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Daisy | Hello. The glossary file is uploaded to Zanata, including the terminologies of de, fr, ja, ko-KR, and zh-CN. | 06:32 |
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mriedem | hi, we've had _() in python-novaclient for a long time but just recently got babel and locale stuff setup for getting messages, | 13:54 |
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mriedem | the wiki on adding new projects for translation still talks about transifex, | 13:54 |
mriedem | so i went out to zanata and created an account and added a python-novaclient project | 13:54 |
mriedem | https://translate-dev.openstack.org/project/view/python-novaclient | 13:54 |
mriedem | i selected 'gettext' as the format | 13:54 |
mriedem | is there anything else that needs to be done? | 13:54 |
mriedem | this was the change to enable i18n + babel for novaclient https://review.openstack.org/#/ | 13:55 |
mriedem | created a master version for python-novaclient in zanata https://translate-dev.openstack.org/iteration/view/python-novaclient/master | 13:56 |
clarkb | mriedem we are trying to drive it through jeepyb and projects.yaml in infra/project-config | 13:57 |
clarkb | if you check the translations flag it should setup everything for you | 13:57 |
mriedem | clarkb: for the project definitions in zanata? | 13:57 |
clarkb | yes | 13:57 |
mriedem | doffm: want to poke around on that? ^ | 13:57 |
mriedem | doffm: https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config is the repo | 13:58 |
clarkb | that list sounds reasonable but this way you dont have to worry :) | 13:58 |
doffm | mriedem: Sure. | 13:58 |
clarkb | you will also need to add the sync jobs to jenkins and zuul in that same repo | 13:58 |
mriedem | clarkb: yup, was waiting to add translation-jobs in project-config until after the (transifex) part was done, per the old wiki | 14:02 |
doffm | clarkb: I should only be adding the translation-update-zanata jobs to jenkinst/jobs/translation-jobs? | 14:16 |
mriedem | doffm: i'd use python-magnumclient as a template | 14:17 |
mriedem | err, template is a bad word when talking about project-config, | 14:17 |
mriedem | but i'd copy what python-magnumclient has in project-config for translation stuff | 14:17 |
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doffm | Ok, thanks mriedem found it. | 14:20 |
mriedem | doffm: so we know we need to add "- name: translation-jobs" like here - name: translation-jobs | 14:20 |
mriedem | https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/zuul/layout.yaml#L3263 | 14:20 |
mriedem | that will setup the sync jobs | 14:20 |
mriedem | doffm: and see the - translate flag here under options | 14:21 |
mriedem | https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/gerrit/projects.yaml#L1567 | 14:21 |
mriedem | doffm: get your CLA approved? | 14:21 |
mriedem | it's going to be a daily question | 14:21 |
doffm | mriedem: Today hopefully. Got faxed out last night. So theoretically I can now push. But I haven't had confirmation yet. | 14:22 |
mriedem | ok, cool, i can hear the modem working now :) | 14:24 |
doffm | I'll make this project-config change the first thing I send out. :) | 14:25 |
clarkb | you want the new -zanata jobs | 14:30 |
clarkb | otherwise it will try transifex and fail, we are still moving prpjcets over | 14:30 |
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pleia2 | mriedem: are you just testing on translate-dev? the production server is translate.openstack.org | 17:37 |
pleia2 | translate-dev is just for testing | 17:37 |
mriedem | pleia2: oh i just got that link from the i18n ML | 17:37 |
mriedem | pleia2: anyway, sounds like we control the group creation through project-config anyway right? | 17:37 |
pleia2 | mriedem: that's right | 17:38 |
pleia2 | mriedem: it's an additional field in the projects.yaml, I'll get you the direct link | 17:38 |
pleia2 | https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/gerrit/projects.yaml | 17:38 |
pleia2 | search for "translate" in that doc to see how other projects do it | 17:39 |
mriedem | pleia2: yup, doffm has it worked out for novaclient | 17:39 |
pleia2 | great | 17:39 |
pleia2 | mriedem: is this the wiki page you were looking at? https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Translations | 17:42 |
pleia2 | editing now to put up a temporary notice about the switch until we can finalize the docs for Zanata | 17:42 |
pleia2 | just want to make sure I get all the pages :) | 17:42 |
mriedem | pleia2: yeah, https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Translations#Integrating_translations_into_your_project specifically | 17:43 |
mriedem | https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Translations#Setup_translation_site | 17:43 |
mriedem | and https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Translations#Adding_a_new_project_to_transifex | 17:43 |
pleia2 | ok, I'm just going to add a header to that page and drop a note to the i18n list about it | 17:44 |
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mriedem | cool, thanks | 17:46 |
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