Thursday, 2013-08-15

clarkbyes I hope to review it as well, but I have done at least one pass on the code and overall it looks good00:00
fungii've done several partial passes00:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add logging to the openstack-metering IRC channel
fungiand then taken breaks to reread docs because my grasp of python is badly pedestrian00:00
fungithough at least now i have an improved grasp of how the @property, @setter et cetera decorators work underneath the covers00:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Sort mailing lists in alpha order
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add new mysql_backup module.
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clarkbmysqldump --all-databses grabs everything00:06
clarkbbut the resulting file looks sane other than including a bunch of help tables and other mysql stuff00:06
fungii am fine with the idea of restoring help tables00:07
fungiwe can also filter those from the sql when restoring if we really care that much00:07
clarkbyup, and this way we don't miss stuff00:08
fungii care far more about possibly missing stuff00:09
fungimordred: i'm torn on my vote for 38177... a quick git grep shows stuff which got missed and other stuff which could be more consistent, but at the same time i'm inclined to just say go for it and then follow up with a smaller patch to catch the difference, because it's already pretty long and subject to major rebase hell if it sits00:11
mordredfungi: wow - you found stuff that got missed? can you give me your git grep command?00:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Add option to query commit messages
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mordredfungi: but yeah - I think there's actually existing inconsistencies00:12
fungimordred: oh, wait, i may have misread my results now that i look00:12
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mordredfungi: yeah - there are things that are legit00:12
fungimordred: some of the things i thought were missed weren't our projects so that's okay00:12
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fungimordred: though git clone urls are a bit inconsistent00:12
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fungiso i think overall i'm +2 for now00:12
jeblairi'd really like to review 3817700:12
fungimy +2 isn't final yet because i'm only about 50% through the actual patch00:13
mordredfungi: great call on looking for git clone - let me fix those up -00:13
mordredfungi: but I'll wait until you've got through before pushing again in case you find something else00:14
fungimordred: particularly we could make protocol consistent as well as trailing .git00:14
mordredyes. I want to make all the protocol cases consistent00:14
mordreddo you think we should do or not do trailing .git00:14
mordredwait - what port does git:// use?00:15
fungii think the .git is probably more proper, but it's also longer so i could be convinced otherwise00:15
mordred(like, can it escape firewalls?)00:15
mordredI'm thining that perhaps in scripts like install_jenkins we might want to leave it https so that it's more likely to work for people?00:15
fungiso depends on how neckbearded and knuckle-dragging your firewall admins are00:16
mordredlike, git clone
mordredmany of them are quite neckbearded and knuckle-dragging00:16
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clarkbI think we should still recommend https00:17
fungias much as i hate to say it, https:// is probably more likely to work consistently for more people. we should also ask the hp and ibm people behind corporate proxies to test though00:17
clarkbbecause https will check certs and punch holes through firewalls more consistently00:17
clarkbgit:// is good for people that know what they want00:17
clarkbmordred: while you are around and I remember, has the account comping happened for the new hpcloud openstack accoutn?00:19
mordredclarkb: yes00:19
clarkbmordred: so you heard back from them and we are all set to go?00:19
mordredclarkb: yes00:21
mordredfungi, clarkb so, you think we shoudl reference https:// everywhere in the docs and not git:// ?00:21
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dtroyerdstufft: hmmm…oh, exec without read only works on elf/a.out/binary-o-the-day format…so for python that sounds great.00:42
dstufftwell these files could be anything00:42
fungimordred: 38177 just made me realize that we don't currently serve our git repos there via apache00:42
dstufftThe problem is that people include executable files inside of packages that they need to be able to execute00:43
fungimordred: so more puppeting needed00:43
mordredfungi: oh. we should fix that00:43
fungimordred: and do we do that via rewrites or a sub-path?00:43
mordredfungi: rewrites I believe? might be worth looking at the /p stuff in gerrit00:44
fungifor example we could do smart rewriting based on a search of /var/lib/git00:44
mordredbutit's more complex there, because we're only service some parts of the urls00:44
dtroyerdstufft: yeah…I think we can still live with that though.00:45
dtroyeryou've got to trust packages at some point00:45
dstufftI think it's about as reasonable as we're going to get with the current format00:45
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dtroyeryup.  thanks00:46
clarkblifeless: projects like zuul and the gearman plugin can use more eyes00:47
lifelessclarkb: url me up00:48
clarkbwhen I get home I will00:48
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lifelessclarkb: thanks00:50
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fungimordred: pleia2: looking at git.o.o:/etc/httpd/conf.d/ i think we can just set the docroot to /var/lib/git without any ill effects?00:56
mordredfungi: you can't serve git that way00:57
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fungiwell, you can. but i gather it's suboptimal. need webdav?00:57
lifelessneed to run a bidi channel to the git process00:58
mordredclarkb, lifeless: nodepool is probably a good thing to start looking at - especially since it's replacing a part of d-g and we'll be looking to plug the dib work in to it later00:58
lifelessmordred: oh, this is the thing my compute cache overlaps with ? :)00:58
mordredalthough I wouldn't go too mental on it right at the start, as it's starting from the existing d-g code00:58
lifelessmordred: anyhow, give me a url, I'll add it to my open-reviews-tabs thing00:58
mordredlifeless: potentially00:58
mordredlifeless: tl;dr - we currently do all of this, but with a series of jenkins triggered scripts00:59
mordredlifeless: we're turning it in to a proper daemon, so that it can be smarter01:00
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lifelessgood thing01:00
mordredthen, once that's up, we're going to talk about reworking the image creation part with dib/takeover/kexec01:00
fungimordred: pleia2: looks like we can clone via https from the /cgit urls at least01:00
mordredfungi: really?01:00
fungimordred: 'git clone' works01:01
fungihowever git clone does not01:01
mordredyeah. I'd love it if the second thing worked so that it's closer to the git:: urls01:01
lifelessfungi: does that serve the smart server01:01
lifelessfungi: or just static files?01:01
fungilifeless: dunno, it serves from the cgit cgi01:02
fungimordred: perhaps we could build up an alias list based on the projects.yaml/cgitrepos content01:03
mordredfungi: ooh, in teresting01:03
fungior use a rewrite rule with some -f lookups01:03
mordredfungi: I think we're alread running the git daemons for the git:// stuff, right?01:04
fungimordred: yes01:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Wrap long lines
mordred  AliasMatch ^/p/(.*/objects/[0-9a-f]{2}/[0-9a-f]{38})$ /var/lib/git/$101:04
mordred  AliasMatch ^/p/(.*/objects/pack/pack-[0-9a-f]{40}.(pack|idx))$ /var/lib/git/$101:05
mordred  ScriptAlias /p/ /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend/01:05
fungihow do we plug the git daemon into apache? webdav or something lighter?01:05
mordredthere are the things we do for gerrit01:05
mordredwe script alias /p/ to git-http-backend01:05
fungiahh, yes that01:05
mordredbut then we skip doing that and go back to plain file serving for the static things that can be done that way01:05
fungiso scriptaliasing / is going to be tough01:06
mordredI think as long as we pick up serving of /cgit/ first - and do the above with /p removed01:06
mordredwhat about script aliasing a different url but then rewrite ruling it?01:06
mordredlike, do the /p01:06
fungithough i guess the ^/$ rewrite can also go before the scriptalias to git-http-backend01:07
mordredbut then rewrite anything that's not /cgit to /p01:07
clarkblifeless: these are all fairly low traffic projects, but when we do need to make changes to them we tend to have very few eyes to look at them01:07
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clarkband we often want to push things through fairly quickly to address one issue or another01:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Point to README.rst instead of .md for Devstack Gate.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gearman-plugin: moved python examples to jenkins wiki
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mordredclarkb: I also pointed him at nodepool - since it wil eventually intersect with some stuff he's doing01:16
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerritbot: Make proposed and merged messages more terse
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Properly load modules.conf
mordredclarkb: we shoudl get SpamapS to review it to - just so he can see what features heat needs to grow to do this for us :)01:17
mordredfungi, clarkb what's the git-review story? did we cut a release so it's safe to review the pbr changes?01:17
fungimordred: i was seeing if anyone else wanted to merge that last cosmetic change for wrapping output01:17
mordredI just did01:17
fungier, wanted to review01:18
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Clean up warning messages for asterisk
fungiahh, cool. that's the one i wanted to tag then01:18
mgagneif I wish to install a shell script on cgit to filter commit message, where should I put it?01:18
* fungi is simultaneously playing with git server apache config options and trying to get cacti upgraded, so somewhat tunnel-visiony01:19
mgagnefungi: managed to add links for commit SHA1, bug (and blueprint) and gerrit id:
clarkbmgagne: modules/cgit/files?01:21
mgagneclarkb: would it have any reusability for someone installing cgit on his own server with module from infra?01:22
clarkbI dunno. What sort of commit message filtering does it do?01:24
mgagneclarkb: the one mentioned about01:24
fungimordred: i think i have a working httpd.conf adjustment for what we want, patch on the way01:24
mgagneclarkb: add links for commit SHA1, bug (and blueprint) and gerrit id01:24
clarkbmgagne: sounds like ti would be generally useful for anyone replicating to cgit from gerrit01:25
openstackgerritbenley proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add display-name job property.
kspearis horizon still breaking the gate? zuul status is a little confusing01:31
clarkbkspear: how was horizon breaking the gate? is this related to the tempest test that attempts to log in?01:33
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Serve repos via git+https outside of cgit
fungimordred: pleia2: ^01:34
kspearclarkb: yes. i'm presuming it was triggered by horizon?01:35
mordredoh my holy crap - I cleared my review queue01:36
clarkbmordred: wow01:36
clarkbkspear: so looking at the last 4 hours gate-tempest-devstack-vm-full passed 10 times and failed 9 times in the gate01:37
clarkbkspear: that is a very high fail rate so something is probably bothering it01:37
clarkbkspear: is the most recent fail in the gate that I can find01:38
kspeari commented on earlier01:38
clarkbkspear: and it looks to be failing the dashboard tempest test. so I think horizon is still breaking things01:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1212405 in tempest "test_basic_scenario fails in the gate with a 500 error" [Undecided,New]01:38
fungiclarkb: did you work on the last cacti server setup? debconf seems to have decided that when i told it not to mess with the database configuration that it needed to get rid of what was already there. even purging cacti (after backing up the rrd files) and reapplying the puppet manifest seems to have left it not knowing what db credentials to use01:45
fungi"FATAL: Cannot connect to MySQL server on ''. Please make sure you have specified a valid MySQL database name in 'include/config.php'"01:45
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Don't compress very, very recent log files
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Ensure python pip is installed before zuul
clarkbfungi: I did not. jeblair did iirc01:51
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Start import process for clouddocs-maven-plugin.
fungihrm. well i worry that we lack sufficient puppetage to set this up from scratch (data aside)01:52
fungii'll see if i can run down the bits it's missing01:52
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mordreddon't people prefer icinga or something these days?02:01
* mordred mentions because maybe the new hotness will actually get security updates02:01
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clarkbthere are so many options02:02
mordredoh - wait - no, icinga is the new nagios02:02
mgagnemordred: from my experience, icinga UI is awful compared to Nagios02:02
clarkbmordred: a common one is collectd + graphite02:02
clarkbmordred: but then you have to know how to make graphite work02:02
mordredyeah - I mean, I know there are new fangled things, but I don't know what they are02:02
clarkbbut my understanding is people have done that for collectd data02:02
mordredcollectd. that's what I was thinking of02:02
mordredclarkb: srrsly. I only have 4 things in my reviewable pane02:03
clarkbmordred: I envy you02:03
clarkbtomorrow is my big review day once I get etherpad setup up with the new backup stuff which shouldn't take long02:03
clarkbmordred: did the star trick help?02:04
fungiicinga is the new netsaint ;)02:04
clarkbor is that coincidental?02:04
mordredclarkb: yes. immensely02:04
mordredit helped me set up a todo list and then check things off ot it02:04
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annegentlemordred: oh WAHOO for the import process for clouddocs-maven-plugin!02:25
clarkbannegentle: I started it, was hoping to get some feedback on it from you folks before we hit the go button02:27
clarkboh mordred merged it. thats cool :)02:27
clarkbthere are still a few minor things we will need to work through but nothing major02:27
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wenlockhi, going to try some config install tonight... first time trying :D02:28
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clarkbwenlock: good luck!02:31
wenlockthanks clark, i was thinking of using a bitnami image, is that recommended, or should i stick with vanilla ubuntu?02:32
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clarkbwenlock: for openstack VMs? I have no clue. We are more focused on running the infrastructure for the project and no openstack infrastructure02:33
mordredwenlock: I've never used a bitnami image myself - I always do stock ubuntu02:33
mordredwenlock: and welcome!02:34
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Serve repos via git+https outside of cgit
fungialso adjusts the webui to match ^03:05
fungithe cgit changelog says they included displaying git notes as of 0.9, but i don't actually see it doing so03:09
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openstackgerritKui Shi proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: H233 regex can not match some print operator
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pleia2fungi: patches look good, I will need to set up a /static as well for theme images+css, I can just do an Alias for this after your change and it should be ok03:45
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SpamapSis the neutron gate like, totally borked?04:27
SpamapSbeen watching this 2 line change try to wend its way through for 6 hours now
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clarkbSpamapS: apparently... also regular tempest has an almost 50% failure rate right now due to some horizon thing04:30
clarkbor it did in the 4 hour time frame that I checked earlier04:31
clarkbbut ya osum04:31
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix intermittent jenkins plugin build failure
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix intermittent jenkins plugin build failure
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openstackgerritPetr Blaho proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adds Jenkins jobs for python-tuskarclient
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openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added murano-common project
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Sync requirements with global requirements
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sorenjeblair: Sad indeed. :(08:28
Fengqianhello, everyone;)08:28
vkuzHi. I signed USG CLA and System CLA by mistake. How can I cancel them?08:28
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FengqianI met a problem here. jenkins report a error toe me"StorageBadVersion: Need at least MongoDB 2.2"08:30
Fengqiandid anybody met before?08:30
Fengqianand i can build succeed on my local machine08:31
FengqianYou may see the following link  for details,
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jpichvkuz: This has to be done manually, someone from the infra team can help you when they come online (probably in a few hours)08:39
Fengqianoh, got it:), thx a lot08:40
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openstackgerritKui Shi proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: H233 regex can not match some print operator
BobBall_Awaymordred: I uploaded a new version of the patch - which now works for me (for some definition of 'works' - I still need to fix nova in my case) - but it seems I had a different base to you, so my changes were rebased.  It might mean you have to rebase if you pull my update down08:50
openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Skip devstack/exercises by default
BobBall_Awaymordred: The only change was to move the definition of GLOBAL_VENV to before we source anything from lib/ (which was using get_python_exec_prefix or whatever it is)08:52
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vkuzjpich: Who enters the infra team? and where should I write about my problem?08:55
jpichvkuz: Here is fine, they usually check the backlog when they come online so they'll get back to you then08:56
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jpichvkuz: They'll probably need your gerrit id actually, if you provide it now that'll speed things up08:57
BobBallNot sure who has the power to do that - but mordred / fungi / etc will be able to help and this will make their history flag so they know that vkuz is looking for them! ;)08:57
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Skip devstack/exercises by default
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Preserve sudo permissions of the stack user
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vkuzIs there anyone out from infra team?12:06
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fungivkuz: i'm in the process of waking up and looking at the scrollback12:13
fungiahh, clearing wrong clas... doing that now12:14
fungivkuz: done12:15
fungiwe need to find a way to make those agreements look even more scary12:15
vkuzfungi: Thank you very much!12:17
fungivkuz: you're very welcome12:18
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dprincefungi: who is the best person to ask about DNS? I'd like to update the record for SmokeStack if possible.12:50
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable Load Balancer as a Service
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fungidprince: i can change it to whatever you need13:02
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dprincefungi: my new IP is (a load balancer)13:06
dprincefungi: the old server has been in place for like over 2 years now so its time to finally migrate over to RAX next-gen13:07
dprincefungi: it is my last server running on the old RAX infrastructure13:07
fungidprince: updated, but the ttl on the old record was an hour so could take some time to expire out of caches13:08
dprincefungi: Cool. Thanks sir. While I've got you let me ask this... who is doing infra certs? Reason I ask is I usually just create my own... but it would be cool if it were signed, etc so people that were interested don't have to install a custom one.13:09
dprincefungi: this would just be for SSL13:09
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fungidprince: jeblair has been handling those, and we'd probably need to discuss any potential implications of the foundation providing x.509 certs for unofficial systems (we don't do that currently, to my knowledge, and could be seen as a bit stronger endorsement than a simple dns record)13:13
dprincefungi: understood. I'll mention to jeblair.13:14
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: add pycadf library
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Bump hacking to 0.7 globally
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewday: Switch smoker URL to ssl. Disable ssl validation.
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BobBallhow do you submit multiple, non-dependant changes to a BP?13:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewday: Switch smoker URL to ssl. Disable ssl validation.
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wenlockhi does anyone have a sample setup for hiera yml config file that can be used on a dev system?14:07
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mordredwenlock: you know - that would be an excellent idea14:07
wenlocki can try to hack at one, but im just a little lost atm with what it should look like14:08
mordredwenlock: one sec - lemme show you a small example14:08
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mordredfungi: ^^ that's probably a thing we should capture in a sample doc at some point14:09
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Alex_Gaynormordred: new tox with -e support is out14:09
mordredAlex_Gaynor: zomgzomgzom14:09
* mordred now bouces14:09
* Alex_Gaynor thinks mordred may be a little^Wlot too excited14:09
Alex_GaynorWHat's the use case for this again?14:10
mordredI'm about to piss off EVERYBODY in openstack14:10
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openstackgerritRoman Podolyaka proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: WIP: Run Nova DB API tests on MySQL and PostgreSQL
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Alex_Gaynormordred: for the greater good, I'm sure14:10
mordredAlex_Gaynor: the use case is that it doesn't run sdist every time14:10
wenlockooh.... gota leave.... im late , be back on in an hr mordred, i'll ping you again later14:10
Alex_Gaynorah, yays14:10
BobBallmordred: btw - I think based on the latest venv patch you uploaded that it WFM - although horizon doesn't run because I'm messing in xenserver-core (and I see that's the problem in the jenkins logs)14:10
mordredAlex_Gaynor: which is the thing that was keeping our from using tox for things14:11
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mordredbut if we can enforce tox >= 1.614:11
mordredthen we can configure it to do develop mode14:11
Alex_Gaynor+1 on pissing everyone off then :)14:11
mordredit'll make things better14:11
jeblairmordred: to be fair, cacti released a security update; it's jus ubuntu didn't package it.  if we want to run without packages, or use a different distro, we can do that with cacti.14:12
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mordredjeblair: awesome. I'm fine with cacti for the record14:12
mordredjust thought i'd bring up whatever the bearded hotness was when fungi was working on making packages14:12
mordredin case it was less work14:13
jeblairmordred: much of the new hotness isn't nearly as good as cacti, and what we have has about a person-month worth of work in configuring the templates (sadly, cacti isn't as good as our cacti, even), so it's not a thing to do lightly.14:13
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mordredjeblair: nod14:13
mordredjeblair: also, good morning!14:13
jeblairfungi: is there something i can do to help with cacti?14:14
jeblairmordred: good morning to you!14:14
jeblairafazekas: first -- yay!  i love "don't run exercises!"14:14
pleia2progress is going slowly along on the bug (thanks fungi!)
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1210822 in cacti "Please import 0.8.8b+dfsg-2 from Debian and backport security fixes to 12.04 LTS" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:14
pleia2so hopefully not too long now14:15
fungijeblair: i built the package yesterday on a throwaway precise vm and then upgraded us to it14:15
jeblairafazekas: but second -- the sudo permissions are removed to make sure that rootwrap is actually tested; otherwise, services can (and have in the past!) just run "sudo dosomethingwithoutrootwrap" and that would work.  :(14:16
fungihowever in the process of dpkg -i the deb i copied over, the maintscripts decided to overwrite the cacti database password, and we aren't currently puppeting that14:16
afazekasjeblair: :)14:16
fungiso we ended up with a ~7 hour hole in the graph14:16
fungibut should all be working now14:16
pleia2great (except for the hole :))14:17
fungiyeah, i felt bad14:17
afazekasjeblair: can we create a tempest user and give him sudo permission ?14:17
funginow i'm over it14:17
jeblairfungi: oops.  i bet we could puppet that.  there's still a bunch of stuff that may be a little hard to puppet (like the initial import of the graph templates)14:17
pleia2yeah, it's not a big deal14:17
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jeblairafazekas: the jenkins user retains sudo permission -- can you use that?14:17
fungijeblair: yes, i put puppeting the /etc/cacti/debian.php on today's wishlist14:17
afazekasjeblair: I'll try it14:17
jeblairafazekas: also, you could add sudo back after running the tests14:18
jeblairafazekas: (i'm just throwing out ideas because i don't actually know where you need sudo)14:18
afazekasjeblair: I guess I just need to exclude the sudo from the tempest start14:19
afazekas I will need here14:19
jeblairafazekas: ok, yeah, I think that should be fine14:19
afazekasip netns exec needs it and the iptables and several not implemented part ..14:20
jeblairafazekas: got it, thanks.  i can't think of why the tempest run uses sudo.  it's worth a try just removing that.14:21
afazekasovs and volume related things will came14:21
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afazekasjeblair: is jenkins in the stack users's  default group ?14:31
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jeblairafazekas: i don't think so14:32
afazekasis it on issue if I change the tempest directory permission to 777 ?14:32
jeblairafazekas: works for me14:33
jeblairmordred: why not threading.Thread.__init__(self) ?14:34
jeblairmordred: i understand the difference between that and super, and chose the explicit version because i'm really not interested in using multiple inheritance with thread subclasses14:34
mordredjeblair: ok.14:34
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Using the jenkis user for tempest run
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Initial commit
BobBallmordred: Could I ask for some advice on the venv patch... nova-dhcpbridge is called in /opt/stack/.venv/local/bin/nova-dhcpbridge - which has a "local" too many - probably coming from nova's where it says that bindir is sys.prefix+"/local/bin".  Is the install location for nova-dhcpbridge wrong, or is nova wrong in assuming it's in local/bin?  (of course, a quick fix is just to set the config option in /etc/nova/nova.conf...)14:40
jeblairmordred: ^ thanks!14:40
mordredBobBall: nova is wrong. dead wrong14:41
mordredBobBall: that is a bug in nova and should be fixed14:41
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mordredit is not ok to assme bindir is sys.prefix+"/local/bin"14:41
jeblairmordred: i think we may want to abandon
mordredBobBall: although I _suppose_ we could set bindir=/opt/stack/.venv/bin in nova.conf if GLOBAL_VENV is set14:42
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mordredbut WOW what a broken design14:42
mordredBobBall: OMG- it's only ever used to find how to launch nova-dhcpbridge14:43
mordredBobBall: I'm going make a patch - that's assinine14:43
mordredwho was the crackhead who did that ^^ ?14:43
BobBallhaha I hadn't even seen that...14:43
BobBallIt's more fun - the default is actually using sys.prefix - so it does it get ipartially right in the venv ;)14:43
BobBallso the default in nova.conf.sample isn't what it actually uses!14:44
mordredBobBall: if they're going to use sys.prefix - shouldn't it just be sys.prefix + 'bin' ?14:45
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mordredhrm, I wonder how you'd find ...14:45
mordredwhy don't they just use a PATH?14:45
BobBallit was deliberate though
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mordredjog0: ^^ I  may have just called you a crackhead14:46
BobBallused to be /bin14:46
mordredjog0: can you help me understand your patch and how I can fix it better to work in a venv?14:46
mordredBobBall: ok. for now, let's set the path in nova.conf14:48
mordredjeblair: abandon or rebase/fix?14:48
mordredjeblair: or just abandon and revisit after nodepool?14:49
jeblairmordred: i think all the python is going to be deleted from d-g; so unless there's other things that does, i think it won't be relevant soon14:49
mordredgreat. I'll abandon it then14:49
fungii suspect the bits of shell which remain could end up in slave scripts or jjb config macros14:50
jeblairmordred: (it will linger for just a little bit until we make sure we have a nodepool equivalent of fungi's developer process)14:50
mordredfungi: I tihnk it's good to have them separate14:50
mordredit let's us gate on them14:50
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jeblairfungi: well, the d-g scripts themselves are quite complex, and are part of the gate, so i think they will remain14:50
mordredwe have no gating currently on jjb macros or slave scripts14:51
fungiah, fair point14:51
mordredhonestly, I could see moving the slave scripts into d-g as a collection of scripts we run places - which _might_ give us the opportunity to try to test/gate on some of them too14:51
mordredbut I'd have to think about that much onger14:51
funginot that we couldn't add opensack-infra/config to the gate, but it would be a substantial effort to get right14:51
mordredit would14:51
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mordredand I'd honetly rather split opensack-infra/config into more things, than consolidate more things into it14:52
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* fungi could see the remnants of d-g getting renamed to job-scripts or something and inheriting the slave scripts dumping ground from openstack-infra/config in that case14:53
mordredBobBall:     initset $NOVA_CONF DEFAULT bindir get_python_exec_prefix14:55
BobBallthanks mordred - I'll add that.14:56
mordredBobBall: it looks like devstack is setting it in nova.conf14:56
mordredBobBall: no - it's already there14:56
BobBallhang on14:56
mordredand I added:     if [[ $GLOBAL_VENV = True ]]; then14:57
mordred        echo $DEST/.venv/bin14:57
mordredto get_python_exec_prefix14:57
BobBallthen I do not understand14:57
mordredis it in your nova.conf?14:57
BobBallbecause I didn't have that value in /etc/nova/nova.conf14:57
BobBallno - bindir wasn't there at all14:58
BobBallit was using the default14:58
mordredoh - wait14:58
mordredthat's initset14:58
* BobBall unstacks and restacks...14:58
mordredwhat's initset?14:58
mordredit's nothing14:58
mordredinitset is nothing14:58
mordredit doesn't exist14:58
BobBallso why doesn't it error14:58
mordredI have no clue14:59
BobBallah well14:59
BobBallthat's the fix14:59
mordredreuploading patch with that fix15:00
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jeblairmordred: i'm noticing a trend; before i leave a bunch of identical comments....15:19
jeblairmordred: regarding 3817715:19
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jeblairmordred: you have the vcsrepo sources in puppet using https://; shouldn't we use git:// for that?15:20
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jeblairalso, it looks like in earlier patchsets they _were_ git://15:21
jeblairmordred: i don't see any indication in the comments why you changed them15:21
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openstackgerritChristoph Thiel proposed a change to openstack-infra/gitdm: add Deutsche Telekom colleagues and update domain-map
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mordredjeblair: sorry- we had an IRC discussion about it last night15:31
mordredfor scripts we expect might get re-used outside of our infra systems, cloning from https is more likely to work consistently (corporate firewalls and whatnot)15:32
mordredfor scripts we do not expect to run outside of our systems or be reused directly (like our jenkins jobs) - cloning from git seemed like a good plan15:32
jeblairmordred: i get that, which is why the use in, say, install_jenkins_slave and of course the documentation seems reasonable15:32
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jeblairmordred: but there are something like 10 puppet modules that use vcsrepo... so puppet is going to hit those repos a lot.  don't we want the performance improvement of git:// ?15:33
mordredsame thing with puppet modules - we have a few sets of people re-using them verbatim15:33
mordredthe world would be SO MUCH BETTER if people didn't run evil web proxy bullshits15:35
jeblairwell, i guess i'm confused.  we spent months talking about how great git:// is going to be, and now we're not going to use it in places where we would like to, in order to get a real performance improvement.15:36
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jeblairmordred: do we _know_ that any of our users (who are active contributors) have a problem with git:// urls?15:36
mordredwe'rre going to use it in our jenkins jobs, which is where the performance improvement matter, no?15:36
mordredI have a problem with git urls inside of hp15:36
jeblairmordred: that is sad.  can you get it fixed?15:36
jeblairdid you try?15:37
mordredI mean, _Eventually_ _maybe_ but the process takes between 6months to a year15:37
mordredand I'm fighting 29418 getting opened first15:37
mordredbecause I thinkn that's more important to open the door for more people to contribute code15:37
fungimordred: heh, holger got your last name wrong in the tox release announcement ;)15:37
mordredfungi: hah15:37
wenlockmordred, me 215:37
wenlockall morning15:37
mordredjeblair: but yeah, it's on my list15:37
wenlocki have a workaround though15:37
mordredwenlock: on yeah? then maybe I can use it?15:38
mordredjeblair: meet wenlock - he's working on starting to stand up a copy of infra as well - clark and I were just telling him yesterday about the benefits of collaborating with us direcetly upstream15:38
wenlockso if your behind a dumb web-proxy... which i agree should be abolished.... setup an ssh tunel for the golden port thats allowed out, port 2215:39
jeblairwenlock: hello15:39
wenlockhey jeblair15:40
mordredjeblair: but the jenkins jobs are where we care more about preformance, right? as opposed to the speed of pulling cloning jeepyb?15:40
mordredjeblair: (also, last night it seemed that updating those in a seperate follow-on patch seemed like a good idea, since they're pulling from review.o.o directly now)15:40
wenlockssh -N -L 29418: -i <your server ssh key> <username>@<gerrit server>15:40
mordredwenlock: nod. stupid proxies15:41
jeblairmordred: well, it's just that cumulatively, we have a whole host of servers that update repos every 10 minutes; i'm not sure what the total number of repos updated every 10 minutes is; maybe 15 or 20?15:42
fungii personally think documentation should list at least https clone urls, but also listing git urls is fine. i think scripts we document as shortcuts for fairly inexperienced users who may be inside corporate networks should probably also default to https. i think our automation, which sysadmins may download and try to implement, should probably default to whatever performs best while still giving us15:42
fungisufficient security15:42
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fungianyone downloading our puppetry, for example... changing clone urls in it is likely to be the least of their hurdles on the way to deployment15:43
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mordredfungi: disagre. I have a fork of openstack-infra/config now because I had to make changes to the pip stuff because of proxy issues (beause puppet pip sucks)15:44
mordredas soon as you have to fork our puppet stuff, then the cost of doing your dev upstream goes up15:44
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fungimmm... maybe urls are things we should parameterize?15:45
mordredand if you're not highly motivated (like I am) you'll just run locally and we won't get your help back upstream15:45
jeblairmordred: i'm opposed to making design decisions solely to help people who do not contribute upstream use our work in a private and proprietary environment.  however....15:46
mordredjeblair: agree15:46
jeblairmordred: you have made a case that there is more than one (potential) upstream contributor who would benefit from using https, so i'm willing to go with that for now15:46
mordredjeblair: cool - thanks. and for the record, my goal there is to use work in that direction to try to incentivize more of the users to become contributors15:47
mordredI may or may not succeed15:47
fungiwith https and git clone urls being identical for us save the protocol name, perhaps it's something we could easily add a switch for?15:47
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mordredbut I at least want to remove roadblocks when if/when I find them15:47
jeblair(i think that fixing the firewall would be a good hedge against that changing in the future)15:48
jeblairfungi: not a bad idea15:48
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mordredfungi: interesting idea - we could set a global variable in site.pp perhaps15:48
fungiurl => ${git_proto}://
mordredI have a complex idea...15:48
fungineeds the apache config patch i uploaded for review last night, of course15:48
jeblairmordred: i left comments on your change.  not all of them are "git://?" so read carefully.  :)15:49
mordredthat might be simplier to use - no, let me ignore that15:49
mordredjeblair: k. will go address15:49
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mordredjeblair: "Do we want this to go to /tree/ for easier navigation? That would match current behavior." - curent behavior is blob, not tree15:50
mordredjeblair: (figure I'll just ask that one here, while I'm fixing things)15:51
jeblairmordred: blob != raw15:51
mordredit's not? my bad then15:51
jeblairplain == raw15:51
jeblairmordred: no idea what they mean by blob, but at any rate, it shows the file contents in a navigatable context15:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Serve repos via git+https outside of cgit
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add high max-repo-count for index page in cgit
mordredjeblair, fungi: I'm torn on modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins-pypi-mirror.yaml15:54
mordredit's differnet than vcsrepo uses15:55
mordredI'm thinking git makes mre sense there15:55
jeblairmordred: (also, i think we have two versions of that file due to the previous (and possibly future) dedicated pypi host15:55
fungimmm, yeah15:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Cleanup cgit interface
jeblairmordred: it is a jenkins job that runs on a centos host15:56
fungiyeah, git:// should be much faster than https:// there15:56
jeblairmordred: (and is probably perceivable by developers (when it runs on requirements changes))15:56
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fungifor mirror26 at least15:57
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use cgit server instead of github for everything
mordredjeblair: awesome. thanks!15:59
mgagnefun, github is down atm16:01
jeblairoh if we only had mordred's change merged :)16:02
mordredjeblair: I think we're getting close16:02
fungimgagne: funny... you should try ;)16:03
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mordredjeblair: patch looks great - although you havea pep8 oops16:04
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fungimordred: also seems to need a rebase16:05
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mordredoh 0- right16:05
mordredI landed annegentle's patch16:05
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use cgit server instead of github for everything
openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Using the jenkis user for tempest run
jeblairmordred: it's going to take me a while to fix that pep8 bug because pip and pbr are hosed on my workstation, meaning i can't run tox -e pep8 (the new patchset upgraded the pbr requirement)16:13
jeblairmordred: i don't even know that that means16:13
mordredjeblair: try pip install -U pbr16:14
mordredjeblair: ?16:15
jeblairmordred: beats me.  do i need to reinstall my workstation from scratch now?16:15
mordredjeblair: no - your last pastelink is missing half the url16:16
jeblairoh why does it do that?
mordredgah. I realy really hate easy install16:16
mordredjeblair: some how, /home/corvus/rs/github/gear/easy-install.pth has gotten in to your system dir16:17
mordred(I'm assuming you are not in an activated virtualenv)16:17
mordredcan you look in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/easy-install.pth and see if there is a reference to it in there?16:18
mordredjeblair: you'll be happy to know that sometimes, after you develop something, easy_install cannot figure out how to undo what it did16:18
jeblairmordred: ok, i removed it from that file, but it still shows up in pip freeze16:19
afazekas  "Gate fails because Ceilometer API requires MongoDB >= 2.2 and doesn't start because devstack gate has 2.0. Not really sure how to fix this."16:19
mordredwow. are there any .lnk files in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages ?16:19
jeblairmordred: yes, i'll remove those too16:20
mordredjeblair: (I _just_ had to clean up a similar situation on my machine that had resulted from my develop-ing the tox tree into my global env)16:20
mordredessentially, as I'm learning, directly installing python anywhere other than a virtualenv apparently just flat is a bad idea16:21
jeblairmordred: ok, that did it.  but i'm worried that this might be a problem if we use pbr with git-review16:21
mordredit's not releated to pbr16:21
mordredit's related to bad behavior by develop in a global context16:21
jeblairmordred: ok, so it shouldn't affect most people, but it will affect those of us who like to develop from the git-review tree.  :(16:22
mordredI have not yet tested to see if pip install -e . does a better job of cleaning up after itself16:22
jeblairmordred: how will i be able to test git-review patches?16:22
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mordredjeblair: let me do some investigate on pip install -e .16:23
mordredI _think_ it might be better about it16:23
mordredbut I need to run through some scenarios16:23
mordredin any case, pip install -e . has the benefit over develop of installing the requirements via pip instead of easy_install - which is always good16:24
mordredand runs develop behind the scenes16:24
fungimorning clarkb16:24
mordredjeblair: also, just imagine the fun I have with python develop-ing trunk of pbr and hacking at all times :)16:25
mordredactually, don't do that16:25
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jeblairafazekas: i believe mongodb is installed by puppet on our slaves; the version in ubuntu precise is 2.016:25
afazekasjeblair: can it be pulled from newer repo ?16:26
clarkbI thought we had this discussion with jd__ when they added mongodb to the unittest slaves16:27
* clarkb looks in git to see what we did there16:27
mordredis it in ubuntu cloud archive yet?16:27
mordredand epel?16:27
jeblairmordred: i think that is the best solution16:27
jeblairafazekas: ^16:27
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mordredzul: ^^ ?16:27
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clarkblooks like we just added mongodb as the package for the unittest slaves16:28
jeblairafazekas: because we want to help distros support openstack on LTS/RHEL, so our support policy is "develop on newest, try not to break long-term"16:28
jeblairafazekas: if using 2.0, or getting 2.2 into the cloud archive is not an option, then we would have to break ceilometer on the long-term distros16:29
jd__some tests fail on ceilometer because of concurrency16:29
zulmordred:  we are dealing with some issues that we have before it can go into the cloud archive
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1187262 in snowball "[MIR] mongodb, libv8, snowball, gyp" [High,New]16:29
jd__this has nothing to do with MongoDB version on Jenkins16:29
mordredjd__: yay!16:29
mordredit's almost like asking jd__ bring answers :)16:29
* jeblair believes everything written in code reviews16:29
openstackgerritChristoph Thiel proposed a change to openstack-infra/gitdm: add Deutsche Telekom colleagues and update domain-map
fungimagic answer genie16:30
jd__we are aware, I'm not sure a bug has been opened, sileht might know he's first one who found it and tried to tackle it16:30
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Initial commit
clarkbjd__: this is for tests in tempest though16:31
jd__clarkb: URL?16:31
clarkbwhich are not currently concurrent16:31
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clarkbit is annoying that logrotate needs to run once before it actually rotates anything16:32
clarkbI am removing pypi.slave from jenkins.o.o then will delete the vm16:33
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jeblairclarkb: thanks16:34
jeblairclarkb, fungi: would you please review  despite lifeless's -1 ?16:34
clarkber rather tx.slave16:34
clarkbwoo don't want to mix those up when it counts :)16:34
jeblairi know that some times people ignore reviews with -1 code reviews, and i don't think that should happen to that review.16:35
afazekasmordred: it is not in epel16:35
jeblairalso, anyone else reviewing the nodepool code?  i'd like to merge it now and start writing the puppet vcsrepo code for it.16:35
clarkbafazekas: mordred I believe the version on centos 6 is new enough16:36
clarkbjeblair: I haven't had a chance to merge it after the review I did when it was in d-g16:36
jd__clarkb: ah yeah in this case I can't help indeed; we skip the test on Precise because of that and run MongoDB tests on RHEL that has 2.216:36
mordredjeblair: +2 from me16:37
jd__FWIW I've already asked zul over a month ago for MongoDB backports in Ubuntu, and things should be on their way (though you may want to ping him :)16:37
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fungijd__: he commented above on the status16:38
mordredjd__: he responded just a bit ago:  we are dealing with some issues that we have before it can go into the cloud archive16:38
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix intermittent jenkins plugin build failure
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mordredooh. I like the sound of that patch16:38
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openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add static web directory for cgit & initial files
mordredzaro: left comments16:40
clarkbdid I derp when creating proposal and make it a stand in for tx instead of a stand in for pypi?16:40
clarkbor do we need to replace both slaves?16:41
jeblairclarkb: proposal is supposed to be tx16:41
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clarkboh good16:41
jeblairclarkb: it will propose to gerrit and transifex (not upload to pypi)16:41
clarkbI see. tx.slave is under the ci account and not the jenkins account16:41
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clarkbbut both tx.slave and pypi.slave appear to be first gen. That explains my confusion16:42
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix intermittent jenkins plugin build failure
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clarkbbut proposal.slave is under the jenkins account where it belongs16:43
jeblairit's kind of a grey area, i guess.16:43
jeblairwe didn't have 'really important long running permanent slaves' when we decided on the demarcation.16:43
zaromordred: thanks.  just uploaded new patch.16:44
clarkbI am ready to delete tx.slave now if everyone else is ready16:44
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* clarkb reviews nodepool and 39551 really quick16:46
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Initial commit
jeblairi decided i want the daemon just called 'nodepool' instead of 'nodepoold'.  ^16:47
fungiclarkb: seems safe at this point16:47
mordredjeblair: in zaro's change above - I've got to say - the new freestyle project looks cleaner16:47
mordredjeblair: but the other way, if you spoke with a dutch accent, it could rhyme with mold16:48
jeblairmordred: i think clarkb wanted to try to keep it as a maven project; so we'll want him to weigh in on it.  i'm not sure if this would impact doc jobs.16:48
jeblairmordred: but yeah, if trying to dtrt with a maven job is crazy, we should consider cutting our losses.16:49
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jeblairmordred: also, must consider the docbook plugin; does it need to be a maven job for any reason, or can it follow this template.16:49
mordredjeblair: I'm think the only reason it's the rt is because if its ability to split out the various targets and show fancy reports, no?16:49
jeblairmordred: yeah, we certainly don't use it like that.16:50
clarkbjeblair: mordred: I wanted to keep it as a maven project because jenkins does some neat stuff with maven projects, but we have spent far too much time trying to make this work so I am happy to switch to freestyle which should just work16:50
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mordredclarkb: yeah - I think most of the time we try to use neat jenkins geatures, it bites us the ass16:50
clarkbmordred: that is one benefit. The other is custom maven installs per job16:50
clarkbmordred: switching to freestyle forces us to use the global maven version without extra work16:50
clarkbfungi: welcome back16:50
fungiclarkb: thanks. needed to restart for a weechat upgrade16:51
clarkbjeblair: 39551 lgtm. I will let you approve if you think lifeless' comments don't need to be addressed16:51
clarkbnow to delete tx.slave16:52
zaromordred, jeblair : i think only benefit to maven job is that it installs maven for the job (maven doesn't need to be pre-installed).16:52
clarkbtx.slave is deleting. I assume the dns record(s) are in the othe raccount though16:53
zaromordred, jeblair: actually the other nice benefit is that it works better as a multi-config job. but we don't seem to use those.16:53
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clarkbzaro: and it installs an arbitrary maven version that can be assigned per job which can be useful16:54
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clarkball done cleaning up tx.slave16:57
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russellbis there any way to un-abandon a patch where the owner is no longer responsive (left his company, doing something else now) ?17:01
clarkbrussellb: yes, I can dothat for you17:01
clarkbrussellb: whcih change?17:01
russellbclarkb: thanks!17:01
clarkbrussellb: done17:01
russellbthank you sir17:02
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mordredchmouel: when is the next openstack israel? the CFP doesn't say17:03
mordredah. Dec 317:04
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radixhi guys, there's a patch that looks like it should be merged but it hasn't been yet, can someone take a look?
mordredradix: I kicked it17:11
radixthanks mordred :D17:11
mordredradix: we were having an issue or two yesterday that are now cleared up17:11
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mordredjeblair: zomg. I just read through your re-org in zuul for the timer code17:15
mordredjeblair: beaufitul17:15
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clarkbjeblair: I am working my way through nodepool now. Will have a few not super important comments but holding off merging for a few more minutes would be great17:16
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jeblairmordred: thanks.  :)  there's the opportunity to have timer events have associated branches, etc -- in other words, create their own zuul refs.  i have not taken advantage of that yet.  but that's incidental to your work, of course.17:17
jeblair(though it's neat to think about how that could change our stable bitrot jobs)17:17
jeblairclarkb: ok; i'm not quite to needing it in the repo yet, can hold for a bit.17:18
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clarkbjeblair: comments left17:22
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jeblairclarkb: thanks, responded17:29
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jeblairsomeone forgot to git commit after adding gerrit ssh replication key17:31
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jeblairit's getting lumped in with my addition of nodepool creds17:32
mordredjeblair: maybe we should have a private gerrit that manages that repo ... /me kidding17:33
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openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add static web directory for cgit & initial files
pleia2^^ added custom CSS too, so it ends up looking as seen here:
uvirtbotpleia2: Error: "^" is not a valid command.17:42
pleia2(repos aren't populated, just for looking at front page)17:42
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clarkbpleia2: looks good17:44
fungipleia2: me likey!17:45
pleia2mgagne gets credit here too :)17:45
fungimgagne: awesome!17:46
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix intermittent jenkins plugin build failure
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pleia2so I'm thinking once we get this prettification patch + mordred's s/github/git.o.o one I can send a kick-the-tires email to the dev list, perhaps blog on planet too for feedback from devs17:50
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clarkbpleia2: it might be worth doing some quick performance type checks. Earlier I got the load to up around 3 fairly trivially17:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Initial commit
pleia2clarkb: sure17:51
clarkband it felt like cgit was unhappy about that :)17:51
mordredclarkb: we could always add like 5 of them and stick a load balancer in front17:52
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clarkbmordred: yeah, or grow the node. I don't think it is a major issue but I was browsing the web ui and git cloning and that was all it took to get a little sluggish17:52
mordredclarkb, jeblair:
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Configure Pecan to re-publish docs through RTFD on release.
pleia2it does load everything dynamically every time, I think the only thing that saves it at all is that it's written in C17:53
clarkbmordred: that is super exciting. you should backport that change to all of the stable branches too if it works17:53
clarkbdoes it cache well? would varnish help?17:53
jeblairmordred: neat17:54
mordredjeblair, clarkb I believe that is the first patch we've landed and released to tox isn't it?17:54
marunclarkb: You mentioned yesterday that updating the nova unit tests to use testr was easy - did that include replacing the use of setupClass?17:55
clarkbmordred: I haven't gotten anything past them17:55
mordredmarun: they did not use setupClass17:55
clarkbmarun: but we did replace a lot of things with proper fixtures17:55
clarkblike the DB stuff17:55
mordredyes. there were SEVERAL evil things. the db was a big one17:55
marunclarkb: I think the challenge in tempest is they use setupClass to handle ordinal teardown17:56
mordredmarun: the fixtures part was easy - the grokking the intent of the code iwas the hard part17:56
marunclarkb: It's doable, but potentially a lot of work.17:56
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marunmordred: fair enough17:56
mordredmarun: yeah - so, the approach lifeless suggested at the last summit17:56
clarkbmordred: you s/testr/test/ do both work?17:57
mordredmarun: was to extract the content of the setupClass in its current form, wrap it in a simple fixture unmodified, and then have setupClass call the fixture as a first pass17:57
mordredmarun: then, as a second pass, have testresources (which nose doesn't know how to handle) also instanatiate the fixture17:57
mordredmarun: so now there are two code paths to the fiture being started17:58
mordredand _then_ start refactoring the code in the fixtures so that it does sensible things17:58
marunmordred: Ah, that sounds doable actually.17:58
marunmordred: thanks for the info17:58
mordredsure thing!17:58
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jeblairmordred, fungi, clarkb: fyi, nodepool is written so that if you send it a TERM (or hit C-c in foreground), it should finish what it's doing cleanly.  this might take several minutes (or longer if it's saving a rackspace cloud image)18:04
mordredjeblair: cool. good to know18:05
mordredbecause I gotta tell you - there are other programs I run that block C-c18:05
mordredand they drive me batty18:05
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fungijeblair: good to be aware of18:06
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Document RTFD hook job template in StackForge doc
clarkbmordred: so s/testr/test/ in tox.ini. Is that related to moving to the pbr entrypoint?18:06
mordredclarkb: oh - pioop18:07
mordredI didnt' mean for that bit to land in there18:07
fungijeblair: some response when trapping sigint or similar would be good too18:07
jeblairmordred: dramatic moment!  nodepool is run in production for the first time!
fungijeblair: assuming it doesn't yet, that it18:07
mordredjeblair: HAHAHAHA18:07
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mordredI think pbr just has it out for jeblair18:08
mordredjeblair: can I ask, just for data collection, how you installed it?18:08
jeblairfungi: er, actually, i think the signal handling is wrong; that should be nodepool's first patch.18:08
jeblairmordred: i let puppet install it.18:09
mordredk. so - there is a bug, or a feature, or just a reality, that I've been talking with dstufft about18:09
fungijeblair: but yeah, things like responding on stderr when trapping sigint or logging when trapping sigterm are always appreciated18:09
mordredthat sometimes, when you python install something that has setup_requires that are also in install_requires18:09
mordredeasy_install downloads the thing for setup_requires, and ten when it's trying to resolve install_requires, it sees the thing in the local dir and so it considers it installed18:10
mordredeven though it's just in the local setup_requires location18:10
mordredit's quite amazing18:10
jeblairmordred: i have a vague memory of trying to understand this while walking down a street in portland with you.18:11
dstufftI have a sneaking suspicion it might have something to do with pbr, but I don't know that for a fact. I know i've never seen anyone else run into it before but it may just be openstack's uncanny ability to break all the things18:11
jeblairmordred: sadly, at this point i remember the strangers we passed on the street more than the details of the conversation.  :(18:11
fungiwe do, in fact, break lots and lots of things18:12
clarkbjeblair: don't be sad. Strangers in Portland are often quite entertaining18:12
mordreddstufft: I've scoured the code in setuptools to figure out why this happens sometimes and not others18:12
mordreddstufft: for the most part, I have not figure out a simple reproducible test case18:12
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jeblairclarkb: they are!  i'm thinking of the guy with horns growing out of his bald head right now!18:12
mordredalthough perhaps this is it - python install in a project that uses pbr that install_requires pbr and a project that also install_requires and setup_requires pbr18:13
mordredbecause that's what just happened18:13
jeblairmordred: yep18:13
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mordreddstufft: your improvement to pip we talked about yesterday would make this problem go away 100%18:13
Alex_GaynorDoes the openstack-infra/zuul repo contain the web interface that lives at status.os.c/zuul ?18:14
jeblairmordred: or "an openstack project that uses an openstack project"  :)18:14
mordredjeblair: yeah18:14
dstufftmordred: the setup_requires is made available to the (and thus the pip you shell out too)18:14
dstufftis my guess18:14
mordreddstufft: ah18:14
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: it's in infra/config; we run a 'customized' version instead of the 'upstream' version.18:14
clarkbfungi: where are we on git-review release?18:14
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: we occasionally suffer from multiple personality disorder, as a team.18:14
mordreddstufft: so - do ou know of any good - or hacky - way I can strip or modify that env?18:14
dstufftmordred: no, because you need it to run pbr at all18:15
fungiclarkb: released and announced (announced twice)18:15
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Alex_Gaynorjeblair: :) so, any objects to a patch which adds the number of jobs to the header for each queue. e.g. "gate (3)"18:15
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clarkbclearly I am behind on email18:15
fungiclarkb: (i forgot to sign my first announcement :/)18:15
mordreddstufft:  pbr should have been run by the time we're actually running setup() contents18:15
clarkbfungi: I will rereview the outstanding git-review changes18:15
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: I'd love that.18:15
mordreddstufft: I just need to prevent it from going to the pip subshells18:15
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: great, I'll go ahead and do that then18:15
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clarkbis github still being derpy for anyone else?18:16
fungiclarkb: i'm uploading a new 35486 momentarily addressing mordred's suggestions18:16
mordredbut the mechanism of how it's passing that path from context to the subshells is what I can't grok18:16
mordredjeblair: mind if I go look at your nodepool box?18:17
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: do you grok "pipelines", "shared change queues" and "severed heads" ?18:17
jeblairmordred: please18:17
jeblairmordred: nodepoo.o.o18:17
dstufftmordred: you're calling python -m pip aren't you?18:17
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: I grok the pipelines, not sure about the other two18:17
mordreddstufft: yes. or sys.executable -m pip18:17
dstufftmordred: that might add '' to sys.path18:17
dstufftand curdir is probably the builddir18:17
dstufftwhich is where setup_requires isntalls stuff too18:17
mordredI'm almost certain it is18:17
fungiclarkb: i haven't noticed github derpage because i did a `cd work ; sed -i 's/' */*/.git/config`18:17
clarkbI should update all of my origin remotes to git.o.o18:17
mordreddstufft: any idea _where_ it adds to sys.path? does it pass a PYTHONPATH in the env?18:18
dstufftmordred: I think invoke python itself just does that18:18
* mordred can also go investigate18:18
dstufftvis invoking it from a script18:18
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: the others only really matter for gate; but a pipeline has N queues; most of the openstack projects share one change queue in gate (because they all run the devstack jobs).  but if someone approves, say, a stackforge project change, it goes into its own change queue in the gate pipeline18:18
mordredbut I'm calling it from subprocess18:18
dstufftmordred: I mean I think ``python`` adds '' to sys.path but python being executed from a #! line doesn't18:19
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: ah right, I was going to just do sum(len(queue) for queue in pipeline) to start with, hopefully that's pretty intuitive?18:19
mordreddstufft: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH18:19
dstufftmordred: I'm doing educated guessing here so I could be wrong18:19
* mordred shoves an icepick in his eye18:19
mordreddstufft: no, that would make sense18:19
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: so basically, a pipeline has N queues.  A queue may have any number of heads.  usually just one, but when something fails while at the head, we sever it, and it becomes it's own queue head while it finishes tests18:19
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: ah right, so I think you want to dedupe a thing, basiaclly you want to show the count of visible boxes :)18:20
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable Load Balancer as a Service
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: well, it's a good question...18:20
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Alex_Gaynorjeblair: my intuition that showing anything besides "count of boxes" is going to result in "why is this count wrong" questions18:21
mordreddstufft: you are correct sir18:21
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jeblairAlex_Gaynor: that's probably a good start then.  :)  it doesn't answer the question of "how many things are lined up to be merged?", because thet's the length of head[0] in each gate pipeline queue (disregarding head[1:])18:22
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: but i agree, number of boxes is useful and easy to understand18:22
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: so that's len(head) for each head in each queue18:22
mgagneclarkb: cgit cache is disabled on git.o.o. Might be the cause of the load.18:23
mordreddstufft: python -c 'import sys; import pip.__init__; sys.path=sys.path[1:]; pip.__init__.main()'18:23
mordreddstufft: python -c 'import sys; import pip.__init__; sys.path=sys.path[1:]; pip.__init__.main()' install18:24
mordreddstufft: works18:24
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: thanks, and have fun! :)  oh, you can see 3 change queues in the gate pipeline if you look right now18:24
dstufftmordred: yea I was about to say that18:24
dstufftor something like it18:24
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Preserve merges when performing rebases.
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: err, looks like 5 changes?18:24
dstufftmordred: also to inject my typical if you don't do crazy things like make install call pip you don't get crazy problems ;P18:24
jog0mordred: I did local for the path because thats what it was for me ... not the right reasoning of course18:24
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: there's 3 in the "main" one, but 2 other queues18:24
clarkbmordred: fungi jeblair ^ not sure how I feel about that. Slightly worried it trades one set of unexpectedness with another18:24
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Migrate to pbr.
dstufftmordred: you might want to ensure that the thing you're removing is actually '', I think eggs might shove themselve in front of the line18:25
mordreddstufft: yeah. I'll do that18:25
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: yep18:25
dstufftso sys.path = [x for x in sys.path if x != ''] or something18:25
mordreddstufft: also, if easy_install wasn't completely and totally useless, I wouldn't be mucking around like this18:25
clarkbmgagne: pleia2: was disabling the cache a specific decision or did we simply miss adding a flag somewhere?18:25
mordreddstufft: and if upstream setuptools wasn't brain-numbingly insistent on keeping such a terrible aweful horrible pile of garbage, I wouldn't be working around it18:26
mordreddstufft: perfect18:26
pleia2clarkb: intentional, it wasn't updating very quickly, could just turn down the cache18:26
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: is there a sane way to test this locally?18:28
jog0is netaddr still failing ?18:28
jog0for jenkins18:28
clarkbjog0: it didn't look like it18:29
fungiclarkb: yeah, i kinda wonder whether git-review shouldn't grow another --danger-will-robinson flag to make sure people are intending to submit merge commits18:29
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clarkbjog0: there was a change that had been rechecked that ran without running into the netaddr stuff18:29
jog0clarkb: kk I will try again and hope for magic18:30
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jeblairAlex_Gaynor: yeah, with the html and js files local, you should be able to just it with a file:// url18:31
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: I appear to have written some javascript that worked the first time. Pinch me I'm dreaming!18:31
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: i don't think that's never happened to me :)18:32
jeblairmordred: nodepool pbr status?18:32
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Show a count of changes in each pipeline on the status page
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: ^18:33
clarkbI have finally skimmed this mornings scrollback and I missed all the fun :(18:34
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: you even fixed my js :)18:35
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Alex_Gaynorjeblair: my editor whines (it also whines about using == 0 instead of === 0, but I didn't want to dirty up the diff too much)18:35
dstufftAlex_Gaynor: my editor locks up trying to whine about the pypi code base :[18:36
jerryzhi guys, do you know how could i pass http_proxy to so that pip install and apt-get will use proxy ?18:37
jerryzi tried adding export http_proxy in the jenkins build step, but it didn't work18:37
mordredjeblair: almost done- I wanted to verify that a particular fix could be used in the first place to avoid the issue18:38
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fungijerryz: for apt, you need to specify your proxy in apt.conf usually...
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fungiat least that was the case last time i tried (these days i just run an apt-specific proxy daemon on a central server and point all my sources.list entries at it instead)18:46
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: fix project dependencies
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reduce appearance of pipeline counts
clarkbjerryz: if using a jenkins shell build step you will need to do it in the same build step as the one that runs d-g18:49
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: I like your change, but I thought it could use a few adjustments ^18:50
clarkbjerryz: env changes don't carry over across distinct shell builders. you can use the env inject plugin to make them carry over18:50
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: hah! I thought about doing the "ignore if 0" bit, but decided not to, I can't remember why18:50
jerryzenv inject plugin is for jenkins , right18:50
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: probably a very important reason.  :)18:50
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: yoru change looks good to me, how does this work, do we just merge them in order, do we approve yours and then I manaully roll it into mine?18:50
clarkbjerryz: correct18:50
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: i made mine depend on yours, so we can just merge both (zuul will order them)18:50
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: yay, software!18:51
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: though i just approved another change to the page -- we may want to make sure these rebase onto that, and we may also want to consider how they should interact...18:51
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: that one lets you filter by project name, so i wonder if the numbers should change with the filter or not.18:52
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: hmm, I could go either way on this18:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add projects filter to zuul dashboard
mordredjeblair: you should be set18:52
* mordred afk for a bit18:52
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Show a count of changes in each pipeline on the status page
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reduce appearance of pipeline counts
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: ^ i fixed the merge conflict18:54
clarkbwoo elasticsearch cluster splitbrained18:54
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: doh, I was about to do that. Do you have an opinion on whether the count should update?18:54
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: let's go with no for now?18:55
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: sounds easier to me!18:55
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: I think this is shipit ready then19:00
fungiclarkb: did you have details on the netaddr fails? i was going to try to triage bug 121275119:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1212751 in openstack-ci "netaddr could not be downloaded / installed" [Undecided,New]
clarkbfungi: I don't19:02
fungile sigh19:03
clarkbnetwork trouble? that is what my elasticsearch cluster derp appears to be related to19:06
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clarkbtimeouts on requests19:06
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clarkbfungi: [2013-08-15 16:40:36,967][WARN ][transport                ] [elasticsearch] Received response for a request that has timed out, sent [82898ms] ago, timed out [52897ms] ago19:07
clarkbis that when the netaddr failures were happening?19:07
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jeblairmordred: nodepool is unable to run as the nodepool user because of prettytable permissions.19:09
jeblairmordred: i will rewrite it in go.19:09
clarkbjeblair: I approve of that strategy19:10
dtroyerjeblair: ++19:10
clarkbelasticsearch cluster health is yellow now. Everything should be happy again in a little bit19:11
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clarkbthats annoying. I will need to play with timeout values19:11
jeblairclarkb: how do we see the nifty page again?19:11
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clarkbjeblair: ssh elasticsearch.o.o -L9200:localhost:9200 then open against localhost:920019:13
clarkbyou can do the same wtih to see different data19:13
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clarkbassuming those are the nifty pages you are talking about19:13
jeblairclarkb: i thought there was something a bit less involved19:14
clarkbI haven't made them publicly available because they let you do more dangerous things19:14
clarkbjeblair: its not too invovled. I have them cloned and open them locally, but it is more work than open url19:14
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jerryzclarkb: Env injection still does not work.19:14
clarkbjerryz: :/ not sure then19:14
jerryzclarkb: it seems that export_proxy_variables is called in and install_prereqs.sh19:15
jerryz166function export_proxy_variables() {19:16
jerryz167    if [[ -n "$http_proxy" ]]; then19:16
jerryz168        export http_proxy=$http_proxy19:16
jerryz169    fi19:16
jerryz170    if [[ -n "$https_proxy" ]]; then19:16
jerryz171        export https_proxy=$https_proxy19:16
jerryz172    fi19:16
jerryz173    if [[ -n "$no_proxy" ]]; then19:16
jerryz174        export no_proxy=$no_proxy19:16
jerryz175    fi19:16
clarkbjerryz: do they need to go in the localrc then?19:16
clarkbI would give that a shot19:16
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clarkbjeblair: fungi mordred for the record I restarted the elasticsearch.o.o's elasticsearch process which forced it to look for the master again and everything started recovering at that point19:17
jeblairmordred: that was an fyi, btw; i ran chmod to fix it.19:18
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fungiclarkb: wonder if intermittent packet loss or something got it confused?19:21
clarkbfungi: I think so. It reports that it eventually got a response for a request that had timed out almost a minute ago19:21
jerryzclarkb: how to put it in localrc, change the code ?19:22
clarkbjerryz: let me double check d-g19:22
fungiclarkb: the netaddr pip download failures look like they were around 1600 utc today19:22
fungiso probably19:22
clarkbjerryz: if you export KEEP_LOCALRC then devstack-gate won't delete it19:23
clarkbjerryz: that will allow you to just add it to the beginning of the file and all of the other options will be appended by devstack-gate19:23
clarkbjerryz: and assiging any value to KEEP_LOCALRC should work. The check in devstack-gate is just that that variable is not empty19:25
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jerryzhow localrc is generated19:26
jerryzi see it is in devstack-vm-gate.sh19:26
clarkbjerryz: it is just a file that is sourced by devstack19:27
clarkbjerryz: so you can just edit it19:27
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jerryzbut there is no localrc in the devstack code dir19:28
jerryzi created it?19:29
clarkbyes you can create it19:29
jerryzKEEP_LOCALRC can by injected?19:30
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Migrate to pbr.
clarkbyes KEEP_LOCALRC=1. Either inject it or do export KEEP_LOCALRC=1 prior to calling devstack gate in the same shell19:31
jerryzthank you. i will let you know if it works.19:32
Alex_GaynorDid something change about the allocation of build servers recently, there seem to be way fewer non-devstack builders19:33
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: yes, and there aren't fewer works the graph is just wrong19:34
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: hmm, I wasn't looking at the graph, was just observing that those jobs seem to be spending more time in queued19:34
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: when we switched to mutliple jenkins masters each one got its own slave launcher worker and they all overwrite the same graph19:35
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: oh the problem there is we are just running a ton of tests19:35
Alex_Gaynordevstack seems to be doing a better job of keeping up is all, which seems backwards given those tests take longer19:36
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: I don't have numbers to support it but I think flakyness in the gate has caused a lot of gate restarts which consumes a lot of resources before the check queue can get them19:36
jeblairthere is one idle precise builder: precise1619:36
jeblairwe should see if there's a bug there19:36
Alex_GaynorI think that's true as well. ANyways just idle curiosity.19:36
jeblairbut other than that, yeah, just busy.19:36
Alex_Gaynorgood problems to have all said and done19:36
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: the nodepool stuff jeblair is working on will centralize the management of servers again which will make the graphs correct19:36
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Add check for deprecated method assertEquals
jeblairit looks like jenkins decided to reconnect to precise16, and in the process, the gearman worker stopped, and did not restart.19:47
clarkbmordred: passed testing \o/19:47
jeblairi put it through a reconnection cycle and it's running jobs now19:47
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clarkbmordred: are we not putting pbr in the requirements.txt anymore?19:52
jerryzclarkb: the localrc worked19:52
clarkbfungi: ^ I ask because the pbr for git-review change does not have it in requirements.txt19:52
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clarkboh the runtime req is only for versioning. I see.19:53
fungiclarkb: i gather if it's not a runtime requirement it's not needed in requirements.txt, only in setup_requires19:53
fungiyeah, that19:53
fungithough i'm still struggling on replacing it with pkg_resources a little19:53
fungidistutils seems to dislike the version string... "ValueError: invalid version number '1.23.a3.g70655c3'19:55
clarkbStrictVersion doesn't seem to handle the dev version19:55
clarkbyou might need to truncate the version?19:56
clarkbmordred: ^ you know all things related to versioning19:56
fungiis there an alternative to StrictVersion() which groks that?19:56
clarkbone of their examples clearly shows that our version is not valid19:56
clarkbfungi: yes, possibly the thing that the requirements checker uses19:57
clarkbjerryz: great!19:57
clarkbhmm we on;y check equality in that test19:57
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fungiclarkb: i wonder if it's worth dropping that misfeature from g-r anyway19:58
fungiclarkb: i hope we're nearing the stability level that people will be installing it from their distros19:59
clarkbfungi: I was going to suggest that :)19:59
fungithat's because ur smrt19:59
fungiwhipping up a patch for that, and i'll slip it in ahead of the pbr patch20:00
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add static web directory for cgit & initial files
clarkbmordred: seems wrong20:01
clarkbif milestone proposed is off in never never land then the verison of master *is* different20:01
clarkbwhat purpose does milestone proposed branch servce if we epect all of its content to be in master already?20:02
clarkbfungi: having tests is so cool
fungiclarkb: i saw ;)20:06
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jeblairclarkb: it's a one way relationship; everything in mp should be in master; everything in master should not be in mp.20:14
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openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add static web directory for cgit & initial files
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Handle paramiko and daemonization
jeblairfungi: i was wrong ^20:32
jeblairi'm self-approving that ^20:33
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fungijeblair: ahh20:34
fungiyes, i recall that bug now20:35
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Handle paramiko and daemonization
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clarkbjaypipes: can I get you to look at ?20:38
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clarkbjaypipes: last time removing the devstack exercises from the gate came up you had reasons that we shouldn't do that. Curious to know if things have changedsince then20:39
zarojeblair: i noticed that the gearman plugin is only running jobs one executor on each slave.  iirc this was on purpose but i don't remember the reason.  could you remind me?20:39
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: No longer check for new git-review releases
jeblairzaro: we only have one executor on each slave20:39
zarojeblair: do we want to restrict that if others have multiple executors?20:40
jeblairzaro: no20:40
zarojeblair: are there an technical reason we want to restrict to one executor ?20:41
zarojeblair: if not should we remove it? or maybe make it an option?20:42
jeblairzaro: i don't understand the question20:42
jeblairzaro: i thought you were talking about what we're currently running.  are you saying there's a bug in the plugin?20:42
jeblairzaro: if there is, it should be fixed.20:42
zarojeblair: i mean do you think it would break anything we are doing if we removed the restriction of runnning jobs on only one executor per slave?20:44
jeblairzaro: i don't believe there is intended to be a restriction20:45
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clarkbya I don't think we have that restriction. I do think the plugin will not handle >1 executor worker thread very gracefully in some cases though20:45
jeblairzaro: if that is happening, it is a bug.  it should be fixed.20:45
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jeblairclarkb: the only thing it is not expected to handle is the number of executors changing20:46
zarojeblair: ohh.  ok.  that's what's happening.  it looks like the NodeAvailability locks when a buid is run then doesn't release until the job completes.20:46
jeblairzaro: ah, that would do it.20:47
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jeblairzaro: i introduced that bug when adding the disable on complete feature20:47
zaroi believe line 384 in MyGearmanWorkerImpl20:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Require lesscpy>=0.9j
jeblairzaro: perhaps we could call unlock as we did before if that flag is not set.20:49
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zarojeblair: that seems like an option.  but it seem also seems like you would never use that flag with multiple executors.20:50
zarojeblair: iirc that flag doens't work correctly with multiple executors?20:51
jeblairzaro: depends on what you consider correct.  i actually think the current behavior is the best behavior if that flag is set.20:52
jeblairzaro: it meas no more jobs will be run on the node, on any executor.  in progress ones will finish.20:52
jeblairi think that's ideal20:52
jeblairso then just moving the unlock back to where it was in the case that the flag is not set should be fine.20:52
jeblair(and multiple unlocks should be fine, actually)20:53
jeblair(so it should be okay to leave the workerimpl alone and just add the unlock back to the old location in the startjobworker)20:53
zarojeblair: i think that sounds good to me.20:54
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Migrate to pbr.
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clarkbfungi: are you going to reattach to the queue or leave it as is?21:01
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clarkbfungi: I think there may be a merge conflict if left as is21:01
fungiclarkb: i am, working on it now21:01
clarkbgreat, I will hold off on reviewing it then21:02
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Implement integration tests.
fungiclarkb: ^21:08
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Show a count of changes in each pipeline on the status page
fungii'm going to go grab dinner and then check back in to see if those are sane21:10
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fungimy local tests are happy, but jenkins is slow at the moment and i want to see what it has to say21:10
clarkbfungi: ok. The first two lgtm21:10
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Show a count of changes in each pipeline on the status page
clarkbI intend on giving the change that adds tests a more rigorous review as it has been hit with a hammer a bunch21:11
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fungiyes, it has been beaten into shape afaict, but more beatings can't hurt21:11
clarkbI miss the merge notifications in #openstack-dev. I actually have to check if the gate is going now21:11
jeblairclarkb: the everything is okay alarm? :)21:12
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fungihey! wake up! everything's fine and working normally!21:12
* fungi had forgotten about that episode21:13
jeblairit's really informed my thinking about ops.  :)21:14
fungiahh, season 10. i may not have seen that one as many times21:14
* fungi dines21:14
clarkbI should just run a lcoal instance of the bot and have it prv message me21:15
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jeblairunfortunately (fortunately?) it doesn't log output from the setup ssh session.  so it's a bit hard to tell if, well, everything's OK.  :)21:16
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clarkbjeblair: how did you work around the pbr issue?21:17
jeblairclarkb: mordred fixed it.  no idea.  i'm hoping he'll have it really fixed by the time another servers gets spun up.21:18
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jeblairi think the level of concurrency in nodepool is not particularly compatible with sqlite21:30
jeblairi'll see about having it talk to mysql instead21:30
clarkbjeblair: not mongodb?21:30
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jog0where is the source for the recheck page?21:32
jeblairclarkb: i'm copying your mysql stuff from etherpad; you think that's the best?21:32
jeblairjog0: infra/config21:32
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clarkbjeblair: no, I would look at puppetlabs mysql21:33
jeblairoh, do we use that anywhere?21:33
clarkbjeblair: ya, we use it for gerrit and the jenkins slaves iirc21:33
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jeblairclarkb: why doesn't ep use it?21:34
clarkbjeblair: because mordred didn't port it when he was porting things. It should use it21:34
clarkbjeblair: I believe it was just overlooked21:34
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Bump the pip version and add wheel
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gearman-plugin: remove restriction on slave to run single job at a time
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openstackgerritMark McLoughlin proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Allow use of oslo.messaging 1.2.0a5
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clarkbjeblair: zaro: does adding that unlock to StartJobWorker prematurely unlock the monitor in the case of single use slaves?22:09
zaroclarkb: don't think so the lock happens pretty early.  i've tested it with single use and doesn't seem to be a problem.22:10
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jeblairi like that i now actually have the nice mysql command line client instead of the sqlite one.22:12
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clarkbjeblair: can you see my comment on
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jeblairclarkb, zaro: ^ commented22:20
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clarkbjeblair: even in that case how is it safe to have unlocked the monitor before starting a job22:22
jeblairclarkb: it's probably not.  it should be added where it used to be.22:23
jeblairfungi, clarkb: i've disabled puppet on jenkins01 and jenkins02 to update the firewall there (to allow zmq connections from nodepool)22:25
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clarkbjeblair: ok22:27
clarkbzaro: jeblair: I updated my review on 42226 with the old location as determined by git log -p22:28
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add nodepool host
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Make the local script directory configurable
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Use MySQL
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jeblair2013-08-15 22:39:07,464 INFO nodepool.NodeLauncher: Node id: 25 added to jenkins22:39
clarkbjeblair: is that the first one?22:41
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jeblairyeah; unfortunately they failed tests...22:42
jeblairwe need to change the inprogress and update jobs to exit 0 if they can't find the node22:43
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gearman-plugin: remove restriction on slave to run single job at a time
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ignore node not found error
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: ^ can you give that a speedy review?22:47
clarkbjeblair: yes, it is next up22:48
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clarkbI'm about to walk home. I do plan on putting the new mysql backup stuff on etherpad.o.o after 0000UTC if logrotate does the correct thing when run by hand on etherpad-dev23:27
clarkbjeblair: then we can start adding that everywhere and harness the power of bup23:28
jeblairclarkb: yaay!23:28
jeblairi'm a few minutes away from trying nodepool again23:28
clarkbjeblair: I intend on reviewing the nodepool changes once that is done23:28
clarkbjeblair: though it looks like puppet lint barfed on at least one of the changes23:29
jeblaircool.  i think i have style checks to fix -- those changes are straight from production23:29
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: nodepool nodes can be distinguished from devstack-gate nodes by their having < 5 digit id numbers.23:30
clarkbjeblair: because they started at 0?23:31
jeblairclarkb: well, 1.  and actually by the time they actually started working it was up to 25.  but yeah.  :)23:31
clarkbjeblair your d-g change failed tests :/23:33
jeblairclarkb: the gate tests are still running23:33
clarkboh was that just check?23:34
jeblairclarkb: yeah. heh, and it failed because it ran on a nodepool node.  :)23:34
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Ignore node not found error
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jeblairokay, that seems to be working23:46
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jeblairand a job is running for real on a nodepool node:

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