishalmanchandamoving to next announcement15:06
vishalmanchandaannouncement about the PTG15:07
vishalmanchandaI remember radomir asking about this. I was thinking if we can do it virtually as most of us not travelling this time.15:08
vishalmanchandae0ne_: what about you,  any travel plans for ptg?15:08
amotokie0ne_: very good to hear from you15:09
e0ne_vishalmanchanda: unfortunately, I can't leave Ukraine until the end of the war15:09
vishalmanchandae0ne_: ack.15:10
e0ne_amotoki: thanks. I'm glad to be here too15:10
vishalmanchandaThere is no option for virtual signup of PTG, so we have to arrange a zoom session on our own.15:10
vishalmanchandaWhat we can do, is decide a date for PTG discussion that works for all of us and share the same on open-discuss ML.15:11
vishalmanchandaDoes anyone have any issues with that?15:12
tmazurWorks for me15:12
vishalmanchandaok, I guess no one has any issues here.15:14
vishalmanchandaJFYI I am not going to do team signup for the horizon as we are going to do it virtually.15:15
vishalmanchandaI have no other announcements to make, if anyone have any announcement to make. please go ahead15:16
vishalmanchandamoving to next topic15:17
vishalmanchanda#topic Release priorities15:17
vishalmanchandaXstatic angular migartion to 1.8.215:18
vishalmanchandaAs some of you already know that many horizon plugins are broken after we migrated to xstatic-angular
vishalmanchandaYou can check the status here
amotokimy question is which plugins really need for a help to catch up with AngularJS and which pluigns are actually unmaintained....15:22
vishalmanchandaLast time I checked there are some unit test failing for openstack/octavia-dashboard.15:22
vishalmanchandaamotoki: I'll come to your point.15:22
amotokiIMHO horizon team is NOT a maintainer for plugins. we just help it if needed.15:22
vishalmanchandaamotoki: yes, agreed.15:23
vishalmanchandaIf I switch to firefox then only 2 npm tests which fails.15:23
vishalmanchandatmazur: Do you get time to look into that issue?15:24
amotokivishalmanchanda: which plugin are you talking about? octavia-dashboard?15:24
vishalmanchandaamotoki: yes, octavia-dashboard15:24
johnsomYeah, I have seen a recent issue with phantomjs jobs. I thought someone had an idea of what was wrong there: SyntaxError: Invalid character: '`'15:24
tmazurvishalmanchanda: about octavia-dashboard it's hard to tell without running it. I had no issues like these with horizon while working on the migration15:28
tmazurAnd yes, it's phantomjs issue with backticks15:28
vishalmanchandaamotoki: about your point on unmaintained plugins, let's consider, we figure out that this plugin is unmainted then what should be our next step as horizon team?15:30
johnsomAre we moving everything to use the firefox engine for testing? I.e. is the phantomjs issue not going to be resolved? I think we switched from firefox to phantomjs in history due to some issue. But if that is resolved now we can move back.15:30
amotokivishalmanchanda: according to the recent test result, we hit 5 failures and 2 errors. you said only 2 npm tests failed with firefox. have other 5 failures gone after switching to firefox?15:33
vishalmanchandaamotoki: yes, after switching to firefox only 2 errors left.15:36
vishalmanchandajohnsom: yes, we can switch back to firefox or even try chrome I guess.15:37
johnsomOk, I have no problem with that. It would be nice to be consistent across horizon and the plugins which engine we use.15:39
vishalmanchandajohnsom: +115:39
vishalmanchandajohnsom: Could you take a look at once you have time.15:39
johnsomYeah, I can update that for merge. I can also attempt a look at those two unit test failures, but sadly my skills in this area are light.15:40
johnsomWe have people for reviews, etc. but not many with node/angular experience in the current Octavia community.15:41
amotokiSyntax error has gone, so perhaps it was due to phantomjs. failures we still have seem to related to AngularJS
vishalmanchandajohnsom: thanks.15:43
vishalmanchandaI will take a another look at failed test after the meeting.15:43
johnsomThank you for your help!15:43
vishalmanchandae0ne_: tmazur : you guys also take a look, maybe you find something!15:44
tmazurvishalmanchanda: sure15:44
vishalmanchandaerror logs
vishalmanchandatmazur: thanks.15:44
vishalmanchandaok do we have anything else to discuss about this topic?15:45
amotokiperhaps we also need to tackle jquery15:46
vishalmanchandayeah, that's in my TODO list, once we done with this angular migration.15:47
amotokiI might post a wrong URL. this is another one which I would like to share initially.15:47
amotokithe first link (029825) is about a generic issue around xstatic and the latter is specific to jquery15:49
vishalmanchandaamotoki: ack, I'll push a WIP in gate which migrate jquery-migrate version to in horizon and then we can investigate what need to be fixed.15:54
vishalmanchandamoving to next topic15:57
vishalmanchanda#topic open-discussion15:57
alistarleHi, I just revived a bug about panel dispaly when l3-extension is not enabled:
vishalmanchandaDoes anyone wants to any other topic?15:58
alistarleI was struggling with unit test a lot, but I think I finally found somewhere to mock the allowed() method easily, like we do for the volume_group and vg_snapshot panels, just tell me if you agree with the approach :)15:59
amotokialistarle: thanks for the fix. I agree with the direction as I commented in the bug long ago, but I am not a fan to mocking is_extension_list() globally. 15:59
amotokialistarle: I will look into the patch.15:59
alistarleyeah thats what I changed16:00
alistarleI mock the allowed() method instead in my local env, and it seams to work far better16:00
vishalmanchandaalistarle: thanks for fix, will take a look asap.16:00
alistarleI will update this in a few minutes16:00
alistarlegreat, thanks :D16:00
amotokialistarle: I don't suggest to mock allowed() completely.... it does not test the logic proposed... I will explore an approach too16:01
alistarlecan't be mock allowed() by default, and override it for tests specific to this part of the code ?16:03
alistarleissue is is_extension_list heavily used, mocked, with a lot of assert, so it manually require to fix about 200 tests16:03
amotokialistarle: yes, I think it is better.16:03
alistarlecool, I just need to find if TEST_GLOBAL_MOCKS_ON_PANELS is overridable for a single test16:04
vishalmanchandaamotoki: I need your help in fixing gate for openstack/ui-cookiecutter.16:04
vishalmanchandaamotoki: I tried to fix it locally, but not succeded.16:04
amotokivishalmanchanda: are we still interested in maintaining ui-cookiecutter?16:04
vishalmanchandaamotoki: we can make that job as non-voting🙂)16:06
opendevreviewVictor Coutellier proposed openstack/horizon master: Adapt panel display based on enabled extensions
e0ne_need to drop. see you16:07
vishalmanchandae0ne_: thanks for joining, see you.16:07
amotokiwho needs ui-cookiecutter? if needed it is worth maintaining it but if not it just wastes our time.16:08
amotokithis is the only job in ui-cookiecutter, so making it non-voting is meaningless.16:09
amotokinon voting job means it is not tested unfrotunately.....16:09
amotokis/non voting/no voting/16:09
vishalmanchandaamotoki: make sense.16:11
amotokilooking at the failure log, I see "Syntax error" in karma-local tox env. perhaps it is due to the same reason as we see in octavita-dashboard with phantomjs.16:11
vishalmanchandaamotoki: hmm.16:12
vishalmanchandaamotoki: It fails for me with different error in local-env.16:12
vishalmanchandaok let's end this meeting.16:12
vishalmanchandaThanks everyone for joining, See you next week!16:13
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Aug  3 16:13:26 2022 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)16:13
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack/horizon master: Integration test navigation machinery for Angular pages

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