Friday, 2015-09-11

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ianychoiHello Daisy05:18
DaisyHi, ianychoi05:19
DaisyWant to let you know that Korean terms are in Zanata now.05:19
ianychoiThank you thank you05:20
ianychoiCould u let me know where I check those Korean terms in Zanata?05:20
DaisyWhile you are at the translating UI, you may see the glossary window at the right down corner.05:21
ianychoiWhen I click Glossary on, it says there are 98 entries but I could not see those 98 terms..05:21
ianychoiI have got it!05:22
DaisyGreat !05:22
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DaisyI updated the home page of Zanata. It looks better now. :)08:16
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ianychoiWow nice :)08:41
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amotokiDaisy: I18nTeam/become-a-official-translator says "When your request is approved, you will get an email notification".09:12
DaisyYou didn't get it ?09:12
amotokiDaisy: it is done automatically, or does a coordinator need to send a mail?09:12
DaisyI don't know.09:12
amotokiI registered when Zanata trial, so I don't know.09:12
DaisyI think it will be done auto09:12
DaisyYou didn't get notification ?09:12
DaisyI thought there would be auto mail notification.09:13
amotokiWhen I did during trial, I didn't get any notification.09:13
DaisyI got a lot of email notifications when my role is changed in Zanata.09:13
DaisyI will change the wiki page now.09:13
Daisytill I figure out.09:13
amotokiI received a notification when the role is changed.09:14
DaisyWhen you are added to a team, I think, it means your role is changed. Did you get mail about that ?09:15
amotokiIn additoion, mail from Zanata of join request says "Please reply to Shu Muto at when you have finished processing this request."09:15
amotokithis is an example but it seems a coordinator need to send a mail.09:16
DaisySo that means, send a mail manually ?09:16
Daisyhow could we do a test ?09:16
Daisyany idea ?09:16
Daisyyou add me to your team. Let me see if I could get mail notification. Shall we ?09:17
amotokiwe can ask some team members who registered today or yesterday.09:17
amotokiDaisy: good idea.09:17
amotokiI just sent a request to Chinese team.09:18
Daisynice. Let me add you.09:19
DaisyI added you.09:20
DaisyPlease check if you could get mail notification.09:20
amotokiI just got a mail09:21
amotokiThanks. Something was changed from when I registered :-)09:21
DaisyOk. Then my wiki is not wrong. :)09:21
DaisyWhat's in the email?09:22
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DaisyYour role is changed ?09:22
DaisyI removed you from CHinese team, just now.09:22
amotokiThe first mail is
amotokithe second one
amotokiAll looks working well !!09:24
DaisyGreat !09:27
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amotokiare you updating now?09:29
amotokitransifex info needs to be removed.09:29
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Daisyamotoki: no, I didn't.09:51
DaisyIt looks like the table with Transifex ID should be removed.09:52
Daisy"create a local translation team" needs to be updated.09:53
Daisy needs to be updated.09:54
DaisyTransifex don't provide a way to notify all team members. That's very bad. I have to use forum and announcement. I don't know how many translators will pay attention to.09:57
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amotokiwe forwarded the message of Zanata migration to our local community ML.10:06
DaisyThank you, amotoki10:08
DaisyWiki pages updated, except I18n/Tools.10:08
amotokiThanks for your quick update. I can check and update later if ncesssary10:11
DaisyThank you, amotoki.10:17
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doug-fishThere is a translation issue which seems to be preventing translations from getting imported into Horizon
openstackLaunchpad bug 1494914 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "PO file import keeps failing" [High,New]20:07
doug-fishIt's formatting problem with one of the translations. It would be desirable to not only fix it directly, but also enhance Zanata to have validation to prevent this sort of issue ...20:08
clarkbdoug-fish: we aren't using zanata yet for the imports?20:08
doug-fishclarkb, fungi, pleia2 can you advise me how to describe/record such an enhancement to Zanata?20:08
doug-fishwell I guess maybe it's not a problem with Zanata then20:09
clarkbalso horizon uses some hacked together msgfmt scripts to do its thing20:09
clarkbbecause babel doesn't work witj django or something20:09
clarkbso that may be related20:10
clarkbbut I odn't think it has anything to do with zanata yet20:10
doug-fishugh - so this probably means some people have performed translations in Transifex?20:10
doug-fishI'm just following up on
clarkbya so that is still from transifex20:10
clarkblooks like there was a new patch which means yes people are still translating on transifex20:11
clarkbI think Daisy had a plan for making transifex more read only20:11
clarkbwe can reup zanata from transifex if we need to too20:11
doug-fishnot sure - but that's a good question for Daisy20:12
clarkbya and that has been in that change since before we started the switch looks like20:13
doug-fishclarkb: do you know how soon we should see imports from Zanata20:13
clarkbdoug-fish: the curren plan is tuesday20:13
clarkbpleia2: is out monday and the run with a test project tday went well20:14
clarkbso tuesday will cut over all the other projects including horizon20:14
clarkb appears to be the place where new translation happened on transifex20:14
clarkbnot sure if its worth tracking that back to the author20:14
clarkb is the first change from zanata fwiw20:15
doug-fishlooks like there are ~900 lines of translation coming in from transifex20:15
clarkbstill need to update the scripts to stop referring to transifex20:15
clarkbdoug-fish: the diff there only showed about one line20:16
clarkbdoug-fish: where are you seeing 900?20:16
clarkbdoug-fish: you can't diff against the base beacuse the base is from before the switch20:16
clarkbso most of those will be in zanata and will get pulled in when the zanata sync job runs20:16
doug-fishI was just looking at the lines in and subtracting out POT file sizes20:16
clarkbya, so  Ithink thats not an accurate count since horizon hasn't merged the updates for a while20:17
clarkbso you are seeing a diff against the time before switch20:17
clarkbzanata will include the majority of those post switch20:17
doug-fishso... are you suggesting if I settle down it will all look great on Tuesday?20:17
clarkbyes, with the one exception of the message I linked above20:17
clarkbthat one will get lost unless we do something20:18
doug-fishso the bad translation that we see in Turkish probably exists in Zanata as well?20:18
clarkbI think I did the date math correctly on that20:18
clarkbdoug-fish: yes20:19
clarkbsince that was present before the switch20:19
doug-fishI'm confused about "the switch"20:19
pleia2the switch was on Tuesday and Wednesday when we told folks to stop translations in Transifex and imported everything into Zanata20:20
clarkbya that point in time20:20
clarkbbecause anything that was in transifex at the time should also be in zanata20:20
doug-fishah ok got it20:20
clarkbanything that hapepned in transifex after that wont be20:20
clarkband the diff I linked above shows the one occurence of that I think20:21
clarkbbut I was mapping rough times onto when pathces were pushed20:21
pleia2based on the mailing list, I thought Daisy did mark horizon as "20:21
pleia2not accept translations anymore"20:21
pleia2but I don't really understand things on the transifex UI side :\20:21
doug-fishlooking more closely at clarkb's link, I think that's just a new untranslated string in the POT file20:22
clarkboh in that case we may be fine20:22
doug-fishexcept the Turkish translation needs to be updated or else we can't import anything20:23
clarkbI would find the specific message on zanata and fire a link to that to the i18n list asking for turkish translators to fix it?20:25
doug-fishI was going to subscribe the Turkish coordinator to
openstackLaunchpad bug 1494914 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "PO file import keeps failing" [High,New]20:25
pleia2makes sense, maybe remind them to fix it in Zanata too?20:27
pleia2and by "too" I meant not fix it in Transifex, but also leave a comment reminding them to use Zanata20:27
doug-fishpleia2: yep, got it!20:27
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