Friday, 2017-07-28

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/i18n master: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/i18n master: Sync Zanata translator list
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openstackgerritFrank Kloeker proposed openstack/i18n master: Fix small typo in about.rst
eumel8_just wondering, there is no build in the morning07:35
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/i18n master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/i18n master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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amotokieumel8_: I think de translation was not merged yet at that time.08:51
amotokieumel8_: a translation import with de translation has just been merged 50 minutes ago08:52
amotokieumel8_: looking at, german version of the guide was successfully built.08:54
amotokilet's wait one more day.08:54
eumel8_ok, thx. amotoki08:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/i18n master: Fix small typo in about.rst
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robcresswellianychoi: Im not sure if amotoki mentioned or not, but we tagged Horizon Pike-3 (Feature Freeze) about 12 hours ago09:40
robcresswellianychoi: So now we have about 2 weeks of RC1, then HardStringFreeze.09:41
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ianychoirobcresswell, thanks a lot for kind update! :)12:52
robcresswellianychoi: No problem; thought it would be good to let you know :)12:52
ianychoirobcresswell, :) And eumel8 submitted for translate checksite. If it seems difficult to use it within this cycle, I think I18n team will use eumel8's unufficial deployment for Horizon translation review12:54
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ianychoieumel8, sorry but can I postpone today 14:00 UTC discussion to 14:30 UTC or 15:00 UTC?12:56
eumel815:00 UTC I'm fine12:58
ianychoiThank u see you soon :)12:59
eumel8thx ianychoi :)12:59
eumel8thx rob :)13:06
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ianychoieumel8, hi: FYI - (note that it publishes about 2-3 hours after the patch merges)14:59
eumel8hahaha :)15:01
eumel876% ;)15:02
eumel8but I'm here, ianychoi15:04
ianychoieumel8, hi :)15:05
ianychoiI am trying to write in
eumel8ok, I'm there15:08
ianychoiI have written briefly in the Etherpad15:12
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eumel8some task are already explained in I18n guide, I saw.15:14
eumel8during translating, I mean ;)15:15
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ianychoiYep translating I18n guide itself is very good - haha15:16
ianychoiHmm, any suggestions for current writing in ? Or questions?15:21
eumel8np, go ahead15:21
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eumel8about the string freeze, let me recap: We are now in soft string freeze. That means, master branch in Zanata can translate for the next release now?15:23
ianychoiYep - for Horizon and Horizon plugin projects15:24
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ianychoi+ projects which have stable versions in Zanata15:27
eumel8ok, in 2 weeks hard string freeze is coming (where are the info?). Now you move the master branch in Zanata to stable-pike?15:27
eumel8and inform the people before and after that, of course15:27
ianychoiyep :)15:28
ianychoiHard StringFreeze is mentioned in
ianychoiBut the actual schedule might be different to projects15:28
ianychoiIn Zanata, there are project groups:
ianychoiAnd currently points out master version of translation sources15:30
eumel8yes, then release is coming .... one week later you move stable-pike to master?15:30
eumel8that means, one week after release the developement of the next release starts in master?15:32
ianychoiFor me, 1) I see and 2) I see the existence of stable branch in project repositories (e.g., ), 3) change master -> stable/[branch] version for the target document15:32
ianychoiOf course, 3) can be created from master to stable-[branch] version.15:33
eumel8ok, then I think I got it15:34
eumel8information about releases in openstack-dev?15:35
eumel8I remember the release comitee was in Atlanta and released the version during PTG15:35
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ianychoi(I cannot find relevant notices in openstack-dev - too many e-mails)15:40
eumel8ok, I take it in my notes: follow the right people ;)15:41
ianychoiThis one?15:41
eumel8very good summary for PTG work15:45
ianychoiThank you :)15:45
eumel8I think I have to learn a lot.15:46
ianychoiNo worries. It is difficult for PTL to do all the activities15:46
ianychoiMany people help a lot for I18n team and they are also kind to I18n team15:47
ianychoiNow I need to do 1) Surveying PTG attendance 2) Notifying StringFreeze and 3) Explaining how Doc migration affects15:48
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ianychoiFor 1) briefly describes15:49
eumel8but this release thing with string freezes and branching was my biggiest issue15:49
eumel8now it's clear for me15:49
eumel8and hopefully there are people to help ;)15:49
ianychoiI have been communicating with PTG organizers and I need to expand to Etherpad with call for participation in PTG15:50
ianychoiFor 2) great and I18n team did this for several cycles so there might be no problem :)15:50
eumel8next thing is this extra ATC calculation15:51
ianychoiAnd for 3) I need to explain - for example, networking-guide in openstack-manuals (master) disappeared and no longer exists15:51
ianychoieumel8, aha yep - it means how to get stats?15:52
eumel8first of all how to get stats15:52
ianychoiAbout Line 59 in
ianychoi(I have not fully read this yet)15:54
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eumel8what you mean in 6.1?15:55
eumel8on etherpad15:55
ianychoiLet me have some seconds to explain more..15:56
eumel8of course15:57
ianychoiFirst of all, there is no location where who are ATCs and who are not ATCs15:58
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ianychoiBy Foundation Law's definition, ATCs are the contributors who submit patch(es) to official projects within latest two cycles15:59
ianychoiCurrently, still, I18n team proposes as extra ATCs since we cannot provide Infra team now who are translators >= 300 words16:00
ianychoiNow PTL proposes as extra ATCs, but it requires to make translation_team.yaml up to date16:01
ianychoi => This is current script to retrieve the list of translators but it relies on web crawling methods, not APIs16:02
ianychoiAFAIK newer version of Zanata supports to get list of translators using Zanata API but I have not investigated it too much in this cycle16:03
eumel8ok, good task for me16:04
ianychoiI hope that I18n team will find better methods how to retrieve who are ATCs by translation contribution and tell Infra team16:04
ianychoion future cycle(s) and then proposing as extra ATCs might not be needed then16:04
eumel8then you manage that manually?16:05
ianychoi is a manual step :)16:05
ianychoiAnd also is a manual step in i18n repo16:05
eumel8ok, I added the links in etherpad to review later16:07
ianychoi+1 :)16:08
ianychoiActually, in fact, I think extra ATCs are for
ianychoiZanata development team helps a lot for I18n team so the team members definitely deserves as extra ATCs16:10
eumel8okay, lot's of information for extra ATC topic, thx16:11
ianychoiAnd I have shared all stats through
ianychoiBut it might be optional. You can just copy & paste to Google Spreadsheet and add link on the wiki document (I personally prefer to convert to wiki table formats)16:13
eumel8whats with albertomolina in pike?16:14
eumel8Not a Foundation member16:15
eumel8few more16:15
ianychoiIn , fungi said to me that extra ATCs should be a Foundation member16:16
ianychoiAnd told new API to search Foundation member like[]=group_slug==foundation-members&filter[]=email==alb.molina@gmail.com16:16
ianychoiIt means that translators who contributed >=300 words (translation+reviews) but who are not Foundation Members will not be regarded at ATCs16:17
eumel8but to register in Zanata you need a OpenStack-ID, isn't it?16:18
ianychoifungi said to me that it can be possible without a Foundation member16:20
eumel8could be16:20
ianychoiNow I think two additional things might influence:16:20
ianychoi1) The user can change from Foundation member to Community member after she/he has Zanata ID16:20
ianychoi2) The user changes her/his e-mail address but Zanata has previous e-mail address so the Foundation membership validation failes16:21
ianychoiI have no idea how to change e-mail address in Zanata but fungi tells that the user needs to contain all the e-mail information (e.g., secondary e-mail, third e-mail) on her/his Foundation account16:22
eumel8thats true16:23
eumel8have you contact to such users?16:23
ianychoiLet's just inform and maintain I18n contributor guide with proper documentation16:24
ianychoiZanata admin can retrieve the e-mail address by Zanata ID16:24
ianychoiPlease do if you would like to contact :)16:25
ianychoiI have not contacted with them16:25
eumel8just a question ;)16:25
ianychoiI see :)16:25
eumel8and just wondering they work and wouldn't have an ATC code16:26
eumel8but that could be16:26
ianychoiFor example, Vladimir Sokolov proposes patches via Gerrit but Vladimir is not a Foundation member16:28
ianychoiATC codes are the benefit definitely but we do not say much voices with this16:29
eumel8ok, I see16:29
eumel8you manage the mailinglist i18n also?16:31
ianychoiYep Daisy added me the admin: (on the bottom - guoyingc at, ianyrchoi at )16:31
ianychoiPreviously, Kato-san was in admin but it seems that he removed his admin status16:32
eumel8ok, mailman, easy going16:32
ianychoiYep it is easy :)16:32
eumel8I would also remove all previous admins :)16:33
ianychoiHaha you would to become super admin? :)16:33
ianychoiFor me, I prefer to list more number of admins if possible16:34
ianychoiActually it might not be PTL main activities and since Daisy is I18n team founder, I wanted to stay her as much as possible16:34
eumel8of course, but I didn't heart anything from Daisy or Kato-san.16:34
eumel8ok, thats a point16:35
ianychoiFor Kato-san, I don't know. I did not remove his admin status16:35
eumel8we need an i18n alumni corner ;)16:35
ianychoiIt seems that he remove his admin status by himself16:35
ianychoiAnd for IRC meeting, you can change time if you want:
ianychoiAccording to , some official teams do less number of IRC meetings16:39
eumel8is there a list when #openstack-meeting is occupied?16:39
ianychoiFinding better communication ways suitable for I18n team would be our homework and in our to-do lists I think16:39
ianychoiIn openstack-infra/irc-meetings repo, there is a script which checks whether the proposed meeting time conflicts with other meeting times or not16:40
ianychoiAnd there are also other IRC channels like #openstack-meeting-3 and so on16:40
ianychoii18N-team-meeting.yaml file has all the info16:41
ianychoiOh sorry16:41
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ianychoiI think Doug mentioned status e-mails since e-mail is also open protocol :)16:46
ianychoi => This is the homepage rendered from openstack-infra/irc-meetings repository16:47
eumel8I'm fine with IRC and all the comfortable bots here. Other groups have webex meetings. You have to lead the meeting, writing protocol, writing email with summaries ... all that is done in IRC16:48
ianychoieumel8, yep but AFAIK official project teams do IRC meetings16:48
ianychoiHmm it is hard to tell... but anyway communication is more important than formats16:52
ianychoiLet's try to find nice balance points with communication & format (e.g., open protocol) aspects16:52
ianychoieumel8, haha - it seems that PTL has lots of tasks... it might be, but it can be distributed by assigning roles to i18n team members.16:55
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eumel8ok, I'm fine with that communication. Depends really on the situation and hopefully we will have a good team work in the future.16:55
ianychoiIf you and others are fine, I would like to stay cross project liaisons roles to other projects16:55
eumel8ianychoi: you tried it.16:56
ianychoi+1 :)16:56
eumel8to spread the tasks16:56
eumel8but it was not all sucessful because people have no time or no interests.16:56
ianychoiYep, more precisely, tried to define roles and how the roles can be spreaded to others16:56
eumel8we talked about it in Boston16:57
ianychoiFor example, String Freeze managers, IRC meeting chairs, and so on16:57
eumel8that was a good choise and I would try it again16:58
ianychoiFor example, Docs team assigns who triage Launchpad bugs16:59
eumel8how many active members are there?16:59
ianychoiBut I18n team has less number of launchpad bugs, I have not clarified such roles in I18n team16:59
ianychoiIn Docs team? or I18n team?17:00
eumel8docs team17:00
ianychoiStill many people are active :)17:00
eumel8still good :)17:01
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eumel8ah, you wanted to talk about docs release cycle17:01
eumel8is there anything important?17:01
ianychoiNow, doc migration has made some changes - I am not sure whether it will also change or not, but Docs team previously had stable branch about one month after release17:03
ianychoiThen I18n team started to translate stable version of documents in Zanata17:03
ianychoiAnd, previously, 1) I18n team translated documents 2) The translated documents links were available through 3) I18n team members go to the document from the draft page 4) If language coordinators agree that it deserves to publish in language landing page, language landing page will have the link for the document17:06
ianychoiBut.. page disappeared. I18n team needs to define how to review translated documents I think, since for I18n team, translation review effort needs to be emphasized17:07
eumel8ok, and all docs are similar?17:08
ianychoiThe docs I mentioned are in openstack-manuals17:08
ianychoiAnd other docs are similar except i18n contributor guide17:08
ianychoiFor i18n contributor guide, just >=75% translation publishes translated documents17:09
eumel8that means the release specific docs17:09
ianychoiThere is no release spectific docs now except openstack-manuals repo still currently17:09
ianychoiRelease note translation might be special..17:10
ianychoiAll release note translation resources are managed in master branch17:10
ianychoiAnd translated release notes can be published by translating just one release17:11
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being taken offline for roughly 5 minutes to perform a database backup and reconfiguration17:12
ianychoiThere is Japanese release note translation for Horizon :)17:13
ianychoiOh also German:
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eumel8since ocata also in German ;)17:14
eumel8I think Docs team will trigger I18n if something should change in Zanata branches17:15
ianychoiDocs team is being decentralized... and I think Docs-I18n cross project liaison can do this role17:16
ianychoiYou can do it of course but I can do it also :)17:16
eumel8ok, I think I've heart enough today :)17:18
ianychoiAnd.. for proposing i18n-core, although I have not received more replies from existing cores, I would like to stay current I18n cores and add Robert Simai to I18n core17:18
ianychoiLet's re-consider i18n core ships (e.g., how it is dealt) later but deciding such coreship is usually once within a cycle usually as far as I know17:19
eumel8Robert is also under the blanket. I asked him about PTL and I never heart from him ;)17:20
ianychoiI shared possible i18n core candidates to current cores17:21
ianychoiand Robert is only one who gave one more aggrement17:21
eumel8but only to you17:21
ianychoiand you :)17:22
ianychoiI remember that you mentioned that Robert is a good candidate for core17:22
ianychoi"Robert for example is a good candidate"17:23
eumel8yes, he was very active in the past. But all things are change. Depends how long the companies support OpenStack community work.17:23
eumel8maybe he has a new position or other work at SuSE17:24
eumel8we will see17:25
eumel830 % of work are advertising17:26
ianychoiI think there is no reason not to encourage new i18n cores17:26
ianychoiBut.. among the candidates, IMO Robert has been the most active17:27
eumel8sure, Robert + Andreas17:29
ianychoiAndreas definitely helps a lot17:30
ianychoiHe does not translate into German :)17:31
eumel8he has the knowledge about all the scripts and is sitting in the infra-team17:31
ianychoiHe stays lots of time in other IRC channels - #openstack-doc and #openstack-infra and when I ask questions, he always answers very kindly17:32
eumel8maybe a new PTL candidate there ;)17:32
ianychoiHe supports all I18n activities. Let's try to more encourage I18n activities from translation contribution.17:32
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ianychoiIt is really an important point :)17:33
eumel8aquire more people is one of my targets17:35
ianychoi+1 :)17:35
ianychoiFor me, PTL activities are really helpful to me - now I better see how a number of official teams interact each other and I could see deeper things on other projects17:37
ianychoiOne thing I really wanted to do but I failed is to learn more on puppet in infra-side :)17:38
ianychoiI wanted to better use puppet like eumel8 :)17:38
eumel8I don't like puppet anymore. Use the good old shell script and you're fine17:39
ianychoiNow I can briefly manipulate Jenkins scripts but for puppet, it is still difficult to investigate in17:39
ianychoiI really wanted also because I am the one who would like to deploy
eumel8there are too many changes in puppet. You have version 2.8 in ubuntu 12.04, then puppet 3, 3.5, 3.8, 4 ... now 5. All versions with other features and the implementaion depends more and more on the version what you use.17:42
eumel8same thing in ansible. It's much better for task management but beware if you use the wrong ansible version17:43
ianychoiThanks :)17:43
ianychoi -> The discussion was in community mailing list almost one year ago, but I still want to do :)17:44
eumel8ah, I forgot puppetdb. If you love some pain with bootstrapped server under the same name but different machine and connection problems to puppetdb - you're welcome ;)17:45
ianychoiAnd FYI:
ianychoiFoundation came to OpenStack Days Korea 2017 and emphasized translated user survey :)17:48
eumel8hahaha, the same like German OpenStack Days. Congrates! :)17:49
ianychoiI received the video today and have uploaded to there (This is why I am busy now - I am also active in Korea user group)17:49
eumel8we know :)17:49
eumel8published today, wow17:49
ianychoiYep :)17:50
ianychoiThank you for taking time today!17:51
eumel8thanks so much for all the explanation, ianychoi17:51
eumel8when is the time for the PTL election?17:52
ianychoiFrom Aug 1 for nomination:
ianychoiIf there is only one candidate by Aug 9, then the one candidate will be next PTL without votes17:54
ianychoiThe candidacy needs to be submitted through openstack/election repo and shared through openstack-dev, openstack-docs and openstack-i18n mailing lists. might be a good reference17:55
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eumel8added the links in etherpad17:57
ianychoiAnd also
amotokidiscussion on PTL and the future of i18n is being discussed. yay!17:57
ianychoiamotoki, :)17:58
ianychoiamotoki, you would like to run for I18n PTL for the next cycle? :)17:58
ianychoi(Although I know that you are very busy with lots of OpenStack contributions)17:58
amotokiI can, but if someone has more passion on translation it would be nice.18:00
eumel8hahaha :-)18:00
ianychoiamotoki, and, if you have time, I would like to listen to you about adding i18n core(s), as I previously shared to all existing cores18:01
ianychoiamotoki, and.. will u go to Denver PTG? (Sorry, I would not attend to next PTG unfortunately)18:01
amotokii still have interest on UI translation, but drastic changes several time makes me feel more difficult on docs translation.18:02
amotokiperhaps I will be at Denver with 90%18:02
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ianychoiGood. Yep, drastic changes on Docs affect documentation translation18:02
ianychoiuser-guide and networking-guide was well translated to Japanease18:03
ianychoiI am a little bit afraid that translated document might also disappear by removing in a master branch18:03
amotokiregarding networking-guide, the past drastic refactor in stable branches took my motivation away. I lost 30% from 100% translations :-(18:04
ianychoiI remember it and Docs team promised not to backport into stable branches18:05
ianychoifor such drastic changes18:05
amotokiyeah, we discussed after that18:05
ianychoiI think networking-guide was migrated to
ianychoiTo support translation on would be a good idea?18:06
amotokiyes, perhaps i will focus on maintaining the upstream doc, for example merging the networking part of admin guide into the networking guide.18:07
ianychoiThen the doc will also have stable version of documentation?18:07
amotokiI think we first need to explore what kind of documentation translation is translator friendly18:07
amotokia big PO file prevent us from having good progress.18:08
amotokieven if we translate a lot, the percentage grows slowly...18:08
ianychoiFor me, distributed PO files into different projects made me difficult to translate documents18:08
amotokiso, we might be better to consider how to organize POT files like per-guide?18:09
ianychoiFor this, definitely better to consider18:09
amotokiit would be nice if we have some better dashboard which track per-guide translation progress across projects.18:10
ianychoiI was thinking how to support install-guide translation in multiple repositiries18:10
amotokido you have an idea on how to get translation progress from Zanata API?18:10
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amotokiwill it recovered near future, or is it gone forever?18:16
amotoki*be recovered*18:16
ianychoireplaced to
ianychoiFor Docs team's perspective, Docs team wants to remove draft step and master contribution will publish into next release documents18:17
ianychoiBut draft-index.html pages had translated draft documents18:17
amotokiah, so we can have something like /<lang>/pike/... or /pike/<lang>/.... and puslish translated version18:17
ianychoiFor them, we need to decide where draft translated document links need to be located18:18
ianychoi>=75% (messages) will publish translated documents, and previously, only qualified documents were available at language landing pages18:19
amotokiI am not sure we need to hide some draft document into a hidden page.18:20
amotokinow openstack-manuals repo has nice yaml file to describe project status18:20
ianychoiOh, really? I have not noticed it18:20
amotokiand it can support translation status (like release or draft)18:20
ianychoiAha.. I need to see them :)18:22
amotokiam going to bed. night!!18:23
ianychoiPersonally, I am also okay to make draft translated documents available18:23
ianychoiThe one thing I would like to find is how to encourage translation reviews18:24
ianychoiThis is why I18n team really wanted to implement translate checksite for Horizon18:24
amotokiyes :)18:24
ianychoiBut.. hmm, for Docs, Docs team now tends to remove draft pages18:24
ianychoiDocumentation might be treated differently for translation reviews?18:25
amotokisome mark like "draft" or a dedicate section in a same page looks okay to me18:25
ianychoiAha.. then, adding status into the yaml file as like "Draft" or "Reviewed" might be a good idea18:26
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ianychoiamotoki__, haha good night :)18:28
ianychoieumel8, good night!18:29
eumel8good night, ianychoi!18:29
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