Tuesday, 2013-11-26

bknudsonkeystone stable/grizzly gets "Installed distribution iso8601 0.1.4 conflicts with requirement iso8601>=0.1.8" ...00:00
bknudsonupdate requirements in stable/grizzly?00:00
jog0what just happened to gate neutron?00:01
jog0clarkb: ^00:01
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jog0its failure rate just spiked00:02
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harlowjajeblair so some updates00:03
harlowjaBut the recipients will not be able to tell if the changes are essentially superficial (such as I have described) or substantial (the whole content has been replaced by something completely different such as a phishing email or similar). Cryptographic signatures are very fragile — they succeed or fail.00:03
harlowjaThe DKIM signature cannot be patched up by the mailing list (because it does not have access to the signing keys held by example.com), but of course the mailing list could apply its own signature.00:03
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harlowjaHowever, what really matters is the From:  header field — because DMARC (the method by which domain owners announce their cryptographic signature application policies and recommend how "forged" email should be dealt with) must be changed so it no longer says   From: …@example.com  because it's the From: line that says whose policy should be applied, and so the From: has to have the mailing list's domain.00:03
harlowjaOnce the mailing list has changed the From: then it's their choice whether to cryptographically sign or not (since the email is now From the mailing list and they can choose the policy).00:03
harlowjaTurning the above generic description into practicality:00:03
harlowjaIf the mailing list rewrites email so that it says00:03
harlowjaFrom: …@mailinglistexample.com00:03
harlowjaThen everything will be fine.00:03
harlowjaThere is a patch for Mailman that does exactly this (soon a config option I believe).00:03
jeblairharlowja: that's a shame because that changes the meaning of the From: header.00:03
harlowja*seeing if i can get the location of said patch00:03
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harlowjajeblair ya, it seems painful00:04
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harlowjajeblair https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-announce/2013-July/000180.html (apparently see first new feature)00:10
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zaropleia2: i want to make contribution to a project hosted on launchpad.  can you help me with that?00:17
zaropleia2: code is bzr00:17
pleia2zaro: sure00:18
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fungiharlowja: awesome... the next ubuntu lts looks like it will have 2.1.16 (2.1.16~rc2 is staged in it presently), so if we upgrade lists.o.o from ubuntu 12.04 lts to ubuntu 14.04 lts, we'll have support for author_is_list00:21
fungi...sometime in the spring00:22
pleia2zaro: this is a good place to start http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/ do "Introducing yourself" (much like git)00:22
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pleia2zaro: then you `bzr branch lp:whatever-project` and make your changes in the directory, then: bzr commit -m 'Commit message'00:23
pleia2zaro: and then you upload to your own spot on launchpad, so something like: bzr push ~zaro0508/project/fixes-bug-foo00:24
pleia2zaro: last step is proposing it for merging in the master branch with: bzr lp-propose00:24
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pleia2oh, that should be: bzr push lp:~zaro0508/project/fixes-bug-foo00:25
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pleia2workflow is a lot like github in that you fork (branch) and then do a pull request (merge proposal)00:27
* pleia2 still thinks "merge proposal" makes more sense00:28
fungiharlowja: jeblair: i have to say, i tend to agree with https://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-developers/2013-September/023302.html on the new from rewriting options though00:32
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fungito some extent, the 500 lb gorilla e-mail service providers will implement whatever dictates save them the most money, and will continue to edge out minorities (for example, people who have any interest in actually following ietf rfcs) unless enough of their clients (and probably only their paying clients) complain00:34
fungithough i would be in favor of setting whatever options prevent mailman from munging messages by way of footers et cetera, and only add informational headers instead00:36
zaropleia2: do you need to be in a group that can lp-propose?00:37
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zaropleia2: i mean with permissions to lp-propose?00:38
pleia2zaro: nope00:38
harlowjafungi ya, i wonder how other ML are dealing with this (and what has worked out for them)00:38
pleia2zaro: folks outside the group can just merge in, proposals are for folks on the outside00:38
pleia2zaro: folks INside the group can just merge in, proposals are for folks on the outside00:38
fungiharlowja: i gather apache.org already configures their system not to alter messages, and to pass dkim headers through (so they should validate successfully?)00:39
pleia2zaro: though I have seen some teams ask for proposals from everyone so there is some review (launchpad has poor man's code review :))00:39
zaropleia2: will proposal appear on my page or the project i'm proposing to?00:40
pleia2zaro: both00:40
zaropleia2: ok, cool thanks.00:40
pleia2here's an example, I contributed some docs to bitlbee: https://code.launchpad.net/~lyz/bitlbee/quickstart-edits and you'll also see my MP on https://code.launchpad.net/bitlbee (it's still there because they actually host their code elsewhere, oops)00:41
pleia2(in this case they actually manually moved my patch from lp over to their real code repo because they do accept via launchpad even though they actually host elsewhere)00:43
pleia2crazies :)00:43
fifieldtanyone able to comment on my email to the openstack-infra list from a couple weeks ago? (http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cloud.openstack.infrastructure/422)00:43
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bknudsonwe need a Tao of OpenStack ... http://www.ietf.org/tao.html00:45
harlowjafungi unsure, but in a few days i'll be DKIM enabled, so can be a guinea pig, lol00:45
ekarlsoharlowja: dkim ?00:48
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harlowjaekarlso http://www.dmarc.org/00:48
harlowjaapparently y! corp is turning this on (and many others)00:48
harlowjaand it affects mailing lists afaik00:49
mikaljog0 / clarkb: is http://logstash.openstack.org/#eyJzZWFyY2giOiJmaWxlbmFtZTpjb25zb2xlLmh0bWwgQU5EIG1lc3NhZ2U6XCJub3QgYXR0YWNoZWQgdG8gZXgtdm9sLWluc3RcIiIsImZpZWxkcyI6W10sIm9mZnNldCI6MCwidGltZWZyYW1lIjoiNjA0ODAwIiwiZ3JhcGhtb2RlIjoiY291bnQiLCJ0aW1lIjp7InVzZXJfaW50ZXJ2YWwiOjB9LCJzdGFtcCI6MTM4NTQyNzAyNTkyOX0= too infrequent to report as a tempest bug?00:51
ekarlsoharlowja: k00:53
jog0mikal: nothing is to infrequent00:54
jog0mikal: except we haven't tought e-r about grenade yet00:55
jog0so it will only show up on status.o.o/e-r and not the bot00:55
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jog0mikal: but I have some other bugs for you if you want00:56
jog0another libvirt error00:56
mikaljog0: I am on vacation this week, so I should probably minimize the number of bugs I take00:57
mikaljog0: setting expectations and all00:57
mikaljog0: I've reported that grenade failure, including the logstash search00:57
mikaljog0: and then did a recheck00:57
mikaljog0: (this is me trying to never do a "recheck no bug")00:57
jog0mikal: mikal https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/125487200:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254872 in nova "libvirtError: Timed out during operation: cannot acquire state change lock" [Critical,Triaged]00:58
jog0mikal: awesome souce00:58
jog0your a model dev00:58
mikaljog0: its true, but that's mostly because of my fantastic hair00:58
mikaljog0: is it just me or is the merge queue getting out of hand again?01:00
mikaljog0: 60 something changes at the moment01:00
mikaljog0: oh, nodepool is going bonkers too?01:00
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fungimikal: the change at the head of the main integrated queue is on;y about 5.5 hours since approval. not *too* bad. nodepool churn like that, as we've discovered, starts to become common when the queue gets that long, since any reset high up the queue cancels enough running jobs that it's pretty much turning over the entire pool and spinning up hundreds of new nodes in one go01:03
mikalfungi: five hours seems like a long time to me, but perhaps its because I am impatient01:04
mikalfungi: so we don't believe that we're doomed again?01:04
jeblairfungi: 5.5 hours sounds like forever.  also the sparkline is going up, not down.01:04
lifelessfungi: wouldn't more nodes help?01:04
jeblairit would help us use more nodes, not help us merge changes faster01:04
fungii take it as a sign weve still got nondeterministic failures on a notable percentage of the changes in the gate01:05
jog0mikal: its nuetron01:05
lifelessjeblair: we only speculate about one side of each branch in the pipeline?01:05
mikaljog0: this is unsurprising to me01:05
jog0mikal: see http://paste.openstack.org/show/53765/01:06
jog0neutron broke01:06
jog0or so it seems01:07
lifelessthats certainly a spike01:08
fungicertainly seems to have spiked, agreed01:08
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jog0there are some enturon fixes in the queue so hopefully that will help01:09
fungiit might be interesting to statistically model gate throughput vs job failure percentage, to have an idea of how many changes an hour we can anticipate merging at a given nondeterministic failure rate01:10
jog0fungi: yeah01:10
mikalI wonder if we could do some alerting off of that data as well?01:10
mikalPerhaps not a pager, but an automated heads up that things are grim01:10
jog0mikal: consider yourself alerted01:10
mikaljog0: you are a carbon based meat monitoring machine01:10
fungithough available pool exhaustion makes that more complex to calcutale after a certain threshold, i suspect01:10
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fungiaround about the point where the length of the queue times the average nodepool-slave-consuming jobs per change is roughly equat to the overall pool capacity01:12
jog0fungi: there is also the question of how far ahead to tset gate jobs01:12
jog0it may make more sense to put workers in check queue01:12
mikalOk, so I think my delayed flight will board soon, I should go01:12
lifelessmikal: bai01:12
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Run df after gate  https://review.openstack.org/5629801:13
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jog0we are up to 11:30AM01:14
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jog0PST time01:14
jog0for merges01:14
fungii worry that starting to decide not to test more than x number of jobs at a time because it exceeds the anticipated failure chance takes this from being an optimistic scheduler to a pessimistic scheduler01:14
jog0fungi: heh yeah01:14
jog0just with check jobs pending01:15
jog0and running test for 20+deep gate jobs01:15
jog0lifeless: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/51735/ woot01:15
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lifelessjog0: cool! https://review.openstack.org/#/c/52704/ :(01:17
jog0lifeless: yeah just noticed too01:17
lifelessjog0: + the one above that which we need too :)01:18
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jog0lifeless: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57347/01:18
jog0you may want to chime in01:18
openstackgerritChristopher Yeoh proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: TEMPEST_LARGE_OPS_NUMBER tuning  https://review.openstack.org/5842201:19
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fungiclarkb: are you satisfied with mordred's answer on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/50400/1 (i'm okay with it, but didn't want to approve without checking with you)01:22
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lifelessjog0: chimed in.01:24
lifelessjog0: I agree with sdague (but you knew that already :))01:24
lifelesshowever, it won't hurt, as long as we're not squeezed on capacity.01:24
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lifelesswhat I'd really like is to harvest all the failing checks to find common aspects and turn those into gate fail signal quickly01:25
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jog0lifeless: I agree with that assessment. I don' tthink it will helpin any significant way, but as long as we are not resource constrained it can't hurt01:26
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jog0lifeless: we already classify all failures or at least try to01:27
jog0not sure what you mean01:27
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lifelessjog0: there are many more checks run than gates (except when the gate is bust)01:27
jog0lifeless: we track both check and gate in e-r01:27
lifelessjog0: assume that there were no rechecks - that we had found them all01:27
lifelessjog0: and then a new glitch entered the system.01:28
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lifelessjog0: whats the shortest time between it entering the system and us detecting it01:28
jog0lifeless: agreed we want to improve that01:28
jog0right now we just post to openstack-qa every time aunclassfied failure happens (in check or gate)01:28
jog0we want to do better then that though01:29
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update projects.yaml for new upstream tracking  https://review.openstack.org/4995701:29
lifelessjog0: so check failures are interesting because they may be a) spurious or b) a patch failure01:29
lifelessjog0: how do you decide which is which?01:29
jog0lifeless: so two parts01:30
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jog0if unit tests fail, we assume its a patch failure01:30
jog0if not, we check by hand. a spot check takes about 30 seconds01:30
lifelessso I'm proposing an automated thing01:31
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lifelessthat diffs two failed checks01:31
lifeless+ a good check01:31
lifelessand generates a pattern that would pick up the two failed but not the good01:31
lifelessand then we review that01:31
lifelesspick two checks from different trees, e.g. nova change + neutron change01:32
jog0go on ... not sure if I follow yet but I like anything that automates this more01:33
lifelessso if the two failures have the same symptom01:33
jog0fungi: http://status.openstack.org/zuul/ makes no sense01:33
lifelessthe pattern will be narrow01:33
jog0gate has two pending jobs at the top01:33
lifelessif they don't, the pattern will be wide01:33
jog0err queued01:33
lifelesspair off new failures against all known patterns, -> unique narrow pattern01:34
fungijog0: makes no sense how?01:34
jog0lifeless: ohh I see01:34
fungijog0: oh, that01:34
lifelessjog0: or variations on a theme01:35
jog0lifeless: so to make sure I Fully grok:01:35
lifelessjog0: basically, diff good, lets use.01:35
fungijog0: not sure, but i think a large swath of changes merged and you're now seeing some that have newly arrived at the head of the queue while some of their jobs haven't been assigned available nodes yet01:35
portanteclarkb: where would I file suggestions for the zuul status page?01:35
fungithere is a dip in the sparkline for the gate pipeline01:35
jog0when a new failure in check comes in its hard to tell if valid or not.  If we see the same failure again on a different patch its safer to say its a valid bug01:35
jog0so while I really like this, the issue at the moment is not: too many unknown bugs01:37
jog0its too many known bugs01:37
jeblairfungi, jog0: it's possible there were worker failures on those jobs which is whey they ended up at the back of the queue (but at least it didn't fail the change)01:38
jog0which is to say I like the idea and it would help but its only part01:38
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fungijeblair: worker failures meaning the specific impacted job doesn't report and gets restarted? maybe we're overdriving hpcloud again?01:39
lifelessjog0: okie01:39
lifelessjog0: so, mark em all critical :>01:39
jeblairfungi: er, how does overdriving hpcloud cause that to happen?01:39
fungijeblair: no idea... what is a worker failure? terminology i haven't encountered yet in this context01:40
jog0lifeless: ++01:41
jog0I am trying that01:41
jeblairfungi: the jenkins node.01:41
jog0lifeless: can you file a bug or something with your idea01:41
jog0so we have a record of it01:41
jog0I like it01:41
jeblairfungi: usually it's jenkins being jenkins or hpcloud being hpcloud.  not load related as far as i've seen, except just by frequency of occurence.01:41
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lifelessjog0: list post isn't enough :)01:42
lifelessjog0: this isn't a project bug, its a social consensus.01:42
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fungijeblair: oh, for example a slave gets marked offline according to the jenkins master in the middle of running an assigned job?01:42
lifelessjog0: -> TC meeting01:42
jog0lifeless: a bug for your check failure idea01:43
lifelessjog0: oh, ack. Where?01:43
jog0lifeless:  not sure really01:43
jog0maybe on ifra?01:43
jog0and assign to me01:43
jeblairfungi: yeah01:44
jog0lifeless: speaking of which https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/125389601:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1253896 in tempest "test_minimum_basic_scenario fails with SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner" [Critical,Confirmed]01:45
jog0thats a big one01:45
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fungii've wondered if we're not impacting performance/stability in hpcloud with the heavy create/delete churn on all these devstack nodes, but agreed we don't have any evidence to actually support that. and i agree it's more likely jenkins being jenkins given history01:45
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lifelessjog0: you can self-assign01:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254939 in openstack-ci "assess checks for new failure patterns automatically" [Undecided,New]01:50
funginothing to jarring on cacti graphs for jenkins01 or 02, though 02 is running a little heavier than 0101:52
fungier, nothing too jarring01:52
jog0sdague: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/125493901:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254939 in openstack-ci "assess checks for new failure patterns automatically" [Undecided,New]01:52
jog0lifeless: thanks01:52
fungiinteresting that they're pumping around 40mbps out and 20mbps in each. i suppose that's artifact collection and publication primarily01:53
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jog030 day zuul gate queue length01:57
jog090 day is even more interesting01:57
jog0queues over 50 are not unheard of01:58
lifeless /rechecks could benefit by being sorted02:01
portantejog0, fungi: is there a place in the logs where all the checked out commit ids are stored for a given gate job?02:01
lifelesson either diminishing frequency or last-seen02:01
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fungiportante: i think you can see them mentioned in the setup log... confirming now02:02
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fungiportante: so it's not distilled, but you can see it about halfway down http://logs.openstack.org/99/53199/14/check/check-tempest-devstack-vm-full/0cf044f/logs/devstack-gate-setup-workspace-new.txt.gz for example02:04
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fungiportante: here i assume you mean for diagnosing a failure (if you're interested to see what corresponding commits across projects a successfully merged commit represents, the openstack/openstack meta project tracks submodules for all the integrated project repos)02:06
jeblairlifeless: rechecks are sorted.  they used to be sorted by frecency.  sdague changed them to, i think, age.02:07
portantefungi: yes, I see a failure here: http://logs.openstack.org/84/58184/1/gate/gate-tempest-devstack-vm-full/2b21d48/logs/syslog.txt02:07
portantebut the traceback leads me to believe this is old code involved, since it does not match the patch submitted on Nov. 22nd, even though the timestamp is 11/26 for this hit (see logstash search for 'message:"database is locked"')02:09
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* fungi looks02:09
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lifelessjeblair: so if it's sorted by last seen02:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update projects.yaml for new upstream tracking  https://review.openstack.org/4995702:10
lifelessjeblair: we haven't seen any of them for a month02:10
lifelessjog0: ^02:10
fungiportante: old swift code? HEAD is now at 7accddf Merge "CHANGELOG and AUTHORS updates for 1.10.0 release"02:11
fungiportante: that's according to the devstack-gate-setup-workspace-new.txt.gz log02:11
fungiportante: the change being tested was horizon https://review.openstack.org/58184 (a backport to their stable/havana branch)02:13
fungiportante: is it possible the "old code" to which you refer is expected in swift's stable/havana branch?02:14
portanteso /opt/stack/new is stable/havana?02:14
fungiportante: looks like it to me02:14
notmynamefungi: portante: that would be the commit message for havana (ie swift 1.10.0)02:14
portantethen i am lost as to what is being tested with this job02:15
funginotmyname: sounds right then02:15
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portantefungi: notmyname gave me the decoder ring, but now another question, how can I construct a logstash query for when build_ref contains "refs/zuul/master/" as a prefix?02:23
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fungiportante: i would have thought build_ref:"refs/zuul/master/" or build_ref:"refs/zuul/master/.*" but i'm failing to figure out the wildcard syntax02:32
portantek thanks02:33
fungilooking for examples online but not sure if i should be looking up general lucene query syntax or something specific to kibana or what02:33
fungimaybe elastic-recheck repo has some examples02:33
funginevermind... i'm not finding any obvious wildcard use there either02:36
portanteno problem, I'll find out another time, then02:36
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fungiportante: clarkb or jesusaurus might know... i can't tell if http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/kibana/templates/config.rb.erb#n133 means wildcards in specific fields should work or not02:45
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portantefungi: thanks, though not encouraging. :)02:49
jesusaurusportante: fungi: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-query-string-query.html#query-string-syntax02:51
jesusaurustl;dr you need to escape the * with a \02:51
portante500 internal server error :)02:53
jog0lifeless: the recheck server may have crashed02:54
fungijesusaurus: trying build_ref:"refs/zuul/master/\*" (as well as several other combinations) in the search field on http://logstash.openstack.org/ with a long enough time range that it should match lots of entries, but i get a "no events matched" response. any ideas there?02:55
jog0also we generally don't use that page, status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/ is a lot more useful partially because we make sure everything added to it is areal bug02:55
jesusaurusalso, queries should be substring matches if all you want is a trailing .\*02:55
fungijesusaurus: is there maybe some special field type for build_ref which is causing it not to analyze as regular string content?02:56
fungii see a lot of discussion on line about customizing field analyzers, which seems to affect whether substring searches work on them02:56
lifelessjog0: lol, so we need recheckrecheck?02:56
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jog0lifeless: *nod* thats my guess02:57
jog0an infra core can verify02:57
fungijog0: theorizing that recheckwatch has died? i can take a look and possibly restart it02:57
jesusaurusfungi: maybe? is there an /etc/elasticsearch/default-mapping.json causing the string fields to not be analyzed?02:57
jog0fungi: thanks02:58
fungijesusaurus: it appears we install this there... https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/elasticsearch/files/elasticsearch.mapping.json03:01
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jesusaurusyeah, i just found that.03:02
fungiso it looks like @message/message are analyzed and otherwise no?03:02
jesusaurusits likely my fault that we aren't analyzing anything other than @message03:02
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jesusaurusanalyzing the strings increases the time it takes to index documents into elasticsearch03:03
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fungithen that makes sense that we aren't doing it. thanks jesusaurus!03:06
jesusaurusyou're welcome03:07
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fungijog0: so, the recheckwatch process on zuul has been running since october 23, but that day was the last time the html file was updated. stracing now to see if it's receiving any events at all03:07
fungiso far, nothing03:07
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fungii wonder if its socket was dead. it doesn't seem to do any logging at all, so not much else there to diagnose. i stopped it and started it again, and its html and pickle files have current timestamps on them now03:13
jog0fungi: now lets see if anything ages out soon03:13
jog0I don't remember if the age out logic happens on restart or just new hit03:14
jog0lifeless: http://status.openstack.org/rechecks/03:23
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openstackgerritLiang Chen proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Make sphinx builders configurable in LocalBuildDoc  https://review.openstack.org/5789203:55
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lifelessdhellmann-afk: dunno if you konw this but you can just move bug tasks around without marking them invalid04:22
lifelessdhellmann-afk: click on the edit icon beside the context and type in pbr, for instance.04:23
dhellmann-afklifeless: didn't know that, thanks!04:24
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lifelessmikal: btw I meant to ask06:41
mikalWhy do you keep changing channels!?!06:41
lifelessmikal: I have in my head for some idea the idea that you have some lp bug scrounging script06:41
mikalIs this performance art?06:41
Alex_GaynorThe result queue has 2.4k results in it right now, that seems abnormally high06:41
lifelessmikal: because of context.06:41
lifelessmikal: I like to discuss things in the matching channel; its a thing.06:41
lifelessmikal: but I can do it to Bach, if you like!06:42
mikalWe should create new channels for every possible conversation then06:42
mikalNah, its fine06:42
mikalJust funny06:42
lifelessmikal: since I'm up to 110 or so windows now, why not?06:42
lifelessmikal: so, do you?06:43
mikalOh, sorry06:43
mikalI missed the question in all that06:43
mikalYes, I have a script which does shitty LP bug scraping and draws graphs06:43
lifelessSee, performance.06:43
lifelessmikal: vere is das kode?06:43
mikalThe flat line may indicate it isn't working at the moment06:44
mikalIn git I think06:44
* mikal goes to look06:44
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lifelessmikal: thanks06:47
lifelesssadly I think I still need to roll me own. STAB.06:47
mikalOh, I am sure that code is horrible06:47
mikalThe LP API doesn't help06:47
Alex_GaynorSomething is broken with all of the py26 builds06:48
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Alex_Gaynormordred, fungi, clarkb: ^ anyone around?06:48
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lluanyone knows why recheck doesn't work?08:32
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lluok, it works again. maybe web UI delay?08:44
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yaguangwhat's wrong with gate server ? a lot of gate python2.6 tests fails  eg. http://logs.openstack.org/81/58281/1/gate/gate-nova-python26/bbf88b0/console.html09:09
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lifelessyaguang: yes, it seems to have died at the time when we have no ops available to fix09:11
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Savanna testing support  https://review.openstack.org/5732510:24
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bauzashttps://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1255041 open10:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1255041 in openstack-ci "Python 2.6 gate broken due to no workspace found" [Undecided,New]10:36
bauzasfor py26 checks10:36
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup devstack-gate tests for Savanna  https://review.openstack.org/5731710:52
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ttx#status notice Gate wedged - Most Py26 jobs fail currently (https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1255041)11:29
openstackstatusNOTICE: Gate wedged - Most Py26 jobs fail currently (https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1255041)11:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1255041 in openstack-ci "Python 2.6 gate broken due to no workspace found" [Undecided,New]11:29
ttxfungi, mordred: ^for when you get up11:29
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/pypi-mirror: Print help message and exit if no config file by default  https://review.openstack.org/5150111:51
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Ensure jobparams and group_jobparams are dict  https://review.openstack.org/5752512:31
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Stash Notifier  https://review.openstack.org/5633712:33
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openstackgerritQianLin proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Fix the issue which raise FloatingIpPoolNotFound  https://review.openstack.org/5433112:40
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hasharSEVERE ERROR occurs: java.io.IOException: Remote call on centos6-4 failed12:49
hasharlooks like a slave died somehow12:50
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Raise exceptions when no entrypoint, macro or template found  https://review.openstack.org/4910212:53
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ekarlsohow can I get devstack to push notifications ?13:01
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Communicate to user when we skip a requirement  https://review.openstack.org/5462813:04
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markmcclainlooks like we're getting random py26 failures13:24
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adarshdeepHi there!..13:27
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markmcclainyep.. definitely a problem with a machine13:30
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Review and create Puppet configuration for dev server  https://review.openstack.org/5364413:31
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Review and create Puppet configuration for dev server  https://review.openstack.org/5364413:37
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bauzasmarkmcclain: https://code.launchpad.net/bugs/125504113:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1255041 in openstack-ci "Python 2.6 gate broken due to no workspace found" [Undecided,New]13:42
markmcclainjeblair, clarkb, fungi, mordred: py26 slave problem is messing with the gate13:42
bauzasseems like a Jenkins slave is down13:43
markmcclainbauzas: thanks for the link13:43
bauzashappening since 0900 UTC13:44
bauzassome checks are passing thou13:44
bauzasso there is probably one slave down13:44
markmcclainprobably depends on where the work gets assigned13:44
hasharmost probably centos6-4  is foobar13:45
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Mithrandirhmm, configparser doesn't have a useful .get method.. GRR14:02
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add merge-release-tags job to Savanna  https://review.openstack.org/5766714:18
mordredI have restarted the slave on 6-4 - I checked the workspace and it was there14:19
portantemordred: would this account for "SEVERE ERROR occurs: java.io.IOException: Remote call on centos6-4 failed"14:20
ttxmordred: when you're sure it's fixed you should issue another "#status notice"14:20
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portantewe are seeing a few jobs fail like that, nothing actually ran, just that message and few other lines in the console14:21
portantewe being swift14:21
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ttxportante: should be ok once the slave is restarted14:22
portantettx, k thanks14:22
mordredthe slave is running a trove job successfully now14:22
portanteis there a bug id we should recheck under?14:23
mordredttx: dammit. what't the "staus now ok" syntax?14:23
mordredportante: 125504114:23
ttxmordred: there is no "ko" or "ok" syntax, just info/notice/alert14:24
ttxso #status notice Gate should be unwedged now, thanks for your patience" should work14:24
mordredttx: hah14:24
mordred#status notice Gate should be unwedged now, thanks for your patience" should work14:24
mordredit hates me14:25
ttx#status notice Gate should be unwedged now, thanks for your patience14:25
openstackstatusNOTICE: Gate should be unwedged now, thanks for your patience14:25
mordredthe bot usually hates me14:25
mordredthank you ttx14:25
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fungiwe have a py26 slave problem? what's the situation?14:31
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sdaguefungi: centos 6-4 has gone stupid14:31
fungioh, a slave was rapid-fire failing every job assigned to it again?14:32
sdaguefungi: yep14:32
sdaguemordred seems to have fixed it14:32
ttxnow the question is, I guess.. how could we avoid blocking people for 9 hours14:32
sdagueunrelated, I really wish I had the power to yellow card people that recheck no bug on a patch of theirs which has a syntax error14:33
sdagueand not let them submit code for 48hrs14:33
ttxmaybe some detection for 100% quickfails14:33
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sdaguelike SergeyLukjanov and this patch - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57325/ :{14:33
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ttxsdague: "The QA hall of shame" could work14:34
SergeyLukjanovsdague, this code works ok before it and so I've post 'recheck no bug'14:34
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: you didn't even look at the console log14:34
sdaguethere is 0 excuse for not looking at the console log on a fail14:34
sdague2013-11-26 10:55:55.256 | /opt/stack/new/devstack-gate/devstack-vm-gate.sh: line 208: syntax error near unexpected token `}'14:35
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fungiperhaps there's a confusion on what "no bug" is referring to. it doesn't mean "there's no bug in my code" it means "the reason testing failed was due to something other than a bug" (or "i want to rerun tests even there was no failure")14:36
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sdagueexcept, there is a bug in that code14:36
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sdagueit's not even valid code14:36
fungithat does make it a bit more egregious14:37
sdagueif your code has a syntax error, and you run recheck... that demonstrates a pretty fundamental lack of understanding14:37
ttxfungi: could use a second infra +2 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57896/14:39
fungittx: mordred: so as far as detecting slaves immediately failing any test assigned to them, my understanding is that we hadn't done that because jenkins lacks the ability to tell the difference, so we'd presumably need to do some console log analysis to determine that programmatically14:39
SergeyLukjanovsdague, no excuses, that's my fault for rechecking code w/o looking into the logs14:39
sdaguefungi: yeh, I was thinking there should be some common fingerprints for what these nodes going into fail everything mode are. And could trigger something that shoots them in the head.14:40
ttxfungi: yeah, it's a bit hard... the alternative would be to build a red button that a few people in EU TZ could have the authorization to hit in such cases... if we think they might happen again14:41
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: thanks for owning up on it14:41
dstanekis one of the Jenkins instances having trouble?14:41
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Savanna testing support  https://review.openstack.org/5732514:41
dstaneki just got this error: http://logs.openstack.org/42/48342/11/check/gate-keystone-python26/bc2d860/14:41
ttxdstanek: one of the Jenkins instances used to be in trouble yes14:41
fungidstanek: apparently one of the centos6 slaves went haywire14:41
dstanekfungi: well, that's not good14:42
ttxdstanek: you didn't "just got" it. was one hour ago, before it got fixed.14:42
sdaguefungi: yeh, I think we need to either figure out a way to auto detect it, or to get people in more TZs able to reset the nodes14:42
ttxdstanek: should be good now14:42
dstanekttx: thanks, i'll give it another shot14:43
fungisounds like it started acting up just after i passed out last night14:43
sdagueespecially once mordred is back on the west coast, it means you're going to be first light on most of these issues that block .eu overnight14:43
ttxfungi: damn jenkins is pretty vicious14:43
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fungimordred: you're on the west coast for a while, or just another quick trip?14:44
ttxfungi: saw my review link above ?14:44
fungittx: yes, jeblair was going through and -2'ing new project additions while mordred works through refactoring the race conditions out of the manage-projects script today. looks like he hadn't gotten to that one yet14:45
fungii have a backlog of 29 changes i'm trying to review which already have at least one infra +2, and that one is far from the oldest14:46
jpichIs openstack-infra in charge of the Foundation's members profile directory or should bugs be reported elsewhere?14:46
fungijpich: that's handled by toddmorey (which isn't often in irc)14:47
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jpichfungi: Thanks. Would there be an email I can send some info to in the meantime?14:49
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fungijpich: i just wind up sending it to his personal e-mail address because we don't seem to have any published role contact address for that site. let me see if his address is already public knowledge before i go giving it out14:50
fungijpich: ahh, yes, it's on the wiki... https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Website todd@openstack.org14:51
jpichfungi: Great, thanks a lot!14:52
fungifeel free to ask him where the code is. maybe if enough people offer to help fix the bugs in it...14:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Clone repo if it is not on disk  https://review.openstack.org/5268914:59
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avishaybMy name is Avishay Balderman  and I work in Radware.15:02
avishaybI am an active developer in Neutron focused on LBaaS.15:02
avishaybI have developed the Radware LBaaS driver for Havana.15:02
avishaybIn Ice House the plugin / drivers of Neutron should support “Third Party Testing”.15:02
avishaybSee http://ci.openstack.org/third_party.html15:02
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avishaybSo I have some code that “listen” to Gerrit stream, analyze the events and for some events I want to “look deeper” into the patchset and get the list of the involved files.15:02
avishaybThe file list is not part of the JSON event. Is there any API / command that I can use to ask Gerrit “ Give me the file list of change X  patchset Y” ?15:02
fungiavishayb: you're trying to find out the list of files modified by a particular patchset in gerrit?15:03
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fungiavishayb: read https://review.openstack.org/Documentation/cmd-query.html15:04
fungiavishayb: that should be the api command you need for querying gerrit to find out which files are touched by a patchset15:05
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avishaybOK - let me have a look..15:09
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avishaybLets take https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56821/ as a an example. Patch Set #4 contains 2 files: tests.py,workflows.py.15:16
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portantehas anybody see this error installing warlock before?  http://logs.openstack.org/97/58397/2/check/check-grenade-devstack-vm/280c76f/console.html15:18
avishaybThe command: ssh -p  29418 review.openstack.org gerrit query  <args here>15:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: GC git.Repo objects in merger.Repo operations.  https://review.openstack.org/5594315:19
portanteand prior to that jsonpatch timed out downloading from pypi.openstack.org15:19
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avishaybCant figure out how specify the  chabge id (56821) and the patchset number (4)15:20
avishayb*change id15:21
avishaybOK - it works (ssh -p  29418 review.openstack.org gerrit query --patch-sets 56821 --files) - thanks15:24
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fungiavishayb: yes, or ssh -p 29418 review.openstack.org gerrit query --current-patch-set --files -- 5682115:26
fungiwhich according to the api docs should give you files for the current patch set on change 5682115:27
avishayband can I specify the patchset number?15:27
fungiavishayb: it looks like the only two options are --current-patch-set (which reports the most recent one) or --patch-sets (which gives you all of them and then you'd have to parse it out)15:28
avishaybor i will get the last one ("current") with your command?15:28
fungiif you add --format JSON then it shouldn't be too hard to pick out the patchset you want15:28
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avishaybYep. thanks.15:28
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fungiportante: the occurrences of download timeouts from pypi.o.o which i've dug into so far have looked (from apache logs on the pypi end) like the request never got through. clouds, internet, et cetera15:30
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portantethanks fungi, I filed a bug just the same15:32
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portanteand rechecked against the bug I filed15:32
fungithis might be something which we could improve by putting a mirror in each az or something (for most devstack jobs the communication between the slave and pypi.o.o is going between hpcloud and rackspace)15:32
portanteyes, that would help15:33
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fungiit was previously cropping up infrequently, but if incidents of that are on teh rise, it may be something we should start actively trending to see whether it's worth the effort15:34
portanteso where are we at with reverify no bug15:34
portantedid that get turned off?15:34
portanteor will it be turned off?15:34
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fungii think it's in the process of being socialized with the -dev ml for the moment15:40
mordredjpich: we'd like to be in charge of that though15:40
mordredttx: I'm working on getting someone hired in EU timezone15:40
mordredttx: it's too bad that I'm still the only person trying to hire people for such things, but such is life15:41
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fungimordred: that log which portante linked above might be of interest to you (looks like maybe a dependency issue with warlock?)15:42
jpichmordred: That'd be cool, and more consistent15:42
fungidistutils looks like it's barfing about not understanding install_requires15:42
mordredit doesn't15:43
mordreddistutils doesn't do install_requires15:43
funginot sure if that's benign though, or related to the traceback which follows it15:43
mordredthat's not the real error15:43
fungi"TypeError: dist must be a Distribution instance"15:43
mordredthat's what the errors look like when a) setuptools has been borked or upgraded wrong or b) when easy_install has gotten involved when it shouldn't15:44
fungioic, further up there's "URLError: <urlopen error timed out>15:44
fungiso it is just another pypi.o.o connection timeout15:44
* mordred has to run for a sec - back in a bit and I'll look at it15:44
mordredhow are we getting those? seems crazy15:44
fungimordred: no worries, this is a known pattern after all15:45
mordredalso, perhaps we should run a pypi.o.o in hp cloud...15:45
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fungimordred: internets and clouds i think15:45
* mordred afks15:45
fungimordred: and yes, that has been suggested. seems maybe wise15:45
portantefungi: I filed bugs on both, just in case15:45
fungiportante: appreciated!15:45
ttxmordred: we have an extra infra engineer position opened at the Foundation. But it's a rather specific profile (primary job as security coordinator) so we'll have to not be too picky about location15:46
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ttxmordred: but that person should be able to pick up most of the security tooling infra and more15:47
* fungi is extremely excited about that15:48
* ttx should look into the job description etherpad to see if it's in postable form15:48
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sdaguettx: coolness15:55
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: create a jobwrapper span to address long job names spillover  https://review.openstack.org/5836016:08
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sdaguefungi: any chance you could take a look at that today, it's a UX work around for the long devstack job names16:09
openstackgerritSwann Croiset proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Climate-nova sub-project  https://review.openstack.org/5856016:09
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fungisdague: signs point to no, but i'll see how far i catch up on reviews. i'm trying to tackle oldest outstanding reviews first, particularly those which already have at least one +2, and work my way forward16:10
sdaguefungi: ok16:10
sdaguewell, it would be nice to know which jobs succeeded already :)16:10
avishaybfungi: if I want to do ssh inside python - which lib I should use?16:11
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fungiavishayb: i think we tend to use paramiko mostly for that16:11
sdagueyou know, because this is fun to decypher - http://ubuntuone.com/5rgUnES1lnCoHZAna4JNx616:11
sdagueavishayb: yeh, paramiko is what's used broadly for that16:12
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avishaybok guys. thanks16:13
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jeblairttx, fungi: there are two ways we have discussed dealing with jenkins not knowing that it has a bad slave: (a) use nodepool for all slaves, (b) stop using jenkins16:24
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jeblairttx, fungi: if someone wants to spend dev effort on this, i'd rather it go toword those efforts16:25
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ttxjeblair: yeah16:26
jeblair(a) is short-term, (b) is longer16:27
sdagueso... did the recheck bot die?16:32
sdaguehttp://status.openstack.org/rechecks/ looks extra stale16:32
jeblairsdague: process is running...16:34
jeblair-rw-rw-r--  1 recheckwatch recheckwatch 8932 Nov 26 16:32 scoreboard.pickle16:34
jeblair-rw-rw-r-- 1 recheckwatch recheckwatch 15602 Nov 26 16:35 /var/www/recheckwatch/rechecks.html16:35
sdagueso something is wrong, because the last seen of everything on that page is Oct 20th16:35
jeblairsdague: i think we're out of debugging options for this one.  i'll restart it.16:36
fungisdague: jog0 was asking about it last night. i looked into it, was last started on october 23 and had not touched its html or pickle file since then. it doesn't do any logging, so i restarted it16:36
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fungii ran an strace on it for a while first. looked like it thought it had an open socket to gerrit but didn't seem to be seeing any events on the stream16:37
portantefungi: where do I beg for reviews on devstack changes?16:37
portantehere, or in -qa?16:37
fungiportante: mostly #openstack-qa16:37
portantek thanks16:37
sdaguemaybe we should change recheck page to be cron based instead of going after the gerrit stream raw16:41
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sdaguefungi: are we ok with service accounts on gerrit to do cron things like that?16:42
fungisdague: mine the comments via a query or something you mean>16:42
sdaguefungi: yep16:42
jeblairsdague: er, aren't we getting rid of the recheck page? :)16:43
sdagueyeh, well :)16:43
sdagueyes... though we still need access to what people recheck on as well, to find bugs we aren't er-ing16:43
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jeblairsdague: then it probably makes sense to incorporate that into the e-r page, which is run in cron; and that moves us forward in the plan16:45
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jeblairttx, mordred: http://ci.openstack.org/irc.html#statusbot16:47
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ttxjeblair: ack, didn't need #status ok since I didn't set topic with #status alert.16:58
ttxonly used #status notice.16:59
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fungijog0: i'm trying to test your https://review.openstack.org/58019 change, but the two gate lines for yesterday look like they exceeded 100% somehow... or we have gaps in the data? ideas there?16:59
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openstackgerritAbel Lopez proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added openstack-chef-repo to list  https://review.openstack.org/5858517:12
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jeblairwoo! jog0's patch is down to #24 on my review list!17:14
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marunhas anyone else noticed that unstacking is no longer killing nova processes?  screen gets killed, but nova-* keeps running, indicating daemonization17:17
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add the possibility to pass the zuul url  https://review.openstack.org/5419617:22
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zaroany infra-core want to do a thanksgiving release of jjb?17:24
jeblairzaro: sure; i'm not completely caught up on reviews, but i'll take your word that it's a good time to do a release.  :)17:25
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jeblairzaro: would you like HEAD tagged with 0.6.0 now?17:26
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zarojeblair: sure.  that sounds good.17:28
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fungijgriffith: are you cool with Alex_Gaynor's https://review.openstack.org/57953 to start gating cinderclient on pypy? (he doesn't say specifically, but i assume it's confirmed to work at this point)17:30
Alex_Gaynorfungi: yes, they pass :-)17:30
* Alex_Gaynor isn't nearly that mean17:30
fungiAlex_Gaynor: right, i'm pretty certain you test these things17:30
UtahDavefungi: I'm building out a reactor example right now on a new etherpad.17:31
jeblairArxCruz: sorry, i had a change of heart last night on one of my comments on your zuul change in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/54196/17:31
fungiUtahDave: very cool, and much appreciated17:31
jeblairArxCruz: (it's a small change though)17:31
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fungiUtahDave: i've confirmed that all our minion interactions seem stable at this point. 63 various jenkins slaves enrolled with the salt master, and the master is also enrolled with itself as a minion, and communication seems solid for a while now17:32
jeblairzaro: 0.6.0 pushed17:32
ArxCruzjeblair: np, I will fix :)17:32
zarojeblair: thx.17:33
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add the possibility to pass the zuul url  https://review.openstack.org/5419617:40
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zarojeblair: question about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/5733317:44
jeblairzaro: go for it17:45
zarojeblair: i assume things that should be different are jenkins url and max values?  what else?17:45
jeblairttx: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57667/317:45
jeblairzaro: i think the config file should be much smaller -- we don't really need very many servers spun up, so we don't want to waste our quota on dev servers.17:46
jeblairzaro: you're wanting to test the new jenkins, right?  so you probably only just need a couple of servers from one AZ in order to just see that everything is working.17:47
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zarojeblair: that's what i mean with the max value.  how much is reasonable?17:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Drop the saz-gearman module (we don't use it)  https://review.openstack.org/5752717:47
jeblairzaro: 2?17:47
zarojeblair: from each AZ, right?17:48
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I have a question about your comment for "Setup devstack-gate tests for Savanna" (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57317/)17:48
jeblairzaro: nah, just one.17:48
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: sure17:48
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I'm looking at the layout.yaml and there are no project-specific jobs there17:48
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, hi17:48
SergeyLukjanovso, the question is, will be savanna included to the common d-g jobs?17:49
zarojeblair: ok.  so i'll change it to point to jenkins-dev and set max to 2.  which AZ?17:49
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I've moved jobs to the separated file thinking about them as temp jobs17:50
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: I understand what you're saying.17:52
jeblairzaro: az217:53
ekarlsowhat's a good way of integrating a stackforge project with devstack ?17:53
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: clarkb's work is trying to make it so that the bitrot jobs for the stable branches are in-sync with the gate jobs17:53
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: so i think the question is whether these jobs might end up as bitrot jobs someday.17:54
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: and they might -- if these jobs are still the jobs we're running when we release icehouse17:55
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jeblairclarkb: do you have thoughts on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57317 ?17:56
clarkbright, my interest is in making the post release transition easy for infra. It was a bit painful to untangle the jobs we added during havana in order to have them run periodically or against devstack-gate's check pipeline17:56
clarkbjeblair: looking17:56
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, ok, got it17:57
jeblairclarkb: my thought is that the savanna jobs could benefit from your work; SergeyLukjanov was making the point that these may be temporary, but i think there's a good chance that they'll still be around in some form...17:58
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jeblairclarkb: so my inclination is to say they should wait or build on your change.  but i think your input should weigh heavily.  :)17:58
openstackgerritMauro S. M. Rodrigues proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add the possibility to pass the zuul url  https://review.openstack.org/5419617:59
clarkbjeblair: I agree with what you have said. Is the counter to that that the jobs will be temporary so shouldn't need to follow the new templating?17:59
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clarkbI really don't want to need to do this again in a couple months because we have bit rot18:00
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jeblairclarkb: yes, that is the counter, but i think it will be better to get savanna using the new templates sooner.18:00
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, jeblair, btw I'm not proposing to do it in the incorrect way, just trying to understand the correct one :)18:00
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clarkbSergeyLukjanov: for the new proposed correct way, we basically need two job templates for each job. One template that runs against proposed changes in the check or gate pipelines and another template that run against the current state of the branch it is testing in the periodic queue18:02
fungiekarlso: you use the hooks built into devstack-gate which allow you to specify alternative functions for setup and run, changes to the list of projects to include and start, et cetera. see the requirements integration job and swift functional testing job for examples18:02
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: there are enough subtle differences in the way that zuul deals with those pipelines that we can't use a single template for everything18:02
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: the end result is that when icehouse happens we already have all of the job templating we need to test icehouse post release18:02
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, yep, I understand it18:03
jeblairfungi: i was proposing that we not add new _non-openstack_ projects until 1242569 is resolved18:03
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, my main concern is about how savanna jobs should be added18:03
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fungijeblair: oh! reversing my -2 in that case and approving18:03
fungijeblair: thanks, and sorry for the confusion18:03
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, looks like I need to add templates for savanna jobs to both pipelines18:04
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, eventually we'll change them to common jobs if savanna we'll be enabled to them18:04
SergeyLukjanovor keep separated templates18:04
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: let me put a paste together that shows what we are doing for the other jobs18:04
fungijeblair: once it merges and updates, i'll hammer it through manage-projects manually and confirm zuul and git.o.o repos are sane18:05
jeblairfungi: i'll stop puppet on zuul, so we can avoid the zuul part of that race.18:05
fungiokay, great18:05
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jeblairjgriffith: when you have a sec, can you weigh in on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57953/18:06
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: for each logical job (eg run devstack with mysql then run tempest against that to test) we have a pair of templates http://paste.openstack.org/show/54015/18:06
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: savanna should do the same for each logical test18:06
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, yep, that's exactly what I mean18:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add openstack/oslo.rootwrap project  https://review.openstack.org/5789618:09
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Alphabetize projects.yaml again  https://review.openstack.org/5795918:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix SmokeStack link to be the ssl version.  https://review.openstack.org/5796418:11
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add the possibility to pass the zuul url  https://review.openstack.org/5419618:12
jeblairfungi: may want to read my comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57987/18:13
jeblairfungi: also, i'm apparently now one hour behind you on reviews!18:13
* clarkb is so much further behind18:14
fungijeblair: thanks for the note on 5798718:14
jog0fungi: yeah I noticed that too, things seem to be back to normal now18:15
fungijeblair: also, you may be ahead of me. i'm following a slightly different pattern, trying to first focus on oldest changes which already have at least one +2 so we can see faster gains on reducing the overall outstanding change count18:15
jeblairi'm on jog0's change!18:15
jog0jeblair: cool beans18:16
fungijog0: any ideas on what was happening for that? i didn't check the data dump for comparison, but wonder whether there are no values reported for those times or whether they're off-scale somehow18:16
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jog0fungi:  the data is transformed into a percent18:17
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jog0so I am thinking something was funny with the data, not sure18:17
jog0it looks like all failure percents are below 10% which sounds about right18:18
fungiclarkb: curious whether you're okay on https://review.openstack.org/50400 (didn't want to merge that until you had a chance to weigh back in on your earlier comment)18:19
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, what's the correct name pattern for savanna d-g jobs? smth like {pipeline}-tempest-devstack-vm-savanna-neutron-{branch-designator}?18:19
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: that will work18:19
jeblairjog0: i think the weird spot is due to the moving average18:21
jeblairjog0: http://graphite.openstack.org/render/?width=586&height=308&_salt=1385490092.033&target=stats.zuul.pipeline.gate.job.gate-tempest-devstack-vm-neutron.SUCCESS&target=stats.zuul.pipeline.gate.job.gate-tempest-devstack-vm-neutron.FAILURE18:21
jeblairjog0: combined with a slow period18:22
jog0ohhh a slow period makes sense18:22
jeblairjog0: so only one test ran during a window, and it failed18:22
lifelessjeblair: / clarkb: / mordred: did you lot get a chance to peek at our gear confusion ?18:22
jog0ahh  that makes a lot more sense18:22
jeblairlifeless: i think i left a comment?18:22
lifelessjeblair: cool, thanks.18:23
mordredjeblair: status from me: I'm in the keystone meeting right now, then I have 3 powerpoint slides to make for $dayjob, then I'm on fixing manage-projects18:23
lifelessjeblair: (I was lazy asking here, sorry)18:23
fungijog0: and that brings up a good point... what's the anticipated usefulness of the graph when a given gate job runs once or less an hour?18:23
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mordredjeblair: it's one of those days where I'm having to keep strict scheduling18:23
jeblairlifeless: i have not swung back around to see if followup is required; ping me if needed18:23
fungijog0: agreed that the numbers are helpful during higher volume of course18:23
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, so, just to clarify - I'll add -savanna-, -savanna-pg- and -savanna-network- templates to periodic and 'common' jobs18:24
jeblairmordred: need anyone else in keystone mtg?18:24
jog0fungi: make up more work? but agreed18:24
mordredjeblair: nah. I got asked to lurk on a couple of topics, and I'm also making suggestions on code org for kds18:24
fungijog0: oh, true, this plays into the idle pool idea well18:24
jog0not sure how we can convey load information in the same graph18:24
fungicode org for kids!18:24
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lifelessjeblair: so if we invert things - and the test is the worker, the environment the client, it seems simpler ?18:25
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: yup18:25
jog0fungi: yeah we have all this cloud capacity lets use it18:25
fungijog0: okay, so i think i'm okay with the data as presented, noting that we'll hopefully (soon) be making sure that at least a few of tehse are run every hour even during "slow" periods18:25
clarkbfungi: I am mulling over that git review thing. I think I am fine with mordred's response. let me finish properly rereviewing the code and will leave a vote18:26
jog0fungi: sounds good to me, thanks18:26
clarkboh I should ask for someone to make devstack do keystone apache if that is their suggestion /me lurks too18:26
mordredclarkb: which respose?18:26
fungiclarkb: okay, cool. it was an older one and just trying to make sure it gets some love (and maybe cleared out of the mass of open changes)18:26
clarkbmordred: git rebase -p -i18:26
mordredah. that one18:26
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, ok, thx, going to rebase to your change18:27
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, hope that it'll be landed soon :)18:27
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: me too, I expect it to get some eyes on it pretty soon now as jeblair and fungi are getting through review backlog18:27
jeblairlifeless: inasmuch as that's the direction where a failure can be reported by gearman, but i don't know if that solves your other requirements.  for zuul workers i expect worker to be the environment and test runner.18:27
mordredif we don't like that, then I think we should remove the autorebase - because autrebase will totally do the wrong thing for people who have merge commits18:28
fungireview.o.o has decided to run manage-projects now for the oslo.rootwrap addition. should know shortly if it manages to succeed or needs a shove18:28
morganfainbergclarkb, if you need any help with httpd+keystone let us know.  we're happy to help ya out :)18:28
clarkbfungi: should I go ahead and approve that git-review change?18:28
clarkbmorganfainberg: well, I want someone else to do it :)18:28
fungiclarkb: feel free18:29
clarkbfungi: done18:29
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, I'm looking on it now too, but don't think that my review will be very useful due to the lack of knowledge in this area :(18:29
morganfainbergclarkb, i mean from the stand point of helping with the reviews as well even if one of us isn't the one to implement18:29
fungiclarkb: is this the "apache should take care of fronting keystone's api endpoint so we don't get occasional ephemeral port collisions" thing?18:31
clarkbfungi: yes18:31
clarkbfungi: I think it will take some major forklifting in devstack18:32
clarkbas simply changing the port from 35357 to 32357 makes everything break today18:32
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lifelessjeblair: I think I interpreted your point correctly; if you could fact check my comment that would be awesome18:34
lifelessjeblair: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58305/18:34
fungimanage-projects seems to have dtrt to gerrit for a change. maybe github is in an unusually good mood. checking the git farm next18:35
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add merge-release-tags job to Savanna  https://review.openstack.org/5766718:35
jeblairlifeless: task enqueued :)18:36
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lifelessjeblair: ack() :)18:37
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fungijeblair: clones of oslo.rootwrap on gerrit, all of our git farm and github check out. are you okay with me starting puppet back up on zuul now?18:42
jeblairfungi: ++18:42
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, should be savanna jobs added to the job-group "devstack-jobs"?18:43
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annegentlehiya reed18:43
reedhi annegentle18:44
reedhello mrmartin18:44
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: good question, I think it is fine to have them there, particularly since yo uare in the file and incubated18:44
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: and being in that job group means you don't need to update projects.yaml18:44
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, ok, thx18:45
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fungireed: after you mentioned your key signature imports from my message not working in enigmail the other day, i stumbled onto http://sourceforge.net/p/enigmail/bugs/87/ (no idea if you're on 1.4.6 or later, but thought it might be your issue)18:45
jog0zuul is about to merge 10 patches18:47
reedfungi, I'm on enigmail 1.618:47
jog0gate == not wedged18:47
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reedfungi, I solved the problem yesterday by switching to another view18:47
fungireed: oh, weird18:47
reedfungi, in the other view I saw the attachments18:47
reedstill needed to save them and import them in gpg18:48
fungireed: that's where i rather line mutt. i can just select the attachment in the attachments list, hit | and then enter gpg2 --import18:48
fungier. s/line/like/18:48
fungibeing able to arbitrarily cram e-mail attachments into other programs' stdin as a pipe is great18:49
reedfungi, indeed ... i wish I had time, energy, will power to setup and learn mutt :)18:49
fungijog0: what just happened there? was that a gate wedgie?18:50
reedI'm betting on Geary Mail but I know it's a long shot18:50
jog0fungi: things just worked18:50
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reedjcoufal, what do you think of the request to post new topics from your askbot to the dev mailing list?18:52
fungijog0: did all 10 get through? it looked like the new head was suddenly restarted for all tests, which i wouldn't have expected (it should already have had some progress, right?)18:52
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jog0fungi: hmm I blinked18:53
jog0I think they did all go through though18:53
jcoufalreed: hi! yeah we discussed that and it is great idea. I'll try to do regular weekly summary, I was just buried in other stuff last week, so I''l get to that this week for the first time18:54
fungijog0: yeah, at the moment they should have merged, there was a gate reset on everything all the way to the head of the queue, but i didn't think to note what the previous changes near the head had been18:54
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jeblairjcoufal, reed: did we get the new askbot running in infra while i was gone?18:55
jcoufaljeblair: nope, it's still on openshift temporary server18:55
jog0fungi: checking openstack/openstack.git to see18:55
jcoufaljeblair: but we discussed with Monty, since storyboard is coming soon, that we might be early adpoters ant testers18:55
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jcoufaland it might substitute askbot in the end18:56
jcoufalso we are waiting on storyboarding at the moment18:56
fungii also wonder whether the zuul status page might benefit from a timestamp in the header of each queue in a dependent pipeline indicating when the oldest change in that queue was approved18:56
jeblairjcoufal: okay, that sounds like a good plan!18:56
reedjeblair, I wish it did :(18:56
jog0fungi: hmm *shrug* the  submodules openstack repo hasn't updated yet18:56
jeblairreed: well, for jcoufal at least.  still a little sad for ask.o.o.18:57
jog0fungi: anyway gate is holding up well today18:57
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jcoufaljeblair: they are still weak in mysql support18:57
* fungi nods. the change at the front of the main integrated gate queue has only been in there at little over 2 hours, so probably roughly 2.5 hours from approval to merge if it succeeds18:58
fungibetter than this time yesterday18:58
jog0fungi: and graphite reflects that18:59
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fungimeeting time19:01
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add graphite graph of gate failure rates to e-r page  https://review.openstack.org/5801919:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove queries for dead bugs  https://review.openstack.org/5736719:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add doc on queries.yaml  https://review.openstack.org/5736819:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add launchpad support to check_success  https://review.openstack.org/5737419:07
dkranzSo stable/grizzly is broken, I think due to novaclient updating iso8601>=0.1.4 to iso8601>=0.1.819:09
dkranzHow is this supposed to work?19:09
dkranzIf I change the minimum version in a client then it can't be installed with previous versions.19:09
dkranzof the servers.19:09
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Unpin keyring, just skip keyring 2.0  https://review.openstack.org/5836219:12
dkranzjeblair:   ^^^19:13
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fungidkranz: yes, i've previously theorized that we might consider having separate virtualenvs for "fooclient as a library dependency used by barserver" and "fooclient used as a tool in the test itself"19:21
dkranzfungi: I see you guys are meeting now19:22
dkranzfungi: We can discuss when you are done19:22
dkranzfungi: I think at the moment we need some action that can get things working again but not sure what that is.19:22
fungidkranz: however it's also been pointed out that expecting our operators/deployers to stay on an old fooclient when running stable barserver may mean that we're shorting them on security fixes, which is bad (like the cursed frogurt)19:23
clarkbfwiw havana is probably affected too maybe19:23
fungiagreed. need to think on it. i have some security backports which need to pass tests asap before announcing, so it's cranking up my annoyance meter as well19:24
dkranzfungi: In real life the new client would probably not be installed on the same machines as the servers.19:24
dkranzfungi: It's devstack that does that.19:24
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dkranzfungi: Tricky problem. Seems like out client/server story is still not fully-baked.19:25
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fungidkranz: right, which was teh reason for my separate virtualenv suggestion, but still, security backports for clients used as libraries by server projects... in a cd situation, how to they get security support if we pin the clients there?19:26
fungithough i guess you wouldn't cd a stable branch, so might not be an issue after all19:27
fungirely on teh distros to backport master fixes to the client releases they're carrying and hope for the best?19:27
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jog0mordred: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/53372/19:28
dkranzfungi: I'll think about that. BTW, I am not convinced most operators will be doing cd on any branches19:28
fungiyeah, same here19:28
dkranzfungi: Some will of course.19:28
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mordredwhat's that?19:32
mordredI believe CD from stale branches is and most certainly will be happening19:33
mordredremember, there are more operators than just people running public clouds :)19:33
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fungiso anyway, dkranz, short term we need to make sure grizzly and savana work with iso8601==0.1.8 and that should get things moving?19:34
mordreddkranz: in real life I expect HP to ship product that includes latest client and stable server and for them to track stable releases19:34
mordreddkranz: because that's what our support policy is as an upstream19:34
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fungimay just be a matter of updating requirements files on stable branches of various projects relying on iso860119:35
SergeyLukjanovfungi, we'reinly using timeutils.py from oslo19:36
SergeyLukjanovwe're only*19:36
dkranzfungi: That would be the right answer for getting things working on devstack.19:36
dkranzmordred: This becomes hard I think only if you install client/server of different versions on the same machine. Is there a reason to do that outside of devstack?19:40
dkranzmordred: Forcing a stable branch to take a library upgrade just because a client changed doesn't seem right to me.19:40
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mriedemsorry if this has been asked, but it sounds like there were some downed jenkins slaves, but it's fixed now - should we recheck/reverify against a specific bug?19:53
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clarkbmriedem: yes there is a bug in scroll back (I don't have it handy following the meeting atm)19:54
mriedemclarkb: thanks, looking19:54
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Up the default concurrency on tempest runs  https://review.openstack.org/5860519:56
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mriedemclarkb: found it, fyi in case anyone asks again :) 125504119:59
Hunnermordred: It sounds like the big missing bits in mysql are arrays and hierarchical queries, as well as fast joins, GIN, or partial indexes20:02
mordredfast joins lost me20:02
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mordredsince mysql is very fast20:03
mordredalso partial index is not a non-feature of postgres20:03
HunnerPerhaps that doesn't mean speed... I'm not DBA enough to know20:03
HunnerAlso, "recursive queries" was mentioned, but that may be the same as hierarchical queries20:03
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mordredsounds like someone who is a postgres fan is saying "it's not postgres" to me - but I've got another meeting I need to be in -let me troll you better in an bit20:04
Hunnermordred: Okay. I'll poke them back to see if they can defend better than fanboy20:04
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mordredHunner: warn them that I used to be a consultant for MySQL, Inc. specializing in scale out architectures and performance tuning ... so I might be a tough nut to bully :)20:05
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fungiHunner: of particular interest would be finding out what postgres-only features are relied on due to assumptions puppetdb's underlying design20:06
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clarkbI am going to AFK for a bit, need to find lunch. Will dive into codereview afterwards hopefully20:07
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Ajaeger1Hi infra-team, the openstack-doc team likes to have a new git repository docutils for our tools.20:12
Ajaeger1Could somebody point me in the right direction on how to request this properly, please?20:12
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nikhil__are the gates still kind of slow?20:16
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nikhil__there is one job which I've been waiting for last 2 hours, is that something expected atm?20:17
Nayana_Testing channel conn20:17
Hunnerfungi: I think #puppet-dev is where it will be talked about.20:17
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fungiAjaeger1: i'm unable to parse your statement. what is "a new git repository docutils"? are you saying your tools rely on features in later versions of docutils than we're currently using on our infrastructure?20:21
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Ajaeger1fungi: We want to create a new git repository called "docutils" and put our scripts in there so that we can share them accross repositories20:23
Ajaeger1"docutils" is just a name, "doctools" works as well ;)20:23
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fungiAjaeger1: oh, i see20:23
openstackgerritSolly Ross proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Use JS to Up-Filter  https://review.openstack.org/5778620:24
openstackgerritSolly Ross proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Introduce Generic Parsing/Filtering Framework  https://review.openstack.org/5778420:24
openstackgerritSolly Ross proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Introduce Console Version, Move Common Code  https://review.openstack.org/5778520:24
fungiAjaeger1: right, confused initially because docutils is already a (rather popular) free software project on its own20:24
Ajaeger1fungi: in that case, let's use a different name to not confuse further people ;)20:24
fungiAjaeger1: a great recent example would be the openstack/oslo.rootwrap project addition which just merged earlier today20:25
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* fungi gets you a link to the change20:25
Ajaeger1fungi: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57896/ ?20:25
fungiAjaeger1: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57896/20:25
fungiha, you're faster than i am ;)20:25
Ajaeger1fungi: so, this would create the git repository as well as setup acls and gates?20:26
fungiAjaeger1: yes20:27
fungiAjaeger1: we also have some documentation written up for adding stackforge projects, which is basically the same thing but the target audience is slightly different of course: http://ci.openstack.org/stackforge.html#add-a-project-to-stackforge20:27
fungibut that adds some great explanations of what those various files are20:27
fungiso it might answer some of your questions as well20:28
Ajaeger1fungi: Do I need an initial upstream project or is that optional?20:28
Ajaeger1We want to start from scratch but I can create also something to import...20:28
mgagneAjaeger1: it is optional20:29
Ajaeger1mgagne: thanks.20:29
fungiAjaeger1: it's optional. in the case of oslo.rootwrap it was created using git filter-branch because it was being split out of another existing project and we wanted to preserve the commit history for it20:29
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fungiAjaeger1: if you don't specify an "upstream" parameter in there it will just give you an empty repository with one initial commit adding a .gitreview file20:30
Ajaeger1Ah, good idea - we could do that as well since we move a file over.20:30
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fungiAjaeger1: when you have the change mostly in the state you want it, i'm happy to help set up a temporary filter-branch'd version with just the file(s) you want to keep for the new project20:32
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Ajaeger1fungi: thanks, will ponder now how to do it best ;)20:33
fungii would offer to write up teh change, but i'm kinda backlogged so trying not to take on more until i get things under control20:33
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Ajaeger1fungi: I like a challenge, let me give it a try ;) Thanks!20:36
fungiit's appreciated!20:38
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/pypi-mirror: add an export option  https://review.openstack.org/5734520:41
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add nodepool to jenkins-dev server  https://review.openstack.org/5733320:45
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup devstack-gate tests for Savanna  https://review.openstack.org/5731720:54
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add nodepool to jenkins-dev server  https://review.openstack.org/5733320:56
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mordredfungi: don't forget about cookiecutter20:57
fungimordred: i merged a cookiecutter change earlier today (i think)20:58
mordredfungi: woot20:58
mordred(just saying related ot the Ajaeger1 convo above)20:58
fungimordred: my problem is, i think, when i manually test these changes i keep finding other broken things which need fixing20:58
fungimordred: for example, review-dev's puppetry is now broken since https://review.openstack.org/56306 merged yesterday20:59
mordredfungi: really? rats20:59
fungiseems a file got overlooked. change incoming20:59
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add the possibility to pass the zuul url  https://review.openstack.org/5419620:59
ArxCruzjeblair: after 17 iterations I deserve a merge huh? :)21:00
fungiArxCruz: that's far from a high score ;)21:00
fungii think i've seen upwards of 50 patchsets on a (not machine generated) change21:01
zaromgagne: a little late with your approvals, new jjb 0.6 was just released.21:01
ArxCruzfungi: but the person in question was as cool as me? :)21:01
mgagnezaro: it's ok, I read about it in infra meeting notes21:01
fungiArxCruz: oh, true. i don't think anyone can probably compete on that21:02
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ArxCruz:D and I have beard and a big hat :)21:02
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add missed milestone-proposed rule  https://review.openstack.org/5861621:02
zarohashar: did patch to gearman plugin work for you?21:03
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Jenkins plugin Blame upstream committers  https://review.openstack.org/5834121:03
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hasharzaro: sorry haven't had time yet to put it on my testing instance. But at least I managed to compile it (for the context I am java/maven illiterate)21:03
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: use jjb tests as the examples  https://review.openstack.org/5706821:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Cleaned up fixtures. Removing vim editor settings  https://review.openstack.org/5834221:04
hasharzaro: definitely want to have your changed tested out in my use case by the end of the week, most probably on friday if not tomororw.21:04
hasharzaro: as soon as I validate it is working for me, I will promptly reply back on the laucnhpad bug and or the gerrit change.21:04
SergeyLukjanovshould I file an issue in launchpad to create savanna-milestone group in gerrit or that's enough to create a review? (missed milestone-proposed rule was added to the savanna acl - Add missed https://review.openstack.org/58616)21:04
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zarohashar: i guess you are not in US.  i will probably not be in that day.21:05
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hasharzaro: that is fine, it can wait a bit :]  Thank you for your prompt patch, much appreciated.   That granted OpenStack more karma among Wikimedia folks!21:06
zaromgagne: your on a tear with those approvals. thanks.21:06
mgagnezaro: trying to clear my review queue21:07
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mgagnezaro: while I fight/struggle to get my windows images built =)21:07
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pass $mysql_password through, part two  https://review.openstack.org/5861821:09
fungiHunner: ^21:10
fungiapplied manually in a development puppet environemnt and seemed to fix it21:11
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup devstack-gate tests for Savanna  https://review.openstack.org/5731721:25
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Savanna testing support  https://review.openstack.org/5732521:26
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create jenkins03 and jenkins04  https://review.openstack.org/5751022:05
fungijeblair: i generated new keys/self-signed certs for those and added them to hiera (even set them to expire the same day as the existing ones for 01 and 02)22:05
dolphmjeblair: i'd love to have one for keystone22:05
jeblairfungi: oh neat!22:05
jeblairdolphm: done! ttx, sdague, jog0: keystone-bugs is open22:05
clarkbmordred: I am reviewing wheels stuff again22:06
ttxsdague: see in https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg11678.html my proposal to have a single team22:06
jog0dolphm: thanks22:06
dolphmjeblair: thanks!22:06
jog0although keystone hasn't had any gate blocking bugs yet :)22:06
ttxsdague: maybe that was too radical though22:06
jog0dolphm: so keep that up ^22:06
dolphmjog0: blocking, no... but we've had a couple transients pre-rechecks22:07
sdagueyeh, open groups is good enough22:07
mordredclarkb: awesome. I'm afk for hte next couple of hours - my turn driving22:07
dolphmjog0: i think both were only due to flaky tests, though22:07
fungidolphm: those are sdague's favorites ;)22:07
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: show transitive dependencies  https://review.openstack.org/5463922:08
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fungii need to do food things between now and my next meeting in ~hour, so am semi-around for the next couple hours22:09
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clarkbfungi: have fun22:11
openstackgerritMichael Still proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Sort subscriber map alphabetically  https://review.openstack.org/5863322:11
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dolphmdstanek: do you have a way to join this team? https://launchpad.net/~keystone-bugs22:12
dolphmwhoops :)22:12
dolphmdstanek: ooh, you are in this channel!22:12
jeblairmikal: what is that file?22:13
mikaljeblair: the file in the review I just sent?22:13
jeblairmikal: yes22:13
jeblairmikal: i found https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57332/122:14
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notmynameI've got a question about git review22:14
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jeblairmikal: have you written the docs you mentioned in that review?  maybe i can just read them?22:14
clarkbnotmyname: go for it22:14
jeblairmikal: or otherwise, do you have a big-picture summary?22:14
notmynameclarkb: I'm trying to push a change to milestone-proposed, and I get an error. not sure what I'm doing wrong22:14
notmynameclarkb: " ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/milestone-proposed/bp (branch milestone-proposed/bp not found)"22:14
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clarkbjeblair: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56816/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56817/ will get pbr to start consuming wheels in its testing (which appears to speed those tests up quite a bit) if you are still reviewing stuff getting eyes on those would be cool22:15
notmynameclarkb: my local branch is "bp"22:15
mikaljeblair: ahhh, that only landed the other day and I am sort of on vacation, so no docs yet22:15
mikaljeblair: perhaps I should add a block comment to the top of the config file explaining its purpose?22:15
mikaljeblair: or would you prefer a summary here?22:15
clarkbnotmyname: you are running `git review milestone-proposed` ?22:15
notmynameclarkb: yup22:15
notmynameclarkb: https://gist.github.com/notmyname/1043ada6bbddd0a649e422:15
jeblairmikal: it can wait for your return from vacation.  :)22:15
notmynameclarkb: full output22:15
mikaljeblair: heh, ok. The short answer is its used by the jeepyb notify_impact trigger to subscribe people to docimpact bugs as they are created.22:16
mikaljeblair: with the intent of encouraging more dev teams to embed a tech writer.22:16
jeblairmikal: got it, thx.22:16
mikaljeblair: nP22:16
clarkbnotmyname: I wonder if that is a bug in either git-review or gerrit. It seems to be trying to set bp as the topic since that is the branch you are on, but then gerrit is reading that as part of the branch name instead of being part of the topic22:17
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jeblairclarkb, notmyname: 'git review -v' output?22:17
notmynameclarkb: ah. the branch name "bp" is a weird edge case22:17
jeblairclarkb, notmyname: 'git review -v milestone-proposed' actually22:17
notmynamejeblair: https://gist.github.com/notmyname/40cd59eb2083c4713cef22:18
notmynameclarkb: nope. changing the branch name to "backport" still errors22:19
clarkbnotmyname: what if you checkout milestone-proposed locally? git-review will not try setting a topic if the local branch and dest branch have the same name22:19
fungijeblair: clarkb: swift doesn't have a milestone-proposed branch on gerrit yet22:20
jeblairnotmyname: also 'git-review --version' ?22:20
clarkbfungi: ooooohhhhhhhh22:20
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notmynamefungi: ah22:20
jeblairfungi: i made a bad assumption.22:20
clarkbme too22:20
notmynamefungi: so I want to do a backport. is that not the place to do it?22:20
funginotmyname: a stable backport would get reviewed on the stable/grizzly or stable/havana branch22:20
notmynamefungi: and so I `git review stable/havana`?22:21
funginotmyname: correct22:21
notmynamefungi: thanks22:21
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funginotmyname: any time! ;)22:23
* fungi goes back to pseudolurk mode22:24
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notmynamejeblair: critical issue here: the "gate-tempest-devstack-vm-neutron-large-ops" job name is so long that it's causing the bar to bump down to the next line http://d.not.mn/zuul-wrap-lines.png22:26
jeblairnotmyname: there's a patch for that in review22:27
notmynamejeblair: :-)22:27
portantejeblair, notmyname: font size choice in browser affects that, too22:28
portanteI shrank my font to make it fit. :)22:28
notmynameportante: critical, critical issue. major blocker.22:29
jeblairnotmyname gets my vote for bug triage rights in all projects!22:29
portanteuse your fonts, luke22:29
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openstackgerritMichael Still proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add some documentation to the start of subscriber_map  https://review.openstack.org/5863722:36
jeblairmikal: you suck at taking vacation22:37
mikaljeblair: that is true22:37
clarkbmordred: jeblair: I think https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56777/2 can be merged out of the order suggested by mordred22:37
mikaljeblair: I consider this "pottering". I am currently waiting for my wife to be ready to leave the house.22:37
clarkbshould I go ahead and approve that change?22:37
jeblairmikal: but i like that your idea of taking vacation is working on infra.  you should take more vacation.  :)22:37
mikaljeblair: heh22:37
mikaljeblair: well, we had a new guy start this week and his background is in java dev22:38
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mikaljeblair: I am trying to trick him into hacking on gerrit...22:38
fungimikal: it seems the greatest trick in hacking on gerrit it not so much knowing java as convincing google gerrit devs upstream to take your features22:39
jeblairmikal: if he's interested, there may be some concrete work we can point him at.  be warned, hacking on gerrit is _hard_.22:39
jeblairmikal: because of what fungi said22:39
fungiby comparison, our reviewers are all unicorns and rainbows22:40
clarkbI think some of that is we aren't well enough integrated into their process to know how they want to do it (they have ~30! contributors in the 2.8 release). But is hard to get to that point because all attemtpts leave us in fail22:40
jeblairmikal: and we're adopting an upstream-first policy for gerrit, because we've been burned too many times.22:40
mikaljeblair: I think that's a fine policy22:40
mikaljeblair: I will get him to come here and have a chat22:41
jeblairmikal: cool22:41
sdaguemikal: so you don't like this new guy very much... eh?22:41
mikalsdague: LOL22:41
jeblairclarkb: i don't understand what you mean about 56777 ?22:41
fungimikal: also, google contributor agreement, so i guess make sure your mgmt are apprised of whatever they have to clear for it22:41
mikalAnd I quote his welcome email: "He also has a strong background in software development, in both22:42
mikalJava and Python, and has worked on Open Source projects before. Because Matthew can program in22:42
mikala language none of the rest of us understand, we're hoping to trick him into doing all that icky Java22:42
mikalstuff so none of the rest of us get tainted."22:42
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jeblairmikal: it only took me a few months to get the google cla signed by rax!22:42
sdagueunpure! unpure!22:42
mikaljeblair: I've been told that Van Lindburg can make this happen for me22:42
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mikalSo, I have to run22:42
mikalBut, world meet mattoliverau.22:42
mikalmattoliverau: meet world22:43
fungimikal: go take a vacation. sheesh22:43
mattoliverauHi everyone22:43
mikalmattoliverau is the dude with the Java background who we asked to take a look at gerrit. Please scare him off.22:43
MarkAtwood hi mattoliverau22:43
jeblairmattoliverau: hello!  mikal promised us you're interested in working on gerrit22:43
mattoliverausee ya mikal22:43
fungiwelcome, mattoliverau22:43
jeblairzaro: ping22:43
jeblairmattoliverau: if that's true, here are some basics about our instance:22:44
mattoliveraujeblair: yeah he has a way of promising :P but yeah, I'm happy to do what I can to make your lives easier :)22:44
jeblairmattoliverau: we're running a local fork of gerrit 2.4.4, maintained in the openstack-infra/gerrit git repo22:44
jeblairmattoliverau: we're running a fork because we needed to add a few things upstream.  we got some, but not all of that work upstreamed.22:45
sdaguejeblair: where do you have the e-r cron job in config?22:45
jeblairmattoliverau: the last important piece that we did not get upstreamed is our "work in progress" feature22:45
sdagueI'd like to carve /elastic-recheck/ out of the config repo, into another repo, so we can CD it in and not make it part of config review process22:45
sdagueI'm just trying to make sure I have all the right pieces to start a new repo22:46
jeblairmattoliverau: because of our experience in failing to get that upstream, we have adopted an upstream-first policy22:46
jeblairmattoliverau: so we're not going to upgrade until we have all the features we need upstream (and we also aren't going to develop new features on our local fork)22:46
clarkbmordred: the first change series has been reviewed, a couple of them have comments from either me or jeblair22:46
jeblairmattoliverau: zaro and _david_ (who isn't here right now) are working on getting WIP implemented upstream22:46
clarkbsdague: in modules/openstack_project/manifests/static.pp iirc22:47
mattoliveraujeblair: cool, makes sense, I like the upstream-first policy.22:47
jeblairsdague: hold please22:47
sdaguejeblair: ok22:48
clarkbsdague: but should tat be removed from config? it is a config thing to setup cronjobs22:48
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jeblairmattoliverau: you may want to talk to zaro to see if there's something you can help with there...22:48
jeblairmattoliverau: if not, and instead you want to try to hack on something else22:48
mattoliverauzaro: greetings22:49
jeblairmattoliverau: maybe send something to the openstack-infra@lists.openstack.org mailing list to make sure we're on the same page, and then work on getting that implemented upstream22:49
jeblairmattoliverau: there are some bugs in https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/ tagged with 'gerrit'22:49
jeblairmattoliverau: and finally, see http://ci.openstack.org/ for lots of documentation about how the project infrastructure is run (the team, servers, code reviews, etc.)22:50
jeblairmattoliverau: and we're here for any questions.  whew.22:50
jeblairsdague: why?22:50
zaromany of those bugs are basically fixed with latest gerrit.22:50
jeblairzaro: good point; maybe we should mark them fix-committed22:50
mattoliveraucool, I'll take a look... and guess see if there are still bugs ;)22:51
sdaguejeblair: why what?22:51
jeblairsdague: "I'd like to carve /elastic-recheck/ out of the config repo, into another repo, so we can CD it in and not make it part of config review process"; why?22:51
zarojeblair: that wouldn't be true right?  only fixed upstream.22:51
clarkbzaro: right that is the distinctions between fix committed and fix released22:51
sdaguejeblair: so that we can make changes more rapidly than can make it through config review22:51
jeblairzaro: as opposed to fix-released.  i'm open to other suggestions though.22:51
jeblairsdague: is it a problem?22:52
mattoliverauWell I'm happy to be of service, I'll take a look at the forked code, bugs, and come back to ask questions as I get up to speed with gerrit.22:52
sdaguehttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/58360/ hasn't seen an infra core look at it yet for 24hrs22:52
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sdagueand like e-r, I expect this is going to evolve more rapidly at the beginning22:52
jeblairsdague: i have a backlog but am getting caught up.  i can't speak for other infra-core people.  but who would you have review that?22:53
sdaguethe same group as are on e-r22:53
sdagueit's basically e-r dashboard22:53
zaromattoliverau: you can review my patch.  https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/4825422:53
zaromattoliverau: long history there, maybe another + vote will help spearce to remove his -222:54
jeblairsdague: i'm not sure review speed is the right reason to split something like that out.22:54
clarkbsdague: jeblair: I am slightly confused is all of the dashboardy stuff in e-r today and we just have a cron on static? or is there actual code in config?22:54
sdagueclarkb: the cron generates a .json22:54
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sdaguethen it's all  d3 for graphs22:55
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reedsdake: yt?22:55
reedsdake_: yt?22:55
jeblairthe code is in e-r; the cron and web page are in config.22:55
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sdakereed whats up22:56
sdakeis yt short for yeti?22:56
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jeblairsdague: do you want to move the web page itself into e-r?22:57
reedsdake: i thought it meant 'you there'22:57
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sdagueso I really would like to be able to +2 things into this dashboard that we need to be able express the state of what we find in the gate. So, like with e-r, and os-loganalyze, I think being outside of config makes sense22:57
sdake;) just kidding around22:57
sdaguejeblair: we could go that route22:57
sdagueit seemed a little different to me, but I'm ok going that route if you think it best22:57
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jeblairsdague: it probably does make sense; i'm not necessarily arguing that; i think your initial statement raised a lot of red flags, likely due to insufficient development22:59
sdagueyep, no worries22:59
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sdagueso I've got basically one more half day before holidays, was just trying to get a repo set up in a way that it would support fast iteration once I get back.23:00
sdagueas I figured that would be concrete :)23:00
sdagueand mean no blockers on monday23:00
jeblairsdague: so how about putting it in e-r?23:00
clarkb++ to putting it in e-r23:01
jeblairsdague: it at least seems like a good first step, and we can split out from there if we're wrong.23:01
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sdaguejog0: you got any issue with that before I start the transplant?23:07
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zaroclarkb: i think you should release this https://github.com/cboylan/jenkins-log-console-log23:08
clarkbzaro: its upstreamed23:08
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clarkbwell it got sucked into the scp plugin23:08
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zaroclarkb: scp plugin has ability to save console logs?23:09
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mgagnezaro: yes but it won't copy console timestamps with latest version of console timestamp plugin.23:10
clarkbzaro: it has the ability to copy the console logs to an arbitrary location23:10
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zarohuh? so you use the scp plugin to copy build console log to the workspace folder?23:11
clarkbzaro: no we use the scp plugin to copy the console logs to the log server23:11
zarowhat if you just want it in your workspace so you can include it as a build artifact?23:12
clarkbzaro: that repo is a dead end, you don't actually want to write the log to the workspace then copy it because then you miss out on the data written to the log after you copy23:12
clarkbzaro: you would need to tackle that differently for the reason mentioned above23:13
jeblairthe feature is in the scp plugin git repo23:13
clarkbyou would probably need to directly artifact the log rather than writing it to the workspace23:13
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sdaguequestion, is there an easy way to make python setup.py install also install the web files into the right place? or we going to live with a puppet rule to copy them over?23:15
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clarkbsdague: data_files can be used for that iirc23:16
* zaro gets it now.23:16
clarkbby the way, sitting next to a wood stove with a fire going is really nice23:16
sdagueclarkb: you got a good example?23:16
clarkbsdague: let me see if I can find one23:17
sdagueclarkb: yeh, I have the wood stove running, though it's on the other side of my house right now :)23:17
jog0sdague:  with regard to putting your dashboard stuff in e-r, sounds like a logical first place to put it23:18
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sdagueyeh, I'm going to start with just moving over the existing stuff, and get the deploy flow working from there23:18
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jog0sdague: awesome, I was just about to suggest that23:19
jog0make sure my pending patch gets moved as wel23:19
clarkbsdague: in pbr's doc/source/index.rst there is an example of data_files with pbr23:20
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clarkbsdague: I am not sure if e-r is pbr'd. if not then in setup.py setup() have a data_files = [(dest_path, source_path), (...), (...)]23:21
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sdagueyeh, it seems to be23:33
sdagueso those are only system level paths?23:33
clarkbI think so23:35
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jog0anyone see this before http://logs.openstack.org/62/58362/2/check/check-tempest-devstack-vm-postgres-full/95b9806/console.html23:41
jog0looks like a real infra bug23:41
jog0clarkb: ^23:43
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clarkbjog0: review.o.o failed to serve those files for whatever reason, we should look in the apache logs there and see why23:43
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jog0the funny thing is there are logs for that job23:44
jog0on logs.o.o23:44
jog0clarkb: in spirit of not running 'no bug' I wanted to find a bug for this23:45
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clarkbjog0: I don't think there is an existing bug, go ahead and submit one against openstack-ci and copy a link to the build logs there so we know what timeframe to look in logs23:45
jog0will do thanks23:45
jeblairhuh, i think the jjb defs for devstack-gate need to be updated.23:46
jeblairto use git.o.o instead of review.23:46
clarkboh, that could be, we might have overwhelmed that apache server23:46
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jog0that makes sense, I'm filing a bug anyway and  you can fill in the details as relevant23:47
jeblairthe graphs look sensible.23:47
jog0bug 125535323:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1255353 in openstack-ci "during gate job  'error: Unable to get pack index https://review.openstack.org/p/openstack-infra/devstack-gate/objects/pack/pack-*.idx'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125535323:50
jeblairclarkb: git only tries to fetch pack files like that if it falls back to the dumb client, right?23:51
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jeblairclarkb: so presumably gerrit was momentarily slow, and it did that.23:51
clarkbjeblair: I believe that is correct23:51
jeblairclarkb: so changing to git.o.o is still the best fix.23:52
clarkbsmart http will stream the bits you need rather than all the things23:52
jeblairtriaged and tagged low-hanging-fruit23:54
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jog0thanks that was quick23:56
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