Thursday, 2014-06-26

openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Notify in IRC when puppet run fails
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use ansible instead of direct ssh calls
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add mirror management playbooks
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move ansible things into a module
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove salt
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove old salt references from the puppet
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add playbook for cleaning workspaces
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rearrange into using roles
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/gitdm: Change affiliation for jeblair
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clarkbmordred: jeblair: what do you think? do nova now or flip the order?00:05
jeblairmordred: the end date you put in stackalytics for my previous tenure at hp is curious...00:06
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jeblairmordred: it's not my actual hp end date, however, it is 2 years to the day before my foundation end-date.  you've clearly been planning something for a while.00:07
jeblairclarkb: i'm not actually here to deal with consequences atm00:08
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mordredjeblair: haha. well, I have no idea where I got the date then00:11
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jeblairmordred: it's too bad -- the error meant that hp missed out on about 6 months of my stats00:12
mordredoh noes!00:12
jeblairyou will have to revise all your powerpoints!00:12
mordredjeblair: bah. it's in the past now00:13
ianwclarkb: re the assertListEqual ... testtools does just extend unittest, and it doesn't have any special patching for assertListEqual and a few other python2.7 added unittest things, i guess that leave that for unittest200:13
mordredjeblair: I know you're not really here ... but I fixed all of the above ^^ based on your feedback00:13
mordredjeblair: just so you know I care :)00:13
jeblairmordred: cool, thanks!  i'll get to review them all again tomorrow!00:13
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clarkbmordred: do you have an opinion on nova? or pick it up tomorrow during US Germany00:14
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mordredclarkb: well, it really annoys me that there isn't a working libvirt00:14
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mordredclarkb: my first choice would be "can someone give us a copy of libvirt that works"00:15
mordredbut that leads to the road of infra maintaining a linux distro00:15
mordredso in the meantime, I say we turn off the nova feature, file a bug, and lean on canonical to provide a fixed libvirt in trusty backports00:15
mordred(not UCA)00:15
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jeblairmordred: ++00:16
mordredif canonical can not do that, then I think we should revisit the default linux that the gate uses00:16
mordredand I know that's a very hardline stance00:16
clarkbthat sounds reasonable and doesn't affect unittesting except for that last thing you said00:16
mordredbut the assumption on ubuntu has been that it's both modern and has a responsive host org - if it does not ship with working pieces of key functionality00:17
clarkbwell I tink libvirt as an upstream is partially to blame00:17
mordredthen I think that we're not getting what we need out of it and the subject shoudl at least be broached00:17
jeblairi mordred had a nickel for ever time he heard "that sounds reasonable except for that last thing you said" .... ;)-00:17
clarkbthat and how nova consumes libvirt00:17
mordredI'm sure that they are00:17
mordredjeblair: :)00:17
clarkbmordred: fwiw I agree00:17
mordredclarkb: :) ... I don't WANT to agree with me00:18
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move cinder default test node to trusty.
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clarkbdebian wheezy has 0.9.12 libvirt which I think is new enough for pip installing python libvirt00:22
clarkbbut not new enough to exercise the broken code in nova00:22
clarkbsid has 1.2.400:23
clarkbwheezy backports has 1.2.4 as well00:23
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mordredand 1.2.4 is the bad stuff?00:25
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clarkbwell 1.2.5 is the supposed good version00:25
clarkbbut this hasn't actually been confirmed00:25
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Put the puppet modules in their own projects/repos
morganfainbergsdague, clarkb, mordred,
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1334466 in keystone "Eventlet Log Spamming on Client Disconnect (Broken Pipe)" [Critical,Triaged]00:32
morganfainbergjeblair, ^ cc as well00:32
morganfainbergif this really isn't critical please let me know and i can knock it down a notch.00:33
clarkbmorganfainberg: I think its at least worht attention00:33
clarkbmorganfainberg: if you were running keystone in prod and that happened you would probably not be happy00:33
morganfainbergright. it looks like heat's stack delete is disconnecting before it can get data from keystone00:34
morganfainbergi can't tell why that is occurring, but that appears to be the culprit00:34
* morganfainberg has nightmares about a splunk license being consumed by keystone eventlet logs.00:34
clarkbI swear no one ever looks at these logs00:37
clarkbotherwise how would ^ be acceptable00:37
clarkbglance spits out about a million errors then successfully complete unittesting00:37
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1334467 in glance "Glance unittests are very noisy and spit out many ERRORs despite the tests succeeding" [Undecided,New]00:40
clarkbdiscovered this testing on trusty...00:40
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SlickNikRunning into a weird issue with trying to mimic devstack-gate00:46
SlickNikWas following the instructions at
SlickNikAnd everything works fine; up till running devstack as part of the gate hook.00:46
SlickNikDevstack tries to install package pre-requisites, and the "sudo apt-get" command it runs just hangs.00:47
clarkbSlickNik: try a manual apt-get update?00:48
SlickNikdevstack output logs from the run at:
SlickNikmanual apt-get update succeeds.00:48
SlickNikAnd if I try to install the same package list manually it succeeds as well.00:48
clarkblooks like it managed to install some things/00:49
SlickNikyeah, I'm not sure what it's stuck on.00:50
SlickNik shows the process list00:50
clarkbSlickNik: wat is your disk situation?00:50
clarkbdf -h00:50
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move glance default test node to trusty.
clarkbweird / looks fine00:52
clarkbI don't know what is happening00:52
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SlickNikVery strange — me neither :(00:54
SlickNikLet me try with a different image / instance, in case it's something specific  to that.00:54
SlickNikThanks for looking.00:54
clarkbSlickNik: are you on trusty or precise?00:54
clarkbhuh I mean I expect both to work was just curious00:54
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ianwmattoliverau: hey, so i was thinking in parallel with my trying out the dib discussed with clarkb yesterday, if we had one of the RHEL RC images available in nodepool we could iron out any early issues with the scripts, etc so we're in good shape when centos hits00:57
ianwmattoliverau: but i'm just wondering what that RHEL image should be and where it would come from00:58
ianwmattoliverau: so was wondering if rackspace had already done any testing, etc, before i waste any time duplicating efforts00:59
clarkblast we tried with rhel it was a dead end01:00
clarkbcouldn't figure out the licensing/money part of it01:00
ianwclarkb: yeah, this would just be the rhel rc releases for a little while, so when centos comes it *should* just switch out and "just work"01:01
ianwit can't be worse than starting from scratch :)01:01
clarkbwell why not centos7 beta?01:02
ianwclarkb: not out yet?01:02
clarkbsomeone told me there were betas01:02
clarkboh nightly images may be what they meanth01:02
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ianwclarkb: nothing i think we could use easily.  i think the latest RHEL RC image would be the easiest place to start01:03
clarkbmy concern with that is the pupept definitely won't work in some places01:03
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clarkband we would be fixing it for a platform we will likely never use01:03
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move swift default test node to trusty.
ianwclarkb: i feel like the only way to know is to try.  i would like to be running on the cloud provider from the start, especially cause of it being in a Xen environment which doesn't get much testing01:06
ianwf20's libvirt was hanging because of it, etc when we first did bring-up01:06
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morganfainbergclarkb, yay more trusty!01:12
clarkbmorganfainberg: well nothing has merged today due to libvirt01:12
morganfainbergclarkb, :(01:12
morganfainbergclarkb, boooooooooo01:12
clarkbbut I will probably reorder before calling it a day and we can do everything but nova first thing01:12
clarkbalso you remind me to check keystone too01:13
morganfainbergclarkb, ^_^01:13
mattoliverauianw: Iet me see what I can find out from the public cloud rackers :)01:13
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ianwmattoliverau: thanks.  i was kind of hoping there was a secret menu for other images.  i tried up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,b,a but nothing :)01:14
morganfainbergclarkb, do you think it's worth logging (debug) on a EPIPE failure (it would be a 14x reduction in logging, and i have it setup for debug only atm)01:15
morganfainbergclarkb, i could see it useful.01:15
mattoliverauianw: there could be.. but cause I work from home, I'm one of the forgotten rackers.. apparently I should have secret powers, but if I do I haven't been told :P01:15
clarkbmorganfainberg: if the failure isn't actually meaningful other than eventlet getting mad then that makes sense01:16
clarkbmorganfainberg: but I Think that depends on whether or not this is an issue that a human will have to interact with in production01:16
morganfainbergclarkb, yeah it might be nice to know a client disconnected prematurely01:16
clarkbeg if it happens do I need t orestart keystone?01:16
morganfainbergclarkb, well i downgraded it to debug.01:16
morganfainbergclarkb, for gate purposes we can correlate it. but it def. isn't INFO worth01:17
morganfainbergjust not sure if we even care about debug.01:17
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morganfainbergand no, operators shouldn't care really01:17
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clarkbso we have to decide if this info is worth caring about01:17
clarkbbut it sounds like it isn't01:17
morganfainbergi'll raise it with keystone folks as well. i am leaning towards yanking the debug as well01:18
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move heat default test node to trusty.
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clarkbmorganfainberg: is keystonemiddleware in proper development yet or can we just ninja in switch to trusty?01:27
clarkbmorganfainberg: I can test it if it is actually being used now01:27
morganfainbergit isn't actually being used anywhere01:27
morganfainbergwe're still waiting to get it into devstack-gate, devstack etc01:27
morganfainbergi have reviews open for it01:27
morganfainbergbut, unit tests wouldn't hurt to convert to trusty (if thats what you meant)01:27
clarkbcool I may just ninja you then01:27
morganfainberggo for it :)01:28
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clarkbmorganfainberg: I am testing keystone now and will lump them together in one go01:29
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clarkbmorganfainberg: I am happy to see that keystone unittests still clone keystoneclient :P01:32
morganfainbergclarkb, right?! so awesome.01:32
morganfainbergclarkb, i think all the projects should clone keystoneclient too! :P01:33
morganfainbergin unit tests01:33
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move keystone default test node to trusty.
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move glance default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move swift default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move nova default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move heat default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move ceilometer default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move cinder default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move neutron default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move keystone default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move ironic default test node to trusty.
clarkbI changed the order, nova is last02:23
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nibalizerjeblair: so how is the best way to go on the disucssion of beaker + openstack testing?02:26
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clarkbnibalizer: you need to catch him before he is AFK for the night :)02:27
nibalizermaybe pick a time tomorrow or friday? I would feel bad chewing up meeting time with this but thats also an option02:27
nibalizerya this is mostly for him to read when he returns02:27
nibalizerbesides, openstack never sleeps :P02:27
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openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add python-congressclient as new project to stackforge
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Modernize ATCs script to Gerrit 2.8, programs.yaml
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openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: WIP: Add jenkins job for python-congressclient
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openstackgerritRyan Petrello proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Gate pecan on barbican again.
mordrednibalizer: what's beaker?03:03
jesusaurusmordred: its mostly a wrapper around server-spec and either vagrant or docker03:07
mordredjesusaurus: neat03:07
nibalizermordred: its for testing puppet code03:07
nibalizerreally testing, its pretty sweet03:08
Alex_Gaynormordred: (soft ping on the livegrep stuff)03:08
mordrednibalizer: so - it soudns great - just for sake of argument though ... we have a cloud, why would use vagrant or docker?03:11
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clarkbthats what jeblair said03:11
mordredI mean - I get why it's exciting if you don't have zuul, nodepool or a cloud03:12
mordredand I'm not saying "horrible idea"03:12
mordredjust really, I don't know what it gets us over spinning up a single-use slave that has root access?03:12
jesusaurusit automates the testing of various modules03:13
jesusaurussimilar to what I'm trying to do with, but it doesnt noop, it checks to see what changed03:13
jesusaurusbut yeah, we could just use server-spec directly to do that since we already have this whole provisioning thing mostly figured out03:14
mordredcouldn't we also not no-op?03:14
jesusaurusyeah we could03:14
mordred <-- looks like it duplicates nodepool03:14
mordredit seems like perhaps it has a multi-node thing figured out?03:15
jesusaurusyeah, my first thought was to teach its provisioner how to talk to nodepool03:15
jesusaurusbut things sit in different places and that wouldnt really work out right03:16
mordredyah. honestly, this is the problem we have with lifeless' plans for multi-node testr - and also the problems we have with other similar things03:16
mordredis taht they want to be "helpful" by handling the provisiioning03:16
jesusaurusbecause that would require the beaker test to run before there was a node provisioned03:16
mordredexcept that we handle that03:16
openstackgerritIsaku Yamahata proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tacker project on StackForge
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mordredlike, I like this:03:17
mordredon master, "echo hello"03:17
mordredon database, "echo hello"03:17
mordredthat's sexy03:17
mordredjesusaurus: the vSphere support section seems like MAYBE it's a thing that might be able to know something about nodepool? (although it's still the wrong sequencing)03:18
mordredjesusaurus: but it does at least reference a resource pool03:18
* mordred rains on parades03:19
jesusaurusi think nibalizer found a way to tell beaker 'you dont need to provision anything, heres an IP' which means we can just multi-node in nodepool and give beaker the subnodes03:19
mordredoh - that's neat03:20
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mordred(also, we have this other problem where some of our systems want to do things like replicate to github)03:20
* jesusaurus doesnt see the connection there03:21
mordredif we actually run the real stuff not no-op, it could cause something to try to make an external connection somewhere?03:21
jesusaurusoh, hmm03:21
mordredthat's just a thign to solve03:21
mordredI'd love to have proper live integration testing of our puppets03:22
jesusaurusyeah, especially if we start breaking modules out into their own projects03:23
jesusauruswe'll need some orchestration in our testing to pull it all back together sanely03:23
nibalizermordred:  jesusaurus so if we do the multinode nodepool thing, we cna have the primary nodepool node run the beaker goodness03:29
nibalizerthen the beaker node can hit the subnodes and configure them03:29
nibalizerand its cool because it gets it on like 'you are webserver' 'you are database server' 'now kisssss'03:29
nibalizerso its super slick03:30
nibalizerbut yea beaker wants to run the show, which duplicates some of the effort elsewhere in our pipeline03:30
nibalizermordred: as for proper sandboxing, beaker is happy to run commands before and after its meaty part of what it does03:31
nibalizerso we could have the first thing be, and the second thing be iptables -NOINTERNETFORYOU03:31
nibalizernow if we need to be able to pull from github, and that module wants to push to github..... yikes03:31
nibalizerbut even that is easy to solve by giving it bad credentials maybe03:32
mordredyah - but that would (and should_ cause the thing to fail03:33
mordredlet's call these two different problems03:33
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nibalizerthat works for me03:33
nibalizerthere are a cpl WIP reviews i put up and you can see sorta what i'm going for03:34
jesusaurusso, the tests should definitely have not-production credentials03:34
jesusaurusthey simply wont have any of the hiera03:34
nibalizer and
nibalizerits actually one of the stackforge puppet modules to start because the infra puppet modules aren't really modules yet03:37
nibalizerokay /me -> rescue efi partition on laptop03:38
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kashyapHi, to ask Jenkins to rerun its tests, I just have to type "recheck"  in a comment, is it?04:25
ianwkashyap : did you hit a known bug?  you put the bug number in04:26
clarkbkashyap: not quite, you either have to assert that rerunning the checks is not due to a bug and do 'recheck no bug' or provide the bug number04:26
clarkbeg 'recheck bug XXXXXXX'04:26
kashyapianw, Yeah, I submitted a trivial change -
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ianwkashyap: oh, doh, i had a comment on that and didn't press review04:27
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ianwi don't think it's right, that should be coming from requirements.txt, can you post your log04:27
kashyapianw, The bug is created last night (Matt Riederm), we had a long discussion on #openstack-nova04:27
ianwkashyap: ^04:27
kashyap1 sec04:28
kashyapclarkb, Thanks for the note04:28
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kashyapianw, Side question -- I see that you're running the "Red Hat CI". Nova guests are Level-2 (i.e. nested)guests, aren't they? In that case, do you use expose nested virt extensions on Intel hardware?04:31
kashyapianw, The bug that we're hitting is this --
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1320617 in nova "[Image] failed to reach ACTIVE status within the required time (196 s). Current status: SAVING" [Undecided,New]04:31
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ianwkashyap: no, qemu binary translation.  the rhel kernel we run on doesn't support nesting04:32
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kashyapianw, Are you using EL6 as host?04:33
clarkbianw: kashyap: we tested nesting and found it to be quite unstable04:33
clarkbhypervisors and VMs would panic04:33
kashyapclarkb, Hm, I wish people make time to report. Upstream KVM is lightening fast to respond to such issues04:34
clarkbkashyap: when you are running an old kernel I don't think we expected anyone to care04:34
clarkbkashyap: and by old I mean not ancient but not latest either04:35
kashyapHmm, that's true04:35
kashyapFWIW,  I use it in test environments (but I run very new Kernels), and run all the Nova guests (at-least 20 to 30) as nested guests.04:35
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ianwkashyap: so why isn't pyyaml installed by pip?04:39
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kashyapianw, Hmm, not quite sure. Here is the DevStack invocation (devstacklog.txt) --
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kashyap(Grep for "fatal error")04:41
dstufftwhat'd pip do wrong now04:41
ianwkashyap: oh, yaml.h ... what's supposed to provide that?  some -dev pkg04:42
kashyapianw, PyYAML is the package04:42
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kashyapInstalling the above resolved it, let me get the 2nd devstack run after I installed the RPM04:42
clarkbits not libyaml-devel that you need?04:43
kashyapYes, the header file must be, some devel  pkg04:43
clarkbPyYAML is probably just installing the python lib for you04:43
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clarkband avoiding the compile step04:43
ianwkashyap: so it's libyaml-devel i think we want here04:44
kashyapYeah, sorry, right - libyaml04:44
* kashyap checks on his instance04:44
ianwkashyap: i guess the limited install you're doing doesn't bring that in04:44
ianwkashyap: while my runs, doing a full devstack, probably something else has it as a dep before it gets to that04:44
kashyapianw, Right. That's the local.conf I used --
kashyap(Just Nova, Neutron, Keystone, Glance)04:45
kashyapianw, Yeah, still, we should allow granular DevStack installs, isn't it?04:45
clarkbyes if that is needed devstack should add it explicitly04:46
clarkbwe ran into this with kerberos on trusty too04:46
clarkbit was being isntalled transitively on precise but not on trusty so we had to add it04:46
clarkbbeing explicit is good04:46
kashyapclarkb, Right. I often care about those above areas, so would like to keep systems from getting bloated04:46
kashyapAlso, reduces debugging surface04:47
ianwkashyap: actually, <-- we are missing that, but keep going anyway04:47
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kashyapHmm I do see libyaml-0.1.6-1.fc20.x86_64 installed on the DevStack instance04:48
ianwkashyap: yeah, need -devel for .h04:48
ianwkashyap: so next question, why does yours not fall back to a python model04:49
ianwkashyap: oh ,hang on, it does (too many log windows open :)04:49
ianwso it's not actually failing04:50
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ianwkashyap: in fact, looks fine04:50
kashyapianw, Hmm, so would you recommend to drop that change?  I'm not used to staring at these logs/debugging, still finding my way :-)04:51
clarkbI think it is worth adding as the C lib is apparently preferred04:51
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kashyapclarkb, So, I'd revise & re-submit it with libyaml-devel?04:52
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ianwkashyap: yeah, change to include libyaml-devel, can't hurt04:52
kashyapianw, Alright. Making some breakfast, will do so in a few.04:53
kashyapThanks both for the help.04:53
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openstackgerritAdrian Otto proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: List projects not restricted to
openstackgerritAdrian Otto proposed a change to openstack/requirements: List projects not restricted to
clarkbadrian_otto: ^ isn't that a noop?04:58
clarkbwe already fallback04:58
clarkbI don't think this solves anything04:58
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openstackgerritAdrian Otto proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: List projects not restricted to
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openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug #1332500
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1332500 in neutron "Lock wait timeout inserting row into routers table" [High,Confirmed]
clarkbadrian_otto: any chance you have a sec to discuss what you are trying to accomplish that isn't accomplished by the current setup?05:01
adrian_ottoclarkb:  hi05:01
clarkbso that addition is basically a noop. If you remove yourself from the projects.txt it will just work that way05:02
adrian_ottoyes, we want to continue to get the automatic requirements update patches from the Jenkins bot05:02
clarkbbut that won't work because your requirements won't be the same05:02
clarkbotherwise you wouldn't need the exception05:02
clarkbI think adding the exception and still trying to enforce the reqs will lead to sadness05:02
clarkbas they are competing with each other05:02
adrian_ottoand we want to be pinned to the same requirements as other openstack projects, with the exception to allow us to get the mistralclient requirement without listing it as a global requirement05:03
clarkbright I don't think the proposed changes will do that05:03
clarkbbecause you will break the enforcement side05:03
clarkbthe requirements tools will say no to mistalclient05:03
clarkbso while it may work from the mirror side it won't work with the syncing and checking05:04
adrian_ottoI really wanted to only allow the fallback for a specifically listed requirement05:04
adrian_ottoI'm suggesting this as another alternative to consider05:04
clarkbright and I am saying it won't solve either problem05:04
clarkbbecause the syncing and checking will break05:04
kashyapianw, Commit message is 60 characters, hope that's fine (I think Gate rejects about 72 chars, right?) -
clarkbadrian_otto: I think we may have to reconsider requirements05:05
clarkbwe have always told stackforge projects they are at the mercy of it05:05
adrian_ottoclarkb: I want the same set of requirements that all openstack distros use05:05
clarkbor they can opt out05:05
adrian_ottoplus the ability to add one more05:05
clarkbthis is a third use case that we never intended on supporting (not that we can't support it)05:05
adrian_ottoI don't want to drift to a whole new set of requirements05:05
clarkbbut I think it needs a but more thinking through as the proposed changes likely won't work05:06
ianwkashyap: pretty sure pep8 will reject it if it's "wrong"05:06
clarkbadrian_otto: right and that is directly at odds with having a special req05:06
adrian_ottoclarkb: help me understand what you think won't work05:06
clarkbadrian_otto: because now you have drifted and that special req may pull in things that conflict with the openstack requirements05:06
clarkbadrian_otto: ^ is one way it won't work05:06
adrian_ottothe review I just posted will do the equivalent of removing stackforge/solum from projects.txt with respect to pip05:06
clarkbright which is why I am saying it is a noop from that perspective05:07
adrian_ottoso it's functionally equivalent to your suggested fix05:07
kashyapianw, Okay. Will check later what the tests say. Thank you.05:07
clarkbif you want requirements that aren't in the mirror you just remove yourself from projects.txt05:07
clarkbthe problem with your proposed changes is that they won't actually do what you want05:07
adrian_ottobut then I lose auto requirment updates05:07
clarkbbecause syncing and checking requires things be in sync05:08
clarkbbecause your out of sync reqs can do whatever they want and completetly hose the "vetted" requirements05:08
adrian_ottoand I reduce the change that I'm aligned on the basic requirements05:08
clarkbI think doing what you want to do is a lot more involved05:08
clarkband will require additional checks to at least know when the exceptions differ with requirements05:09
adrian_ottowhat other options can I consider05:09
adrian_ottook, I'm willing to add code that checks that05:09
clarkbwell lets back up05:09
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clarkbthe problem is this. we have a list of packages, you want to consume that list of packages except in some cases05:09
clarkbthe whole reason that list of packages exists is to ensure no one does that05:09
adrian_ottoin one case05:09
clarkbso all of the tooling is built to defeat your goal05:10
adrian_ottoyes, that's the problem05:10
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clarkbgiven that I think the best way to solve the problem is to either add mistralclient to the requirements or remove solum from projects.txt05:10
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clarkbwhich is essentially the stance infra has had on these issues in the past05:10
clarkbnow if we want to add a third thing, we probably want to consider a spec to something (TC?) that re envisions the requirements repo as something else05:11
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clarkbbecause what you want is directly at odds with the current purpose of that project05:12
adrian_ottoand we disqualified the adding of mistral as an option because we believe there is a lot of change coming still, and the upstreams would probably not like that, and the need to support potentially buggy versions of mistral as it evolves05:12
clarkband there is a much larger discussion that should happen before we turn the ship05:12
adrian_ottothat's why I started the ML thread05:13
clarkbyup and people responded :)05:13
clarkbmy two major concerns with option 3 are it will be hard to keep you actually in sync if you allow exceptions05:13
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StevenKI think adding mistralclient to requirements is the best option.05:14
clarkbbecase exceptions can install dependencies themselves and those may be at odds with the requirements repo05:14
adrian_ottoYes, and I'm continuing to hunt for an option that suits the various interests in play05:14
StevenKThere was nary a whisper when I added os-cloud-config to requirements05:14
clarkbif that happens you have essentially defeated the functionality desired05:14
adrian_ottoStevenK: in all honesty I'm fine with that solution05:14
clarkbthe other concern is allowing things into openstack/ that arguably shouldn't be allowed05:14
adrian_ottoI'm just representing the view of my team who expected friction with that05:14
clarkbif somehow we allowed things through that hadn't been "vetted"05:15
adrian_ottoclarkb: exactly05:15
adrian_ottoand we have an expectation at this point that we are including software that has stable APIs05:15
clarkbnot necessarily05:15
clarkbI believe the expectation is that libs are cared for, support python 3 or have a path to that, are appropriately licensed, and make sense in the context of existing requirements05:16
clarkbeg is there something that would work that we already depend on?05:16
adrian_ottoI ruled that out05:16
adrian_ottowe did look for that first05:16
clarkbanyways I think those changes jump the gun and aren't going to do what you expect them to due to requirements being smart with its checks and syncs05:17
adrian_ottoI suppose we could potentially substitute zuul for mistral, but then we don't get user customizable CI pipelines05:17
clarkbzuul isn't a requirement either05:17
adrian_ottoit does not rely on a workflow API05:18
adrian_ottothat's the difference05:18
adrian_ottoit uses a gearman queue, I think05:18
adrian_ottoor perhaps a series of them05:18
clarkbzuul uses gearman05:18
nibalizerthere is only zuuuuuuuuuuuul05:18
clarkbwith its own pipelines on top05:18
clarkbbut thats a side issue05:18
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clarkbregardless of the actual dependency this is something that needs to be addressed and party line so far has been you get it in requirements or you remove yourself from enforcement05:19
clarkband I think we need a good idea of what a third option looks like before we make changes05:19
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clarkbbecause this stuff is complex and will break if we rush into it05:19
adrian_ottofair enough05:19
adrian_ottothanks for thinking through this with us05:19
adrian_ottoI want a middle ground, where I get the benefits of enforcement, with the ability to bird dog a particular requirement05:20
clarkbya and the issue to work around is making sure that doesn't affect openstack/ and ensuring that you don't completely hose yourself due to transitive deps05:21
adrian_ottoand maybe StevenK is right.05:21
clarkbI think this is doable05:21
clarkbit just requires some thought05:21
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clarkbwhen the integrated gate ran into the second problem we came up with this as the fix05:21
adrian_ottook, so think for a sec about my two reviews I just posted up05:21
adrian_ottoI understand the concern that mistralclient may call for other requirmeents05:22
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adrian_ottois there a way I can tell pip not to recurse for other requirements?05:22
clarkbdstufft: ^05:22
clarkbadrian_otto: I think the answer is no because pip dep resolution is pretty simple05:22
clarkbso no knobs05:22
clarkbpip blindly goes where the current package takes it05:23
adrian_ottois there another way I can cause the mistralclient to be loaded by the gate jobs before it satisfies other requirements?05:23
clarkbyou can do ugly hacks like install from source05:24
* clarkb looks at morganfainberg and keystone05:24
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adrian_ottowhat did Morgan do?05:24
* morganfainberg slinks away05:24
adrian_ottoI'm willing to entertain all options at this point05:24
clarkbadrian_otto: keystone unittests install python keystoneclient from source05:24
clarkbadrian_otto: it breaks a lot05:24
clarkbor did in the past05:24
morganfainbergclarkb, it's ok, i'll submit the same dirty hack to all the projects *evil laugh*05:24
morganfainbergclarkb, we made it waaaay better05:24
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: that's what oslo is for right05:25
morganfainbergclarkb, actually, i wanted to ask, would you be opposed to that check being a separate gate/check job?05:25
morganfainbergclarkb, if we need to keep it.05:25
morganfainbergjamielennox, ++05:25
clarkbquick remove jamielennox's ssh keys from gerrit before he does too much damage05:25
openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutron bug 1332917
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1332917 in neutron "Deadlock when deleting from ipavailabilityranges " [High,Confirmed]
clarkbmorganfainberg: nope, I think it fits into the idea of functional testing05:25
clarkbmorganfainberg: where we have a little but more environment05:26
morganfainbergclarkb, cool.05:26
adrian_ottobut my problem is not just about gate testing05:26
morganfainbergclarkb, *nod*05:26
jamielennoxnow that you can reverse test things we shouldn't need it right?05:26
adrian_ottoit's about making my software work when it gets distributed too05:26
jamielennoxas in we can make keystoneclient gate on the keystone tests05:26
clarkbadrian_otto: right and that is why my second concern is important05:26
jamielennoxit's just for old versions we would keep it around05:26
morganfainbergjamielennox, yeah that was what i was implying.05:27
clarkbadrian_otto: because circumvention of the checking infrastructure essentially invalidates that05:27
clarkbadrian_otto: you can pretend that you are protected but in the general case you are not05:27
morganfainbergjamielennox, but we should have it run a matrix of versions05:27
morganfainbergjamielennox, something to think about.05:27
adrian_ottoclarkb: point taken05:27
morganfainbergclarkb, pip install all of pypi05:27
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: it's come up before, we would just need to do a lot of test refactor so that we could do that job with just the client specific tests05:28
morganfainbergclarkb, is there a pip package that says "INSTALL ALL THE THNIGS"? cause... i totally want to make that a requirement... or maybe one that just depends on X11 being installed and running05:28
clarkbmorganfainberg: I don't think so05:28
morganfainbergclarkb, awwww :(05:28
clarkbyou could install bandersnatch then use find to pip install . all the things05:28
morganfainbergclarkb ooh, good idea totally needs to be part of keystoneclient's tests05:29
adrian_ottook, ;et's come back to point here for a sec05:29
adrian_ottothat leaves us with the option of adding mistralclient to global-requirements.txt, right?05:29
clarkbadrian_otto: and fwiw I am sure that if you make mordred and dstufft drink lots of caffeine they can probably come up with something that makes all the things happy05:30
clarkbadrian_otto: yes I think that is the most correct way to handle the problem05:30
morganfainbergadrian_otto, sorry i'll go back to my channel over there *walks off to the "sad walking away hulk song"</family guy>*05:30
adrian_ottobecause the truth is that I really do want to be pinned to the same requirements as all the integrated projects.05:30
clarkbwell in fairness the integrated projects don't do a ton of pinning05:31
adrian_ottowell, yes, I suppose that's true05:31
clarkbwhich I know was part of the r1chardj0n3s confusion last night05:31
clarkbthey are intentionally uncapped so that we know when they break us as soon as they break us05:31
adrian_ottowe only put in version ranges when problems creep in05:31
clarkbcorrect and we have successfully started pushing people more towards exclusings instead of caps05:32
clarkbif there is reason to believe the next release will be corrected05:32
adrian_ottoyes, I noticed a few of those in theere05:32
adrian_ottook, I think the best next step is to follow up on the ML thread proposing addition of mistralcleint to global-requirements05:34
adrian_ottoand I will abandon the two reviews I just made05:34
clarkbya proposing that can't hurt05:34
adrian_ottoand just reference them as an option that we would rather not use05:34
clarkband may help bring out more corner cases in the whole thing05:34
adrian_ottoclarkb: can you anticipate what any of those might be?05:35
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: WIP Add support for negative requirements
clarkbadrian_otto: not right now05:35
clarkbadrian_otto: I personally wouldn't have a huge issue with it05:35
clarkbas things like tooz were added05:35
jheskethjogo: ^ that's for you man :-)05:35
adrian_ottoso it's the same core team here that decides what get's placed there, or do you seek TC input on each one?05:36
clarkbneither, there is a dedicated review team for requirements05:36
jogojhesketh: woot05:36
adrian_ottois there an ml topic for that team?05:36
jogoI like the commit message05:36
clarkbadrian_otto: [requirements] ?05:37
adrian_ottoor is the current topic appropriate?05:37
adrian_ottook, I'll add that just to be safe05:37
clarkbadrian_otto: I dunno. I find topics are actually not so good and try to skim everything...05:37
clarkbnot sure if crazy or actually helpful05:37
adrian_ottoI suppose if there was at least one other project that could make sue of mistralclient, that argument would be much easier to make.05:38
adrian_otto(disadvantage of being a first mover)05:39
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clarkbjhesketh: do you have a link to your removal of envinject handy?05:43
clarkbjhesketh: I should just review that05:43
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adrian_ottoclarkb: do you think I should post a review to the requirements repo to add mistralclient to the global requirements in order to have the discussion, or use the ML first?05:45
adrian_ottoor both at the same time?05:45
adrian_ottoI can cross link them05:45
clarkbyou can probably just push a cahnge and see what requirements core says05:45
clarkband if we run into more "this is hard" we can punt to ML05:45
adrian_ottook, I'm going to try that and see what happens05:46
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jheskethclarkb: this is the tail
jheskethclarkb: I think there are still a couple of Maven jobs I don't know what to do for05:49
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clarkbjhesketh: that stack mostly looks good to me05:53
clarkbI approved the first one05:53
clarkbdid you want to address zaro's comments?05:53
clarkbI do think it helps make it more readable to colocate the generation of the files and sourcing of them05:53
jheskethclarkb: yep, give me a sec05:54
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openstackgerritAdrian Otto proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add python-mistralclient to requirements
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Bump the apt module version from 1.1 to 1.4
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove envinject from gerrit
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove envinject from javascript
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove envinject from groups
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove envinject from openstackid
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove envinject from gerrit-plugin-jobs
jheskethclarkb: ^06:02
dstufftadrian_otto: there's --no-deps06:04
dstufftit won't install anything that wasn't explicitly given06:04
clarkbdstufft: how does it avoid doing stuff?06:04
clarkbdstufft: you monkey patch all the things?06:04
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dstufftwell it doesn't06:06 doesn't generally do stuf via pip06:07
dstufftexcept for setup_requires06:07
dstufftwel always tell --single-version-externally-managed which turns off isntall_requires and friends06:07
clarkbwoo pbr06:08
clarkb(pbr breaks ^ right?)06:08
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clarkbactually it may do the single version externally managed06:08
* adrian_otto perks up06:11
adrian_ottoit's past 1:00 AM here06:11
clarkbyes time for sleep soon06:12
clarkbtomorrow is an early morning06:12
adrian_ottodstufft: if you would be kind enough to add your ideas to this ML thread, I would deeply appreciate it:
clarkbUS germany should be fun06:12
* adrian_otto turning in now06:12
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dstufftclarkb: yea pbr doesn't break becuase it respects --svem06:16
dstufftadrian_otto: I can tomorrow06:16
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Capture apache configuration files
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rdopieralskihi, does anybody know why this patch is not being merged even though it has 2 +2s?06:47
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rdopieralskiand what can I do to make it?06:48
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nibalizerrdopieralski: i think its because +2 is not +a06:50
nibalizerbasically cores can +2 all day but if no one says approved it wont go06:50
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nibalizergenerally in infra the cores want to make sure they're 'at work' and ready to respond if things go south before they approve stuff06:50
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rdopieralskinibalizer: I see, so I just wait?06:51
rdopieralskinibalizer: I just want to make sure the ball is not in my court06:51
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nibalizerrdopieralski: ya i think so :)07:11
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rdopieralskinibalizer: thanks07:12
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jheskethzaro: if you have any ideas how to remove envinject from jenkins-plugin-jobs.yaml I'd love some help07:29
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lifelessmordred: multi-node testr doesn't handle provisioning07:32
lifelessmordred: it has a contract where you tell it how to get a test process running, but it doesn't give a hoot about how you arrange for that to happen07:32
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hashargood morning08:00
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hasharI like how a simple 'recheck no bug' triggers the gating of four changes08:01
hasharspam incoming08:01
therveYou shouldn't use recheck no bug though08:03
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, I've added switch to trusty CR for sahara too08:04
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hashartherve: what is the recommendation?08:04
thervehashar, There is always a bug. So the recommendation is to find the bug number, or create a new one.08:04
hashartherve: ah true sorry.  The context was change  which had pep8 fail because of a pypi error:   No distributions at all found for apscheduler>=2.1.1,<3.008:05
hasharconsole is
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thervehashar, You should probably have created a bug for it.08:08
hashartherve: and looking in logstash that error seems to happen from time to time.08:09
hasharwill fill a bug08:09
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hashar !08:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1334550 in openstack-ci "Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement X" [Undecided,New]08:14
hashartherve: thank you08:14
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yfriedis this the place for help with jenkins-job-builder?09:15
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Longgeekyfried: yes09:32
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hasharyfried: I might assist :-)09:55
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srenatusis there any way to change the email address of my gerrit account?10:27
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srenatusso, I changed my email in "Contact Information", but it still shows the old one in "Profile"10:44
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Longgeeksrenatus: On the launchpad to modify it?10:55
srenatusLonggeek: did that10:55
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Longgeeksrenatus: Launchpad and Gerrit email stays the same10:56
srenatusLonggeek: hmm... let me refresh this10:57
srenatusthanks a lot. done.10:57
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chmoueldstufft: hey there, i was wondering if that's behavior is expected
chmoueldstufft: get_pip install as pip2 and devtack fail11:04
chmoueldstufft: that's on fedora2011:04
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fungichmouel: it looks like your fedora may have pip installed from an rpm, with a different executable name than get-pip would create (but get-pip skips installing there because it looks for and find the python module rather than the executable)11:09
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fungichmouel: in our systems we remove any distro-provided pip packages before running get-pip11:10
fungiperhaps devstack itself should do the same11:10
* fungi looks to see if devstack tries to and is checking by executable name or something similarly unhelpful11:11
fungichmouel: maybe should be expanded to also look for pip2 and pip3?11:12
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fungichmouel: probably same here too
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Longgeekfungi: Why does my patch did not trigger Jenkins?
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fungiLonggeek: according to zuul's log it tried to inspect the change yours depends on (23447,2 from the tip of the master branch) and failed to find it, causing the call to throw an exception and not enqueue your change. i'm digging into gerrit now to see if i can discover why11:26
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Longgeekfungi: What should I do? There are two patch is such a situation,
fungiLonggeek: just wait, i think it's either a bug in zuul or something wrong in the gerrit backend11:29
fungiclearly the parent change it's complaining about not finding does exist, and was merged last year11:29
Longgeekfungi: Understand, thank you for your hard work.11:29
fungiafter i get some coffee i'll see if i can find why this is happening11:30
fungiLonggeek: thanks for bringing it to my attention!11:30
Longgeekfungi: :)11:30
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Longgeekfungi: Can I continue to other projects submitted to the Puppet code style patch?  I do not know if my approach is correct?11:33
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sdaguefungi: I think we need to light anyone on fire that's setting pip == pipN11:36
sdagueI mean, that's freaking crazy pants11:36
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dhellmannI have another trusty-related (I think) issue:
dhellmannI'm unable to land patches in several (all?) oslo repositories now, so I would really appreciate help tracking these down and fixing them.11:45
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chmouelfungi: sorry just reading this again, i think that pipN can get very annoying11:50
chmouelfungi: i think may be fixed to create a default symlink or a default pip11:52
dhellmanntoday's error: "x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc: internal compiler error: Terminated (program cc1)" while installing numpy11:55
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sdaguedhellmann: so realistically, we should install numpy from packages. We really need that test job outside of pbr, because it's insane to be trying to fix it over there.12:00
dhellmannsdague: That's fine. I'd like to start with a plan that gets me back into a state where I can do the work I'm trying to do. Can we stop using trusty for this job until we've figured out how to make it work?12:00
sdaguedhellmann: I don't know, ask clarkb on that12:01
dhellmannsdague: fwiw, numpy installed fine on my dev box12:01
sdagueactually, numpy is installed, why pip is installing it again is beyond me12:02
dhellmannclarkb, jeblair : can we stop using trusty for the check-requirements-integration-dsvm jobs until the job works there? Oslo is blocked on these failures.12:02
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dhellmannat least the pbr release is, and I felt sure I'd had reports of failures in other repos, too, but maybe not12:04
fungidhellmann: i'll see if i can spot the cause real quick/find a solution... switching those jobs back will make it harder to be certain we've fixed the issue and just delay the transition tha much more12:06
dhellmannfungi: ok, thanks12:07
dhellmannah, the requirements repo gates on this, and so we won't be able to add any oslo libs to requirements, so that's why I was thinking oslo was blocked12:08
sdaguehonestly, I think we actually need mordred or someone that understands that reqs job test, because I'm not sure what it's doing, or why it's compiling numpy 3 times12:09
sdagueand only on the 3rd time it seems to fail12:09
sdaguejhesketh: turbo hipster seems to be a little sad12:10
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mordredsdague: waking up ... will look soon12:12
dhellmannfungi, mordred , sdague : I'm going to eat and then write my ptl webinar thingy. I'll check back in later this morning. Thanks for looking into the problem in the mean time.12:13
fungisdague: that job tries to build a pypi mirror from the reqs list and makes sure everything can be co-installed12:15
fungisdague: it's deep inside the run-mirror script where we're hitting it (execution starts at )12:17
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fungiapparently you can git that opaque internal compiler error in gcc if you try to link a nonexistent lib12:18
sdagueyeh, that's what I'm expecting is going on12:18
sdagueespecially when we're doing something like compiling numpy12:18
fungii'm just trying to nail down what new package we're missing12:19
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fungiprobably something in the list here...
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sdagueso, how about just this -
fungii guess we never added a dpkg -l output for the job logs. holding a node now and doing it the ugly way12:24
sdaguethen we don't need to go hunting12:24
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fungisdague: bwahahaha12:25
fungioh, you just added that. openstackgerrit is mia12:25
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fungisdague: but yes, i expect that to solve the problem quite well12:27
fungiwelcome back, openstackgerrit12:27
fungiwatching the logs... looks like it's normally failing about 10 minutes in with this error12:28
fungiso we should have some confidence shortly12:28
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fungisdague: i *suspect* that most of the line above those can also go away12:29
fungisdague: we can try that as a follow-on cleanup patch once the dust settles12:30
sdagueyeh, maybe, honestly I want minimal changes until that moves into requirements repo12:30
sdaguethe requirements integration job should not be in another repo12:30
fungieasy enough to forklift into the other repo and then repoint the job12:31
fungithough no simple way to preserve change history on it12:31
fungiother than leave a breadcrumb in the commit message/script comment12:31
krtaylorLonggeek, bugs and are the same12:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1334609 in openstack-ci "top-scope variable being used without an explicit namespace" [Undecided,New]12:31
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sdaguefungi: also it would let us have versions per branch12:32
sdaguebecause right now the job is branchless12:32
sdaguebut it's not tested against stable12:32
krtaylorLonggeek, did you hit report twice by chance?12:32
sdagueso it's a break waiting to happy12:32
fungisdague: well, yes, but it will also lose us the current backward-compat testing in pbr12:32
sdaguefungi: this isn't really a pbr test is it?12:33
fungisdague: well, it started out being a pbr test12:33
fungiand to some extent still serves to confirm pbr changes don't break all our stuff12:33
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fungiby trying to install-all-the-things12:33
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sdagueok, so there is a piece of that matrix that needs to be sorted12:34
Longgeekkrtaylor: I'm sorry, probably because of network problems, played two12:34
mordredall of the locations we've thought of are also bad I think12:34
sdaguethe current state is weird though12:34
mordredbut yah12:34
mordredtotally agree12:34
sdaguemordred: why is requirements repo bad?12:34
mordredcan't remember ... brain stupid right now12:35
mordredprobably isn't12:35
sdaguethat's fair12:35
fungii think maybe we initially discounted the reqs repo because it contained no code. then it grew some related scripts/tools12:35
sdagueok, before it gets insane hot here, I'm going to get out on the bike for a bit. Back later.12:35
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sdaguemostly though I'm chasing the libvirt snapshot thing today though, which is our biggest issue since the trusty update12:36
fungicrap. now it's dying on the a2ensite issue12:36
fungidid we not land that patch yet?12:36
* fungi checks12:36
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add proposed/* branches support to
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fungisdague: dhellmann: i suspect it 102809 needs to be squashed with 10258412:37
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fungineither is going to work unless both are fixed12:38
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add proposed/* branches support to
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fungior we cram one through past the gate12:39
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sdaguefungi: oh, seriously, that patch wasn't landed?12:40
sdagueok, let me do that fast.12:41
dhellmann was blocked on not having some library, and I added that to devstack yesterday -- took all day12:41
dhellmannsdague: ^^12:41
openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-apparmor: Update puppet coding style
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Update integration script for Apache 2.4
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sdagueok, squashed together12:44
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sdaguefungi: so we're definitely back into one of those failure rates where landing things in the normal way is hard12:45
dhellmannsdague: shouldn't devstack install the build-dep stuff?12:45
sdaguedhellmann: I don't think so12:46
sdagueit install numpy from packages12:46
sdagueso no need to compile it12:46
dhellmannok, that makes sense12:46
dhellmannand yaml, too?12:46
fungidhellmann: not necessarily for the reqs integration job since it's not actually setting up devstack (it installs more stuff than devstack does)12:46
sdagueyeh, I think so12:46
sdaguefungi: a ninja merge on - would be appreciated12:47
dhellmannfungi: ok, I remembered that this was run after devstack, and I was told to add libkrb5-dev to devstack yesterday, so this was just a confusing difference in approach12:47
sdagueit's managed to not fail on the bug it was trying to fix12:47
sdaguebut now it's bouncing off rax mirror failure12:47
fungidhellmann: libkrb5-dev might actually be needed for devstack's sanity, i don't know12:47
sdagueand basically everyone else is going to be blocked merging code until it's in12:47
dhellmannfungi: yeah, me neither, hence the question :-)12:47
sdaguedhellmann: yeh, libkrb5-dev seems weird for devstack12:48
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sdagueanyway, I'm out for a bit, be back once I get some riding in12:48
dhellmannwe can move it to this integration script, I guess12:48
dhellmannsdague: enjoy!12:48
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openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-dashboard: Add variables and document
ianwsdague: when you get a chance, i notice the grenade logs are still a bit funny, is hopefully ok12:53
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ianwsdague: sorry is the grenade change, the other is a cleanup12:54
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change ACLs to apply on proposed/* branches
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ttxfungi: see ^ for ACL changes. looks like the top-level ACL file (project.config) is not driven from the config repo ?13:05
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fungittx: the config for the all-projects metaproject is only documented in the config repo, but not puppeted due to chicken-and-egg bootstrapping complication13:07
ttxfungi: ok, so then my commit message shall be accurate13:08
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fungittx: though to avoid rebase hell and improve our ability to catch straggler acls being added in outstanding changes, we could instead implement it like i did with
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mordreddhellmann, fungi: I'm here now, but it seems you've got it ...13:18
mordredalthough, in looking, I just discovered patch b07a50b13:18
mordredwhich is brilliant13:18
mordredand I think may solve the easy_install bug13:18
mordredwhere is kevin mccarthy so that I can hand him a bunny rabbit?13:19
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mordredfungi: also, I _think_ we might be able to get rid of the apache in the script, because I think the bug with pip not being able to do file:// mirrors properly got fixed13:23
fungimordred: i seem to recall dstufft saying so, yes13:25
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dstufftpip should be able to --find-links to a directory13:25
dstufftor --extra-index-url13:25
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fungidstufft: even when some packages have dependencies on other packages with capitalization/punctuation differences?13:26
fungidstufft: i think that was the main blocker which had originally driven us to stick apache on localhost13:26
dstufftI dunno13:27
dstufftI think so13:27
mordredk. well, easy enough to test :)13:27
dstufftif apache works a file should13:27
fungie.g. pip's indexing via http was different than via local file tree13:27
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fungiand while we can correct the caps/punc we use to refer to direct depends, we have no control over the same in transitive depends13:28
mordredyah. but I think that got fixed13:28
mordred(I think StevenK or tchaypo got annoyed by it a few months ago ...)13:28
fungialso, not sure if that necessarily helps wit transitive depends using setup_requires in a similar fashion?13:29
fungior does it?13:29
mordrednothing helps with those :)13:29
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* mordred hands dstufft a sacraficial goat and waits for pip to take over the world13:29
fungiother than nuking setuptools from orbit13:29
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dstufftI should probably work on my branch that steals control of setup_requires from setuptools13:30
fungi is looking very, very promising13:30
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dstufftso much to do :|13:30
dstufftwtb a minion or two to do my bidding13:30
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix settings.php permission ownership
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mordredfungi: also, I think we can move tools/ to the requirements repo and preserve the history13:40
fungimordred: oh?13:41
fungimordred: filter-branch into a separate branch and then add a merge commit?13:42
mordredfungi: yah.13:42
mordred*me waves hands*13:42
fungii've done that to combine history on projects before (there is a trick to importing branch from a remote repo into an empty branch of a different local repo, but i forget the details at the moment)13:43
* mordred dry-runs13:43
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fungijust didn't know if it was worth the effort13:43
hasharhey folks. Gotta a gate error earlier today with pip complaining with "No distributions at all found for X"   Someone here recommended me to fill a bug which is now
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1334550 in openstack-ci "Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement X" [Undecided,New]13:43
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Add Python 3.4 checking
hashar(logstash has a bunch of such pip issue when querying for  message:"Could not find any downloads" AND tags:console.html  )13:44
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openstackgerritChuck Short proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add Python 3.4 checking
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mordredfungi: yup. easy peasy. about 4 steps13:48
openstackgerritenikanorov proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutron bug 1332500
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1332500 in neutron "Lock wait timeout inserting row into routers table" [High,Confirmed]
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fungihashar: yeah, appscheduler isn't something we have in our mirror, so the job fell back to looking on and for whatever reason failed to find an appropriate package version there (though when i look, there are a couple)13:50
hasharfungi: should the package get added to the pypi mirror so ?13:50
hashar(just wondering, I have no clue how you handle the deps)13:50
fungihashar: it's not a dependency of openstack itself, so we don't currently add those sorts of things to the openstack restricted pypi mirror13:51
fungihashar: though in the near future we'll probably be switching to full mirrors now that we have more dynamic requirements enforcement implemented13:51
hasharok ok :-)13:52
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hasharfor small projects like zuul, it is just a tiny annoyance13:52
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/release-tools: Support proposed/* branches in release scripts
hasharanother thing I noticed and that might be consuming nodes fro nothing, is that sometime we have both the check and gate pipeline jobs being triggered13:52
hashartypically, commenting on some old patches and saying "this is good to land" then voting workflow +113:53
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hasharthat will enqueue the patch in test which we really don't care about13:53
hasharso maybe a change in gate should cancel the change in test (if that make any sense).  Can fill a bug for it13:53
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fungisdague: the snapshot change for nova merged a couple minutes ago, so should be good on that front13:55
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fungisdague: dhellmann: mordred: is well on its way to a jenkins check +1, so if we want to quick-approve it we can unblock reqs changes soon13:56
dhellmannfungi: thanks!13:58
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add missing export -f in rally-cli job
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dstufftfungi: could not find appropiate package if there are indeed packages probably means the connection died14:01
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dstufftpip hides connection errors if they occur while fetching the /simple/<whatever>/ pages14:01
dstufftbecasue external links14:01
dstufftmore or less14:01
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dstufftyou jsut get a totally useful message about not being able to find anything that satisifies14:02
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add missing export -f in rally-cli job
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fungidstufft: makes sense, unfortunately. all that spidering would be hella noisy from random broken links otherwise14:04
dstufftfungi: yea basically14:05
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dstufftfungi: if my PEP goes through it won't be that way anymore14:05
fungipresumably pip doesn't (currently) consider pypi a first-class citizen there and report on errors for it differently from the rest14:05
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dstufftfungi: no, we probably could with some special casing14:08
dstufftbut then i'd have one less reason for my PEP to get accepted >:]14:09
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fungidstufft: very good point ;)14:14
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tchaypomordred: fungi  last I checked I think my patch had merged but I'm not sure ignites released14:16
zarojhesketh: going thru envinject changes again14:16
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zarojhesketh: looks a little waco.  some stuff got reverted?14:17
tchaypoMy understanding is that pypi itself acts differently14:17
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tchaypoI've, it has vase insensitivity logic you won't get from a bare apache14:17
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: cloner to easily clone dependent repositories
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mordredtchaypo: well, we use apache mod-autoindex just fine for our mirror ... so as long as file:// can do the same thing as crawling mod_autoindex, we're fine14:27
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding api events notifier
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tchaypoFile:// will lowercase the file and s/-/_/ but that's about all14:31
tchaypoI think mod_autoindex can do more14:31
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openstackgerritChuck Short proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add python34 build and job template
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YorikSarHello, people!14:38
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YorikSarDid anyone try to use Gerrit REST API to post comments to changes?14:38
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Capture QEMU logs
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anteayareed krtaylor I'm fine but something happened yesterday in a personal realm and I need to stay sort of quiet for a bit to let things sync up so I won't be at full power for a while (not sure how long)14:42
anteayareed krtaylor thank you for the support and I agree third party ci maintainers should be contributing to openstack and aware of how their artifacts contribute to the developer experience14:42
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Notify in IRC when puppet run fails
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use ansible instead of direct ssh calls
mordredYorikSar: yup. works great14:42
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add mirror management playbooks
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move ansible things into a module
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove salt
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove old salt references from the puppet
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add playbook for cleaning workspaces
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rearrange into using roles
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YorikSarmordred: Not for me :(14:43
YorikSarmordred: My requests are just being ignored.14:43
anteayareed krtaylor unfortunately most are not, hence the volume of issues in the third party space14:43
mordredYorikSar: you might want to look at the gertty source code - it uses the rest api and posts comments back14:43
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mordredYorikSar: one sec - lemme point you somewhere14:44
anteayareed krtaylor I welcome suggestions and support in how to address this situation, since it is at the heart of all other conversations are third party discussions14:44
YorikSarmordred: Do you remember if it creates drafts for inline comments first or post everything at once?14:44
anteayareed krtaylor please do start any mailing list thread or discussion that would draw attention to this issue, don't wait for me14:45
zulfungi:  ping what was the precise image problem you where having last night?14:45
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YorikSarmordred: I'm on vacation and finally got around to earning that ham of yours ;)14:46
mordredYorikSar: yay ham!14:46
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mordredYorikSar: you  might have to fish around a little bit, but that's the bit in the code where it's starting to push comments and reviews back14:47
YorikSarmordred: And everything finally worked and final POST is emitted, but... Nothing happens.14:47
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YorikSarmordred: Ok, looks like it does the same thing I do...14:48
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Added specification for storyboard story tags
YorikSarmordred: I've stripped request down to this:14:49
mordredYorikSar: do you have the API token/password thing from the gerrit web ui?14:49
YorikSarcurl -v -d '{"message": "Will it ever work?..", "labels": {"Code-Review": -1}}' '' --digest -u yorik-sar:my_pass14:49
mordredok. you do14:49
YorikSarmordred: Just some digest auth.14:49
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Added specification for storyboard story tags
fungizul: hpcloud has an ubuntu partner image which is supposedly provided by canonical but does not appear in canonical's signed json file listing image uuids in cloud providers14:50
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mordredYorikSar: it does seem like you're doing the right thing14:50
fungizul: probably just an oversight/lag but wanted to make sure it's nothing more nefarious rather than merely assuming14:50
mordredYorikSar: might have to wait for jeblair to wake up - he knows way more about this than I14:50
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zulfungi: ok lemme see if i can find out whats happening14:51
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dhellmannsdague, fungi : "Build timed out (after 125 minutes). Marking the build as failed" in for
fungizul: clarkb provided the uuid and image name last night, but i can dig them back out of the irc log if needed14:51
fungidhellmann: yeah, just saw that. apparently it was working, just taking a while14:51
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YorikSarmordred: Ok, I'll try. Thanks for your help!14:52
zulfungi:  should be fixed now14:52
fungidhellmann: seemed to have been cut down in the middle of compiling lxml for one of the branches14:52
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fungizul: great--thanks! was there just a delay in publishing the updated list?14:53
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zulfungi:  nah...i just need to find the right people at canonical14:53
dhellmannfungi: ok. Should I just try again, or do you think the job is likely to run slower now and needs a different timeout?14:53
jeblairYorikSar: the change id in that url shouldn't be a number, it should be the change id in the rest api14:53
jeblairYorikSar: example:
jeblairYorikSar: (also, the revision is a git sha, not a number)14:54
YorikSarjeblair: I've shortened it down so that it won't get too long in IRC. The same happens with full IDs.14:54
YorikSarjeblair: Good morning :)14:54
fungidhellmann: not sure if it takes longer in hpcloud, or if it's a trusty-specific performance issue or something else14:55
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jeblairYorikSar: you understand that sort of thing makes it impossible to help you, right?14:55
fungidhellmann: might have just lucked out and hit a slow node, or we might need to increase the timeout on that job to debug it better14:55
YorikSarjeblair: Here's my original request:14:57
YorikSarcurl -v -d '{"message": "I noticed smth wrong with your PEP8 results.", "comments": {"stackalytics/dashboard/": [{"line": "31", "message": "F821 undefined name 'breaking_pep8'"}]}}' '' --digest -u yorik-sar:my_pass14:57
YorikSarjeblair: Although both simple and complex ID formats should work the same according to manual.14:58
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sdaguedhellmann: I wonder if something changed about the way the job runs so that we're compiling a lot more now14:58
sdaguein which case, we probably need to figure that out14:58
fungisdague: dhellmann: mordred: maybe we're not caching some build results we cached previously?14:58
sdaguehow long did devstack setup take? That's usually a pretty good indicator of inherently slow node14:58
dhellmann9 minutes?14:59
mordredfungi: I believe trusty _does_ have a new version of gcc14:59
mordredso it's entirely possible that something will make compiles slower14:59
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix groups-dev portal update sync issue
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fungisdague: 12 minutes from "Started by user anonymous" to "Removing sudo privileges for devstack user"15:00
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fungimordred: would ccache help for this, or should it be enabled by default?15:00
dolphmare the console logs from docs jobs not captured by logstash?15:00
mordredfungi: it might help - but also yeah, I think it shoudl just be enabled by default15:01
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mordredfungi: unless there is something in trusty that is changing how ccache works15:01
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yolandajeblair, i'm having some issues running tox for nodepool. It hangs just simply calling time.sleep(3), for example15:02
sdaguefungi: so that's slower15:02
yolandai could run some tests, but now it looks as it's hanging on every run15:02
sdaguebut not crazy so15:02
sdaguewell, also the 7 year old cpus that hp cloud tells us it has might have an impact15:03
jeblairYorikSar: only thing i see right now is i send the line numbers as integers, not strings15:03
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sdaguebe worth looking at an old version of these logs to figure out if we really compiled numpy this often15:03
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jeblairYorikSar: i also send 'strict_labels': False, but that shouldn't affect anything as long as you have access (which you should for a code-review -1)15:04
dhellmannsdague: wow, yeah, I see 7 times15:05
jeblairyolanda: git master, or a local change?15:05
yolandajeblair, local change15:05
yolandatests seem to be doing nothing, and not writing nothing to the .testrepository logs15:05
yolandai have to kill them by command line15:06
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YorikSarjeblair: Tried int there instead. Nothing's changed. If I ommit inline comments altogether, nothing happens as well.15:06
yolandaany idea about what can be causing that?15:06
jeblairyolanda: that probably means that there's still a thread running; the tests wait for all of the launch and delete threads to finish before exiting15:07
jeblairyolanda: it may help to run the tests one at a time15:07
jeblairin the foreground15:07
yolandajeblair, how can i do it? i tried directly with testr but i have the same problem15:08
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fungiYorikSar: were you testing that *before* was abandoned? you can't put code review votes on a closed change15:08
jeblair.tox/py27/bin/python -m nodepool.tests.test_nodepool15:08
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yolandaok, let me try that15:08
mordredfungi: nice catch15:09
fungiYorikSar: ahh, yes i see you commented on it through the webui before you abandoned it15:09
fungiYorikSar: so presumably so15:09
YorikSarfungi: Yes15:09
YorikSarfungi: Right now I'm trying to just put some comment there.15:10
fungiand it only has one patchset, so can't be an issue of trying to vote on a closed patchset either15:10
mesteryI'm trying to push a tag for a new python-neutronclient release, and I'm hitting a problem, hoping someone can help:
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jeblairmestery: is the tag signed?15:12
mesteryjeblair: Yes, I signed it locally with my key.15:12
fungimestery: please don't use --tags
mesteryfungi: I was reading that too, thanks for the pointer though!15:13
mesteryfungi: I'll use the specific tag the next time.15:13
jeblairmestery: you need to be added to the neutron-ptl group15:13
mordredmaybe we didn't add mestery to mestery ljjk15:13
mesteryjeblair: That explains it :)15:13
jeblairmestery: done15:13
mesterymordred: What you said. :P15:13
yolandajeblair, that works much better, thx15:13
mesteryjeblair: thanks!15:13
fungiaha, yup. i took care of that for lp group administrator purposes but never thought to see if the same had been overlooked in gerrit15:14
jeblairyolanda: np; i use that all the time.  once you find the test causing the problem, you can add its name to the end of that command to just run it15:14
mesteryjeblair fungi: Thanks, much better now. :)15:14
fungimestery: part of the benefit of those groups being self-administered (we assumed) is that outgoing ptls would add their successors to them15:15
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fungiin practice that seems to not actually happen particularly often15:15
* mestery makes a note to ensure he does this in the future. :)15:15
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YorikSarjeblair, fungi: Does gertty use digest auth or whatever Gerrit UI uses?15:18
sdaguemordred: are we supposed to be compiling numpy 7 times in that script?15:20
mordredsdague: yes15:20
sdague    106  Running install for pytz15:20
sdaguei.e. we install pytz 106 times15:20
fungimordred: sdague: dhellmann: i think we're not actually using ccache15:21
mordredsdague: we ensure that we can install each of our projects clean each of the ways it can install15:21
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mordredfungi: we should fix that :)15:21
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mordredsdague: yah. expected15:21
fungimordred: sdague: dhellmann: it's installed and there's a symlink from /usr/local/bin/cc to /usr/bin/ccache, but compilation logs seem to imply we're running x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc which is a symlink in /usr/bin to /usr/bin/gcc-4.815:22
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adds Third Party CI account name format directions
sdaguecan we do it in parallel?15:22
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mordredwe've actually hit problems with each form we test15:22
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mordredsdague: maybe?15:22
mordredbut let's fix ccache first before we get cleverer15:23
dhellmannfungi: maybe that's how the python compiler was configured?15:23
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Updated AngularJS to 1.2.18
fungidhellmann: that's what i suspect15:24
fungijeblair: one potential zuul bug from this morning i haven't gotten looking further into yet is (hitting it on changes 102794 and 102796 apparently). refusing to enqueue because it can't find the parent (which is actually a merged change from last year)15:24
fungijeblair: i've noticed gerrit seems to be adding the change corresponding to the tip of master as the parent dependency lately, which i think is new behavior in 2.815:25
fungithough that may only be if the tip of the branch is not a merge commit15:26
* fungi needs to run some lunchtime errands, but will return in an hour or so15:26
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mordredsdague, fungi: I have a meeting but will try to figure out why ccache doesn't like the symlinks on trusty in a bit15:28
fungijeblair: one other commonality between those two failures is that the commit used cherry-pick instead of merge, so the commit which was merged is not the same commit zuul is asking gerrit to cough up?15:29
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fungiat least that's my current working theory15:29
* fungi vanishes for a little while15:29
sdaguemordred: I'm not actually convinced it was working before either15:29
sdaguein staring at an old log15:29
mordredsdague: well, if we can fix it, it should shave noticeable time15:30
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jeblairfungi: i can't see the error you pasted; paste.o.o is 500ing for me15:30
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sdaguemaybe, the numpy compile is actually only 2 minutes from what I can see15:31
sdagueor less than that15:31
openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Disable Designate DevStack gate on stable/havana+icehouse
mordredjeblair: I'm so glad new paste is better than old drizzle paste15:31
mordredsdague: but with the iterations and lxml that adds up15:31
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jeblairmordred: does lodgeit log anything anywhere?15:32
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Capture apache configuration files
mordredjeblair: don't remember ... :(15:33
joahi :)  Anyone familiar with jaypipes' set of puppet scripts and his article about setting up a 3rd-party CI system ? Tried following it, envountered a few issues (can't tell if it's me or his scripts that might lack a few things) ?15:33
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jeblairmordred, fungi: i restarted lodgeit and apache and it works better now :(15:36
mordredgreat :(15:36
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Update integration script for Apache 2.4
sdagueok, that includes explitic ccache use15:37
mordredjeblair: the stackaltics guys swear by uwsgi as a way to deal with memory hungry things ... it's on my tdl to figure out if that helps any of our things15:38
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Build images using diskimage-builder
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YorikSarmordred: Depends on a thing. I've tried something with PyPy and CPython behind uWSGI. In short: sharind data between processes doesn't work.15:42
YorikSarmordred: I found it out after writing up a very nice article about how it should work...15:43
mordredwell, I don't want to share data, so that's fine15:43
YorikSarmordred: But uWSGI is very smart and have gazilion of options that can make your processes work as you expected :)15:44
mordredcool. I need to read more15:45
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YorikSarmordred: Hm... Memory sharing is the only option I found to let bigger number of stackalytics web workers to fit to limited memory set.15:45
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mordredwell, my concern with lodgeit is unfounded hunch that it leaks15:46
mordredit shouldn't need tons of memory15:47
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YorikSarmordred: You might want to set some limit of either number of requests or lifetime for each worker15:50
YorikSarmordred: Then workers will get reloaded and memory leaks will heal15:50
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LonggeekWho is sahara-ci's managers?15:53
LonggeekSorry, savanna-ci15:54
SergeyLukjanovLonggeek, hey15:54
SergeyLukjanovLonggeek, it's folk in my team, he's now offline15:54
SergeyLukjanovLonggeek, you can ask me15:55
SergeyLukjanovabout it15:55
LonggeekSergeyLukjanov: The savanna-ci system is not working properly?
SergeyLukjanovLonggeek, let me take a look15:56
LonggeekSergeyLukjanov: ok15:57
SergeyLukjanovLonggeek, it's unfortunately not always stable enough - we're running very heavy integration tests on the trunk devstack lab with a bunch of vms and it's not stable sometimes15:58
SergeyLukjanovLonggeek, you could "recheck sahara-ci"15:58
SergeyLukjanovLonggeek, and thanks for the patch :)15:58
LonggeekSergeyLukjanov: that's ok15:59
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Clarifies documentation about wildcards in queries
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krtaylorreed, I'd like to increase awareness of the 3rd party CI weekly meetings, can we put a paragraph with links in the weekly newsletter?16:10
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reedkrtaylor, good idea to increase visibility of meetings, besides links, do you think a regular update of the results would be better?16:11
reedkrtaylor, like the TC is now doing, with regular blog posts, I think a summary of the relevant discussions and decisions would drive a lot more attention16:12
krtaylorreed, excellent, yes, I agree16:12
reeddoesn't have to be a long blog post, just one sentence sent to me via email would be enough16:13
krtaylorreed, I like it - I'll draft a intro paragraph today16:13
reedkrtaylor, let me pull the logs of the last meeting, I can work with you on that16:13
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krtaylorreed, great thanks, I'll talk to anteaya about a weekly wrapup summary too16:14
reedkrtaylor, only one meeting?16:14
reedis this a new effort?
reedgosh, so many things happen I loose track myself sometimes16:15
krtaylorreed, hehheh, yeah, that is part of the problem, we have multiple names we call this effort16:15
jeblairreed: anteaya renamed it16:15
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reedgot it, thanks16:16
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reedkrtaylor, there seem to be 2 interesting discussions: storage of logs and their availability over time16:20
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reedand two etherpads...16:21
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krtaylorreed, and ease of reading those logs16:21
reedkrtaylor, was there a resolution or is that just the beginning of a discussion?16:22
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krtaylorreed, we have discussed other requirements, but those are the ones being addressed at the moment, but we need more discussion, more participation16:22
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krtaylorreed, the newsletter should help that16:23
reedkrtaylor, here is how I would approach a summary:  the TL;DR: "the Third Party CI team needs your help to define how logs will be consumed and stored."16:24
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reedand below a longer version with links to eavesdrop and etherpads16:24
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reedkrtaylor, and (even better) an email discussion16:25
krtaylorreed, agreed, specific questions will bring more interest, good ideas16:25
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reedkrtaylor, remember the first axiom of email communication: nobody reads beyond the first 3 words :)16:26
krtaylorreed, how true, except for the newsletters that is  :)16:26
reedkrtaylor, I don't have specific analytics but I'm ready to bet that 99% of people just skim through the words in *bold* :)16:27
dstufftreed: which is why you should bold random words to mess with people16:27
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joaHi there :) does anyone have any link/tip/guide or anything relevant to help a CI-newbie setting up a third-party CI ? I already got the article about third-party; as well as jaypipes'guide (which does not seem enough to me; or I missed something).16:28
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reedjoa, what exactly you think you're missing?16:38
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reedjoa, in general, questions about specific problems are more likely to find an answer while open ended questions require a huge investment from people who may potentially help16:39
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joareed: Well, my jenkins didnt seem to have the Gearman plugin; when I tried restarting it, as indicated (possible bug explained in guide); the jenkins didnt restart.16:40
reeda request for review please:
joaTweaking the conf a bit I managed to get it running back up (seemed like a few conf values were missing)16:40
joaAnd finally, there still seems to be a configuration issue: I get a 404 on /  from the jenkins16:41
openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-apparmor: Add Rakefile file and update puppet coding style
clarkbdhellmann: the only other known failures are libvirt (we just have to live with this imo otherwise we get nowhere, and solum rabbitmq which seems sketchy because nothing else dealing with rabbitmq has trouble)16:41
reedjoa, outdated documentation maybe?16:41
joaso I wondered if there wasn't something missing in the guide/configuration samples; yeah16:41
joathus asking if there was a (maybe?) more up-to-date guide.16:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: 403 status code added
reedjoa, I am not aware of anything beyond the CI docs you already read16:42
clarkbwe can stop running that job on trusty but we intentionally switched all of the integration testing because its integration testing and doesn't make sense to aprtition it16:42
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joaI currently almost feel like removing it all; and retry from scratch; but I dont know which openstack-infra/config.git scripts and files might be useful to ease my job at setting up trigger/polling and reporting.16:42
reedjoa, but if you find issues with them, maybe adding comments to Jay's post or propose a patch to fix the CI docs would be a good exercise for you16:43
openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-dashboard: Add Rakefile file and dd variables and document
joaI'm thinking of writing some kind of article/wiki page once I'm done with it. (or yeah,commenting/proposing fixes)16:43
reedjoa, that would be awesome. I know many developers who need help setting up their local CI systems and it's not trivial at all... enriching current documentation would be great16:44
joayeah; I guess so16:44
clarkbjoa: what version of jenkins are you using? we use the lts16:44
joaclarkb: I guess it's the one on ubuntu 12.04 lts16:45
clarkboh we install from jenkins upstream16:45
clarkband use their lts version16:45
joa1.424.6 from the package description.16:45
joaOh okay16:45
clarkbya 1.424 is ancient16:45
joaso that might be a part of why ?16:45
joamhhh. alright. got to try that first.16:46
joathanks for the pointer :) Getting late here, I might came back to assult you guys with questions tomorrow :p16:46
joareed: thanks also16:46
clarkbsdague: initial check of logstash has workers being happy at least judging by graphite numbers16:47
sdagueclarkb: ok, so just slow volumes again?16:47
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clarkblooking at cacti numbers the worker throughput is really bursty and not consistent16:48
clarkbso ya probably slow volumes. I can run sar in a bit to try and confirm16:48
clarkband work backwards from there if now16:48
clarkb*if not16:48
sdagueyeh, I haven't yet gotten to os-loganalyze changes, was poking at both the libvirt thing and the requirements integration job this morning16:50
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sdagueon the plus side, the libvirt work around was merged, and our failure rates seem to have gone back under control16:51
sdagueat least by
clarkbhow is requirements integration doing? I am still trying to catch up on that16:51
clarkblooks like numpy tried to link against something that doesn't exist16:51
sdaguehere is the current aggregate set of bug fixes -
clarkblibkrb5-dev is needed in devstack because we build python pacakges that link against it16:53
sdagueonce we got numpy to compile, then we ran out of time16:53
clarkband one of devstack's responsibilities is making python libs compile16:53
sdagueso being really explicit about ccache16:53
sdagueclarkb: well for devstack we just install numpy from packages16:54
clarkbmaybe it shouldn't16:54
clarkbthe only reason that integration test uses devstack is so that devstack handles this16:54
clarkbif we are not going to have devstack handle this we should just stop using devstack16:54
clarkblibmysqlclient-dev, libpq-dev, et al16:54
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sdaguemaybe. I also don't want to add 5 minutes to every gate run to prove we can compile numpy 25k times a week16:55
sdagueand the rest of the stuff we can install from packages16:56
sdaguebecause if we're saying, don't install anything from packages, we should just run arch :)16:56
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clarkbran out of time? looks like the change passed testing16:56
clarkbsdague: well I would be in favor of that >_>16:56
clarkbsdague: it would have the benefit of discovering how every libvirt release is broken as they happen16:56
sdagueclarkb: the last run, before I forced ccache, ran out of time16:57
clarkband ovs and kernel and so on16:57
sdaguetimed out at 2hrs16:57
mtreinishsdague: why do I feel like that was targetted at me...16:57
clarkbsdague: huh we symlink ccache into places on the image builds or at least try to16:57
aaronorosenHi, I think there is an issue setting the contact information in gerrit which is required for a new contributor. Right now if you click save changes it returns an error saying Cannot store contact information.16:57
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sdagueclarkb: well, it was apparently wrong16:57
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sdagueanyway, it was easy to do in the test script16:57
clarkbsdague: :/ ok so that should be debugged in the general case but being explicit here can't hurt16:57
clarkbaaronorosen: are you a member of the openstack foundation?16:58
sdagueclarkb: I'm sure dhellmann would love +2s on that patch16:58
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clarkbaaronorosen: and does your primary membership email match your primary email in gerrit?16:58
clarkbsdague: ya reviewing now16:58
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clarkbsdague: mtreinish fwiw a rolling distro for testing isn't that crazy if we want to find braekages asap16:58
gangilclarkb: I was facing that problem, and yes my emails at both the places are same16:58
sdagueclarkb: only if you have people to work on debugging and fixing them16:58
* clarkb will test16:58
gangilclarkb: do you want me to try again?16:58
arosenclarkb: ^ gangil is having the issue16:59
clarkbgangil: hold on I will give it a try16:59
sdaguewe already have *way* more issues to fix than we have fixers, I don't really want to own fixing the kernel as well :P16:59
clarkbgangil: works fine for me16:59
clarkbsdague: yup I agree16:59
clarkbsdague: just pointing out Arch would have its benefits17:00
gangilclarkb: I will give it another shot then17:00
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sdagueclarkb: also, in looking at an old log on precise, I'm not convinced that ccache was actually working17:00
clarkbgangil: double check that your profile there matches gerrit17:00
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clarkbsdague: its possible it wasn't17:00
mtreinishclarkb: heh, I was just thinking that too17:00
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sdaguedhellmann: your chariot awaits -
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gangilI dont think I have an account yet. I have launchpad and review/openstack accounts. If its linked to that then registering on might fix the error. Trying that now17:02
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dhellmannsdague: +2a17:02
dhellmannsdague: and *thank you*17:02
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clarkbgangil: the profile is your foundation membership. it is required17:02
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gangilclarkb: Its asking me for a affiliation to a organization. I dont have any affiliation thats fits the criteria. And it doesnt even allow me to skip it.17:06
clarkbreed: ^17:06
clarkbgangil: I would do something like NA, but reed was around recently and is the expert on these things17:07
gangilI will try NA17:07
reedgangil, "unaffiliated" is a good answer17:07
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clarkbdhellmann: that should get the trusty gears going again. Any opposition to the continued migration at this point?17:09
reedgangil, which documentation are you following ? in other words, how did you know that you needed an account on gerrit to submit code to openstack?17:09
clarkbdhellmann: I have a stack up to move a bunch of the integrated projects, but feedback very welcome17:09
* reed on a quest to find broken documentation17:10
gangilreed: arosen helped me out :)17:10
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dhellmannclarkb: I don't object, but can you test some of these more obscure jobs?17:10
arosenreed: I don't think we followed any docs just went through and signed in. Probably our fault then17:11
clarkbdhellmann: at this point the only changes being made have been tested17:11
reedarosen, remember to point people to the instructions to the wiki :) there is no shortcut, things are complicated and instructions need to be followed to the letter :)17:11
clarkbdhellmann: the issue with integration tests is we basically had to do them all at once17:11
clarkbdhellmann: because we could wedge the gate if we didn't17:11
arosenreed: :)17:11
clarkbdhellmann: granted we wedged some projects anyways but not all of them17:11
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dhellmannclarkb: well, yeah, a thing that should have taken me 5 minutes yesterday has derailed me for 36+ hrs now so, you know. *shrug*17:12
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clarkbkrotscheck: boo17:13
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reedkrotscheck, US or DE?17:13
clarkbdhellmann: right so the alternative was to continue putting it off17:13
krotscheckOh, no worries. The US is advancing anyway17:13
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clarkbkrotscheck: not if portugal gets another goal and the US is shutout iirc17:13
reedwake me up when this cup is interesting (never)17:14
clarkbreed: huh, this cup has been great17:14
dhellmannclarkb: that was the only alternative?17:14
greghaynesclarkb: I thought ghana is closer to us than portugal17:14
reedclarkb, ah!17:14
greghaynesclarkb: and por needs like 517:14
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clarkbdhellmann: it really wasn't feasible to test every corner case beacuse we have too many17:14
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krotscheckclarkb: Doesn’t portugal need another 3 point goal differential?17:14
clarkbdhellmann: it takes JJB about 35 minutes to update all of the devstack jobs now17:14
clarkbdhellmann: its insane17:15
dhellmannclarkb: you don't have some way to know which test jobs are going to run on a given node type so you can run one of each against master?17:15
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clarkbgreghaynes: krotscheck oh I thought it didn't matter17:15
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reedclarkb, interesting how a spectacle of such high grade of corruption can be appreciated by US citizens... it makes US Congress seem like a paradise17:15
gangilsubmiteed my first patch! \m/17:15
clarkbit was basicaly lose by 1 and 2 goals up in the other game17:15
reedgangil, that was fast :)17:15
clarkbdhellmann: I do17:15
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greghaynesclarkb: nah, ger spanked por so badly they need a lot of goals ;)17:15
clarkbdhellmann: there are hundreds17:15
clarkbdhellmann: at 60 minutes per tests that becomes really expensive17:15
krotscheckclarkb: Yes, but it’s goal-diff-portugal + goal-diff-germany >= 517:15
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dhellmannclarkb: well, I consider the approach selected to have been expensive, too. The rest of us don't get to do things like this, right? We have to make the gate jobs pass before we can land changes.17:16
clarkbdhellmann: I would have to script up building hundreds of nodes and trigger them all outside of zuul17:16
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clarkbbecause unfortunately nodepool and zuul don't grok this use case17:17
dhellmannif the tooling isn't there, maybe we should work on that for the next upgrade17:17
clarkbdhellmann: I agree. mordred and I were talking about it a bit17:17
clarkbdhellmann: but honestly the fix is to have like 5 jobs17:17
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jeblairdhellmann: tbh, i'd just as soon stay on precise17:17
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jeblairi think upgrading the distro we test on is everyones responsibility17:17
jeblairbut if people don't want to help out with that17:18
jeblairno problem17:18
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jeblairwe'll just stay where we are17:18
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clarkbwe test too much without getting any additional coverage and can really trim it down. Its on my list of things to do to look at the current matrix and put it up so we can trim it down17:18
dhellmannjeblair: I'm not objecting to helping. I'm trying to find a way we can do that without stopping forward progress on other efforts. I did, in fact, spend a considerable amount of time doing this instead of several other things I was supposed to have been doing yesterday and today because this is also important.17:19
jeblairdhellmann: i may have been a little quick on that reply, but the whole "us vs them" thing you just started kinda set me off17:19
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dhellmannjeblair: yeah, I could have phrased that better17:19
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: remove envinject usage from job
dhellmannmy point was, though, that in most other parts of this project we strive for extensive testing, and clarkb was saying this change was untestable17:20
zarojhesketh: ^17:20
dhellmannor roughly that17:20
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clarkbdhellmann: untestable to the rigorous degree you were asking for17:20
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clarkbit was tested in a way that covered 95% of our use of the d-g jobs17:20
dhellmannok, so you missed one job? that's not bad.17:21
fungisdague: check-requirements-integration-dsvm SUCCESS in 1h 05m 31s17:21
clarkbno we missed a lot of jobs17:21
sdaguefungi: yep17:21
clarkbbut they run a lot less frequently with a lot less impact on everyon17:21
sdagueexplicit ccache ftw17:21
clarkbwe tested the core jobs. mysql, postgres, grenade17:21
clarkband neutron17:22
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dhellmannclarkb: ok, maybe you're underestimating the impact of this job on oslo. Our #1 priority this cycle is making new libraries. We cannot add those to the requirements list while this job is failing.17:22
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dhellmannI can accept some blame for not making that clear initially when the job started failing.17:22
clarkbso far solum has failed and the pbr/requirements integration failed17:23
jeblairso why is it failing?17:23
jeblairsolum doesn't block us17:23
clarkbjeblair: the kerberos thing and numpy as in a similar position17:24
dhellmannjeblair: there were at least 3 different issues, which I think sdague and fungi have helped work out solutions to17:24
clarkboh and apache 2.417:24
jeblairwhich of those are unsolved?17:24
sdaguewe just nailed the requirements job17:25
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jeblairsdague: solum is a stackforge project and is outside of the scope of this conversation17:25
sdaguejeblair: sure17:25
jeblairsdague: so there is no current problem with the requirements repo?17:25
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dhellmannThat's right, I think we're clear now.17:25
sdaguewell, we don't know that it actually works for stable/17:25
sdaguebecause we don't test there17:26
clarkbdoes it ever run aginst stable?17:26
sdaguewe should send up a trial baloon that we didn't break stable with these fixes once the pbr patch merges17:26
clarkbI thought mordred said it was a non issue17:26
sdagueclarkb: we run this job in stable17:26
fungiclarkb: i looked into the ccache thing before lunch. we do symlink cc to it, but python package compiles don't call cc they call a more arch/version-specific name which take cross-build toolchain possibilities into account17:26
clarkbfungi: that would explain it17:26
sdagueout of pbr master (as far as I can tell)17:26
clarkbfungi: should /etc/profile just update PATH instead?17:27
clarkband fwiw we would test that the trusty fixes didn't break precise because we run master pbr against stable/* other17:27
sdagueclarkb: right, that was my point :)17:27
sdagueonce pbr change lands, push some random stable/icehouse requirements change and see what happens17:28
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fungiclarkb: i think setting some global path or other relevant envvar to mass-enable ccache might not be a bad idea. it does slightly change the platform we're testing in to be more nonstandard that what a random dev might have on hand, but i think the time/resource savings outweighs any slight inconsistency there17:32
clarkbright and on single use nodes the delta would be small because we essentially start from scratch every time anyways17:32
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clarkbso no hot cache17:32
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clarkbtime improvements only come from installign the same thing over and over17:33
fungiclarkb: also, as we were already pre-linking it on the job workers, this seems to have been the intent all along, however incompletely executed it turned out to be17:33
sdaguewell, honestly, what about putting ccache config into devstack ?17:33
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clarkbsdague: that won't help the unittest jobs17:33
sdaguebecause we're compiling at least a few things there17:33
fungisdague: yeah, only helps devstack then17:33
sdaguefungi: well it also helps the "random dev" problem17:34
fungisdague: true for random devs who run things within devstack17:34
sdaguewhich... is most of them17:34
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sdagueit would actually be really interesting to both do that, and build a warm ccache in nodepool17:35
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clarkbdhellmann: on the oslo release front would it help to get requirements updates prior to libs being ready? I believe the mirror building script will handle that case and definitely would if we switched to bandersnatch17:36
clarkbprojects wouldn't be able to consume them until the libs are actually available17:36
dhellmannclarkb: I'm not sure what you mean?17:36
dhellmann"get requirements updates prior to libs being ready"?17:36
clarkbdhellmann: just add>1.0 to globale requirements now17:37
dhellmanndo you mean just add, e.g., "oslo.i18n" to the globa-requirements.txt even though there's not one there now?17:37
clarkbbefore has been released17:37
dhellmannoh, that works?17:37
clarkbI think so17:37
dhellmannI'm not sure how much that buys us, but it's nice to know doing that in parallel with the release might not be broken. :-)17:37
clarkbwell it decouples your gantt chart bars17:38
clarkbif you can do both at the same time then you don't have to worry about either asm uch17:38
dhellmanntrue, landing the change to the requirements list doesn't usually take very long but decoupling is good17:38
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LonggeekSergeyLukjanov: recheck sahara-ci, the same problem17:40
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clarkbdhellmann: but ya the mirror builder script should handle that and pbr integration dones't actually install from global requirements iirc17:42
clarkbdhellmann: the integration test installs real projects so as long as you don't add to a project until after it is a avialable it should work17:43
clarkbdhellmann: the bit that would need testing is the mirror bit17:43
dhellmannclarkb: that integration script installs the projects listed in the requirements project, but it doesn't use the global requirements list17:43
clarkbdhellmann: right so I think it could be gamed in this way17:43
dhellmannright, the mirror was the part I expected to see break17:43
clarkbif it helps17:43
clarkbsdague: also sorry I haven't dug into ES yet, but this game is hard to look away from17:44
sdagueclarkb: no worries17:44
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dhellmannafter this pbr change lands so the job passes otherwise, I'll try it with oslo.i18n. I'd be worried that a project might see adding a lib to the list as an indication that it is ready, so I'm not sure I would want us doing it in that order, but if it works it can save us some time if we need it.17:44
clarkbdhellmann: ya that is worth considering. "It is in requirements, it must work"17:45
dhellmannclarkb: right, part of our release process is giving a clear message about the new library when it's available and this might muddy things. OTOH, if we're in a pinch, it'll be good to know if it's an option.17:46
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sdagueclarkb: unrelated to requirements jobs - is pretty cool visualization17:59
clarkbok the stack at should be ready. I manually tested the -python27, -docs, -pep8 jobs for all of the projects and did unittests and docs for specs as well if they exist18:00
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jeblairclarkb: what's the current state of nova/libvirt?18:01
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clarkbjeblair: sdague's nova libvirt hack around merged18:01
clarkbjeblair: so it appaers that nova will power through and work on fixing it. sdague also sent mail to the list about it18:01
jeblairclarkb, sdague: cool18:01
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notmynamewhere are the -specs repos' generated docs published?18:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Added new python-magnetodbclient project to Stackforge
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jeblairnotmyname: nowhere atm18:11
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notmynamejeblair: what's the plan there?18:12
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jeblairnotmyname: they should be published to specs.o.o eventually.  i'm not sure that anyone is driving that atm.18:12
notmynamejeblair: ok, thanks18:12
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notmynamejeblair: as I type that domain into my browser, I'm reminded (thanks autocomplete!) that "specs" is the name of a huge liquor shop chain in south texas. similar to bevmo18:13
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Alex_Gaynormordred: ping18:13
jeblairnotmyname: you're right, we should totally make bevmo.o.o a cname for specs.18:14
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notmynamejeblair: or just cut out all the dithering and start drinking any time we look at plans for openstack code ;-)18:14
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notmynamesdague: suppose one wanted a different dashboard in gerrit for a set of projects. are there any docs on how to create a new custom dashboard?18:15
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annegentlenotmyname: I did it by copy pasta for the docs program, let me find the patch18:15
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annegentlenotmyname: somethin' like this
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sdaguenotmyname: the easiest way to do it is client side with the gerrit-dash-creator that I built18:16
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sdaguelots of examples in there18:17
notmynamesdague: got a link?18:17
notmynameannegentle: thanks@18:17
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Build images using diskimage-builder
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notmynamesdague: ok. I'll take a look after lunch18:18
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sdaguenotmyname: cool18:18
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fungiwherefor goest thou, openstackgerrit?18:23
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fungii guess it was restarting for the 91050 merge18:24
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fungibut hath not return'ed18:24
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clarkb any takers? and nova is fine with moving to trusty as well18:39
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clarkbthey are at the end of the stack18:39
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clarkbI am going to try and lunch early today so that I don't miss first half of next world cup games18:39
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fungii ended up restarting gerritbot18:40
fungiso not it's back18:40
fungier, now18:40
fungiclarkb: lgtm. approved, we can watch18:40
clarkbpoor bots18:40
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fungiopenstackstatus is on the missing list as well. fixing18:40
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add missing 'solum-specs' section in zuul layout
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notmynamethe rules about what patches are reported in IRC by the gerritbot are in openstack-infra-config right?18:53
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notmynameie I don't think swift-specs merge commits are reported in #openstack-swift and I want to fix that18:55
jeblairnotmyname: and is the doc that has that link :)18:56
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notmynamefungi: jeblair: both links are great :-)18:56
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fungialso, line 372 says openstack/swift-specs is reported in18:57
clarkbneutron should be trustied real soon now18:57
notmynamejeblair: still with the months-old bug that -2s aren't reported?18:57
notmynamefungi: yes, I see that. hmm18:57
funginotmyname: gerritbot has been in and out of connectivity with freenode, so might have just merged while it was out to lunch18:58
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notmynameah ok. yes, this was a patch that just landed moments ago18:58
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* fungi just restarted gerritbot moments ago, so entirely possible18:58
notmynamewell, 20 moments ago
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fungiit left at 18:20 utc, i got it to come back at 18:46, then it bounced again for a config update from 18:51 to 18:5218:59
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clarkbsdague: ok poking at es now18:59
jeblairnotmyname: fixing that bug is not on my personal todo list19:00
funginotmyname: sounds like that one did indeed merge during the dead time19:00
clarkbsdague: I notice that there is a relatively large number of workers that have been working on the same file for up to half an hour or more19:00
clarkbsdague: so your os loganalyze fix may help quite a bit19:00
clarkbsdague: running sar now19:00
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notmynamejeblair: no worries. obviously not on my either, but it's something I notice every time I go much with that file19:00
notmynamejeblair: IMO it's a nice to have but not blocking anything today19:00
jeblairnotmyname: same here19:00
sdagueclarkb: ok, weill it's going to be a minute, as I realized the complexity of everything in one file was making my brain hurt building up the context every time19:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Gate pecan on barbican again.
clarkbsdague: ya its fine19:01
sdagueso I'm refactoring it out a bit to hopefully make the filtering piece easier19:01
clarkbsounds good19:01
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix settings.php permission ownership
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix groups-dev portal update sync issue
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Adding Tempest tests to Blazar Gate Job
clarkbsdague: elasticsearch04 has some non trivial await according to `sar -dp 5 5` and 07 has higher than everything but 0419:04
clarkbsdague: but it doesn't look catastrophic like before19:04
clarkbsdague: this may partially explain why we are mostly keeping up but not eating through backlog19:04
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sdagueis it possible to collect the files that are getting chunked on for long periods of time?19:05
sdaguejust to understand how off the rails they've gone19:05
clarkbsdague: ya I think I can probably script that up19:05
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Handle task manager shutdown more correctly
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openstackgerritpritesh proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add hacking check for vim configuration in source files
anteayajeblair: thanks19:15
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Disable Designate DevStack gate on stable/havana+icehouse
jeblairjogo: ping19:16
clarkbsdague: looking at top the issue appears to be between the logstash java process and elasticsearch19:16
clarkbsdague: either we cannot parse logs quickly enough because they are many and numerous or elasticsearch can't index them quickly enough for tha reason or disk19:17
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sdagueclarkb: ok19:17
clarkbsdague: when things plug up it appears that the gearman workers and crm114 are idle19:17
clarkband have handed the work off19:17
sdagueok, that's at least something19:17
fungiso is our log volume maybe becoming larger, or harder to parse in some way?19:18
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jeblairjogo: so jhesketh started this really complicated zuul patch to do something you asked him to do...19:18
clarkbfungi: could be both19:18
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sdaguefungi: it's definitely on a growth path, especially as we add more services19:18
jeblairjogo: saying you had talked to me and i said i agreed...19:18
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clarkbsdague: fungi: that and we seem to have a bad habit of douling our log totals every couple of months19:19
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clarkbwhich isn't sustainable19:19
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jeblairjogo: you're going to have to remind me when i agreed to not rechecking based on -1 reviews from a human was okay19:19
sdagueclarkb: well we do this pesky thing of adding all these new services all the time :)19:19
jeblairjogo: because the only thing i can find about that is that you asked, and i said i had to leave19:19
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sdagueand tests for them19:19
clarkbyeah addition of tests exercising new code paths may be the biggest factor19:19
sdaguesomeone made a good point that perhaps we don't need to save good logs for as long as bad logs19:20
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jeblairjogo: but i'm trying to figure out why -- the idea of the freshness check isn't actually tied to how good we think the change is19:20
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sdaguewhich doesn't help the ES case19:20
sdaguebut might on the large case19:20
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jeblairjogo: the fact that it triggers off of comments is just an implementation detail -- the point is to make sure that the current verified value is up to date19:20
jeblairjogo: i'm pretty sure that if we stopped running it if there is a -1 comment, then we will lose a lot of freshness check runs19:21
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fungisdague: granted, but it may be hard to identify those when stored at rest... though maybe we can use elasticsearch metadata to determine when to delete success logs from the logserver if we go that route19:21
sdaguejeblair: there is a whacky edge case though19:21
jeblairjogo: and i think sdague may have something to say about that19:21
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sdaguewhere a patch is +A19:21
sdaguefails jenkins19:21
sdaguein gate19:21
clarkbsdague: the issue with that is it doesnt' change the upfront cost of indexing and parsing it all19:21
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Create a .gitignore file
clarkbsdague: which is why I still think we should go to json19:21
clarkbwhich I hope to dig in at some point before the end of juno19:21
sdagueyou -1 it to provide feedback about why it failed19:21
sdagueand it goes back to the gate19:22
sdaguewhich happened yesterday19:22
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jeblairsdague: that's a pretty wacky edge case.  we can look at trying to solve that, but that was not jogo's suggestion.19:22
clarkblooking at bigdesk for the logstash workers java processes they all seem to be using all the memories19:22
clarkbI wonder if memory pressure is contributing to the problem19:23
clarkbany opposition to me rsetarting those java processes to see if that temproarily makes things happy?19:23
sdaguejeblair: so I'd actually be ok with not rerunning on -1/-2 ... if zuul did a merge conflict check on a patch land19:23
jeblairclarkb: nope19:23
sdaguewhich I think was discussed at some point19:23
fungiclarkb: i think it's worth a try at least as an experiment19:23
mriedemi'm seeing some consistent unit test failures in glance but i can only find them in the 'post' queue in logstash, not check or gate - not sure why that is?19:23
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sdaguebasically if a nova patch lands, merge conflict test all the inflight nova changes19:24
jeblairsdague: i feel like the goals of the freshness check are changing.  perhaps you should restate them.19:24
jeblairsdague: because it used to be "we always want current information, and we want _lots_ of elasticsearch data"19:24
sdaguejeblair: well because we don't have the +A bit in the ES, we actually don't have lots of ES data that's useful19:25
jeblairsdague: merge conflicts don't slow the gate queue at all19:25
jeblairsdague: i feel like we've done a lot of work to support the freshness check, and we're now carving out exceptions to 95% of that, and i'm starting to wonder if it wouldn't just be easier to turn it off?19:26
jeblairsdague: or at least focus on what we want it to actually do, rather than layering side-effect on top of side-effect19:26
sdaguejeblair: nope, but a dev not knowing that they have a merge conflict in the patch massively impacts the dev cycle19:27
clarkbgerrit automatically tells you now19:27
clarkbor should19:27
clarkbzaro: ^19:27
clarkbis that only with change screen 2?19:27
jogojeblair: pong19:27
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: remove envinject usage from jenkins-plugin-jobs.yaml
sdaguejeblair: I think there are less carve outs then you think, but honestly, it's probably better left to the midcycle.19:28
clarkbok initial indications are that restarting those services made a massive impact in indexes per second19:28
clarkblets see if it keeps up for a reasonable amount of time19:28
fungiclarkb: sounds like we have leaks in the hull19:28
jogojeblair: so I thought you signed off on it but, looks like I was wrong19:29
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clarkbwe are doing about 50k request per second19:29
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jogojeblair: so the idea was: we have two freshness checks. a 72 hour one on any comment. and a 24 one on a +W.19:29
clarkbwhich is well above the ~15 prior to restart19:29
clarkbfungi: quick plug them with your fingers19:29
jogothe idea was leave the +W/24 hour one as is. and that addresses the freshness check for the gate case19:30
clarkbfungi: if you have bigdesk open the spike is kind of cool19:30
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clarkblet us see how long this lasts19:31
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jeblairjogo, sdague: yeah, but if the point of this is now to tell people about merge conflicts (?) then why wouldn't you want to know about a merge conflict even if someone -1s your change for some minor style thing that no one else agrees with19:31
clarkbbut if this helps it would lend massive props to my goal of not spending all these resources on this step19:31
jeblairjogo, sdague: so i think we need to start over and decide what our goals are19:32
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jogojeblair: starting over sounds good19:32
jeblairjogo, sdague: because the initial goals of the freshness check had no ties to votes at all, it was strictly time-based, and the implementation that used comment triggers was merely convenience.19:32
jogojeblair: and what was the goal of the 72 hour freshness check?19:33
jogothe 24 before gate, was to make sure we don't get wrecking balls in the gate queue19:33
jeblairjogo: same thing -- the time split was just because we realized we couldn't sustain 24h everywhere19:33
clarkb and are all neutron on trusty19:34
jeblairjogo: it was basically, try to keep the verified value as current as possible under the constraints that we don't actually have unlimited test resources19:34
jogoso I don't see how the freshenss check on comments prevents wrecking balls19:34
jeblairjogo: it's not about the comments :)19:34
jogothat one seems to be much more for humans to see.19:35
fungialso, not just notifying devs and reviewers that a patch had slumped into a merge conflict, but also logical/testing conflicts (like older proposed change now would break newly merged feature/test)19:35
jogojeblair: right, just calling it that to differentiate, what should i call it?19:35
jeblairjogo: i think you're talking about the 72 hour check as opposed to the 24h check?19:35
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jeblairjogo: so 72 hours gets us somewhat up to date information that may keep someone from aprving a patch that fails19:36
jogobut the 24 hour check means that cannot get into the gate queue if there is an issue19:36
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jogoeven without the 72 hour check at all19:36
jeblairjogo: right, it narrows the window considerably19:36
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fungiand also prevents reviewers, our most valuable/limited resource, from reviewing a change which needs fixing19:37
jogofungi: right19:37
jeblairjogo: the ideal is that the verified value is always correct in real time.  we don't have enough clouds for that.  so we re-test as often as we can.19:37
jogothats what I see as the primary value in the 72 hour check19:37
anteayawhen signing into gerrit for the first time, does gerrit currently prepopulate username from launchpad or leave gerrit username blank?19:37
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jeblairanteaya: i do not know, that's a good question19:38
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clarkbso indexing didn't remain peaked for long but I think that may be beacuse the python side queues up19:38
anteayareading the infra-manual I need to clarify19:38
clarkband had a bunch of data to drain19:38
jogojeblair: so the motivation for not running a freshness check on a -1 vote. is that in the vast majority of cases a -1 vote means the patch has to go through another revision and that reviewers won't look at it while there is a -1 anyway19:38
clarkblooking at how old files in process are none are more than a minute old19:38
clarkbwhich is way better than before19:39
anteayasince having different usernames between launchpad and gerrit confuses stackalytics19:39
anteayaas a for instance19:39
jogoand there are exceptions to this of course19:39
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anteayaif I create a fake launchpad and gerrit account to check can I delete?19:39
jogofungi jeblair: and given we hit quota limits fairly often, this seemed like an easy way to drop some load with minimal side effects19:39
anteayaor I could check on review-dev I guess19:39
anteayathoughts on how I should test this?19:40
clarkbrestarting the daemons has also shifted cpu time up the stack which is a good thing19:40
clarkbso ya this may be a big part of the problem :/19:40
jeblairjogo: it's far from easy :).  i would have said that the side effects are that it invalidates part of why we're doing the freshness checks in the first place.  however, apparently, i don't know those reasons anymore, so i can't actually say.19:40
fungijogo: it seems from my observations that volume in the check pipeline has less impact that a high rate of resets in the gate pipeline19:40
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fungis/less impact that/less impact than/19:41
clarkbfungi: I would agree with that. Mostly because they aer on and done19:41
jeblairjogo: i do agree that if we consider what you say to be the primary purpose of the 72h check, the proposal is in line with that.19:41
clarkbwhereas gate resets can happen quickly and often cycling through hundreds of nodes in a short period19:41
anteayazaro: if I create a fake launchpad account can I use it to sign into review-dev?19:41
fungianteaya: yep19:42
jogofungi: so I don't think this would change the gate pipeline atall19:42
anteayagreat, fake account alert19:42
jogojust drop overall usage of our compute resources19:42
fungianteaya: review-dev is all about fake.test/throwaway things. no need to give anyone a heads up19:42
jogojeblair: so I can live with that. now we just need to figure out what the 72 hour check is there for19:42
jeblairi _think_ the new logging i just added to zuul would let us count how many times the 72h check is triggered, and on which changes19:42
jeblairso we might be able to quantify the impact19:43
jeblair(we need a zuul restart to pick that up)19:43
jogojeblair: woot19:43
jeblairjogo: yeah.. what sdague just said suggested that the real value is actually in merge conflict detection, not that test results may change19:43
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jeblairjogo: merge conflict detection is computationally extremely cheap; adding global conflict detection for all open project changes to zuul is probably about as much work as any other change to this system19:44
jeblairso it does sound like identifying our current goals is in order19:45
clarkbso gerrit will identify merge conflicts19:46
openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for bug 1334812
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1334812 in openstack-ci "intersphinx inventory u'' not fetchable due to <class 'urllib2.HTTPError'>: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable" [Undecided,New]
clarkbI do not think it should be added to zuul unless we expect zuul to be reasonable accurate as compared to gerrit19:46
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anteayafungi: okay19:47
jeblairclarkb: i expect it to identify a subset of the conflicts which would stop gerrit (same as it does now)19:47
sdagueclarkb: we need -1 V feedback on merge conflicts, or some other substantial vote construct so they single whose court the change is in19:47
clarkbjeblair: right which is better than nothing except gerrit should find all of them19:47
clarkbsdague: iirc it is a state19:47
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sdagueis it a queriable state?19:48
clarkbI think so, but would haev to go read up on it19:48
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jeblairi'll try to find one19:48
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jogodoing just a merge conflict check as an option could be nice. and a really useful one19:49
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clarkbso that is an example of a chane that cannot merge that gerrit has detected. now to figure out if it is queryable19:50
clarkbzaro: ^ you don't happen to just know do you?19:50
sdagueclarkb: ok, is:mergeable is a thing19:50
jeblairthere's one in our gerrit19:50
anteayaon the first page in gerrit you are prompted to "Select a unique username:"19:50
anteayaso yeah you can create a name that doesn't match your launchpad username19:50
sdagueis the developer sent a notification when their change goes NOT is:mergeable ?19:50
anteayaso stackaltics will need a patch to track that person, if they choose to have different launchpad and gerrit usernames19:51
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
jeblairi don't see a 'cannot merge' flag on the new change screen in our gerrit19:52
jogojeblair: I guess we can idtenfy our current goals in Germany19:53
fungiseems like something which could be overlaid with a rest api query and some javascript, though that would be a bit ugly19:53
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clarkbsearching for is:mergeable on our gerrit is an error19:54
jeblairjogo, sdague: we have a lot going on in germany.  i'm pretty sure we can handle this over irc or email, so i'm not sure i want to put it on the schedule explicitly, but we can always beer it.19:54
clarkbso maybe we need 2.9?19:54
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sdaguejeblair: yeh, well the competing challenge is there is a lot going on before germany. So I'm not sure that I can focus on this discussion in a substantive way prior to that.19:57
jogojeblair sdague: beer or irc works for me.19:57
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jeblairsdague: sure, i just don't want "let's talk about it in germany" to be the answer to everything, especially a problem that's pretty tractable online.  plus, if we knew _goals_ before then, we might be able to hack on it, or assist there.19:58
jeblairsdague: if you and jogo aren't in a rush, neither am i.  :)19:59
jogojeblair sdague: sure. so if we just needto sort out what the goal is, that shouldn't e too hard19:59
jeblairsdague: so maybe whenever you find time, you can elucidate what you think the goals are, and we'll pick it up then.19:59
jogojeblair: well we seem to hit quota at least once a week as is. and with your new logging we can get a sense of what % of the load this is creating20:00
jogojeblair sdague: sounds good to me20:00
sdaguejeblair: sure20:00
clarkbI am still waiting on a full python27 neutron run on trusty (the last one was cancelled due to gate restart)20:01
clarkbI think we can probably move forward with the whole stack, I will be around to babysit20:01
jeblairi'm going to feed now, biab.20:01
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openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
hogepodgeping anode nibalizer and anyone else talking about beaker20:03
fungiugh... gerrit ssh api queries for 20558 and 23447 are returning no results, but i can find them in the webui20:03
nibalizerjeblair: so idunno if you know anode and hogepodge but they're both puppetlabs people, anode wrote beaker and hoge is the point person for the stackforge/puppet* modules20:03
nibalizerif/when you're ready to continue that conversation20:04
clarkbfungi: assuming not drafts because you can get them in webui20:04
fungiclarkb: right20:04
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fungiclarkb: one of them is a very trivial change of mine, in fact, which i would never have originally set to draft anyway20:04
hogepodgenibalizer I think you’re thinking of a different project. (ohai) ;-)20:04
nibalizerhogepodge: oh?20:05
* fungi is pretty sure we know hogepodge at the very least ;)20:05
nibalizerhogepodge: are you not point on the puppet openstack modules?20:05
* nibalizer confused about your job then lol20:05
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hogepodgeI am. I kid about ohai (a chef project)20:06
nibalizeroh right20:06
nibalizerya i know nothing about chef :(20:06
fungiit has knives20:06
fungialso forks and spoons i assume20:06
fungianyway, you caught jeblair's lunch break, but if you stick around he'll be back, i'm sure20:08
hogepodgecool. I hit a half day meeting block in about an hour20:09
openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for bug 1316926
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1316926 in tempest "failed to reach ACTIVE status and task state "None" within the required time (196 s). Current status: BUILD. Current task state: spawning." [Undecided,New]
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fungithe tl;dr if memory serves is that beaker does a lot of things we already manage infrastructure to handle (resource pool management, worker selection, et cetera)20:10
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fungiso there is some hesitance to managing a second and entirely different implementation of the same sorts of things in parallel with that20:10
clarkbjeblair and mordred are wary of adding more management on top of that to do beaker spec testing20:10
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fungiif it can be stripped down to just a puppet test specification language and runner, and hand off resource management to our existing solutions, that might be easier to deal with20:12
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clarkbI personally don't see much trouble with throwing docker at it. THe added benefit there is someone running it at home can do the exact same thing as the gate20:12
clarkbmuch harder to do that if yo urely on nodepool for everything20:12
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Updates Gerrit Username and Elastic-Recheck information
fungiso how would that work in theory? have jenkins fire up beaker on a nodepool node and then beaker would spin up docker containers and run stuff and report results back to the controlling parent process?20:14
clarkbfungi: yes20:14
clarkbno different than say tempest20:14
clarkbfungi: that is my understanding of how beaker works in the default case20:15
clarkbit just talks to containers or VMs it spins up locally and reports the aggregate result back20:15
clarkb(or fails fast if you want)20:15
fungigot it. so not bolting onto our pools of separate virtual machines, just runnign entirely within a single vm20:15
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clarkbwhich would in theory make it simple for me to do on my laptop too20:16
clarkbor in a VM of my own20:16
openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1326708
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326708 in tempest "failed to reach ACTIVE status in test_resize_server_revert; Current status: VERIFY_RESIZE" [Undecided,New]
fungiand yeah, i was pondering it more from the perspective of testing openstack-infra/config repo changes, but taken in the context of openstack puppet modules this becomes very much like devstack setting up openstack services and then tempest exercising them20:17
clarkbpython27 neutron unittests succeeded in the gate20:18
clarkbI am ready to open the floodgates on bare-trusty testing now20:18
fungiyeah, i've been watching. looking promising20:18
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1326708
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326708 in tempest "failed to reach ACTIVE status in test_resize_server_revert; Current status: VERIFY_RESIZE" [Undecided,Incomplete]
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for bug 1316926
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1316926 in tempest "failed to reach ACTIVE status and task state "None" within the required time (196 s). Current status: BUILD. Current task state: spawning." [Undecided,New]
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ryanpetrellomordred, clarkb: I’m having *much* better luck w/ pecan gate jobs in the last day20:24
ryanpetrellomust’ve just been had some particularly bad luck the other night20:25
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clarkbpypi was mad at you20:25
fungiryanpetrello: apparently pypi was suffering at the hands of angry glusterfs gods that night20:26
fungiso sayeth its admins20:26
jgriffithjeblair: thanks for the response20:26
ryanpetrellofungi: I see20:26
jgriffithjeblair: ie the battle of names20:26
jgriffithso there may be some miscommunication but anywho... my main thing was not having 12 seperate CI systems for HP or others etc20:27
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for bug 1276778
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1276778 in tempest "test_lock_unlock_server: failed to reach ACTIVE status and task state "None" within the required time" [Undecided,New]
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zaroclarkb: zuul triggers build even when only commit message has changed? don't we want to stop that?20:29
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clarkbit does and no20:30
fungizaro: a hacking check causes jenkins to -1 my change because it dislikes the cut of my commit message's jib, so i fix the commit message... and then leave a recheck comment?20:31
clarkbwe cant stop that because our tests care about commit messages20:31
zaroohh i didn't realize we have tests in place for commit messages.20:32
sdagueclarkb: I think the question there is we have a 1s duration check for commit messages20:32
zaroi don't believe i've ever had a failed commit msg check.20:32
sdagueand instead we run 6 1hr tests on it20:32
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sdagueit does seem like we might be able to make that better20:33
hogepodgefungi we can run in no-provider mode. Just give fqdn to connect to.20:33
clarkbsdague well would need new zuul features to do better20:33
sdagueclarkb: sure20:33
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Updates Gerrit Username and Elastic-Recheck information
fungihogepodge: can the fqdn be localhost?20:33
clarkbfirst zuul would have to check every event by diffing commit messages20:33
hogepodgefungi I would think so20:33
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clarkbthen you would need a way to tag jobs that only run on subevents20:34
fungihogepodge: as in install beaker in a single-use nodepool vm, then have the jenkins agent start it and tell it to do whatever it wants within that vm?20:34
hogepodgeI think it would be better to isolate beaker, though, because of resource pollution. Say with docker20:34
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clarkbwe sort of have the second thing for files affected20:34
hogepodgefungi yeah, that would be the idea20:34
sdagueoh, do we?20:34
clarkbso mostly the first thing is missing20:34
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zaroclarkb: i believe gerrit alrady diffs commit messages and tells you that only the commit msg has changed.20:34
clarkbsdague: yup requirements tests use it to only run those jobs on reqs changes20:35
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clarkbzaro what does the event look like?20:35
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sdagueclarkb: oh... hey, can we start doing that for docs changes?20:35
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zaroclarkb: haven't looked, can dig one up if you like.20:35
clarkbsdague: possibly20:35
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clarkbzaro the event is what matters not the gui20:36
sdagueI would love to only run docs job if only *.rst doc/ were changed20:36
clarkbfungi any chance I can bribe you on the rest of the trusty stack?20:36
sdaguethat would actually incentivize doc updates more often in tempest for sure20:36
fungiclarkb: looking at them now20:36
* zaro digs20:37
clarkbsdague I think that may require inverted logic20:37
clarkbwhich would be a small change to zuul20:37
sdagueclarkb: oh, as today it only does extra jobs?20:37
fungisdague: right, iff you changed a requirements file, then it adds a requirements job20:38
sdaguewell if we could get that, I'd be super happy :)20:38
fungiso it supports adding more jobs on a pattern match now, but subtracting jobs would still need some work (and designing how we would expect to configure the inverse match)20:39
fungionly running docs jobs when *.rst doc/ are changed is doable today. running only docs jobs when nothing besides *.rst doc/ are changed is not, afaik20:41
clarkband we dont want the first thing because code affects docs in most projects20:42
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Updates Gerrit Username and Elastic-Recheck information
zaroclarkb: ahh! 'NO_CODE_CHANGE' in the event..
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zaroclarkb: that's from master build of gerrit, double checking with review-dev to make sure we have it.20:44
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fungiso while it may be possible to special-case NO_CODE_CHANGE in a patchset-created event, we probably want to consider mashing it together with whatever positive/negative file pattern solution we decide on20:44
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fungie.g. configuration could describe it by marking the job to run only when the files list matches the null set20:45
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: add py27debug target
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: move generator creation to separate file
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: move filtering mechanism to separate class
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zarohmm, looks like review-dev is running older version of gerrit than review20:47
sdagueclarkb: so that doesn't yet give the limit feature20:47
sdaguehowever it does slice it up so that limit can be the next patch in that stack20:48
clarkbsdague: cool, I think the limit feature may actually be useful for really large files20:49
clarkbeg >200k lines20:49
sdagueclarkb: agreed20:49
openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move Designate from stackforge to openstack
clarkbsdague: because we seem to be cruising now20:49
sdagueclarkb: nice20:49
clarkband the problems are related to memory derps20:49
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clarkbwhich may be caused by really large files20:49
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sdaguealso, it will let me do this other thing, which I've really wanted recently, which is search=20:49
sdaguewith a regex20:49
clarkbzaro: thats not good20:50
clarkbzaro: do we justneed to change the war in the review_dev.pp?20:50
clarkbzaro: we should do that20:50
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sdaguelook at the refactor, because my brain is a little jelly, to see if I borked things much. I'm going to work on the limit patch now, then the presentation layer pull out20:50
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sdagueand the bottom of the queue is just a tox.ini change, which should be quick as long as no one is offended by it :)20:51
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clarkbyup +2 already20:51
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zaroclarkb: gerrit versions are same in review.pp and review_dev.pp, maybe need to run puppet on review-dev?20:53
zarofungi, clarkb: no code change event from review-dev
zarolooks like insertions=0 and deletions=0 is same as 'NO_CODE_CHANGE'20:55
clarkbzaro: and those values are the delta between patchsets or the delta between branch and proposed patch?20:55
clarkbzaro: because i would expect every change event to say file foo changes +X,-Y20:55
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update python-neutronclient>=2.3.5,<3
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clarkbzaro: I guess I am saying NO_CODE_CHANGE represents teh delta between patchsets and not the delta between change and destination branch20:57
zaroclarkb: i'm pretty sure it's between patchsets.  the change is against master.20:57
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clarkbya ok20:57
clarkbso that is someting we could teach zuul about20:57
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zaroya, think it would be worthwhile.20:57
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openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Modify jenkins home directory
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zaroclarkb: so how should we update review-dev to match review?21:00
clarkbzaro: you are probably correct we probably just need to run puppet there21:01
clarkbI am trying to review sdague's changes though21:01
zaroclarkb: and i don't know the sequence commands21:01
clarkbzaro: for puppet?21:02
clarkbzaro: I would do puppet agent --test --noop first21:02
clarkbread through the log for that and if it looks good do a puppet agent --test21:02
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clarkbdo this as root beacuse sometimes sudo doesn't play nice21:02
fungiespecially puppet mysql module21:02
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clarkbsdague: your third change fails according to jenkins21:04
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sdagueclarkb: ok, it was passing locally. I'll look into it after the limit patch is done21:05
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Update integration script for Apache 2.4
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fungiclarkb: before we shift too many more of these jobs to bare-trusty nodes, should we re-tweak the min-ready values for them some more?21:06
fungifor example, right now nodepool claims to have 15 bare-precise nodes ready in reserve, but no bare-trusty nodes ready21:08
clarkbsdague: fyi we are not indexing very quickly anymore. sar reports elasticsearch07 is currently in await hell21:08
clarkb1291.62 is not a healthy await number21:08
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clarkbfungi: we can21:09
clarkblet me whip that change up21:09
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openstackgerritPablo Andres Fuente proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removing the Blazar API health check
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clarkbfungi: what do you think of 21 each for bare-trusty and bare-precise?21:10
fungihmm, though it does appear we're carrying a constant band of ready cruft looking at the graph... i'll see if i can confirm staleness21:10
zaroclarkb: err: /Stage[main]/Gerrit/File[/home/gerrit2/review_site/bin/gerrit.war]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) file:///home/gerrit2/gerrit-wars/gerrit-v2. at /opt/config/production/modules/gerrit/manifests/init.pp:53521:10
clarkbzaro: that doesn't ring any bells21:11
zaroclarkb: will puppet add the file when i run test?21:11
clarkbzaro: if you do --noop it wont21:11
clarkbbut i fyou remove --noop it should21:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move ceilometer default test node to trusty.
clarkbso if that was a noop run and the only real issue then you are probably ok to proceed21:12
zaroclarkb: ohh ok, then i'll do test without the noop now.21:12
sdagueclarkb: it failed jenkins because of pip fail21:12
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fungiclarkb: those counts may have been a little off since there were ~40 nodes in a building state for up to 80 hours... i'm setting those to delete and rechecking21:13
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Start shifting balance of bare nodes to trusty
clarkbfungi: ^21:14
clarkbfungi: that sounds like the rax issue. were they all in dfw?21:14
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: introduce limit parameter
ianwclarkb: i added testcases to (Track last allocations to ensure forward-progress) for "pinned" nodes, which is I think what you were talking about.  be great if you could take a look when you get a chance21:15
fungiclarkb: after cleaning up the stale building nodes, it looks more like we're using as many of both as we're building at the moment, so hard to say which we need more of21:15
clarkbianw: ya that was what I was hoping for, will try to take a look21:15
clarkbfungi: well nodepool should figure it out for us as well21:16
clarkbfungi: as it is demand based. the min ready is just there for ratio calculations and reducing lag time21:16
fungiwe do have 37 bare-precise currently running jobs and only 5 bare-trusty doing so, but yeah reshifting the minimums in the wake of the first half dozen of your config changes will probably be a good idea21:16
clarkb2293.53 so much await21:16
clarkbfungi: that and when we shift nova a ton of load will shift21:17
clarkbnova is the vast majority of our testing iirc21:17
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clarkboh i didn't check horizon yet21:17
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* clarkb does that next then will do oslo21:17
clarkbor maybe clients21:17
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zarofungi, clarkb : review-dev and review are sync now.21:19
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clarkbzaro: awesome21:19
clarkbzaro: I take it puppet worked without the --noop?21:19
fungizaro: thanks!21:19
zaroyup, all good21:19
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fungiclarkb: should we pause approving at nova (before? after?) or just press on through and deal with the possible deluge of reverts as they come up?21:20
clarkbfungi: I don't expect any reverts (I did test these things...) I think we can press on21:21
clarkband hopefully those don't become my famous last wods21:21
ryanpetrellomordred, clarkb: scratch that, it’s pypi fail-time for me currently :)21:22
ryanpetrelloI’ll try again later :D21:23
fungiclarkb: okay, 8 move to trusty changes in the gate now21:25
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zaroclarkb, fungi : sorry about that i read stream incorrectly.  sizeInsertions and sizeDeletions is actually the just the number diff in changes from base, not from the previous patch.21:25
clarkbfungi: woot thanks21:26
clarkbzaro: ok but we can rely on that type flag21:26
clarkbzaro: so that works21:26
fungizaro: clarkb: oh, right, we actually probably do want to special case NO_CODE_CHANGE then because that indicates a change between patchsets rather than a diff from the parent change21:26
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fungiwhich we would potentially want to treat differently from file filters for a change21:27
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zaro'NO_CODE_CHANGE' is not in ver 2.8.x21:27
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clarkbzaro: ok so we have to wait for 2.9 then21:27
clarkbthat was easy :)21:27
fungibut it's on the table as a potentially useful thing for zuul to support once we can test reasonably against 2.921:28
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zaroprobably not until 2.10
fungioh well21:30
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clarkbthe other way of doing it is to diff every patchset created event21:31
clarkbwhich is a bit :(21:31
fungihmmm... so right now nodepool is building 110 bare-precise nodes and 2 bare-trusty nodes. hopefully the balance shifts a bit once the config change hits it21:31
fungiotherwise we could end up with quite the surplus of precise nodes soonish21:32
Alex_GaynorWill they be brought down automatically?21:32
clarkbfungi: that is probably because there is no demand for trusty21:33
fungiyep, for the moment21:34
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: yes 8 hours is the max lifetime for a node21:34
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move cinder default test node to trusty.
fungiexcept for hold state and for some extraordinary error conditions21:34
clarkbwoot I haev my first trusty fail21:34
clarkbImportError: No module named httplib221:35
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fungiright now we have 3 held nodes older than 8 hours. and roughly a dozen hung in delete state in rax21:35
clarkbmissing dependency?21:35
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fungiclarkb: tristanC saw that today when testing a patch for something21:35
clarkbindeed no httplib21:35
fungiclarkb: i think maybe it was present by default on precise and we don't install it21:35
clarkbI am guessing it was a transitive dep and now isn't?21:36
fungisomething like that21:36
clarkbfungi: except we don't allow site packages usually21:36
sdagueclarkb: or no longer part of the base21:36
clarkbsdague: but we don't allow site packages21:36
clarkbya there is no site packages = true in horizon's tox.ini21:36
clarkbso I don't know how that got in21:37
sdagueclarkb: which tox target?21:37
* clarkb tests explicitly adding it as a dep21:37
clarkbsdague: py2721:37
fungitristanC: (if you haven't gone home for the night yet) when you saw the "ImportError: No module named httplib2" on a horizon patch testing by hand and jpich couldn't reproduce, was that on ubuntu trusty by any chance?21:37
clarkbunless run_tests is doing stuff21:37
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clarkbwhich probably does terrible things21:38
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mtreinishclarkb: at least it's not doing a venv in a venv...21:41
sdagueI wonder if it's new nose21:41
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clarkbmtreinish: well it might be21:42
clarkbsdague: or that21:42
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clarkbmtreinish: I am trying to sort out if with_venv is used even in tox21:42
clarkbwhich would create a second venv. But it doesn't look like it is because I have no .venv21:42
sdagueclarkb: I'm running those unit tests on my workstation now21:42
sdaguewith httplib2 installed in the venv, it's good21:42
fungithis time it bit us on the second change in the stack21:43
sdagueI'm going to blame nose21:43
sdaguebecause that's coming from site-packages21:43
clarkbsdague: ok21:43
clarkbsdague: if you source your .tox/py27/bin/activate can you import that lib?21:43
clarkbsdague: eg is the virtualenv correct?21:43
sdagueif I source that, I can install that lib21:43
sdaguelet me try the other thing21:44
mtreinishclarkb: it looks like the tox.ini has -N passed to run_tests which should skip using with_venv21:45
sdaguemtreinish: yeh, I just noticed that21:46
fungiso basically, worse than system_site_packages=True21:46
sdaguewhich is kind of hillarious21:46
sdagueit builds the venv21:46
clarkbmtreinish: ya I think it should work21:46
sdaguethen says21:46
clarkbsdague: oh does it?21:46
clarkbmy current reading is it skips all of the env check stuff with -N21:47
clarkbbut I haven't -x'd it21:47
Sukhdevanteaya: Ping21:47
clarkbsdague: right so it shouldn't create a venv21:47
sdagueclarkb: no, I mean tox builds the venv21:47
clarkband rely on the tox venv21:47
sdaguebut doesn't the -N on skip using the venv?21:48
clarkbit skips using the run tests venv21:48
clarkbit should run properly in the tox venv21:48
clarkbI think21:48
sdagueoh, wait, I did a silly thing21:48
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sdagueI should be able to get my fail again21:48
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Start shifting balance of bare nodes to trusty
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clarkbhttplib2 has been around since 201121:50
clarkbso this is really weird21:50
anteayaSukhdev: how can I help?21:52
sdagueclarkb: it's definitely not in there21:53
clarkbsdague: weird21:53
clarkbeven when you import directly?21:53
clarkband yet somehow it works?21:53
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sdaguewhen I import directly on trusty, nope, not there21:54
sdagueand doesn't work21:54
sdagueand you can see it's not there in the fs21:54
clarkbsdague: right21:55
clarkbI guess I need to grab one of my precise VMs21:55
* clarkb does this21:55
sdagueI'm going to propose the requirements add anyway21:55
clarkbwe should be explicit about it21:55
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clarkbsdague: so it faield on my precise box too22:04
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clarkbsdague: I am going to install python-httplib2 globally on that machien and see what happens22:04
clarkbpython-httplib2 is already the newest version.22:04
clarkbnow  Ireally don't understand22:04
sdagueclarkb: gremlines?22:04
clarkbmust be22:05
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fungiclarkb: i'm rebasing the remaining changes in your move-to-trusty stack since jgit seems to want it22:06
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clarkbgah jgit22:06
fungiunless you object22:06
clarkbno go for it22:07
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move ironic default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move glance default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move swift default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move nova default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move heat default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move sahara default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move keystone default test node to trusty.
notmynamefungi: tell me more? what does ^^ mean?22:08
morganfainbergnotmyname, using 14.04 instead of 12.04 for the base system (unit tests)22:08
jeblairif we merge all of those at once we won't tickle the octopus merge22:08
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clarkbjeblair: is it better to just use one big change?22:08
clarkbI could've squashed them too but like the revert cleaness this approach gave22:08
jeblairclarkb: this makes reverting easy22:08
notmynamemorganfainberg: for all tests in the gate? what does "base system" mean?22:08
Sukhdev_anteaya: Hi sorry - got pulled into something22:09
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jeblairyeah, just as long as we merge them all without merging anything intervening, they will be fast-forwards and not merges, so jgit will be happy22:09
morganfainbergnotmyname, unit tests. so like py26/27 iirc22:09
morganfainbergnotmyname, pep8, run those on ubuntu 14.04 is what those changes are for22:09
notmynamemorganfainberg: ok. (to be clear I'm not griping here). was there a ML message or somthign that I missed about this happening? seems like changing the base OS for tests is a kinda big deal22:10
Sukhdev_anteaya: had a quick question for you22:10
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morganfainbergnotmyname, i'd need to defer to the infra folks for that, but i think there was a topic.22:10
clarkbthere was a ML mail sent22:11
notmynameclarkb: I see one now from you: "Tempest testing for master is now running on Trusty"22:12
notmynameclarkb: that one22:12
hasharclarkb: jeblair: hi :)  Zuul has some tiny patches I added to the Merger. Would be nice to have some kind of review to them. Joshua already passed through them.,n,z22:12
clarkbnotmyname: yes that one22:12
clarkbnotmyname: it mentioned will be moving the python27 stuff as well22:13
anteayaSukhdev_: please ask22:13
Sukhdev_anteaya: I know there was a discussion about the duration for which CI systems are suppose to preserve the logs22:14
notmynameclarkb: that py27 and stable are still on precise. got it22:14
notmynameclarkb: err..I mean all stable stuff. py27 is moving for new code22:14
Sukhdev_anteaya: what is the final conclusion on that - i.e. how long are we suppose to preserve the logs?22:14
clarkbnotmyname: yup22:14
clarkbnotmyname: ya thats important, we don't move the stable code because we would have to backport changes and :(22:14
anteayaSukhdev_: as of right now one month22:14
anteayathere was an email up on the ml22:15
anteayanoone expressed a reason to have a different time frame22:15
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notmynameclarkb: and is there anything running on RHEL/cent?22:15
anteayamight that time frame change in future, it might22:15
clarkbnotmyname: yes, python26 is all on centos622:15
anteayabut today the time frame is one month22:15
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clarkbnotmyname: becaues it is the only platform with supported python26 that is sanely available to us22:15
Sukhdev_anteaya: perfect - the original documentation required 6 months.22:15
clarkbnotmyname: there have been rumblings of doing tempest on centos7 eventually22:16
anteayaSukhdev_: can you point to that document?22:16
clarkbbut centos7 isn't a thing yet so who knows22:16
anteayabecause I don't remember that it was every stipulated for third party ci22:16
anteayaOpenStack infra saves logs for 6 months22:16
clarkbnotmyname: we do not do centos6 tempest today beacuse the kernel and ovs and things are too old or so I am told22:16
clarkbanteaya: 4 now22:16
anteaya4 months22:16
anteayadue to space considerations22:16
Sukhdev_anteaya: the original wiki and email which mark had sent late last year -22:16
anteayabut we don't expect third party ci to do that22:17
anteayaSukhdev_: if you can dig up the email and wikipage I will update them22:17
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anteayabut yes, right now, today 1 month log retention requirement for third party ci22:17
Sukhdev_anteaya: but, it is not worth for me spend time to look for it. You word is good enough for me :-)22:18
anteayaif you happen across them, please post the url with a ping to me and I will ensure they are updated22:18
Sukhdev_anteaya: I will try to dig the email - and send it to you if I am able to find22:18
anteayaI don't know if that is up on the docs yet22:19
anteayaI will offer a patch22:19
anteayawhich will probably have a merge conflict but I don't like to create dependencies22:19
anteayasince i never know which item we will reach agreement on first22:20
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move glance default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adds test artifact retention requirement
notmynameclarkb: so to confirn, for new testing there is nothing running on precise anymore (ie once those patches land)22:24
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clarkbnotmyname: correct22:24
clarkbnotmyname: you will have centos6 py26 testing, tempest and function tests on trusty devstack nodes and everything else on trusty22:24
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Sukhdev_anteaya: Just as an FYI - I looked for the email from Mark. Was able to find it, it has a link to the wiki, which has been modified now. So, there is no mention of preserving logs for 6 months.22:26
Sukhdev_anteaya: hence, it seems we are good.22:26
notmynameclarkb: this is not an argument I want to start here or now or over any text-based medium actually. for the record, I don't think it's sufficient test coverage22:26
anteayaSukhdev_: thanks for following taht up, I appreciate it22:26
Sukhdev_anteaya: this was the email - From: Mark McClain <>22:26
clarkbnotmyname: ok, you think we need to test precise as well?22:26
Sukhdev_Date: Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 12:20 PM22:26
anteayaSukhdev_: ah let's not paste it22:27
anteayaI'll see if I can find it in the archives22:27
clarkbnotmyname: we are doing this because openstack TC has said we will target latest red hat and ubuntu and not break latest LTS22:27
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Sukhdev_anteaya: Date: Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 12:20 PM22:27
clarkbnotmyname: so that is what drives the biggest determination of how the matrix is set up22:27
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move swift default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move heat default test node to trusty.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move keystone default test node to trusty.
notmynameclarkb: correct. I think precise is still a supported and widely used platform by users (and RHEL/cent for that matter) and should be tested as part of the overall gate process22:28
Sukhdev_anteaya: NP - BTW, appreciate your help22:28
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Search use case 1: Quicknav
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added search interface
anteayaSukhdev_: here it is:
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added custom CSS aliases for common storyboard icons.
anteayaSukhdev_: do you know how to access the email archives?22:28
anteayaSukhdev_: go to lists.openstack.org22:28
anteayaSukhdev_: all the email lists are collected there22:29
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clarkbnotmyname: roger its probably worth bringing up with TC again? there are also practical considerations22:29
anteayafind your list of choice and then select the archives link on the resultant page22:29
Sukhdev_anteaya: Ah ha - no, I did not know - I learned something new today22:29
clarkblike we don't actually test on latest ubuntu because support for those releases is only 9 months22:29
notmynameclarkb: yes, I'm aware of the practical considerations22:29
anteayaSukhdev_: great22:29
anteayaSukhdev_: go forth and share22:29
Sukhdev_anteaya: I should keep talking to you. Every time I learn something new from you….22:29
Sukhdev_anteaya :-)22:30
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move ironic default test node to trusty.
anteayaSukhdev_: :D22:30
anteayagreat I have another one for you22:30
mattoliverauMorning all22:31
Sukhdev_anteaya: OK22:31
anteayaSukhdev_: go to this page:
anteayaSukhdev_: see if you can figure out what to do next22:31
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anteayaSukhdev_: let me know what you decide22:31
Sukhdev_anteaya: let me look22:31
anteayaSukhdev_: take your time22:31
* anteaya goes to make tea22:32
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move nova default test node to trusty.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move sahara default test node to trusty.
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Sukhdev_anteaya: this is a useful link22:38
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anteayaSukhdev_: great22:42
anteayaSukhdev_: I'm glad you are finding it so22:42
anteayaSukhdev_: think you might have anything to offer to expand its usefulness?22:43
clarkbsdague: fyi await is high again22:43
clarkbsdague: :/ silly volumes22:43
sdagueclarkb: well the limit patches are up22:43
clarkbmaybe I take 7 out of rotation, give it an ssd volume and see how that does as 07 appears to be the worst22:44
Sukhdev_anteaya:I know you are still working on it - you could add link to this wiki as well22:44
sdagueyeh, that will at least give an idea of what an ssd acts like for us22:44
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sdagueclarkb: on the upside, we didn't break stable requirements with our pbr change -
clarkbsdague: woot22:47
sdagueI picked a randomly useful backport just to see22:49
anteayathanks reed22:49
anteayaSukhdev_: ah that really wasn't what had in mind22:49
anteayasince that log is populated by scraping wikipages22:49
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anteayado you think that your ci might have a place on this page?22:49
anteayaSukhdev_: perhaps like this?
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Sukhdev_anteaya: I saw this and immediate thought crossed my mind to add my CI here - but, then I thought may be this is for an example sake only22:51
anteayago with your first though22:51
Sukhdev_anteaya: Are you OK if I add my wiki pointer here?22:51
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anteayaSukhdev_: can you create a page like
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anteayaSukhdev_: you can add your pointer in that page if you wish22:52
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anteayaSukhdev_: go here:
anteayafollow the instructions22:53
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Sukhdev_anteaya: Ah cool - I will create a wiki page and add to this table - thanks22:53
anteayathe other way around22:53
anteayaadd it to the table22:53
anteayathat creats the wikipage22:53
anteayafollow the instructions on that page22:53
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Alex_Gaynorjogo: Do you have an opinion about changing out flake8 requirement to be >=2.1.0,<=2.2.0 or similar? 2.2.0 was released, it doesn't appear to include new checks, and includes parallelization by default, which makes stuff way faster for big code bases22:54
Sukhdev_anteaya: cool - I will follow the instructions and add it there22:55
anteayaSukhdev_: great22:55
anteayalet me know how you do22:55
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bodepdnibalizer: how goes the splitting stuff out efforts?23:01
fungiclarkb: did you confirm we have ssd available (i.e. it doesn't throw an error when you try to select it for a volume)?23:01
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clarkbfungi: well we used ssd with gerrit23:02
clarkbfungi: so I think so23:02
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arosenHi, I had a quick question, once this is approved I guess I'll be able to push the cookiecutter outline to for this new project?
fungioh! i didn't realize we'd done that23:03
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clarkbarosen: you will be able to propose it as a change23:04
clarkbarosen: you will need noop check and gate jobs at the very least23:04
clarkb(should be added ot that change)23:05
anteayaarosen: so you want all of core to be tagging that repo? we encourage only one person (the ptl) to have that permission23:05
clarkbarosen: as an alternative you can put up a seed repo that already has the cookiecutterstuff ready to go23:06
clarkbgerrit will import it as is23:06
mnaseratc emails just went out?23:06
mgagnemight be come issues with that email23:07
mgagneopenstack-infra ML got a discount23:07
mtreinishcool, I can't wait to meet OpenStack Proposal bot in Paris23:07
mnasermine is sent personally so i tihnk i'm all good :>23:08
mgagnethey probably should filter out @lists.openstack.org23:08
morganfainbergmtreinish, OMG The Proposal bot will be there?! I totally need an autograph!23:08
arosenclarkb:  I rather just push the cookiecutter though gerrit just so we have everything formally reviewed.23:09
morganfainbergmtreinish *snicker*23:09
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morganfainbergwonder if someone has used it yet23:09
arosenanteaya:  for now i'm not worried about the cores tagging i'll just leave it as that for now since we don't have a ptl setup yet.23:09
mtreinishmorganfainberg: the code looks the same as mine :)23:10
clarkbarosen: that will work just fine23:10
jeblairreed: ^ you may want to disable the discount code    ATC_A07SV23:11
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morganfainbergreed, it went to a mailing list23:11
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jeblairalso, apparently we need someone to dress up as a robot23:13
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mnaseri say23:13
mnaserkeep the discount code if it can be used once only23:13
mnaserand whoever claims it has that obligation23:13
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reedproblem solved23:13
anteayaarosen: okay23:13
openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add python-congressclient as new project to stackforge
mnaseralso their name badge has to say openstack proposal bot23:13
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arosenclarkb:  hopefully: is good now?23:14
jeblairthis is like the first time i haven't waited till the last minute to register and now i am sad23:14
sdaguejeblair: why sad?23:14
jeblairbecause i have missed the opportunity to register as the proposal bot23:14
arosenclarkb:  I just added a check for pep8/python2.7 and will add gate for those once i get stuff going23:14
anteayathe mailing list summit pass lottery23:15
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clarkbarosen: ya  ITHink that will work. will give you proper review in a bit23:16
arosenclarkb:  sounds good thanks!23:17
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jheskethso read some of the backlog but there's too much to track23:21
jheskethlooks like we still don't know if we want to not-recheck on -1 votes23:21
anteayamorning jhesketh23:21
anteayaoh and register for summit23:21
anteayaunless you want to show up as the proposal bot23:22
anteayaif that code is still open23:22
reedanteaya, that code is gone :)23:22
jheskethzaro: thanks for you envinject reviews, very helpeful :-)23:22
jheskethI'll roll some new ones shortly23:22
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jeblairjhesketh: yes.  i'd avoid investing too much time in the not-recheck thing, unless you really just feel like hacking on zuul regardless of whether we'll use it.  :)23:23
anteayareed: kk, did someone use it to register?23:23
jeblairjhesketh: we've decided we need to take a step back and re-establish what the actual goals are for the freshness checks23:24
jheskethjeblair: I like the idea of approval-any or approval-all filters, but I'll wait to see where this goes23:24
reedanteaya, yes, someone who failed at registering the first time using his own :) you know how eventbrite gets tricky :)23:24
jheskethso my other thought for an improvement to zuul is to make it much more intelligent about which jobs might need a freshness check23:24
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anteayareed: that png with the red arrows, maybe we need a few more arrows in that23:25
jheskethfor example, pep8 or py27 jobs don't share dependencies with other projects, so if the sha hasn't changed then the vote should be okay23:25
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jhesketh(the exception being for external dependencies breaking things but that can similarly be caught on a full check in the gate or something)23:25
jeblairjhesketh: sdague indicated that the answer to that might be "none" and we may only really care about merge conflicts23:25
reedanteaya, :)23:26
jeblairanteaya: it's my 7th summit and the first time i remembered where to put the reg code23:26
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anteayaha ha ha23:26
anteayapractice makes perfect23:26
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clarkbthat ran on trusty and was happy23:29
arosenclarkb: seems like it failed gate-config-layout with:  Job gate-python-congressclient-pep8 not defined23:30
arosenis there another repo i need to add that?23:30
clarkbarosen: oh right we have to instantiate the template23:30
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: dequeue abandoned changes
arosenI grepped around to see what other projects did23:30
clarkbarosen: in modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/projects.yaml you want to add a section that adds python-jobs23:30
clarkbarosen: there should be other projects in there that do the same23:30
clarkbif you grep for python-jobs you should see what I mean23:31
arosenah okay thanks.23:32
clarkbthat is a collection of python related jobs including the py27 and pep8 job23:32
openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add python-congressclient as new project to stackforge
anteayaarosen: I've missed why you don't want gate jobs23:34
arosenanteaya:  i will add that later but just wanted to get things going for now.23:35
anteayaI've +1 and added your decisions in a comment23:36
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1334898
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1334898 in openstack-ci "reqs integration job fails with /home/jenkins/mirror_package_list.txt: No such file or directory" [Undecided,New]
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jeblairanteaya: fyi when i was reviewing the config repo, i skipped all new-project reviews that you have not +1d23:38
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clarkbsdague: is horizon httplib2 change up?23:41
fungijeblair: oh, i've partially solved the mystery of that zuul exception/traceback23:41
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fungijeblair: the changes it throws those errors on definitely don't get returned by a gerrit ssh api query23:42
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fungijeblair: so it's something broken with those changes in gerrit i think. poked around in the db some and they look sane enough there, but i'll dig in the gerrit logs next and see if it's freaking out over them somehow23:43
anteayajeblair: k, I have been not keeping up, I will address that now23:43
anteayajeblair: can you take a look at: it brings some uniformity to olso acl files23:45
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anteayajeblair: if you like it, I can review dims 2 new-project patches to oslo23:46
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jeblairfungi: oops, i got so distracted by the paste server not serving your paste that once i fixed the server, i forgot to actually look at the paste23:50
jeblairanteaya: hopefully tomorrow :)23:51
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davidlenwellFor a new contributer is there a delay between when a user sets up a foundation account.. then signs the icla to when gerrit will accept a contribution from them?23:55
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clarkbdavidlenwell: there shouldn't be23:55
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clarkbdavidlenwell: it was one of the benefits to the new system as compared to the old23:55
davidlenwellyes .. It hought so ..23:55
davidlenwellSo the issue must be something else23:56
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clarkbdavidlenwell: do you have a specific failure?23:56
davidlenwellshe's trying to commit a small change to openstack-planet and is getting "cannot read from remote repository"23:56
davidlenwellhowever git review -s doesn't get any errors23:56
clarkbdavidlenwell: what does git branch -a say?23:56
clarkber sorry23:56
clarkbgit remote -v23:57
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davidlenwellit shows the gerrit remotes23:57
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clarkbright can you paste that output? it sounds like either you can't hit one of the remotes because it is down or wrong or being filtered23:58
clarkbwe can at least check the first two pretty easily with some data23:58
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davidlenwellhang on .. its on another computer23:58
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davidlenwellyes she made her username on gerrit Piston23:59

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